If you use public Gaia data in your paper, please take note of our guide on how to acknowledge and cite each Gaia Data Release.
The Gaia team at ARI proudly presents you its online services to access the Gaia catalogue. On this website you will find information and a simple web form for each of the provided services.
Below you will find a short description of all the available services. It should help you to understand their purposes and guide you toward the best service(s) for your needs.
Most of them are based on
IVOA standards and thus
are compatible with famous VO clients like
Aladin, and
The provided TAP service lets you query the Gaia catalogue and also allows crossmatches with either your own tables or with other catalogues which are also available through the same TAP service. All these catalogues are available as tables which are described, column by column, on the page Data & Statistics.
The provided statistical information are provided for some meaningful numerical columns with at least one value in the whole catalogue:
In the current state, the Gaia team at ARI provides the following services:
Thanks to this web service you can get very quickly all information about a specified Gaia source.
You can search a Gaia source with its ID (exact match) or with an object name or a position (the closest Gaia source will be returned).
It is also possible to search several Gaia sources at once by uploading a CSV file which each line can be either a source ID, an object name or a position.
This service lets you execute a simple cone search on the main Gaia table.
You only have to provide a center position and a radius. Then the service will give you back a list of all Gaia sources within the specified radius.
Compared to the Cone Search service, a TAP (Table Access Protocol) service is more complex, but also gives much more freedom to design your specific requests. You can e.g. query more than one catalogue simultaneously using a SQL-like language: ADQL.
ADQL (Astronomical Data Query Language) lets you select all columns of your interest (n.b. an output column can also be a mathematical/aggregation operation on other columns) for sources that you have selected according to their position and constraints.
Compatible VO clients:
TOPCAT (desktop GUI client)/STILTS (console client),
TAPHandle (Web client)
If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please send an email to Jon Juaristi Campillo - juaristi@uni-heidelberg.de
If you have experienced a problem with a service or the website, please provide enough information in order to help me reproducing it.