.. _planetarium-mode: Planetarium mode **************** Gaia Sky supports a couple of planetarium modes, depending on the projector setup. Single-projector setup ====================== Gaia Sky can output a true fisheye stream suitable for single-projector dome setups. If you need to separate the UI from the planetarium render window, you have two options: * Create an external view: :ref:`External views `. * Connect two instances running (possibly) on different computers: :ref:`Connecting Gaia Sky instances `. This planetarium mode runs by rendering the scene into a cubemap (using separate renders for all directions +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z) and renders it using a fisheye projection. A few things need to be considered: - **Cubemap side resolution** -- the resolution of each of the sides of the cubemap can be adjusted in the preferences window, planetarium mode tab. - **Aperture angle** -- the default aperture is 180, corresponding to a half-sphere. However this angle can be adjusted to suit different dome types in the planetarium mode tab of the preferences window. - **View skew** -- in focus mode, the view is skewed about 50 degrees downwards. This setting is not adjustable as of now. .. hint:: To activate the planetarium mode, click on the |dome-icon| icon in the camera section of the controls window. Exit by clicking |dome-icon| again. You can also use the shortcut :guilabel:`ctrl` + :guilabel:`p`. .. figure:: img/screenshots/planetarium-mode.jpg :align: center Planetarium mode .. |dome-icon| image:: img/ui/dome-icon.png .. _planetarium-multi-projector: Multi-projector setup ===================== Gaia Sky offers support for multi-projector setups, where a number of slave instances (each with its own viewport, field of view, warp and blend settings), are synchronized with a master (presenter) instance. Each slave is in charge of producing the image for a single projector and has a different view setup, geometry warp and blend mask. The current section only deals with the configuration of the view, warp and blend parameters for each slave. .. hint:: The configuration and setup of the connection between master and slave instances is documented in the :ref:`"Connecting Gaia Sky instances" section `. Additionally to the configration needed to connect master and slaves, the slave instances need a special view, resolution, warp and blend configuration. These depend on the specifications, location and orientation of each projector, as well as the projection surface. The following settings can be configured: - The yaw angle -- turn the camera right - The pitch angle -- turn the camera up - The roll angle -- rotate the camera clock-wise - The field of view angle - The geometry warp file -- a PFM file that contains the destination location for each source location in normalized coordinates - The blend mask -- an 8-bit RGB or RGBA PNG file with the blending mask Gaia Sky offers two ways to configure these settings for each slave instance: - Using the `MPCDI `__ standard file format - Using the configuration file of Gaia Sky directly MPCDI ----- Gaia Sky partially supports the ``MPCDI`` format in order to configure each instance. You will need a single ``.mpcdi`` file for each projector/gaia sky instance. Each file contains the resolution, the yaw, pitch and roll angles, the field of view angle and optionally a ``PFM`` warp file and a ``PNG`` blend mask. Gaia Sky does not support the ``MPCDI`` format fully, here are some caveats. - Only the '3d' profile is supported - Only one buffer per display is supported - Only one region per buffer is supported, and this region must cover the full frame - Only linear interpolation is supported for the warp file In order to set the ``.mpcdi`` file for an instance, set/edit the following property in the instance's configuration file: .. code:: jproperties program.net.slave.config=[path_to_file]/instance_config.mpcdi Gaia Sky configuration file --------------------------- If you do not have the ``MPCDI`` files for your projector setup, you can also configure each instance directly using the Gaia Sky properties file for that instance. Usually, each instance has a configuration file with the name ``global.slave[n].properties``, without the brackets, where n is the slave number. Open this file for each instance and set/edit the following properties. .. code:: jproperties # If you don't have an mpcdi file, use these next properties to # configure the orientation. In order for this to work, you also # need to set fullscreen=true, the right fullscreen resolution # and the right field of view angle. # Yaw angle (turn head right) program.net.slave.yaw=[yaw angle in degrees] # Pitch angle (turn head up) program.net.slave.pitch=[pitch angle in degrees] # Roll angle (rotate head cw) program.net.slave.roll=[roll angle in degrees] # Warp pfm file program.net.slave.warp=[path to PFM warp file] # Blend png file program.net.slave.blend=[path to 8-bit RGB or RGBA PNG file to use as blend mask]