.. _installation: Installation ************ In the sections below is the information on the minimum hardware requirements and on how to install the software. System requirements =================== Here are the minimum requirements to run this software: +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Operating system** | Linux / Windows 7+ / macOS, x86_64 (ARM CPUs unsupported) | +========================+==================================================================================+ | **CPU** | Intel Core i5 3rd Gen. 4+ cores recommended | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **GPU** | Support for OpenGL 3.3 (4.x recommended), 1 GB VRAM | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Memory** | 2-6 GB RAM (depends on loaded datasets) | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Hard drive** | 1 GB of free disk space (depends on downloaded datasets) | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Download ======== Gaia Sky packages are available for **Linux**, **macOS** and **Windows**. You can either download the `Gaia Sky build `__ for your operating system (recommended) or browse and `build the source code `_. * `Gaia Sky downloads page `__ Installation ============ Depending on your system and your personal preferences the installation procedure may vary. Below is a description of the various installation methods available. Linux ----- We provide 3 packages for linux systems (``deb`` for **Debian**, **Ubuntu** and derivatives, ``rpm`` for **RedHat**, **Fedora** and derivatives and a linux installer which works on all distros) plus an ``AUR`` `package `__ for *Arch* and derivatives. **deb** This is the package for Debian-based distros (**Debian**, **Ubuntu**, **Mint**, **SteamOS**, etc.). `Download `__ the ``gaiasky_.deb`` file and run the following command. You will need root privileges to install a ``deb`` package in your system. .. code:: console $ dpkg -i gaiasky_.deb This will install the application in the ``/opt/gaiasky/`` folder and it will create the necessary shortcuts and ``.desktop`` files. The package depends on the ``default-jre`` package, which will be installed if it is not yet there. In order to **uninstall**, just type: .. code:: console $ apt-get remove gaiasky **rpm** This is the package for RPM-based distributions (**Red Hat**, **Fedora**, **Mandriva**, **SUSE**, **CentOS**, etc.) `Download `__ the ``gaiasky_linux_.rpm`` file and run the following command. You will need root privileges to install a ``rpm`` package in your system. .. code:: console $ yum install gaiasky_linux_.rpm This will install the application in the ``/opt/gaiasky/`` folder and it will create the necessary shortcuts. In order to **uninstall**, just type: .. code:: console $ yum remove gaiasky-x86 **Install from AUR** If you have **Arch**, **Manjaro**, **Antergos** or any other Arch Linux derivative, you can install the `package from AUR `__ using any tool able to install AUR software. For example: .. code:: console $ yay -S gaiasky This will download the package and install it in the ``/opt/gaiasky/`` folder. It also creates the necessary shortcuts. **Flatpak** Thanks to a community effort we can also offer a Flatpak package via Flathub. The Flathub is `here `__. Install: .. code:: console flatpak install flathub de.uni_heidelberg.zah.GaiaSky Run: .. code:: console flatpak run de.uni_heidelberg.zah.GaiaSky **AppImage** The AppImage package does not need a formal installation. Just download the file to some place safe, give it execution permissions and run it. Give execution permission: .. code:: console chmod +x GaiaSky_[version].appimage Run: .. code:: console ./GaiaSky_[version].appimage **Unix/Linux installer** We also provide a `Unix/Linux installer `__ that will trigger a graphical interface where you can choose the installation location and some other settings. Download the file ``gaiasky_unix_.sh`` to your disk. Then run the following to start the installation. .. code:: console $ ./gaiasky_unix_[version].sh Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation. In order to **uninstall**, just execute the ``uninstall`` file in the installation folder. Windows ------- We offer a Windows installer for 64-bit systems, ``gaiasky_windows-x64_.exe``. To install the Gaia Sky, just double click on the installer and then follow the on-screen instructions. You will need to choose the directory where the application is to be installed. In order to **uninstall** the application you can use the Windows Control Panel or you can use the provided uninstaller in the Gaia Sky folder. macOS ----- For macOS we provide a ``gaiasky_macos_.dmg`` file. To install, double-click on it to mount it and then drag-and-drop the "Gaia Sky.app" application to your ``/Applications`` directory in Finder. Once copied, it is safe to unmount the ``dmg`` volume. Our ``dmg`` package is not signed by Apple, so it will be detected as coming from an 'unidentified developer'. You can still install it by following the procedure described `in this page `__. Compressed (TGZ) package ------------------------ A ``gaiasky-[version].tgz`` package file is also provided `here `__. It will work in all systems but you need to unpack it yourself and create the desired shortcuts. In **Windows**, use an archiver software (7zip, iZArc, etc.) to unpack it. In Linux and macOS, you can use: .. code:: console $ tar xzvf gaiasky-.tgz -C [target_folder]