.. _panorama-mode: Panorama mode ************* Gaia Sky includes a panorama mode where the scene is rendered in all directions (:math:`+X`, :math:`-X`, :math:`+Y`, :math:`-Y`, :math:`+Z`, :math:`-Z`) to a `cube map `__. .. contents:: :backlinks: none .. hint:: To activate the panorama mode, click on the |cubemap-icon| icon in the camera section of the control panel. Exit by clicking |cubemap-icon| again. You can also use :guilabel:`ctrl` + :guilabel:`k`. This cube map is then projected onto a flat image. The projections available are: - `Equirectangular/spherical `__. - `Cylindrical `__. - `Hammer `__. - `Orthographic `__ -- Renders each hemisphere side-by-side. .. hint:: :guilabel:`ctrl` + :guilabel:`shift` + :guilabel:`k` -- Cycle between the different projections. The final image can be used to create 360 panorama videos with head tracking (see `here `__). .. hint:: :guilabel:`F7` -- Save the faces of the current cubemap to image files in the screenshots directory. Configuration ============= Please, see the :ref:`panorama mode configuration ` section. .. hint:: Please use **'Triangles'** as the :ref:`point cloud style ` to avoid the presence of seams. Using the legacy ``GL_POINTS`` mode will result in visible seams. Creating panorama images ======================== In order to create panorama images that can be viewed with a VR device or simply a 360 viewer, we need to take into consideration a few points. * You should probably use the equirectangular (spherical) projection, as it is the simplest and the one most programs use. * Panoramas work best if their **aspect ratio is 2:1**, so a resolution of ``5300x2650`` or similar should work. (Refer to the :ref:`screenshots-configuration` section to learn how to take screenshots with an arbitrary resolution). * Some services (like Google) have strong constraints on image properties. For instance, they must be at least 14 megapixels and in `jpeg` format. Learn more `here `__. * Some **metadata** needs to be injected into the image file. Injecting panorama metadata to 360 images ----------------------------------------- The program `ExifTool `__ can be used to inject the 360 metadata into the images. For example, with a panorama 4K image (3840x2160) we need to run the following command: .. code:: console $ exiftool -UsePanoramaViewer=True -ProjectionType=equirectangular -PoseHeadingDegrees=360.0 -CroppedAreaLeftPixels=0 -FullPanoWidthPixels=3840 -CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels=2160 -FullPanoHeightPixels=2160 -CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels=3840 -CroppedAreaTopPixels=0 -LargestValidInteriorRectLeft=0 -LargestValidInteriorRectTop=0 -LargestValidInteriorRectWidth=3840 -LargestValidInteriorRectHeight=2160 image_name.jpg .. figure:: img/screenshots/360/20221018_screenshot_00000.jpg :align: center Panorama image captured with Gaia Sky, using the orthographic projection. Creating spherical (360) videos =============================== First, you need to capture the 360 video. To do so, capture the images and use ``ffmpeg`` to encode them or capture the video directly using a screen recorder. See the :ref:`capture-videos` section for more information. Once you have the ``.mp4`` video file, you must use the `spatial media `__ project to inject the spherical metadata so that video players that support it can play it correctly. First, clone the project. .. code:: console $ git clone https://github.com/google/spatial-media.git $ cd spatial-media/ Then, inject the spherical metadata with the following command. Python 2.7 must be used to run the tool, so make sure to use that version. .. code:: console $ python spatialmedia -i You are done, your video can now be viewed using any 360 video player. To check whether the metadata has been injected correctly, just do: .. code:: console $ python spatialmedia The spatial-media `readme file `__ contains more information on the usage of the tool. .. |cubemap-icon| image:: img/ui/cubemap-icon.png :class: filter-invert