.. _archetypes: Archetypes ---------- Below is a table with all the archetypes in Gaia Sky. For each archetype, we list its parent (if any) and its :ref:`components`. A general description of archetypes and components is provided in :ref:`data-morphology`. All archetypes are: :ref:`SceneGraphNode `, :ref:`Universe `, :ref:`CelestialBody `, :ref:`ModelBody `, :ref:`Planet `, :ref:`Aurora `, :ref:`Volume `, :ref:`Particle `, :ref:`Star `, :ref:`Satellite `, :ref:`HeliotropicSatellite `, :ref:`GenericSpacecraft `, :ref:`Spacecraft `, :ref:`StarCluster `, :ref:`Billboard `, :ref:`BillboardGalaxy `, :ref:`VertsObject `, :ref:`Polyline `, :ref:`Orbit `, :ref:`HeliotropicOrbit `, :ref:`FadeNode `, :ref:`GenericCatalog `, :ref:`MeshObject `, :ref:`BackgroundModel `, :ref:`SphericalGrid `, :ref:`RecursiveGrid `, :ref:`BillboardGroup `, :ref:`Text2D `, :ref:`Axes `, :ref:`Loc `, :ref:`Area `, :ref:`ParticleGroup `, :ref:`StarGroup `, :ref:`Constellation `, :ref:`ConstellationBoundaries `, :ref:`CosmicRuler `, :ref:`OrbitalElementsGroup `, :ref:`Invisible `, :ref:`OctreeWrapper `, :ref:`Model `, :ref:`ShapeObject `, :ref:`KeyframesPathObject `, :ref:`VRDeviceModel `. .. list-table:: Archetypes table :header-rows: 1 * - **Archetype** - **Parent** - **Components** .. _arch-SceneGraphNode: * - **SceneGraphNode** - - | :ref:`Base ` | :ref:`Body ` | :ref:`GraphNode ` | Octant | Render .. _arch-Universe: * - **Universe** - - | :ref:`Base ` | :ref:`Body ` | :ref:`GraphNode ` | GraphRoot .. _arch-CelestialBody: * - **CelestialBody** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Celestial ` | :ref:`Magnitude ` | :ref:`Coordinates ` | :ref:`Orientation ` | :ref:`Label ` | :ref:`SolidAngle ` | :ref:`Focus ` | Billboard .. _arch-ModelBody: * - **ModelBody** - :ref:`CelestialBody ` - | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`RenderType ` | :ref:`ModelScaffolding ` | :ref:`AffineTransformations ` .. _arch-Planet: * - **Planet** - :ref:`ModelBody ` - | :ref:`Atmosphere ` | :ref:`Cloud ` .. _arch-Aurora: * - **Aurora** - :ref:`ModelBody ` - | :ref:`Auora ` .. _arch-Volume: * - **Volume** - :ref:`ModelBody ` - | :ref:`Volume ` .. _arch-Particle: * - **Particle** - :ref:`CelestialBody ` - | :ref:`ProperMotion ` | :ref:`RenderType ` | :ref:`ParticleExtra ` .. _arch-Star: * - **Star** - :ref:`Particle ` - | Hip | Distance | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`ModelScaffolding ` .. _arch-Satellite: * - **Satellite** - :ref:`ModelBody ` - | ParentOrientation .. _arch-HeliotropicSatellite: * - **HeliotropicSatellite** - :ref:`Satellite ` - | TagHeliotropic .. _arch-GenericSpacecraft: * - **GenericSpacecraft** - :ref:`Satellite ` - | :ref:`RenderFlags ` .. _arch-Spacecraft: * - **Spacecraft** - :ref:`GenericSpacecraft ` - | :ref:`MotorEngine ` .. _arch-StarCluster: * - **StarCluster** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Model ` | Cluster | :ref:`SolidAngle ` | :ref:`ProperMotion ` | :ref:`Label ` | :ref:`Focus ` | Billboard .. _arch-Billboard: * - **Billboard** - :ref:`ModelBody ` - | TagBillboardSimple | :ref:`Fade ` .. _arch-BillboardGalaxy: * - **BillboardGalaxy** - :ref:`Billboard ` - | TagBillboardGalaxy .. _arch-VertsObject: * - **VertsObject** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | Verts .. _arch-Polyline: * - **Polyline** - :ref:`VertsObject ` - | Arrow | Line .. _arch-Orbit: * - **Orbit** - :ref:`Polyline ` - | :ref:`Trajectory ` | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | :ref:`AffineTransformations ` | :ref:`Label ` .. _arch-HeliotropicOrbit: * - **HeliotropicOrbit** - :ref:`Orbit ` - | TagHeliotropic .. _arch-FadeNode: * - **FadeNode** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Fade ` | :ref:`Label ` .. _arch-GenericCatalog: * - **GenericCatalog** - :ref:`FadeNode ` - | :ref:`DatasetDescription ` | Highlight | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | :ref:`AffineTransformations ` .. _arch-MeshObject: * - **MeshObject** - :ref:`FadeNode ` - | :ref:`Mesh ` | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`DatasetDescription ` | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | :ref:`AffineTransformations ` .. _arch-BackgroundModel: * - **BackgroundModel** - :ref:`FadeNode ` - | TagBackgroundModel | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`Label ` | :ref:`Coordinates ` | :ref:`RenderType ` .. _arch-SphericalGrid: * - **SphericalGrid** - :ref:`BackgroundModel ` - | GridUV .. _arch-RecursiveGrid: * - **RecursiveGrid** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | GridRecursive | :ref:`Fade ` | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`Label ` | Line | :ref:`RenderType ` .. _arch-BillboardGroup: * - **BillboardGroup** - :ref:`GenericCatalog ` - | :ref:`BillboardSet ` | :ref:`Coordinates ` .. _arch-Text2D: * - **Text2D** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Fade ` | :ref:`Title ` | :ref:`Label ` .. _arch-Axes: * - **Axes** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Axis ` | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | Line .. _arch-Loc: * - **Loc** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`LocationMark ` | :ref:`Label ` .. _arch-Area: * - **Area** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | Perimeter | Line | TagNoProcessGraph .. _arch-ParticleGroup: * - **ParticleGroup** - :ref:`GenericCatalog ` - | :ref:`ParticleSet ` | TagNoProcessChildren | :ref:`Focus ` .. _arch-StarGroup: * - **StarGroup** - :ref:`GenericCatalog ` - | :ref:`StarSet ` | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`Label ` | Line | :ref:`Focus ` | Billboard .. _arch-Constellation: * - **Constellation** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Constel ` | Line | :ref:`Label ` | TagNoProcessGraph .. _arch-ConstellationBoundaries: * - **ConstellationBoundaries** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Boundaries ` | Line .. _arch-CosmicRuler: * - **CosmicRuler** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | Ruler | Line | :ref:`Label ` .. _arch-OrbitalElementsGroup: * - **OrbitalElementsGroup** - :ref:`GenericCatalog ` - | OrbitElementsSet | TagNoProcessChildren .. _arch-Invisible: * - **Invisible** - :ref:`CelestialBody ` - | :ref:`Raymarching ` | TagInvisible .. _arch-OctreeWrapper: * - **OctreeWrapper** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Fade ` | :ref:`DatasetDescription ` | Highlight | Octree | Octant | TagNoProcessChildren | :ref:`AffineTransformations ` .. _arch-Model: * - **Model** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | :ref:`Model ` | :ref:`Focus ` | :ref:`RenderType ` | :ref:`Coordinates ` | :ref:`SolidAngle ` | :ref:`RefSysTransform ` | :ref:`AffineTransformations ` .. _arch-ShapeObject: * - **ShapeObject** - :ref:`Model ` - | :ref:`Shape ` | :ref:`Label ` | Line .. _arch-KeyframesPathObject: * - **KeyframesPathObject** - :ref:`VertsObject ` - | Keyframes | :ref:`Label ` .. _arch-VRDeviceModel: * - **VRDeviceModel** - :ref:`SceneGraphNode ` - | VRDevice | :ref:`Model ` | Line | TagNoClosest .. include:: ../global.rst