Interface IStarGroupDataProvider

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.badlogic.gdx.utils.LongMap<float[]> getColors()  
      long[] getCountsPerMag()
      Gets the star counts per magnitude
      void setAdaptiveParallax​(boolean adaptive)
      Whether to use an adaptive threshold, relaxing it for bright (appmag >= 13) stars to let more bright stars in.
      void setDistanceCap​(double distCap)
      Sets a distance cap.
      void setGeoDistancesFile​(java.lang.String geoDistFile)
      Sets the location of the geometric distances file or directory
      void setMagCorrections​(boolean magCorrections)
      Sets the flag to apply magnitude and color corrections for extinction and reddening
      void setMustLoadIds​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Adds a set with all the ids which will be loaded regardless of any other conditions (i.e.
      void setParallaxErrorFactorBright​(double parallaxErrorFactor)
      The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1].
      void setParallaxErrorFactorFaint​(double parallaxErrorFactor)
      The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1].
      void setParallaxZeroPoint​(double parallaxZeroPoint)
      Sets the zero point of the parallax as an addition to the parallax values, in [mas]
      void setRUWECap​(double RUWE)
      Sets the RUWE criteria.
      void setRUWEFile​(java.lang.String RUWEFile)
      Sets the location of the gzipped RUWE file
    • Method Detail

      • getColors

        com.badlogic.gdx.utils.LongMap<float[]> getColors()
      • setParallaxErrorFactorFaint

        void setParallaxErrorFactorFaint​(double parallaxErrorFactor)

        The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1]. This applies to faint stars (gmag >= 13.1) More specifically, the following must be met:

        pllx_err < pllx * pllxErrFactor
        parallaxErrorFactor - The percentage value of parallax errors with respect to parallax
      • setParallaxErrorFactorBright

        void setParallaxErrorFactorBright​(double parallaxErrorFactor)

        The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1]. This applies to bright stars (gmag < 13.1) More specifically, the following must be met:

        pllx_err < pllx * pllxErrFactor
        parallaxErrorFactor - The percentage value of parallax errors with respect to parallax
      • setAdaptiveParallax

        void setAdaptiveParallax​(boolean adaptive)
        Whether to use an adaptive threshold, relaxing it for bright (appmag >= 13) stars to let more bright stars in.
      • setParallaxZeroPoint

        void setParallaxZeroPoint​(double parallaxZeroPoint)
        Sets the zero point of the parallax as an addition to the parallax values, in [mas]
        parallaxZeroPoint - The parallax zero point
      • setMagCorrections

        void setMagCorrections​(boolean magCorrections)
        Sets the flag to apply magnitude and color corrections for extinction and reddening
        magCorrections - Whether to apply the corrections
      • setGeoDistancesFile

        void setGeoDistancesFile​(java.lang.String geoDistFile)
        Sets the location of the geometric distances file or directory
        geoDistFile - File or directory with geometric distances per sourceId
      • setRUWEFile

        void setRUWEFile​(java.lang.String RUWEFile)
        Sets the location of the gzipped RUWE file
        RUWEFile - Gzipped file with RUWE values for each source id
      • setRUWECap

        void setRUWECap​(double RUWE)
        Sets the RUWE criteria. RUWE file must have been set
        RUWE - The criteria (usually 1.4)
      • setDistanceCap

        void setDistanceCap​(double distCap)
        Sets a distance cap. Stars beyond this distance will not be loaded
        distCap - The distance cap, in parsecs
      • getCountsPerMag

        long[] getCountsPerMag()
        Gets the star counts per magnitude
      • setMustLoadIds

        void setMustLoadIds​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids)
        Adds a set with all the ids which will be loaded regardless of any other conditions (i.e. parallax error thresholds)
        ids - The ids that must be loaded