AssetBean |
Utility class to hold the assets that must be loaded when the OpenGL context is present.
DesktopSceneGraphImplementationProvider |
GeoJsonLoader<T extends SceneGraphNode> |
Loads GeoJson files to Area objects
JsonLoader<T extends SceneGraphNode> |
Implements the loading of scene graph nodes using libgdx's json library.
OctreeGeneratorRun |
Generates an octree of star groups.
OortGenerator |
OrbitRefresher |
OrbitRefresher.DaemonRefresher |
The daemon refresher thread.
SceneGraphImplementationProvider |
Provides the scene graph implementation.
SceneGraphJsonLoader |
StreamingOctreeLoader |
Contains the infrastructure common to all multifile octree loaders which
streams data on-demand from disk and unloads unused data.
StreamingOctreeLoader.DaemonLoader |
The daemon loader thread.