AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates |
A little helper class to hold a set of three angles and associated rates.
AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer |
This abstract class defines the fields and implements the methods that any
analytically defined attitude (e.g., NSL or EPSL) need in addition to those
in the superclass.
AttitudeConverter |
Convert a given set of heliotropic angles into a quaternion
AttitudeIntervalBean |
A bean that holds the attitude and its activation time.
AttitudeXmlParser |
Parses the XML files with the attitudes and their activaton times into a binary search tree.
BaseAttitudeDataServer<A extends Attitude> |
Common base class for all attitude data servers.
ConcreteAttitude |
This class implements the Attitude interface and contains just the minimum
fields necessary to define a unique attitude at a given time, plus a large
number of methods to compute quantities that depend only on this attitude and
Epsl |
Implementation of the Ecliptic Pole Scanning Law (EPSL)
EpslAndNsl |
This class implements a combination of the Ecliptic Pole Scanning Law (EPSL)
and the Nominal Scanning Law (NSL), by switching from EPSL to NSL at the
reference epoch (tRef).
EquatorialAnglesRates |
A compound object for holding equatorial angles and their rates as per
GaiaAttitudeServer |
Provides caching of the last Nsl37 attitude requested.
HeliotropicAnglesRates |
A compound object for holding heliotropic angles and their rates as per
HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer |
This abstract class contains the fields needed to store numerical attitude in
the form of arrays (q and SRS rates), and a method to calculate the attitude
for any given time using cubic Hermite interpolation
ModifiedScanningLaw |
Class to generate Gaia Modified Scanning Law (MSL).
MslAttitudeDataServer |
This class implements the Modified Scanning Law (MSL) by Hermite
interpolation of the attitude quaternion among values obtained by numerical
integration of the basic equations in heliotropic angles.
Nsl37 |
Improved analytical representation of the Gaia Nominal Scanning Law (NSL).
NslUtil |
Class with various static methods for analytical scanning laws.
NumericalAttitudeDataServer<A extends Attitude> |
This abstract class defines the fields and implements the methods that any
numerically defined attitude need in addition to those in the superclass.
Satellite |
Clone of the Satellite class in GaiaParams with very few needed parameters.
TransitionScanningLaw |
Implements a smooth transition from Nsl37 to Epsl , or vice