Class LightGlow

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class LightGlow
    extends PostProcessorEffect
    Light scattering implementation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LightGlow

        public LightGlow​(int fboWidth,
                         int fboHeight)
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • setLightPositions

        public void setLightPositions​(int nLights,
                                      float[] vec)
        Sets the positions of the 10 lights in [0..1] in both coordinates
      • setLightViewAngles

        public void setLightViewAngles​(float[] vec)
      • setLightColors

        public void setLightColors​(float[] vec)
      • setNSamples

        public void setNSamples​(int nSamples)
      • setTextureScale

        public void setTextureScale​(float scl)
      • setSpiralScale

        public void setSpiralScale​(float scl)
      • setOrientation

        public void setOrientation​(float o)
      • enableBlending

        public void enableBlending​(int sfactor,
                                   int dfactor)
      • disableBlending

        public void disableBlending()
      • setLightGlowTexture

        public void setLightGlowTexture​( tex)
      • getLightGlowTexture

        public getLightGlowTexture()
      • setPrePassTexture

        public void setPrePassTexture​( tex)
      • getPrePassTexture

        public getPrePassTexture()
      • isBlendingEnabled

        public boolean isBlendingEnabled()
      • getBlendingSourceFactor

        public int getBlendingSourceFactor()
      • getBlendingDestFactor

        public int getBlendingDestFactor()
      • render

        public void render​( src,
                           GaiaSkyFrameBuffer main)
        Description copied from class: PostProcessorEffect
        Concrete objects shall implements its own rendering, given the source and destination buffers.
        Specified by:
        render in class PostProcessorEffect
      • setViewportSize

        public void setViewportSize​(int width,
                                    int height)
      • rebind

        public void rebind()
        Description copied from class: PostProcessorEffect
        Concrete objects shall be responsible to recreate or rebind its own resources whenever its needed, usually when the OpenGL context is lost. Eg., framebuffer textures should be updated and shader parameters should be reuploaded/rebound.
        Specified by:
        rebind in class PostProcessorEffect