Interface IControllerMappings

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getAxisMove()
      Returns the code of the axis that controls the forward and backward movement
      int getAxisPitch()
      Returns the code of the axis that produces: Vertical rotation around focus in focus mode Vertical look rotation (pitch) in free mode
      int getAxisRoll()
      Returns the code of the axis that produces: Roll rotation in focus mode Horizontal lateral movement in free mode
      int getAxisVelocityDown()
      Returns the code of the axis used to decrease the velocity.
      int getAxisVelocityUp()
      Returns the code of the axis used to increase the velocity.
      int getAxisYaw()
      Returns the code of the axis that produces: Horizontal rotation around focus in focus mode Horizontal look rotation (yaw) in free mode
      int getButtonDown()
      Returns the code of the button used to go down.
      int getButtonModeToggle()
      Returns the code of the button used to toggle between free and focus mode.
      int getButtonUp()
      Returns the code of the button used to go up.
      int getButtonVelocityDown()
      Returns the code of the button used to decrease the velocity.
      int getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf()
      Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.5.
      int getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth()
      Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.1.
      int getButtonVelocityUp()
      Returns the code of the button used to increase the velocity.
    • Method Detail

      • getAxisRoll

        int getAxisRoll()
        Returns the code of the axis that produces:
        • Roll rotation in focus mode
        • Horizontal lateral movement in free mode
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisPitch

        int getAxisPitch()
        Returns the code of the axis that produces:
        • Vertical rotation around focus in focus mode
        • Vertical look rotation (pitch) in free mode
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisYaw

        int getAxisYaw()
        Returns the code of the axis that produces:
        • Horizontal rotation around focus in focus mode
        • Horizontal look rotation (yaw) in free mode
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisMove

        int getAxisMove()
        Returns the code of the axis that controls the forward and backward movement
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisVelocityUp

        int getAxisVelocityUp()
        Returns the code of the axis used to increase the velocity. All the range of the axis is used. Usually mapped to a trigger button.
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisVelocityDown

        int getAxisVelocityDown()
        Returns the code of the axis used to decrease the velocity. All the range of the axis is used. Usually mapped to a trigger button.
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth

        int getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth()
        Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.1.
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf

        int getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf()
        Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.5.
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityUp

        int getButtonVelocityUp()
        Returns the code of the button used to increase the velocity.
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityDown

        int getButtonVelocityDown()
        Returns the code of the button used to decrease the velocity.
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonUp

        int getButtonUp()
        Returns the code of the button used to go up.
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonDown

        int getButtonDown()
        Returns the code of the button used to go down.
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonModeToggle

        int getButtonModeToggle()
        Returns the code of the button used to toggle between free and focus mode.
        The button code, negative if not mapped