Class OctreeNode

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      OctreeNode​(double x, double y, double z, double hsx, double hsy, double hsz, int depth)
      Constructs an octree node
      OctreeNode​(double x, double y, double z, double hsx, double hsy, double hsz, int childrenCount, int nObjects, int ownObjects, int depth)
      Constructs an octree node.
      OctreeNode​(double x, double y, double z, double hsx, double hsy, double hsz, int depth, OctreeNode parent, int i)
      Constructs an octree node
      OctreeNode​(long pageId, double x, double y, double z, double hsx, double hsy, double hsz, int depth)
      Constructs an octree node
      OctreeNode​(long pageid, double x, double y, double z, double hsx, double hsy, double hsz, int childrenCount, int nObjects, int ownObjects, int depth)
      Constructs an octree node.
    • Field Detail

      • nOctantsObserved

        public static int nOctantsObserved
      • nObjectsObserved

        public static int nObjectsObserved
      • maxDepth

        public static int maxDepth
        Max depth of the structure this node belongs to

        public static boolean LOAD_ACTIVE
        Is dynamic loading active?
      • pageId

        public long pageId
        The unique page identifier
      • min

        public final Vector3d min
        Contains the bottom-left-front position of the octant
      • max

        public final Vector3d max
        Contains the top-right-back position of the octant
      • centre

        public final Vector3d centre
        The centre of this octant
      • size

        public final Vector3d size
        Octant size in x, y and z
      • depth

        public final int depth
        Contains the depth level
      • nObjects

        public int nObjects
        Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants
      • ownObjects

        public int ownObjects
        Number of objects contained in this node
      • childrenCount

        public int childrenCount
        Number of children nodes of this node
      • parent

        public OctreeNode parent
        The parent, if any
      • children

        public OctreeNode[] children
        Children nodes
      • objects

        public java.util.List<SceneGraphNode> objects
        List of objects
      • viewAngle

        public double viewAngle
        If observed, the view angle in radians of this octant
      • distToCamera

        public double distToCamera
        The distance to the camera in units of the center of this octant
      • observed

        public boolean observed
        Is this octant observed in this frame?
      • opacity

        public float opacity
        The opacity of this node
    • Constructor Detail

      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node
        x -
        y -
        z -
        hsx -
        hsy -
        hsz -
        depth -
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(long pageId,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node
        pageId -
        x -
        y -
        z -
        hsx -
        hsy -
        hsz -
        depth -
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int depth,
                          OctreeNode parent,
                          int i)
        Constructs an octree node
        x -
        y -
        z -
        hsx -
        hsy -
        hsz -
        depth -
        parent - The parent of this octant
        i - The index in the parent's children
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int childrenCount,
                          int nObjects,
                          int ownObjects,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node.
        x - The x coordinate of the center.
        y - The y coordinate of the center.
        z - The z coordinate of the center.
        hsx - The half-size in x.
        hsy - The half-size in y.
        hsz - The half-size in z.
        childrenCount - Number of children nodes. Same as non null positions in children vector.
        nObjects - Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants.
        ownObjects - Number of objects contained in this node. Same as objects.size().
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(long pageid,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int childrenCount,
                          int nObjects,
                          int ownObjects,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node.
        pageid - The octant id
        x - The x coordinate of the center.
        y - The y coordinate of the center.
        z - The z coordinate of the center.
        hsx - The half-size in x.
        hsy - The half-size in y.
        hsz - The half-size in z.
        childrenCount - Number of children nodes. Same as non null positions in children vector.
        nObjects - Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants.
        ownObjects - Number of objects contained in this node. Same as objects.size().
    • Method Detail

      • computePageId

        public long computePageId()
      • computePageIdRec

        protected void computePageIdRec​(int[] hashv)
      • getParentIndex

        protected int getParentIndex()
        Gets the index of this node in the parent's list
      • containsObject

        public boolean containsObject​(SceneGraphNode object)
      • resolveChildren

        public void resolveChildren​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​Pair<OctreeNode,​long[]>> map)
        Resolves and adds the children of this node using the map. It runs recursively once the children have been added.
        map -
      • getOpacity

        public float getOpacity()
        Description copied from interface: IRenderable
        Returns the opacity of this renderable
        Specified by:
        getOpacity in interface IRenderable
        The opacity
      • addAll

        public boolean addAll​(java.util.List<SceneGraphNode> l)
      • setObjects

        public void setObjects​(java.util.List<SceneGraphNode> l)
      • toTree

        public void toTree​(java.util.TreeSet<SceneGraphNode> tree)
      • addChildrenToList

        public void addChildrenToList​(java.util.ArrayList<OctreeNode> tree)
        Adds all the children of this node and its descendants to the given list.
        tree -
      • addParticlesTo

        public void addParticlesTo​(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<SceneGraphNode> particles)
        Adds all the particles of this node and its descendants to the given list.
        particles -
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean rec)
      • stats

        public int[][] stats()
        Gets some per-level stats on the octree node
        A [DEPTH,2] matrix with number of octants [i,0] and objects [i,1] per level
      • remove

        public void remove()
        Removes this octant from the octree
      • removeChild

        public void removeChild​(OctreeNode child)
        Removes the child from this octant's descendants
        child -
      • numNodes

        public int numNodes()
        Counts the number of nodes recursively
        The number of nodes
      • getDistToCamera

        public double getDistToCamera()
        Description copied from interface: IRenderable
        Gets the last distance to the camera calculated for this entity
        Specified by:
        getDistToCamera in interface IRenderable
        The distance
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(double x,
                                double y,
                                double z)
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Vector3d v)
      • getBestOctant

        public OctreeNode getBestOctant​(Vector3d position)
        Returns the deepest octant that contains the position
        position - The position
        The best octant
      • getMaxDepth

        public int getMaxDepth()
        Gets the depth of this subtree, that is, the number of levels of the longest parent-child path starting at this node. If run on the root node, this gives the maximum octree depth.
        The maximum depth of this node.
      • update

        public void update​(Vector3d parentTransform,
                           ICamera cam,
                           java.util.List<SceneGraphNode> roulette,
                           float opacity)
        Computes the observed value and the transform of each observed node.
        parentTransform - The parent transform.
        cam - The current camera.
        roulette - List where the nodes to be processed are to be added.
        opacity - The opacity to set.
      • isObserved

        public boolean isObserved()
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(LoadStatus status)
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(LoadStatus status,
                              int depth)
        Sets the status to this node and its descendants recursively to the given depth level.
        status - The new status.
        depth - The depth.
      • touch

        public void touch​(int n)
        Called when this octant has just been loaded or unloaded. Updates the numbers of this and its ascendants without having to reprocess the whole tree, which is slow for larger trees.
        n - The number of stars loaded or unloaded.
      • updateCounts

        public void updateCounts()
        Updates the number of objects, own objects and children. This operation runs recursively in depth.
      • countObjects

        public int countObjects()
      • findOctant

        public OctreeNode findOctant​(long id)
      • getRoot

        public OctreeNode getRoot()
        Gets the root of the tree this octant is in by successively checking the parent until it is null.
        The root of the tree
      • hash

        public static long hash​(double x,
                                double y,
                                double z)
      • hash

        public static long hash​(double value)
        Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
        value - the value to be hashed
        the hash code
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Disposes this octree node (and all children nodes recursively)