Interface EntityUpdater

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractUpdateSystem, AxesUpdater, BackgroundUpdater, BillboardSetUpdater, BillboardUpdater, ClusterUpdater, ConstellationUpdater, DatasetDescriptionUpdater, ElementsSetUpdater, GraphUpdater, GridRecUpdater, KeyframeUpdater, LocUpdater, MeshUpdater, ModelUpdater, OctreeUpdater, ParticleSetUpdater, ParticleUpdater, PerimeterUpdater, RaymarchingUpdater, RulerUpdater, ShapeUpdater, TitleUpdater, TrajectoryUpdater, VertsUpdater, VRDeviceUpdater

public interface EntityUpdater
Defines the interface for all entity update systems. Entity update systems are assumed to be running after the scene graph update has taken place. The scene graph update traverses the GraphNode components, which compose the scene graph tree, and updates their positions depth-first.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the family for this updater.
    updateEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, float deltaTime)
    Updates the entity.
  • Method Details

    • getFamily

      com.badlogic.ashley.core.Family getFamily()
      Returns the family for this updater.
      The family.
    • updateEntity

      void updateEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, float deltaTime)
      Updates the entity.
      entity - The entity to update.
      deltaTime - The delta time since last frame.