Class Quaterniond

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Quaterniond extends Object implements Serializable
A simple quaternion class.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Constructor Summary

    Quaterniond(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    Constructor, sets the four components of the quaternion.
    Quaterniond(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion quaternion)
    Constructor, sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
    Constructor, sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
    Quaterniond(Vector3d axis, double angle)
    Constructor, sets the quaternion from the given axis vector and the angle around that axis in degrees.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Conjugate the quaternion.
    dot(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    Get the dot product between this and the other quaternion (commutative).
    static double
    dot(double x1, double y1, double z1, double w1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double w2)
    Get the dot product between the two quaternions (commutative).
    Get the dot product between this and the other quaternion (commutative).
    Get the angle in degrees of the rotation this quaternion represents.
    getAngleAround(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ)
    Get the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis.
    Get the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis.
    getAngleAroundRad(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ)
    Get the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis.
    Get the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis.
    Get the angle in radians of the rotation this quaternion represents.
    Get the axis angle representation of the rotation in degrees.
    Get the axis-angle representation of the rotation in radians.
    Get the pole of the gimbal lock, if any.
    Get the pitch euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the x axis.
    Get the pitch euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the x axis.
    Get the roll euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the z axis.
    Get the roll euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the z axis.
    getSwingTwist(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ, Quaterniond swing, Quaterniond twist)
    Get the swing rotation and twist rotation for the specified axis.
    Get the swing rotation and twist rotation for the specified axis.
    Get the yaw euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the y axis.
    Get the yaw euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the y axis.
    Sets the quaternion to an identity Quaterniond
    Sets the value of this quaternion to the quaternion inverse of itself.
    isIdentity(double tolerance)
    static double
    len(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    static double
    len2(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    mul(double scalar)
    Multiplies the components of this quaternion with the given scalar.
    mul(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = this * other
    Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = this * other
    mulAdd(Quaterniond q, double s)
    Add quaternion q, scaled by s, to this quaternion (this = this + q * s)
    Multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q1 and places the value into this quaternion.
    mulLeft(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = other * this
    Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = other * this
    Pre-multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q and places the value into this quaternion.
    Normalizes this quaternion to unit length
    set(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    Sets the components of the quaternion
    set(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion quaternion)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
    set(Quaterniond quaternion)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
    set(Vector3d axis, double angle)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
    setEulerAngles(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
    Sets the quaternion to the given euler angles in degrees.
    setEulerAnglesRad(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
    Sets the quaternion to the given euler angles in radians.
    setFromAxes(boolean normalizeAxes, double xx, double xy, double xz, double yx, double yy, double yz, double zx, double zy, double zz)
    Sets the Quaterniond from the given x-, y- and z-axis.
    setFromAxes(double xx, double xy, double xz, double yx, double yy, double yz, double zx, double zy, double zz)
    Sets the Quaterniond from the given x-, y- and z-axis which have to be orthonormal.
    setFromAxis(double x, double y, double z, double degrees)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
    setFromAxis(Vector3d axis, double degrees)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
    setFromAxisRad(double x, double y, double z, double radians)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
    setFromAxisRad(Vector3d axis, double radians)
    Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
    setFromCross(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
    Set this quaternion to the rotation between two vectors.
    Set this quaternion to the rotation between two vectors.
    setFromMatrix(boolean normalizeAxes, Matrix4d matrix)
    Sets the Quaterniond from the given matrix, optionally removing any scaling.
    Sets the Quaterniond from the given rotation matrix, which must not contain scaling.
    slerp(Quaterniond end, double alpha)
    Spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and the other quaternion, based on the alpha value in the range [0,1].
    toMatrix(double[] matrix)
    Fills a 4x4 matrix with the rotation matrix represented by this quaternion.
    Transforms the given vector using this quaternion

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • x

      public double x
    • y

      public double y
    • z

      public double z
    • w

      public double w
  • Constructor Details

    • Quaterniond

      public Quaterniond(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Constructor, sets the four components of the quaternion.
      x - The x-component
      y - The y-component
      z - The z-component
      w - The w-component
    • Quaterniond

      public Quaterniond()
    • Quaterniond

      public Quaterniond(Quaterniond quaternion)
      Constructor, sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
      quaternion - The quaternion to copy.
    • Quaterniond

      public Quaterniond(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion quaternion)
      Constructor, sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
      quaternion - The quaternion to copy.
    • Quaterniond

      public Quaterniond(Vector3d axis, double angle)
      Constructor, sets the quaternion from the given axis vector and the angle around that axis in degrees.
      axis - The axis
      angle - The angle in degrees.
  • Method Details

    • len

      public static double len(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      the euclidian length of the specified quaternion
    • len2

      public static double len2(double x, double y, double z, double w)
    • dot

      public static double dot(double x1, double y1, double z1, double w1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double w2)
      Get the dot product between the two quaternions (commutative).
      x1 - the x component of the first quaternion
      y1 - the y component of the first quaternion
      z1 - the z component of the first quaternion
      w1 - the w component of the first quaternion
      x2 - the x component of the second quaternion
      y2 - the y component of the second quaternion
      z2 - the z component of the second quaternion
      w2 - the w component of the second quaternion
      the dot product between the first and second quaternion.
    • set

      public Quaterniond set(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Sets the components of the quaternion
      x - The x-component
      y - The y-component
      z - The z-component
      w - The w-component
      This quaternion for chaining
    • set

      public Quaterniond set(Quaterniond quaternion)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
      quaternion - The quaternion.
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • set

      public Quaterniond set(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion quaternion)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
      quaternion - The quaternion.
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • set

      public Quaterniond set(Vector3d axis, double angle)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
      axis - The axis
      angle - The angle in degrees
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • cpy

      public Quaterniond cpy()
      a copy of this quaternion
    • len

      public double len()
      the Euclidean length of this quaternion
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • setEulerAngles

      public Quaterniond setEulerAngles(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
      Sets the quaternion to the given euler angles in degrees.
      yaw - the rotation around the y-axis in degrees
      pitch - the rotation around the x-axis in degrees
      roll - the rotation around the z-axis degrees
      this quaternion
    • setEulerAnglesRad

      public Quaterniond setEulerAnglesRad(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
      Sets the quaternion to the given euler angles in radians.
      yaw - the rotation around the y axis in radians
      pitch - the rotation around the x axis in radians
      roll - the rotation around the z axis in radians
      this quaternion
    • getGimbalPole

      public int getGimbalPole()
      Get the pole of the gimbal lock, if any.
      positive (+1) for north pole, negative (-1) for south pole, zero (0) when no gimbal lock
    • getRollRad

      public double getRollRad()
      Get the roll euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the z axis. Requires that this quaternion is normalized.
      the rotation around the z axis in radians (between -PI and +PI)
    • getRoll

      public double getRoll()
      Get the roll euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the z axis. Requires that this quaternion is normalized.
      the rotation around the z axis in degrees (between -180 and +180)
    • getPitchRad

      public double getPitchRad()
      Get the pitch euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the x axis. Requires that this quaternion is normalized.
      the rotation around the x axis in radians (between -(PI/2) and +(PI/2))
    • getPitch

      public double getPitch()
      Get the pitch euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the x axis. Requires that this quaternion is normalized.
      the rotation around the x axis in degrees (between -90 and +90)
    • getYawRad

      public double getYawRad()
      Get the yaw euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the y axis. Requires that this quaternion is normalized.
      the rotation around the y axis in radians (between -PI and +PI)
    • getYaw

      public double getYaw()
      Get the yaw euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the y axis. Requires that this quaternion is normalized.
      the rotation around the y axis in degrees (between -180 and +180)
    • len2

      public double len2()
      the length of this quaternion without square root
    • nor

      public Quaterniond nor()
      Normalizes this quaternion to unit length
      the quaternion for chaining
    • conjugate

      public Quaterniond conjugate()
      Conjugate the quaternion.
      This quaternion for chaining
    • transform

      public Vector3d transform(Vector3d v)
      Transforms the given vector using this quaternion
      v - Vector to transform
    • inverse

      public Quaterniond inverse()
      Sets the value of this quaternion to the quaternion inverse of itself. Warning: this quaternion will NOT be normalized. Note that if q not normalized, then q*qinverse=(0,0,0,1) whereas q*qconjugate =(0,0,0,Norm(q)*Norm(q))
    • mul

      public Quaterniond mul(Quaterniond other)
      Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = this * other
      other - Quaterniond to multiply with
      This quaternion for chaining
    • mul

      public Quaterniond mul(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = this * other
      x - the x component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      y - the y component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      z - the z component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      w - the w component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      This quaternion for chaining
    • mulLeft

      public Quaterniond mulLeft(Quaterniond other)
      Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = other * this
      other - Quaterniond to multiply with
      This quaternion for chaining
    • mulLeft

      public Quaterniond mulLeft(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = other * this
      x - the x component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      y - the y component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      z - the z component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      w - the w component of the other quaternion to multiply with
      This quaternion for chaining
    • mulInverse

      public Quaterniond mulInverse(Quaterniond q1)
      Multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q1 and places the value into this quaternion. The value of the argument quaternion is preserved (this = this * q^-1). Warning: this quaternion will NOT be normalized.
      q1 - the other quaternion
    • mulLeftInverse

      public Quaterniond mulLeftInverse(Quaterniond q1)
      Pre-multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q and places the value into this quaternion. The value of the argument quaternion is preserved (this = q^-1 * this). Warning: this quaternion will NOT be normalized.
      q1 - the other quaternion
    • toMatrix

      public void toMatrix(double[] matrix)
      Fills a 4x4 matrix with the rotation matrix represented by this quaternion.
      matrix - Matrix to fill
    • idt

      public Quaterniond idt()
      Sets the quaternion to an identity Quaterniond
      this quaternion for chaining
    • isIdentity

      public boolean isIdentity()
      If this quaternion is an identity Quaterniond
    • isIdentity

      public boolean isIdentity(double tolerance)
      If this quaternion is an identity Quaterniond
    • setFromAxis

      public Quaterniond setFromAxis(Vector3d axis, double degrees)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
      axis - The axis
      degrees - The angle in degrees
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • setFromAxisRad

      public Quaterniond setFromAxisRad(Vector3d axis, double radians)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
      axis - The axis
      radians - The angle in radians
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • setFromAxis

      public Quaterniond setFromAxis(double x, double y, double z, double degrees)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
      x - X direction of the axis
      y - Y direction of the axis
      z - Z direction of the axis
      degrees - The angle in degrees
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • setFromAxisRad

      public Quaterniond setFromAxisRad(double x, double y, double z, double radians)
      Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
      x - X direction of the axis
      y - Y direction of the axis
      z - Z direction of the axis
      radians - The angle in radians
      This quaternion for chaining.
    • setFromMatrix

      public Quaterniond setFromMatrix(boolean normalizeAxes, Matrix4d matrix)
      Sets the Quaterniond from the given matrix, optionally removing any scaling.
    • setFromMatrix

      public Quaterniond setFromMatrix(Matrix4d matrix)
      Sets the Quaterniond from the given rotation matrix, which must not contain scaling.
    • setFromBasis

      public Quaterniond setFromBasis(Vector3d dir, Vector3d up)
    • setFromAxes

      public Quaterniond setFromAxes(double xx, double xy, double xz, double yx, double yy, double yz, double zx, double zy, double zz)

      Sets the Quaterniond from the given x-, y- and z-axis which have to be orthonormal.

      Taken from Bones framework for JPCT, see which in turn took it from Graphics Gem code at

      xx - x-axis x-coordinate
      xy - x-axis y-coordinate
      xz - x-axis z-coordinate
      yx - y-axis x-coordinate
      yy - y-axis y-coordinate
      yz - y-axis z-coordinate
      zx - z-axis x-coordinate
      zy - z-axis y-coordinate
      zz - z-axis z-coordinate
    • setFromAxes

      public Quaterniond setFromAxes(boolean normalizeAxes, double xx, double xy, double xz, double yx, double yy, double yz, double zx, double zy, double zz)

      Sets the Quaterniond from the given x-, y- and z-axis.

      Taken from Bones framework for JPCT, see which in turn took it from Graphics Gem code at

      normalizeAxes - whether to normalize the axes (necessary when they contain scaling)
      xx - x-axis x-coordinate
      xy - x-axis y-coordinate
      xz - x-axis z-coordinate
      yx - y-axis x-coordinate
      yy - y-axis y-coordinate
      yz - y-axis z-coordinate
      zx - z-axis x-coordinate
      zy - z-axis y-coordinate
      zz - z-axis z-coordinate
    • setFromCross

      public Quaterniond setFromCross(Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2)
      Set this quaternion to the rotation between two vectors.
      v1 - The base vector, which should be normalized.
      v2 - The target vector, which should be normalized.
      This quaternion for chaining
    • setFromCross

      public Quaterniond setFromCross(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
      Set this quaternion to the rotation between two vectors.
      x1 - The base vectors x value, which should be normalized.
      y1 - The base vectors y value, which should be normalized.
      z1 - The base vectors z value, which should be normalized.
      x2 - The target vector x value, which should be normalized.
      y2 - The target vector y value, which should be normalized.
      z2 - The target vector z value, which should be normalized.
      This quaternion for chaining
    • slerp

      public Quaterniond slerp(Quaterniond end, double alpha)
      Spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and the other quaternion, based on the alpha value in the range [0,1]. Taken from. Taken from Bones framework for JPCT, see
      end - the end quaternion
      alpha - alpha in the range [0,1]
      this quaternion for chaining
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • dot

      public double dot(Quaterniond other)
      Get the dot product between this and the other quaternion (commutative).
      other - the other quaternion.
      the dot product of this and the other quaternion.
    • dot

      public double dot(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Get the dot product between this and the other quaternion (commutative).
      x - the x component of the other quaternion
      y - the y component of the other quaternion
      z - the z component of the other quaternion
      w - the w component of the other quaternion
      the dot product of this and the other quaternion.
    • mul

      public Quaterniond mul(double scalar)
      Multiplies the components of this quaternion with the given scalar.
      scalar - the scalar.
      this quaternion for chaining.
    • mulAdd

      public Quaterniond mulAdd(Quaterniond q, double s)
      Add quaternion q, scaled by s, to this quaternion (this = this + q * s)
      q -
      s -
      this quaternion for chaining.
    • getAxisAngle

      public double getAxisAngle(Vector3d axis)
      Get the axis angle representation of the rotation in degrees. The supplied vector will receive the axis (x, y and z values) of the rotation and the value returned is the angle in degrees around that axis. Note that this method will alter the supplied vector, the existing value of the vector is ignored.

      This will normalize this quaternion if needed. The received axis is a unit vector. However, if this is an identity quaternion (no rotation), then the length of the axis may be zero.
      axis - vector which will receive the axis
      the angle in degrees
      See Also:
    • getAxisAngleRad

      public double getAxisAngleRad(Vector3d axis)
      Get the axis-angle representation of the rotation in radians. The supplied vector will receive the axis (x, y and z values) of the rotation and the value returned is the angle in radians around that axis. Note that this method will alter the supplied vector, the existing value of the vector is ignored.

      This will normalize this quaternion if needed. The received axis is a unit vector. However, if this is an identity quaternion (no rotation), then the length of the axis may be zero.
      axis - vector which will receive the axis
      the angle in radians
      See Also:
    • getAngleRad

      public double getAngleRad()
      Get the angle in radians of the rotation this quaternion represents. Does not normalize the quaternion. Use getAxisAngleRad(Vector3d) to get both the axis and the angle of this rotation. Use getAngleAroundRad(Vector3d) to get the angle around a specific axis.
      the angle in radians of the rotation
    • getAngle

      public double getAngle()
      Get the angle in degrees of the rotation this quaternion represents. Use getAxisAngle(Vector3d) to get both the axis and the angle of this rotation. Use getAngleAround(Vector3d) to get the angle around a specific axis.
      the angle in degrees of the rotation
    • getSwingTwist

      public void getSwingTwist(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ, Quaterniond swing, Quaterniond twist)
      Get the swing rotation and twist rotation for the specified axis. The twist rotation represents the rotation around the specified axis. The swing rotation represents the rotation of the specified axis itself, which is the rotation around an axis perpendicular to the specified axis.

      The swing and twist rotation can be used to reconstruct the original quaternion: this = swing * twist
      axisX - the X component of the normalized axis for which to get the swing and twist rotation
      axisY - the Y component of the normalized axis for which to get the swing and twist rotation
      axisZ - the Z component of the normalized axis for which to get the swing and twist rotation
      swing - will receive the swing rotation: the rotation around an axis perpendicular to the specified axis
      twist - will receive the twist rotation: the rotation around the specified axis
      See Also:
    • getSwingTwist

      public void getSwingTwist(Vector3d axis, Quaterniond swing, Quaterniond twist)
      Get the swing rotation and twist rotation for the specified axis. The twist rotation represents the rotation around the specified axis. The swing rotation represents the rotation of the specified axis itself, which is the rotation around an axis perpendicular to the specified axis.

      The swing and twist rotation can be used to reconstruct the original quaternion: this = swing * twist
      axis - the normalized axis for which to get the swing and twist rotation
      swing - will receive the swing rotation: the rotation around an axis perpendicular to the specified axis
      twist - will receive the twist rotation: the rotation around the specified axis
      See Also:
    • getAngleAroundRad

      public double getAngleAroundRad(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ)
      Get the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis. The axis must be normalized.
      axisX - the x component of the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      axisY - the y component of the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      axisZ - the z component of the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis
    • getAngleAroundRad

      public double getAngleAroundRad(Vector3d axis)
      Get the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis. The axis must be normalized.
      axis - the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis
    • getAngleAround

      public double getAngleAround(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ)
      Get the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis. The axis must be normalized.
      axisX - the x component of the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      axisY - the y component of the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      axisZ - the z component of the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis
    • getAngleAround

      public double getAngleAround(Vector3d axis)
      Get the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis. The axis must be normalized.
      axis - the normalized axis for which to get the angle
      the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis