Interface EntityInitializer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInitSystem, AxesInitializer, BackgroundModelInitializer, BaseInitializer, BillboardSetInitializer, BoundariesInitializer, ClusterInitializer, ConstellationInitializer, DatasetDescriptionInitializer, ElementsSetInitializer, FadeNodeInitializer, GridRecInitializer, IndexInitializer, KeyframeInitializer, LocInitializer, MeshInitializer, ModelInitializer, OrbitElementsSetInitializer, ParticleInitializer, ParticleSetInitializer, PerimeterInitializer, RaymarchingInitializer, RulerInitializer, SceneGraphBuilderSystem, ShapeInitializer, TitleInitializer, TrajectoryInitializer, VertsInitializer, VRDeviceInitializer

public interface EntityInitializer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    initializeEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity)
    Contains the initialization of this entity before the scene graph structure has been constructed, or the entity is in the index.
    setUpEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity)
    Contains the set up of this entity, after the entity has been added to the scene graph and it is in the index.
  • Method Details

    • initializeEntity

      void initializeEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity)
      Contains the initialization of this entity before the scene graph structure has been constructed, or the entity is in the index.
      entity - The entity.
    • setUpEntity

      void setUpEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity)
      Contains the set up of this entity, after the entity has been added to the scene graph and it is in the index.
      entity - The entity.