Package gaiasky.util

Class CatalogInfo


public class CatalogInfo extends Object
  • Field Details

    • name

      public String name
    • description

      public String description
    • source

      public String source
    • nParticles

      public long nParticles
    • sizeBytes

      public long sizeBytes
    • loadDateUTC

      public Instant loadDateUTC
    • highlighted

      public boolean highlighted
    • plainColor

      public boolean plainColor
    • hlColor

      public float[] hlColor
    • hlSizeFactor

      public float hlSizeFactor
    • hlAllVisible

      public boolean hlAllVisible
    • hlCmapIndex

      public int hlCmapIndex
    • hlCmapAlpha

      public float hlCmapAlpha
    • hlCmapAttribute

      public IAttribute hlCmapAttribute
    • hlCmapMin

      public double hlCmapMin
    • hlCmapMax

      public double hlCmapMax
    • filter

      public Filter filter
    • type

    • entity

      public com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setEntity

      public void setEntity(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity)
    • setVisibility

      public void setVisibility(boolean visibility)
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible(boolean attributeValue)
    • setColor

      public void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
    • getHlColor

      public float[] getHlColor()
    • setHlColor

      public void setHlColor(float[] hlColor)
    • setHlColormap

      public void setHlColormap(int cmapIndex, IAttribute cmapAttribute, double cmapMin, double cmapMax)
    • setHlSizeFactor

      public void setHlSizeFactor(float hlSizeFactor)
    • setHlAllVisible

      public void setHlAllVisible(boolean allVisible)
    • removeCatalog

      public void removeCatalog()
      Unloads and removes the catalog described by this catalog info
    • highlight

      public void highlight(boolean hl)
      Highlight the dataset using the dataset's own color index
      hl - Whether to highlight or not
    • isHighlightable

      public boolean isHighlightable()
      True if this is a highlightable catalog, false otherwise.
    • hasParticleAttributes

      public boolean hasParticleAttributes()
      True if this catalog's particles have attributes (they are stars), false otherwise.
    • getCt

      public ComponentTypes getCt()
      Gets the component type of the model object linked to this catalog.
      The component type.