Interface IParticleRecord

All Known Implementing Classes:
ParticleRecord, PointParticleRecord, VariableRecord

public interface IParticleRecord
  • Method Details

    • rawDoubleData

      double[] rawDoubleData()
    • rawFloatData

      float[] rawFloatData()
    • x

      double x()
    • y

      double y()
    • z

      double z()
    • setPos

      void setPos(double x, double y, double z)
    • pos

      Vector3d pos(Vector3d aux)
    • hasProperMotion

      boolean hasProperMotion()
    • pmx

      double pmx()
    • pmy

      double pmy()
    • pmz

      double pmz()
    • setVelocityVector

      void setVelocityVector(double vx, double vy, double vz)
    • names

      String[] names()
    • namesConcat

      String namesConcat()
    • hasName

      boolean hasName(String candidate)
    • hasName

      boolean hasName(String candidate, boolean matchCase)
    • setNames

      void setNames(String... names)
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
    • addName

      void addName(String name)
    • addNames

      void addNames(String... names)
    • appMag

      float appMag()
    • absMag

      float absMag()
    • setMag

      void setMag(float appmag, float absmag)
    • hasColor

      boolean hasColor()
    • col

      float col()
    • setCol

      void setCol(float col)
    • rgb

      double[] rgb()
    • hasSize

      boolean hasSize()
    • size

      float size()
    • setSize

      void setSize(float size)
    • radius

      double radius()
    • setId

      void setId(long id)
    • id

      long id()
    • setHip

      void setHip(int hip)
    • hip

      int hip()
    • mualpha

      float mualpha()
    • mudelta

      float mudelta()
    • radvel

      float radvel()
    • setProperMotion

      void setProperMotion(float mualpha, float mudelta, float radvel)
    • octant

      OctreeNode octant()
    • setOctant

      void setOctant(OctreeNode octant)
    • distance

      double distance()
      Distance in internal units. Beware, does the computation on the fly.
      The distance, in internal units
    • parallax

      double parallax()
      Parallax in mas.
      The parallax in mas.
    • ra

      double ra()
      Right ascension in degrees. Beware, does the conversion on the fly.
      The right ascension, in degrees
    • dec

      double dec()
      Declination in degrees. Beware, does the conversion on the fly.
      The declination, in degrees
    • lambda

      double lambda()
      Ecliptic longitude in degrees.
      The ecliptic longitude, in degrees
    • beta

      double beta()
      Ecliptic latitude in degrees.
      The ecliptic latitude, in degrees
    • l

      double l()
      Galactic longitude in degrees.
      The galactic longitude, in degrees
    • b

      double b()
      Galactic latitude in degrees.
      The galactic latitude, in degrees
    • setExtraAttributes

      void setExtraAttributes(ObjectDoubleMap<UCD> extra)
    • hasExtra

      boolean hasExtra()
    • hasExtra

      boolean hasExtra(String name)
    • hasExtra

      boolean hasExtra(UCD ucd)
    • getExtra

      double getExtra(String name)
    • getExtra

      double getExtra(UCD ucd)
    • extraKeys

    • getType

      Returns the particle record type.
      The type.