Class BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter

Enclosing class:

public static class BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter extends com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetLoaderParameters<BitmapFont>
Parameter to be passed to AssetManager.load(String, Class, AssetLoaderParameters) if additional configuration is necessary for the BitmapFont.
  • Field Details

    • flip

      public boolean flip
      Flips the font vertically if true. Defaults to false.
    • genMipMaps

      public boolean genMipMaps
      Generates mipmaps for the font if true. Defaults to false.
    • minFilter

      public minFilter
      The Texture.TextureFilter to use when scaling down the BitmapFont. Defaults to Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest.
    • magFilter

      public magFilter
      The Texture.TextureFilter to use when scaling up the BitmapFont. Defaults to Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest.
    • bitmapFontData

      public BitmapFont.BitmapFontData bitmapFontData
      optional BitmapFont.BitmapFontData to be used instead of loading the Texture directly. Use this if your font is embedded in a Skin.
    • atlasName

      public String atlasName
      The name of the TextureAtlas to load the BitmapFont itself from. Optional; if null, will look for a separate image
  • Constructor Details

    • BitmapFontParameter

      public BitmapFontParameter()