Interface IOrbitDataProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
OrbitalParametersProvider, OrbitBodyDataProvider, OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider, OrbitFileDataProvider, OrbitSamplerDataProvider

public interface IOrbitDataProvider
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      void initialize(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Trajectory trajectory)
      Initializes the provider with the given entity and trajectory component.
      entity - The entity.
      trajectory - The trajectory component.
    • load

      Loads the orbit data into the OrbitData object in the internal units.
      file - The file path
      source - The parameters
    • load

      void load(String file, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameters source, boolean newMethod)
      Loads the orbit data into the OrbitData object in the internal units.
      file - The file path
      source - The parameters
      newMethod - Use new method (for orbital elements only)
    • getData

      PointCloudData getData()