.. _console:
.. |log| image:: img/ui/iconic-map-marker.png
:class: filter-invert
.. role:: orange
.. raw:: html
Since 3.6.4
.. hint:: Use :guilabel:`~` or :guilabel:`:` to open the console.
Since version 3.6.4, Gaia Sky includes a console feature that offers a text interface to directly call methods in the API from within the app.
.. figure:: img/ui/console/console-help.jpg
:width: 85%
:align: center
:target: _images/console-help.jpg
The console displaying the available API calls.
From the console, you can call any of the :ref:`scripting API methods `. Additionally, there are a few shortcuts that directly link to API calls. Get a listing of all the available methods and shortcuts directly in the console with
.. code:: console
You can list only the API calls with
.. code:: console
help api
Or only the shortcuts with
.. code:: console
help shortucts
In order to call a method, input the method name (or shortcut), followed by a white spaces and a list of parameters, also white space-separated. Within a single parameter there may be no spaces, unless it is a string. Strings containing spaces need to be delimited with double-quotes ``"sample string"``, otherwise the parsing will fail.
.. code:: console
methodName parameter1 parameter2 parameter3
Each parameter may be of the following types:
- ``String`` --- either surrounded by double quotes or not. If the string contains spaces, it must be surrounded by double quotes. For instance, ``"This is a string"`` and ``StringWithoutSpaces`` are valid strings.
- ``double`` --- a double-precision floating point number. May be a simple decimal number (3.24) or in scientific notation (3.24E10).
- ``float`` --- a single-precision floating point number. May be a simple decimal number (3.24) or in scientific notation (3.24E10).
- ``int`` --- a single-precision integer value.
- ``long`` --- a double-precision integer value.
- ``boolean`` --- a boolean value, either ``true`` or ``false``. Do not use capital letters.
- ``type[]`` --- a string of any of the types above, in the format ``[val1,val2,val3,...]``. There may be no spaces between the values.
.. note:: Methods that use non-string object parameters (``Runnable``, ``FocusView``, ``Entity``, etc.) can't be used from the console. These methods are not listed in the ``help`` command and are not available.