.. _folders: System Directories ****************** In this documentation we refer to a few different directories that Gaia Sky uses to store data and configuration settings: ``$GS_DATA``, ``$GS_CONFIG``, and ``$GS_CACHE``. - ``$GS_DATA`` --- contains some essential files and directories for Gaia Sky to run properly. For example: - ``$GS_DATA/camera`` --- storage point for :ref:`camera path ` and :ref:`keyframe ` files. - ``$GS_DATA/frames`` --- default save location for the :ref:`frame output mode `. - ``$GS_DATA/screenshots`` --- default save location for :ref:`screenshots `. - ``$GS_DATA/crashreports`` --- whenever Gaia Sky crashes, a crash report is stored at this location. - ``$GS_DATA/log`` --- contains the full Gaia Sky log of the last session. Only the last session's log is kept. - ``$GS_DATA/data`` --- also referred to as simply ``$data``, this is the default dataset save location. All datasets are stored in this location by default (can be changed from the dataset manager). - ``$GS_CONFIG`` --- contains the :ref:`configuration files `, the :ref:`bookmarks `, and the :ref:`keyboard mappings file `. - ``$GS_CACHE`` --- contains cached files, like Wikipedia images. The locations of ``$GS_DATA``, ``$GS_CONFIG`` and ``$GS_CACHE`` depend on the operating system: - **Linux** --- as of Gaia Sky 2.2.0, the Linux release of Gaia Sky uses the `XDG base directory specification `__. - ``$GS_DATA`` = ``~/.local/share/gaiasky/`` - ``$GS_CONFIG`` = ``~/.config/gaiasky/`` - ``$GS_CACHE`` = ``~/.cache/gaiasky/`` - **Windows and macOS** --- the ``.gaiasky`` directory in the user home directory for both locations, so: - ``$GS_DATA`` = ``$GS_CONFIG`` = ``[User.Home]/.gaiasky/`` - ``[User.Home]`` on Windows is typically in ``C:\Users\[username]``. - ``[User.Home]`` on macOS is typically in ``/Users/[username]``. - ``$GS_CONFIG`` = ``$GS_DATA`` - ``$GS_CACHE`` = ``$GS_DATA/cache`` Datasets location ================= By default, Gaia Sky stores the downloaded datasets in the ``$GS_DATA/data`` directory. The location where the datasets are saved is referred to as ``$data``. The actual location of ``$data`` is stored in the configuration file (key ``data::location``) and can be changed in the dataset manager window at startup. - ``$data`` = ``$GS_DATA/data`` .. _logs: Logs and crash reports ====================== For every Gaia Sky session a system log is stored in the directory ``$GS_DATA/log``. Logs are overwritten with each new session, so only the last log is effectively available at any given time. - ``$GS_DATA/log/gaiasky_log_lastsession.txt`` --- full log of the last Gaia Sky session. Crash reports are stored in ``$GS_DATA/crashreports`` whenever Gaia Sky crashes. If that happens, please, create a new issue in https://codeberg.org/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues, and attach the crash report. Additionally, also attach the session log. - ``$GS_DATA/crashreports/gaiasky_crash_[$DATE].txt`` --- crash reports.