# Gaia Sky 3.5.0-rc03 ## Features - add support for texture arrays in particle sets. Particle sets can now define a group of texture files that will be applied to the particles at random. - activate v-sync by default during welcome and loading GUI (not in VR). Use busy wait to lock to the perfect target FPS, when active. - add maximum allowed distance as a hard limit, set at 50 Gpc, roughly twice the size of the observable universe. - top info interface date and time elements are clickable, and display the date/time edit dialog. ## Bug Fixes - billboard set texture array uniform setting. - pixel-perfect interaction in VR menus. Surface normal was being transformed with a matrix that contained a translation instead of only using rotations. - properly scale particle set particles in VR. - proper motions in VR mode. - interactive load of JSON datasets that contain objects with 3D models blocks main thread. - guard in `getLineObject()` calls with a timeout does not use the time out. Fixes [#711](https://codeberg.org/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues/711). - scale orbit element particles for VR, readjust size limits. ## Code Refactoring - rename all math utilities converted from single to double precision from [name]d to [name]Double. ## Build System - update build file tasks to latest gradle syntax recommendations. - update oshi-core from 5.8.7 to 6.4.1. - remove commons-math3 dependency by implementing own interpolator. - update STIL from 4.0.+ to 4.1.+, and Jackson from 2.13.2 to 2.15.+. - remove dependency on commons-imaging library for monochrome to RGB conversions. - update JCommander from 1.81 to 1.82; upgrade slf4j-nop from 1.7.+ to 2.0.+. - remove JPEG-XL support via external library (vavi-image), better wait for official support in Java Image I/O. - upgrade LWJGL version from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2. ## Documentation - add package descriptions to all packages except for the `gaiasky.util` children. ## Style - update style with new hard wrap length and new wrapping rules for function signature parameters.