# Gaia Sky 3.2.1 ## Build System - docs project no longer a submodule. - move namespace from 'gitlab.com/langurmonkey' to 'gitlab.com/gaiasky'. ## Features - save configuration when closing dataset manager window. - use view angle instead of view angle apparent for `goToObject()` API call. ## Bug Fixes - break link in dataset manager if too long. - filters crash with instanced star renderers. - frame sequence number synchronized, value updated when opening preferences. - highlight 'all visible' setting in quad-based star renderers. - hotkey tooltip backgrounds. - increase number of vertices of minimap shape renderer, fixes crash in heliosphere minimap. - jump in Pluto's orbit due to deviation between full periods. - modal windows made not collapsible by default. - moon orbits are recomputed more often. - translate strings of filters, shapes, datasets and minimap. Fixes [#403](https://gitlab.com/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues/403). - typo in Jupiter English translation file, add meshes to data descriptor file.