Class AbstractControllerMappings

    • Field Detail

      • AXIS_ROLL

        public int AXIS_ROLL
      • AXIS_PITCH

        public int AXIS_PITCH
      • AXIS_YAW

        public int AXIS_YAW
      • AXIS_MOVE

        public int AXIS_MOVE
      • AXIS_VEL_UP

        public int AXIS_VEL_UP

        public int AXIS_VEL_DOWN

        public int BUTTON_VEL_UP

        public int BUTTON_VEL_DOWN

        public int BUTTON_VEL_MULT_TENTH

        public int BUTTON_VEL_MULT_HALF
      • BUTTON_UP

        public int BUTTON_UP

        public int BUTTON_DOWN

        public int BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractControllerMappings

        public AbstractControllerMappings()
    • Method Detail

      • getAxisRoll

        public int getAxisRoll()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the axis that produces:
        • Roll rotation in focus mode
        • Horizontal lateral movement in free mode
        Specified by:
        getAxisRoll in interface IControllerMappings
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisPitch

        public int getAxisPitch()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the axis that produces:
        • Vertical rotation around focus in focus mode
        • Vertical look rotation (pitch) in free mode
        Specified by:
        getAxisPitch in interface IControllerMappings
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisYaw

        public int getAxisYaw()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the axis that produces:
        • Horizontal rotation around focus in focus mode
        • Horizontal look rotation (yaw) in free mode
        Specified by:
        getAxisYaw in interface IControllerMappings
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisMove

        public int getAxisMove()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the axis that controls the forward and backward movement
        Specified by:
        getAxisMove in interface IControllerMappings
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisVelocityUp

        public int getAxisVelocityUp()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the axis used to increase the velocity. All the range of the axis is used. Usually mapped to a trigger button.
        Specified by:
        getAxisVelocityUp in interface IControllerMappings
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getAxisVelocityDown

        public int getAxisVelocityDown()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the axis used to decrease the velocity. All the range of the axis is used. Usually mapped to a trigger button.
        Specified by:
        getAxisVelocityDown in interface IControllerMappings
        The axis code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth

        public int getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.1.
        Specified by:
        getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf

        public int getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.5.
        Specified by:
        getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityUp

        public int getButtonVelocityUp()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button used to increase the velocity.
        Specified by:
        getButtonVelocityUp in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonVelocityDown

        public int getButtonVelocityDown()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button used to decrease the velocity.
        Specified by:
        getButtonVelocityDown in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonUp

        public int getButtonUp()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button used to go up.
        Specified by:
        getButtonUp in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonDown

        public int getButtonDown()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button used to go down.
        Specified by:
        getButtonDown in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped
      • getButtonModeToggle

        public int getButtonModeToggle()
        Description copied from interface: IControllerMappings
        Returns the code of the button used to toggle between free and focus mode.
        Specified by:
        getButtonModeToggle in interface IControllerMappings
        The button code, negative if not mapped