AboutWindow |
The help window with About, Help and System sections.
AbstractControllerMappings |
AbstractGui |
Provides general methods and attributes that all GUIs should have
ArchiveViewWindow |
This window shows the Gaia Archive information for a single star
ChooseCatalogWindow |
GUI window to choose the catalog to use
ConsoleLogger |
Widget that captures and displays messages in a GUI.
ControllerMappings |
Reads inputListener mappings from a file
ControlsWindow |
CustomInterface |
Widget that displays custom objects on screen.
DatasetsWidget |
Widget which lists all detected catalogs and offers a way to select them.
DateDialog |
DebugGui |
This GUI shows debug information at the top-right corner of the screen
DebugInterface |
DownloadDataWindow |
Download manager.
FileNameWindow |
FocusInfoInterface |
Part of the user interface which holds the information on the current focus
object and on the camera.
FullGui |
Full OpenGL GUI with all the controls and whistles.
GaiaSkyContextMenu |
GameMouseKbdListener |
GenericDialog |
GSKeys |
GuiRegistry |
Manages the Graphical User Interfaces of Gaia Sky
HUDGui |
Head-up display GUI which only displays information and has no options
InitialGui |
Displays dataset downloader and dataset chooser screen if needed.
KeyBindings |
Contains the key mappings and the actions.
KeyframePreferencesWindow |
KeyframesWindow |
KeyInputController |
This input inputListener connects the input events with the key binding actions
LandAtWindow |
LoadingGui |
Displays the loading screen.
LogWindow |
MessageBean |
MessagesInterface |
Widget that displays big messages on screen.
MilkyWayMinimapScale |
MinimapWindow |
ModePopupInfo |
MouseKbdListener |
MusicActorsManager |
NaturalControllerListener |
NaturalMouseKbdListener |
Input listener for the natural camera.
NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener |
NetworkCheckerManager |
Holds the network checker entity.
NotificationsInterface |
Widget that captures and displays messages in a GUI.
PreferencesWindow |
The default preferences window.
QuitWindow |
Generic dialog that displays the confirmation quit message and offers options
to cancel it or go through.
RemoveActorThread |
RenderGui |
Only for frame output mode, it displays the current time.
RunStateInterface |
Contains elements which depend on the current state of the program, such as
the running scripts, the buttons to pause the camera subsystem, etc.
SearchDialog |
SpacecraftGui |
StereoGui |
Full OpenGL GUI with all the controls and whistles.
UpdatePopup |
Popup window that informs the user of new updates.
XBox360Mappings |
XBox 360 inputListener mappings