Class GuiRegistry

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GuiRegistry
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IObserver
    Manages the Graphical User Interfaces of Gaia Sky
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static IGui current
      Current GUI object
      static java.lang.Object guirenderlock
      Render lock object
      com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table modeChangeTable
      Mode change info popup
      static IGui previous
      Previous GUI object, if any
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GuiRegistry​(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin)
      One object to handle observer pattern
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void addProcessor​(IGui gui)
      Adds the stage of the given GUI to the processors in the input multiplexer
      static void change​(IGui gui)
      Switches the current GUI with the given one, updating the processors
      static void change​(IGui gui, IGui previous)
      Switches the current GUI with the given one, updating the processors.
      void dispose()  
      void notify​(Events event, java.lang.Object... data)  
      static void registerGui​(IGui gui)
      Registers a new GUI
      boolean removeModeChangePopup()  
      static void removeProcessor​(IGui gui)  
      static void render​(int rw, int rh)
      Renders the registered GUIs
      static void set​(IGui gui)
      Sets the given GUI as current
      static void setInputMultiplexer​(com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer im)  
      static void setPrevious​(IGui gui)
      Sets the given GUI as previous
      static boolean unregisterAll()
      Unregisters all GUIs
      static boolean unregisterGui​(IGui gui)
      Unregisters a GUI
      static void unset()
      Unsets the current GUI and sets it as previous
      static void unset​(IGui gui)
      Unsets the given GUI and sets it as previous
      static void update​(double dt)
      Updates the registered GUIs
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • guirenderlock

        public static java.lang.Object guirenderlock
        Render lock object
      • current

        public static IGui current
        Current GUI object
      • previous

        public static IGui previous
        Previous GUI object, if any
      • modeChangeTable

        public com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table modeChangeTable
        Mode change info popup
    • Constructor Detail

      • GuiRegistry

        public GuiRegistry​(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin)
        One object to handle observer pattern
    • Method Detail

      • setInputMultiplexer

        public static void setInputMultiplexer​(com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer im)
      • change

        public static void change​(IGui gui,
                                  IGui previous)
        Switches the current GUI with the given one, updating the processors. It also sets the previous GUI to the given value.
        gui - The new GUI
        previous - The new previous GUI
      • change

        public static void change​(IGui gui)
        Switches the current GUI with the given one, updating the processors
        gui - The new gui
      • unset

        public static void unset()
        Unsets the current GUI and sets it as previous
      • unset

        public static void unset​(IGui gui)
        Unsets the given GUI and sets it as previous
        gui - The GUI
      • set

        public static void set​(IGui gui)
        Sets the given GUI as current
        gui - The new GUI
      • setPrevious

        public static void setPrevious​(IGui gui)
        Sets the given GUI as previous
        gui - The new previous GUI
      • registerGui

        public static void registerGui​(IGui gui)
        Registers a new GUI
        gui - The GUI to register
      • unregisterGui

        public static boolean unregisterGui​(IGui gui)
        Unregisters a GUI
        gui - The GUI to unregister
        True if the GUI was unregistered
      • unregisterAll

        public static boolean unregisterAll()
        Unregisters all GUIs
        True if operation succeeded
      • render

        public static void render​(int rw,
                                  int rh)
        Renders the registered GUIs
        rw - The render width
        rh - The render height
      • addProcessor

        public static void addProcessor​(IGui gui)
        Adds the stage of the given GUI to the processors in the input multiplexer
        gui - The gui
      • removeProcessor

        public static void removeProcessor​(IGui gui)
      • update

        public static void update​(double dt)
        Updates the registered GUIs
        dt - The delta time in seconds
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • notify

        public void notify​(Events event,
                           java.lang.Object... data)
        Specified by:
        notify in interface IObserver
      • removeModeChangePopup

        public boolean removeModeChangePopup()