Class RotationComponent

  • public class RotationComponent
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides the information for the rotation of this body.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      double angle
      Current angle with respect to the rotationAxis in degrees.
      double angularVelocity
      Angular velocity [deg/hour] around the rotation axis.
      double ascendingNode
      The ascending node in degrees.
      double axialTilt
      Angle between equatorial plane and orbital plane in degrees.
      double inclination
      Angle between orbital plane and the ecliptic in degrees.
      double meridianAngle
      The meridian (hour) angle at the epoch J2000.0, in degrees
      double period
      The rotation period in hours.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      RotationComponent clone()  
      void setAngle​(java.lang.Double angle)  
      void setAscendingnode​(java.lang.Double an)
      Sets the ascending node.
      void setAxialtilt​(java.lang.Double f)
      Sets the axial tilt, the angle between the equatorial plane and the orbital plane.
      void setInclination​(java.lang.Double i)
      Sets the inclination, the angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane
      void setInclination​(java.lang.Long i)
      Sets the inclination, the angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane
      void setMeridianangle​(java.lang.Double ma)
      Sets the meridian angle.
      void setPeriod​(java.lang.Double rotationPeriod)
      Sets the rotation period.
      void update​(ITimeFrameProvider time)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • angularVelocity

        public double angularVelocity
        Angular velocity [deg/hour] around the rotation axis.
      • angle

        public double angle
        Current angle with respect to the rotationAxis in degrees.
      • period

        public double period
        The rotation period in hours.
      • axialTilt

        public double axialTilt
        Angle between equatorial plane and orbital plane in degrees.
      • inclination

        public double inclination
        Angle between orbital plane and the ecliptic in degrees.
      • ascendingNode

        public double ascendingNode
        The ascending node in degrees.
      • meridianAngle

        public double meridianAngle
        The meridian (hour) angle at the epoch J2000.0, in degrees
    • Constructor Detail

      • RotationComponent

        public RotationComponent()
    • Method Detail

      • setPeriod

        public void setPeriod​(java.lang.Double rotationPeriod)
        Sets the rotation period.
        rotationPeriod - The period in hours.
      • setAxialtilt

        public void setAxialtilt​(java.lang.Double f)
        Sets the axial tilt, the angle between the equatorial plane and the orbital plane.
        f - Angle in deg.
      • setAngle

        public void setAngle​(java.lang.Double angle)
      • setInclination

        public void setInclination​(java.lang.Double i)
        Sets the inclination, the angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane
        i - Inclination in deg.
      • setInclination

        public void setInclination​(java.lang.Long i)
        Sets the inclination, the angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane
        i - Inclination in deg.
      • setAscendingnode

        public void setAscendingnode​(java.lang.Double an)
        Sets the ascending node.
        an - Angle in deg.
      • setMeridianangle

        public void setMeridianangle​(java.lang.Double ma)
        Sets the meridian angle.
        ma - Angle in deg.
      • clone

        public RotationComponent clone()
        clone in class java.lang.Object