Class TimeMediator

  • public class TimeMediator
    extends java.lang.Object
    A small class to convert between GaiaTime/TCB and OBMT transparently. Needed for the attitude providers which support the retrieval of attitude in OBMT and GaiaTime/TCB.
    • Field Detail

      • converter

        protected gaia.cu9.ari.gaiaorbit.util.gaia.time.TimeMediator.TimeConverter converter
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeMediator

        public TimeMediator​(TimeContext nat,
                            TimeContext req)
        Construct a new TimeMediator with a given native and requestd time context
        nat - native time context
        req - requested time context
    • Method Detail

      • convert

        public long convert​(long t)
        Convert a given time.
        t - time [ns] to convert
        converted time
      • setTimeContext

        public void setTimeContext​(TimeContext nat,
                                   TimeContext req)
        Setup a converter according to a requested and native time context.
        nat - native time context
        req - requested time context
      • getTimeMediator

        public static TimeMediator getTimeMediator​(TimeContext nat,
                                                   TimeContext req)
        Get an applicable TimeMediator for a given combination of time contexts.
        nat - native time context
        req - requested time context