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A - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
A - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
abort() - Method in class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher.DaemonRefresher
Aborts only the current iteration
abort() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader.DaemonLoader
Aborts only the current iteration
abortCurrentLoading() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Tells the daemon to immediately stop the loading of octants and wait for new data
AboutWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
The help window with About, Help and System sections.
AboutWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.AboutWindow
absmag - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Absolute magnitude, m = -2.5 log10(flux), with the flux at 10 pc
absmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
absmagLabel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
A little helper class to hold a set of three angles and associated rates.
AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
AbstractCamera - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
AbstractCamera(CameraManager) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
AbstractCatalogLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.stars
Abstract catalog loader with the transformation from spherical to cartesian coordinates
AbstractCatalogLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
AbstractControllerMappings - Class in gaiasky.interfce
AbstractControllerMappings() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
AbstractGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Provides general methods and attributes that all GUIs should have
AbstractGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
AbstractMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
AbstractMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
AbstractOctreeWrapper - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper
Abstract Octree wrapper with the common parts of the regular Octree wrapper and the concurrent one.
AbstractOctreeWrapper() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
AbstractOctreeWrapper(String, OctreeNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
AbstractOrbitCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
AbstractOrbitCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
AbstractPositionEntity - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A base abstract graphical entity with the basics.
AbstractPositionEntity() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
AbstractPositionEntity(SceneGraphNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
AbstractPositionEntity(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
AbstractPositionEntity(String, SceneGraphNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
AbstractRenderer - Class in gaiasky.render
An abstract renderer.
AbstractRenderer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.AbstractRenderer
AbstractRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
AbstractRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
AbstractRenderSystem.RenderSystemRunnable - Interface in gaiasky.render.system
AbstractSceneGraph - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
AbstractSceneGraph() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
AbstractStarGroupDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
AbstractStarGroupDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
AbstractVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
AbstractVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
acc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
accel - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Acceleration and velocity
accel - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Force, acceleration and velocity
accelerometerMoved(Controller, int, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.MemInfoWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.RunCameraWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AboutWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ChooseCatalogWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetPreferencesWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DownloadDataWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FileNameWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
The accept function, if any
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframePreferencesWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LandAtWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.PreferencesWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.QuitWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SlaveConfigWindow
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.UpdatePopup
accept() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
accept(File) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.PathnameFilter
acceptButton - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
acceptDistance(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Checks whether to accept the distance
acceptParallax(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Checks whether the parallax is accepted or not.
accumblur - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
AccumulationBlur - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
A motion blur effect which draws the last frame with a lower opacity.
AccumulationBlur(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
AccumulationBlurFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Motion blur filter that draws the last frame (motion filter included) with a lower opacity.
AccumulationBlurFilter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
AccumulationBlurFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
ACES - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
acos(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
acos(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.ITrigonometry
acos(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
act(float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWindow
act(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
act(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
activate() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
activate() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IInputListener
activate() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
activate() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
activate() - Static method in class gaiasky.rest.RESTServer
activateRealTimeFrame() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
activateRealTimeFrame() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the current time frame to real time.
activateSimulationTimeFrame() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
activateSimulationTimeFrame() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the current time frame to simulation time.
activationTime - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
activeItemChanged(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu.ContextMenuListener
Called when active menu item (the highlighted one) has changed.
ActorUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
Actor related utils.
ActorUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ActorUtils
ACubemap(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.ACubemap
adaptiveParallax - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Whether to use an adaptive threshold which lets more bright stars in to avoid artifacts.
add(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Adds the given value to all three components of the vector.
add(double...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Adds the given vector to this component
add(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Adds the given components to this vector
add(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Adds the given vector to this component
add(long, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Convenience method to add a new GTI
add(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
add(Bits, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup...) - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Adds the given render groups to the given Bits mask
add(E) - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Inserts the specified element into this priority queue.
add(AbstractPositionEntity) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
add(AbstractPositionEntity, OctreeNode) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
add(SceneGraphNode...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Adds the given SceneGraphNode list as children to this node.
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
add(Duration) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
Add a duration to this one
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
add(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
add(Area) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
add(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
add(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
add(String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
Add a Property to the end of the CommentedProperties.
add(List<? extends SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Adds the given list of children as child nodes.
add(List<AbstractPositionEntity>, OctreeNode) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
add(K, V) - Method in class gaiasky.util.TwoWayHashmap
add(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
add(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
Add an item to the manager and transfer ownership to it
add(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Adds the given vector to this vector
add(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
add(T, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
Add an item to the manager, if own is true the manager will manage the resource's lifecycle
ADD_CUSTOM_IMAGE - gaiasky.event.Events
Adds or modifies a custom image.
ADD_CUSTOM_MESSAGE - gaiasky.event.Events
Adds or modifies a custom message.
ADD_CUSTOM_TEXT - gaiasky.event.Events
Adds or modifies a custom message.
ADD_GUI_COMPONENT - gaiasky.event.Events
Adds the gui component identified by the given name
addAll(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
addAll(Array<T>) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.UpdaterTask
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
addAmount(Vector3d, double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
addAsset(String, Class) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.AssetBean
addAsset(String, Class, AssetLoaderParameters) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.AssetBean
addChild(SceneGraphNode, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Adds a child to the given node and updates the number of children in this node and in all ancestors.
addChild(SceneGraphNode, boolean, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Adds a child to the given node and updates the number of children in this node and in all ancestors.
addChild(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Adds the specified node as the currently last child of this node.
addChildren(Iterable<T>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Adds the specified nodes as the currently last child of this node.
addChildrenToList(ArrayList<OctreeNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Adds all the children of this node and its descendants to the given list.
addColorToMat() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
addControlsWindow() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
addDataset(DatasetDesc) - Method in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetType
addDepthBufferUniforms(ExtShaderProgram, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
Uniforms needed to compute the logarithmic depth buffer.
addDirectionalLight(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
addEffect(PostProcessorEffect) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Adds the specified effect to the effect chain and transfer ownership to the PostProcessor, it will manage cleaning it up for you.
addEffectsUniforms(ExtShaderProgram, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
addFace(List<ModelCreator.IFace>, boolean, int...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
addFilter(CatalogFilter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
addFocusableObjects(Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Adds all the children that are focusable objects to the list.
addFocusableObjects(Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Adds all the children that are focusable objects to the list.
addFocusableObjects(Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Adds all the children that are focusable objects to the list.
addFocusableObjects(Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Adds all the children that are focusable objects to the list.
addForwardForce(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds a forward movement by the given amount.
addGravWaveUniforms(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
addHit(int, int, int, int, int, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
addHit(int, int, int, int, int, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Adds this focus to the hits list if it is hit by the [screenX, screenY] position
addHit(int, int, int, int, int, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
If we render the model, we set up a sphere at the object's position with its radius and check for intersections with the ray
addHit(int, int, int, int, int, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
addHit(int, int, int, int, int, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
addHit(int, int, int, int, int, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
addHit(Vector3d, Vector3d, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
addHit(Vector3d, Vector3d, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Adds this focus to the hits list if it is hit by the given ray
addHit(Vector3d, Vector3d, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
addHit(Vector3d, Vector3d, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
addHit(Vector3d, Vector3d, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
addHit(Vector3d, Vector3d, NaturalCamera, Array<IFocus>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
addHorizontal(double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds the given amount to camera horizontal rotation around the focus acceleration, or pan in free mode
addItem(MenuItem) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GaiaSkyContextMenu
addItem(MenuItem) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
additive - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
addKnot(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
addLine(ILineRenderable, double, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
addLine(ILineRenderable, double, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
addLine(ILineRenderable, double, double, double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
addLine(ILineRenderable, double, double, double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
addLine(String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
Add a comment or blank line or comment to the end of the CommentedProperties.
addLinePostproc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
addLinePostproc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
addLinePostproc(LineQuadRenderSystem.Line) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
addListener(VRDeviceListener) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Adds a VRDeviceListener to receive events
addLoadedInfo(long, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
addMapping(String, String...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ModePopupInfo
addMesh(IntModelMesh) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
addNoConnectionExit(Skin, Stage) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GuiUtils
addNoConnectionWindow(Skin, Stage) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GuiUtils
addNoConnectionWindow(Skin, Stage, Runnable) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GuiUtils
addNodeAuxiliaryInfo(SceneGraphNode) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
addNodeAuxiliaryInfo(SceneGraphNode) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Updates the string to node map and the star map if necessary.
addNodes(Array<SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
addNormals() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.RingCreator
addNoVRConnectionExit(Skin, Stage) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GuiUtils
addNoVRDataExit(Skin, Stage) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GuiUtils
addPanMovement(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds a pan movement to the camera.
addParticlesTo(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Adds all the particles of this node and its descendants to the given list.
addPitch(double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds the given amount to the camera pitch acceleration
addPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Adds a single point to the cloud
addPoint(ILineRenderable, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
addPoint(ILineRenderable, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
addPoint(IPointRenderable, double, double, double, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
addPoint(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Adds a single point o this point cloud
addPoint(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Adds the given point ot this data
addPoints(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Adds the given vector to the current points.
addPoints(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Adds the given points to this data
addPoints(ArrayList) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Same as PointCloudData.addPoints(double[]) but with an array list
addPolyline(String, double[], double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, double[], double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new polyline with the given name, points and color.
addPolyline(String, double[], double[], double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, double[], double[], double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new polyline with the given name, points, color and line width.
addPolyline(String, double[], double[], double, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, double[], double[], double, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new polyline with the given name, points, color, line width and primitive.
addPolyline(String, double[], double[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, double[], double[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, List, List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, List, List, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, List, List, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, List, List, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPolyline(String, List, List, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
addPostRunnables(AbstractRenderSystem.RenderSystemRunnable...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
addPreRunnables(AbstractRenderSystem.RenderSystemRunnable...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
addPressedKey(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
addPressedKey(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
addPreviousFrameUniforms(ExtShaderProgram, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
Uniforms needed for the velocity buffer
addProcessor(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Adds the stage of the given GUI to the processors in the input multiplexer
addRegion(String, Texture, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Adds a region to the atlas.
addRegion(String, TextureRegion) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Adds a region to the atlas.
addRelativisticUniforms(ExtShaderProgram, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
addRoll(double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds the given amount to the camera roll acceleration
addRotateMovement(double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds a rotation force to the camera.
addRule(FilterRule) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
addSeparator() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
addTab(String, Actor) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
addText(GlyphLayout, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Adds the specified glyphs.
addText(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Adds glyphs for the specified text.
addText(CharSequence, float, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Adds glyphs for the specified text.
addText(CharSequence, float, float, int, int, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Adds glyphs for the specified text.
addText(CharSequence, float, float, int, int, float, int, boolean, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Adds glyphs for the the specified text.
addToIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
addToIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Special actions to be taken for this object when adding to the index.
addToIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
addToIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
addToIndex(SceneGraphNode, ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
addToQueue(OctreeNode) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
addToQueue(OctreeNode...) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Adds a list of octants to the queue to be loaded
addToRender(IRenderable, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
addToRender(IRenderable, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
addToRender(IRenderable, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Adds the given renderable to the given render vgroup list
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Adds this entity to the necessary render lists after the distance to the camera and the view angle have been determined.
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.GenericSpacecraft
Adds this entity to the necessary render lists after the distance to the camera and the view angle have been determined.
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Polyline
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Adds this entity to the necessary render lists after the distance to the camera and the view angle have been determined.
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SphericalGrid
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
addToRenderLists(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
addToRenderLists(ICamera, OctreeNode) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
addToRenderLists(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
addTranslationTo(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
addUV(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
Implements the spherical UV mapping
addUV(Vector3, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.RingCreator
addUV(Set<Integer>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.OctahedronSphereCreator
Implements the spherical UV mapping
addVertex(Vector3, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.OctahedronSphereCreator
Adds a vertex and its UV mapping.
addVertex(Vector3, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.RingCreator
addVertical(double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds the given amount to camera vertical rotation around the focus acceleration, or pan in free mode
addVRScale(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
addYaw(double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Adds the given amount to the camera yaw acceleration
adjustOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Adjusts the spin phase (omega) and the number of spin revolutions (omegaRevs) so that 0 <= omega < 2*pi
advanceScanningTo(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Integrate the MSL forward in time by an arbitrary step.
afterGroup(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
afterGroups() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
alias - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
ALL - gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileChooserTarget
allPressed(int...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
Returns true if all keys are pressed
allPressed(int...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
Returns true if all keys are pressed
allSetLike(ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
Checks if all the t bits in this bit set are also set in other.
AllWirelessDongleDescriptions_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
alpha - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
alpha - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
alpha - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
alpha - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
alpha - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
alpha - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
Alpha - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
AlphaAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
alphas - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Alpha values for each type
alphas - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
alphaTest - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
ALT_L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
ALT_L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
ALT_R - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
altitude(Place) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Area
Determine the minimum angle between a great circle and the Area boundary
altitude(Place) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
altitude(Place) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
alwaysScroll - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
Whether scrolling requires the activeKey to be pressed (false) or always allow scrolling (true).
AMBIENT_LIGHT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
AMBIENT_LIGHT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a float with the intensity of the light between 0 and 1
ambientCube - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
ambientCubemap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
ambientLight - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
ambientTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
ambientTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
Anaglyphic - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Anaglyphic 3D red-cyan effect
Anaglyphic() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Anaglyphic
ANAGLYPHIC - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Red-cyan anaglyphic 3D mode
AnaglyphicFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
AnaglyphicFilter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter
AnaglyphicFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
This abstract class defines the fields and implements the methods that any analytically defined attitude (e.g., NSL or EPSL) need in addition to those in the superclass.
AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
and(GtiList) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
combine list with second list (logical AND) Return this List combined with second list
angle - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Current angle with respect to the rotationAxis in degrees.
angle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
angle(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Gets the angle in degrees between the two vectors
Angle(double, Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle
Angle(double, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle
ANGLE_LIMIT - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Threshold angle
angle2d(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Gets the angle in degrees between the two vectors
angleBase(double, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
Puts an angle in the base interval [ 0, nRev*2*PI )
angleEdgeRad - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Angle from the center to the corner of the screen in scene coordinates, in radians
anglePrecise(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Gets the angle in degrees between the two vectors
anglesRates - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
angularVelocity - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Angular velocity [deg/hour] around the rotation axis.
angularVelocity - Variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevicePose
the angular velocity in radians/s in tracker space
animations - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
animations - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
animations of the model, modifying node transformations
animations - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
animations of the model, modifying node transformations
antialiasing - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
Antialiasing - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Antialiasing() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Antialiasing
ANTIALIASING_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Anti aliasing changed, contains the new value for aa
ANY_KEY - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
anyPressed(int...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
Returns true if any of the keys are pressed
anyPressed(int...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
Returns true if any of the keys are pressed
aOrange - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
aOrangeC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Aperture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
APHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
APOSTROPHE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
APPLICATION_NAME_TITLE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
ApplicationMenu - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Bounce
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.BounceIn
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.BounceOut
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Elastic
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ElasticIn
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ElasticOut
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Exp
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ExpIn
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ExpOut
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Pow
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.PowIn
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.PowOut
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Swing
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.SwingIn
apply(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.SwingOut
apply(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
apply(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ITransform
apply(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotateTransform
apply(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ScaleTransform
apply(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.TranslateTransform
applyForce(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Applies the given force to this entity's acceleration
applyRelativisticAberration(Vector3d, ICamera) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
appmag - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Apparent magnitude, m = -2.5 log10(flux)
appmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
appmagLabel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
approximate(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
approximate(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
approximate(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
approximate(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Pathd
approximate(T, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
approximate(T, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
approximate(T, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
approximate(T, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
approxLength(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
approxLength(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
approxLength(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
approxLength(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Pathd
ar - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Aspect ratio
ArchiveViewWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
This window shows the Gaia Archive information for a single star
ArchiveViewWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
ARCMIN - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
ARCSEC - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
ARCSEC_PER_S_TO_DEG_PER_DAY - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Factor converting from arcsec/s to deg/day
ARCSEC_TO_DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Arcseconds to degrees
ARCSEC_TO_RAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Area - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Represents the outline of a country
Area - Interface in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Area() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
areSlaveConfigPropertiesPresent() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Checks whether the slave is configured directly in the properties file of Gaia Sky
argofpericenter - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Argument of perihelion in degrees.
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter.Parameter
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
arrayElementSize() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
arrayToStr(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
arrow(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
arrow(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an arrow
ascendingnode - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Longitude of the ascending node in degrees.
ascendingNode - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
The ascending node in degrees, should not be used, as it obviously causes the body to wobble.
ascent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The distance from the cap height to the top of the tallest glyph.
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asDays() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asDays() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asDays(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asDays(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asDays(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asDays(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asDays(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asDays(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asHours() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asHours() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asHours(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asHours(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asHours(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asHours(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asHours(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asHours(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asin(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
asin(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.ITrigonometry
asin(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asJulianYears() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asJulianYears() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asJulianYears(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asJulianYears(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asJulianYears(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asJulianYears(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asJulianYears(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asJulianYears(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asMins() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asMins() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asMins(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asMins(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asMins(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asMins(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asMins(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asMins(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asNanoSecs() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asNanoSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asNanoSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asNanoSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asNanoSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asNanoSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asNanoSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asNanoSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asRevs() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asRevs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asRevs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asRevs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asRevs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asRevs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asRevs(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asSecs() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asSecs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
asSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
asSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
asSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
asSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
asSecs(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
asSecs(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
AssetBean - Class in gaiasky.data
Utility class to hold the assets that must be loaded when the OpenGL context is present.
ASSETS_LOC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
Asteroids - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
AstroUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
Some astronomical goodies to get the position of the Sun, Moon, work out Julian dates, etc.
AstroUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
AstroUtilsTest - Class in gaiasky.util.test
Implements the same test as in Jean Meeus' Astronomical Algorithms page 343.
AstroUtilsTest() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.test.AstroUtilsTest
AT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
atan(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
atan(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.ITrigonometry
atan(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
atan2(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns atan2 in radians, faster but less accurate than Math.atan2.
atlasName - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
The name of the TextureAtlas to load the BitmapFont itself from.
AtlasRegion(Texture, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
AtlasRegion(TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
AtlasSprite(TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
AtlasSprite(TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
ATMOSPHERE - gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType
AtmosphereAttribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AtmosphereAttribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
AtmosphereAttribute(long, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
AtmosphereComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
AtmosphereComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
Atmospheres - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
AtmosphereShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AtmosphereShader(IntRenderable, AtmosphereShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
AtmosphereShader(IntRenderable, AtmosphereShader.Config, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
AtmosphereShader(IntRenderable, AtmosphereShader.Config, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
AtmosphereShader(IntRenderable, AtmosphereShader.Config, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
AtmosphereShader.Config - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AtmosphereShader.Inputs - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AtmosphereShader.Setters - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AtmosphereShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AtmosphereShaderProvider(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShaderProvider
AtmosphereShaderProvider(AtmosphereShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShaderProvider
AtmosphereShaderProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShaderProvider
AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader<T extends AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader.AtmosphereShaderProviderParameter> - Class in gaiasky.assets
AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader
AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader.AtmosphereShaderProviderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
AtmosphereShaderProviderParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader.AtmosphereShaderProviderParameter
AttachedDeviceId_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
attachTo(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Adds this node as child to specified parent Node, synonym for: parent.addChild(this)
attitude - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
Attitude - Interface in gaiasky.util.gaia
This is the basic interface for all attitude representations and scanning laws.
AttitudeConverter - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Convert a given set of heliotropic angles into a quaternion
AttitudeConverter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeConverter
AttitudeIntervalBean - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
A bean that holds the attitude and its activation time.
AttitudeIntervalBean(String, Date, BaseAttitudeDataServer, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
AttitudeUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Class with static utility methods to deal with B-splines.
AttitudeUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
AttitudeUtils.KnotsAndSplines - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Utility class for manipulating knots and splines together
AttitudeXmlParser - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Parses the XML files with the attitudes and their activaton times into a binary search tree.
AttitudeXmlParser() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeXmlParser
attitudeZAxisToFile(GaiaAttitudeWriter.OutputType) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.GaiaAttitudeWriter
attr - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.AttributeComboBoxBean
AttributeAbsmag - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeAbsmag() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAbsmag
AttributeAppmag - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeAppmag() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAppmag
AttributeComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
AttributeComboBoxBean(IAttribute) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.AttributeComboBoxBean
AttributeDEC - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeDEC() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDEC
AttributeDistance - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeDistance() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDistance
AttributeEclLatitude - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeEclLatitude() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLatitude
AttributeEclLongitude - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeEclLongitude() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLongitude
AttributeGalLatitude - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeGalLatitude() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLatitude
AttributeGalLongitude - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeGalLongitude() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLongitude
AttributeMualpha - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeMualpha() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMualpha
AttributeMudelta - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeMudelta() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMudelta
AttributeRA - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeRA() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRA
AttributeRadvel - Class in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
AttributeRadvel() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRadvel
attributes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMesh
attributesMask - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
The attributes that this shader supports
attributesMask - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
The attributes that this shader supports
AU - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
Astronomical units
AU_TO_KM - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Astronomical units to kilometres
AU_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
AU to local units conversion.
AudioFirmwareVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
AUTHOR_AFFILIATION - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
AUTHOR_EMAIL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
AUTHOR_NAME - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
AUTO - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
AUTO_FRAME_OUTPUT_CAMERA_PLAY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
Automatically activate frame output system when playing camera file
aux - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
aux1 - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
aux1 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.IAttribute
aux2 - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
aux2 - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
aux2 - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
aux2 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.IAttribute
aux2d1 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
aux2d2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
aux3 - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
aux3d1 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
aux3d1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3d2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
aux3d2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3d3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3d4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3f1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3f2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3f3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
aux3f4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
auxd - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
available() - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
AvgLuma - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
Axes - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Representation of axes
Axes - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
Axes() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
axialTilt - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Angle between equatorial plane and orbital plane in degrees.
AXIS_MOVE - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
AXIS_PITCH - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
AXIS_ROLL - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
AXIS_VEL_DOWN - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
AXIS_VEL_UP - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
AXIS_YAW - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
Axis0 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
Axis0 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
Axis0Type_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Axis1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
Axis1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
Axis1Type_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Axis2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
Axis2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
Axis2Type_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Axis3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
Axis3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
Axis3Type_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Axis4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
Axis4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
Axis4Type_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
axisMoved(Controller, int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
axisMoved(VRContext.VRDevice, int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
axisMoved(VRContext.VRDevice, int, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
An axis from VRContext.VRControllerAxes was moved on the VRContext.VRDevice


b() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Galactic latitude in degrees.
B - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
B - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
B0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
B1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
B2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
B3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
B4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
B5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
Back - gaiasky.util.math.Planed.PlaneSide
BACK - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
BACKBUFFER_HEIGHT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
BACKBUFFER_SCALE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
BACKBUFFER_WIDTH - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
BackbufferScale - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
background - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle
background - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator.SeparatorStyle
BACKGROUND_LOADING_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Empty event which informs that background loading is active
BackgroundModel - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A model which renders as a background, unaffected by the camera.
BackgroundModel() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
BACKSLASH - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
BACKSPACE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
base - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
BaseAttitudeDataServer<A extends Attitude> - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Common base class for all attitude data servers.
BaseAttitudeDataServer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
baseData - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
baseIntensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
baseIntensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
baseIntensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
BaseIntShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
BaseIntShader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
BaseIntShader.GlobalSetter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
BaseIntShader.LocalSetter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
BaseIntShader.Setter - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
BaseIntShader.Uniform - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
BaseIntShader.Validator - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
BaseIntShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider
BaseIntShaderProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.BaseIntShaderProvider
BasePath - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ShaderLoader
baseSaturation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
baseSaturation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
baseSaturation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
BaseStation - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceType
a camera/base station tracking the HMD and/or controllers
baseUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
basic() - Method in annotation type gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite.ParamMetaData
BASICANGLE_DEGREE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Basic angle, i.e., the angle between FoV2 (following FoV) and FoV1 (preceding FoV).
BasicFileImageRenderer - Class in gaiasky.screenshot
Renders image files synchronously.
BasicFileImageRenderer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.screenshot.BasicFileImageRenderer
beforeGroup(int, Array<Decal>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
beforeGroups() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
beforeRenderToScreen() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorListener
begin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Ensures the initial buffer state is always the same before starting ping-ponging.
begin() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets up the Batch for drawing.
begin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
begin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Begin building a new model
begin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Makes OpenGL ES 2.0 use this vertex and fragment shader pair.
begin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Makes OpenGL ES 2.0 use this vertex and fragment shader pair.
begin() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Start rendering.
begin(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Begin building a mesh.
begin(long, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Begin building a mesh.
begin(Camera) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Start rendering one or more IntRenderables.
begin(Camera, RenderContext) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
begin(Camera, RenderContext) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
begin(Camera, RenderContext) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
begin(Camera, RenderContext) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
begin(Camera, RenderContext) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.IntShader
Initializes the context for exclusive rendering by this shader.
begin(VertexAttributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Begin building a mesh.
begin(VertexAttributes, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Begin building a mesh
bernoulli() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random boolean from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability 1/2.
bernoulli(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random boolean from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p.
beta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Ecliptic latitude in degrees.
beta(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a beta distribution with parameters α and β.
bias - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
Bias - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Bias filter.
Bias - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias.Param
Bias() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias
Bias.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
bigEndian - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
Indicates whether the image read was in big endian, or indicates whether to write the image in big endian.
Billboard - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Billboard() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
BILLBOARD_GAL - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
IntShader - galaxies
BILLBOARD_SPRITE - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Regular billboard sprite
BILLBOARD_SSO - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
IntShader - front (planets, satellites...)
BILLBOARD_STAR - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
IntShader - stars
BILLBOARD_TEX - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Billboard with custom texture
BillboardGalaxy - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Renders billboard galaxies with no texture, just blobs
BillboardGalaxy() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
BillboardGalaxy(String, String, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
BillboardSpriteRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
BillboardSpriteRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardSpriteRenderSystem
Creates a new billboard quad render component
BillboardSpriteRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], int, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardSpriteRenderSystem
BillboardStarRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
BillboardStarRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], String, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardStarRenderSystem
Creates a new billboard quad render component.
BillboardStarRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], String, int, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardStarRenderSystem
BinaryDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
Reads arrays of star beans from binary files, usually to go in an octree.
BinaryDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
BinarySearchTree - Class in gaiasky.util
Implements an unbalanced binary search tree.
BinarySearchTree() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Construct the tree.
bind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Binds this IntIndexArray for rendering with glDrawElements.
bind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Binds this IntIndexBufferObject for rendering with glDrawElements.
bind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Binds this IntIndexBufferObject for rendering with glDrawElements.
bind() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Binds this IntIndexBufferObject for rendering with glDrawElements.
bind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Binds the underlying VertexBufferObject and IntIndexBufferObject if indices where given.
bind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Binds this VertexData for rendering via glDrawArrays or glDrawElements.
bind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
bind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Binds this VertexBufferObject for rendering via glDrawArrays or glDrawElements
bind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Binds this VertexBufferObject for rendering via glDrawArrays or glDrawElements
bind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
Binds this VertexBufferObject for rendering via glDrawArrays or glDrawElements
bind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Binds the underlying VertexBufferObject and IntIndexBufferObject if indices where given.
bind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Binds this VertexData for rendering via glDrawArrays or glDrawElements.
bind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
bind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
bind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
bind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
bindLights(IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
bindMaterial(Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
bindMaterial(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
binormal - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
BINORMAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for binormal attribute
BINORMAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for binormal attribute
BitmapFont - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Renders bitmap fonts.
BitmapFont() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont using the default 15pt Arial font included in the libgdx JAR file.
BitmapFont(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont using the default 15pt Arial font included in the libgdx JAR file.
BitmapFont(FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont from a BMFont file.
BitmapFont(FileHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont from a BMFont file.
BitmapFont(FileHandle, FileHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont from a BMFont file, using the specified image for glyphs.
BitmapFont(FileHandle, FileHandle, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont from a BMFont file, using the specified image for glyphs.
BitmapFont(FileHandle, TextureRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont with the glyphs relative to the specified region.
BitmapFont(FileHandle, TextureRegion, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a BitmapFont with the glyphs relative to the specified region.
BitmapFont(BitmapFont.BitmapFontData, Array<TextureRegion>, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Constructs a new BitmapFont from the given BitmapFont.BitmapFontData and array of TextureRegion.
BitmapFont(BitmapFont.BitmapFontData, TextureRegion, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Constructs a new BitmapFont from the given BitmapFont.BitmapFontData and TextureRegion.
BitmapFont.BitmapFontData - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Backing data for a BitmapFont.
BitmapFont.Glyph - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Represents a single character in a font page.
BitmapFontCache - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Caches glyph geometry for a BitmapFont, providing a fast way to render static text.
BitmapFontCache(BitmapFont) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
BitmapFontCache(BitmapFont, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
bitmapFontData - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
optional BitmapFont.BitmapFontData to be used instead of loading the Texture directly.
BitmapFontData() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Creates an empty BitmapFontData for configuration before calling BitmapFont.BitmapFontData.load(FileHandle, boolean), to subclass, or to populate yourself, e.g.
BitmapFontData(FileHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
BitmapFontLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
AssetLoader for BitmapFont instances.
BitmapFontLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader
BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
Parameter to be passed to AssetManager.load(String, Class, AssetLoaderParameters) if additional configuration is necessary for the BitmapFont.
BitmapFontParameter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
BKDRHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
blankLineScale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Multiplier for the line height of blank lines.
blend - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
blend - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
blend() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
blend() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPointRenderable
blend() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Blend - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
BlendState - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
blf - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Contains the bottom-left-front position of the octant
BlockServerShutdown_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
bloom - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
Bloom - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Bloom(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
BLOOM_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the intensity value between 0 and 1 and a boolean for whether it comes from the interface
Bloom.Settings - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
bloomIntensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
bloomSaturation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
bloomThreshold - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
Blur - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Blur(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
Blur.BlurType - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
blurAmount - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
blurAmount - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
blurAmount - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
BlurDiv - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
BlurMaxSamples - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
BlurOpacity - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
blurPasses - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
blurPasses - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
blurPasses - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
BlurRadius - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
BlurScale - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
blurType - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
blurType - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
blurType - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
boardcastCamera(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
Broadcasts the given camera state to all the slaves
boardcastCameraAndTime(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
Broadcasts the given camera state and time to all the slaves
body - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
bodyBackground - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
bones - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
The bone transformations used for skinning, or null if not applicable.
bones - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
The current transformation (relative to the bind pose) of each bone, may be null.
bones - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
bones - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.Bones
Bones(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.Bones
BONEWEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for boneweight attribute
BONEWEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for boneweight attribute
border - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle
bottom - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
BOTTOM_CENTER - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Indices for NinePatch(TextureRegion...) constructor
BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
bounce - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Bounce(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Bounce
Bounce(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Bounce
bounceIn - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
BounceIn(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.BounceIn
BounceIn(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.BounceIn
bounceOut - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
BounceOut(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.BounceOut
BounceOut(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.BounceOut
Boundaries - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
BoundingBoxd - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Encapsulates an axis aligned bounding box represented by a minimum and a maximum Vector.
BoundingBoxd() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Constructs a new bounding box with the minimum and maximum vector set to zeros.
BoundingBoxd(BoundingBoxd) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Constructs a new bounding box from the given bounding box.
BoundingBoxd(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Constructs the new bounding box using the given minimum and maximum vector.
boundsInFrustum(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given bounding box is in the frustum.
boundsInFrustum(BoundingBoxd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given BoundingBoxd is in the frustum.
boundsInFrustum(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given bounding box is in the frustum.
box - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
The bounding box
box(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
box(float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a box with the specified dimensions.
box(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
box(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a box at the specified location, with the specified dimensions
box(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
box(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a box given the matrix.
box(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
box(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a box.
box(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
box(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a box.
BPHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
breakChars - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Additional characters besides whitespace where text is wrapped.
breakLine() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
breakLine() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
Breaks current line of points
brighten(float[], float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Returns a copy of the RGB colour brightened up by the given amount
BrightestStars - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
BrightestStars(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStars
Constructor using fields
BrightestStarsSimple - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
BrightestStarsSimple(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStarsSimple
Constructor using fields
Brightness - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
Brightness(double, Quantity.Brightness.BrightnessUnit) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Brightness
Brightness(double, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Brightness
BRIGHTNESS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the brightness level (float) in [-1..1] and an optional boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface
BSplined<T extends Vectord<T>> - Class in gaiasky.util.math
BSplined() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
BSplined(T[], int, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
BufferedFileImageRenderer - Class in gaiasky.screenshot
Buffers the writing of images to disk.
BufferedFileImageRenderer(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.screenshot.BufferedFileImageRenderer
BufferedFrame - Class in gaiasky.render
BufferedFrame() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.BufferedFrame
BufferedFrame(Pixmap, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.BufferedFrame
bufferId - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
build - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
build() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.MemInfoWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.RunCameraWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AboutWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ChooseCatalogWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetPreferencesWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DownloadDataWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FileNameWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Build the content here
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframePreferencesWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LandAtWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.PreferencesWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.QuitWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SlaveConfigWindow
build() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.UpdatePopup
build() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
buildCatalogFiles() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetsWidget
buildDatasetsDescriptor(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptorUtils
buildDatasetsWidget(Array<FileHandle>) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetsWidget
buildDatasetsWidget(Array<FileHandle>, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetsWidget
buildEnabledEffectsList() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
builder - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
buildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
buildSuper() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
buildtime - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleEffectsRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleGroupRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarGroupRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarPointRenderSystem
buildVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
bulgeData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
bulgesource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
bundle - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.I18n
button - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
The current (first) button being pressed.
BUTTON_DOWN - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
BUTTON_MODE_TOGGLE - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
BUTTON_UP - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
BUTTON_VEL_DOWN - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
BUTTON_VEL_MULT_HALF - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
BUTTON_VEL_MULT_TENTH - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
BUTTON_VEL_UP - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
button3d - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
button3dtv - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
buttonAnaglyph - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
buttonCrosseye - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
buttonCubemap - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
buttonDome - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
buttonDown(Controller, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
buttonGroup - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
buttonMap - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisibilityComponent
buttonMaster - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
buttonPressed(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
buttonPressed(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
A button from VRContext.VRControllerButtons was pressed on the VRContext.VRDevice
buttonReleased(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
buttonReleased(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
A button from VRContext.VRControllerButtons was released on the VRContext.VRDevice
buttonTouched(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
buttonTouched(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
A button from VRContext.VRControllerButtons was touched on the VRContext.VRDevice
buttonUntouched(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
buttonUntouched(VRContext.VRDevice, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
A button from VRContext.VRControllerButtons was untouched on the VRContext.VRDevice
buttonUp(Controller, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
buttonVR - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
BVtoRGB(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts the color index B-V to RGB model.
ByteBufferInputStream - Class in gaiasky.util.io
An InputStream whose source is a ByteBuffer.
ByteBufferInputStream() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
ByteBufferInputStream(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
Creates a stream with a new non-direct buffer of the specified size.
ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
Creates an uninitialized stream that cannot be used until ByteBufferInputStream.setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) is called.


C - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
C - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Speed of light in m/s
C_KMH - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Speed of light in km/h
C_US - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Speed of light in internal units per second
C1 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
C2 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
C3 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
C4 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
cache - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
cache - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.ModelCache
Model cache
calcAngles() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Internal conversion from direction to (alpha, delta)
calcBsplines(long, long[], int, int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Returns the values and first derivatives of the four non-zero cubic B-splines in the interval tau(left) <= x < tau(left+1)
calcOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Calculates omega and omegaRevs from deltaOmega, t, scanPerNs.
calcSNom(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NslUtil
Calculates the nominal speed of the z axis in solar motion units, as function of the precession rate precRate [rev/yr] and the solar aspect angle xi [rad].
calculate(T, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
Calculates the catmullrom value for the given position (t).
calculate(T, double, T[], int, boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the n-degree b-spline value for the given position (t).
calculate(T, int, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
Calculates the catmullrom value for the given span (i) at the given position (u).
calculate(T, int, double, T[], int, boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the n-degree b-spline value for the given span (i) at the given position (u).
calculateBoneTransforms(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
calculateBoundingBox() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the BoundingBox of the vertices contained in this mesh.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the BoundingBox of the vertices contained in this mesh.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Calculate the bounding box of this model instance.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Calculate the bounding box of this model instance.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Calculate the bounding box of this Node.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Calculate the bounding box of this Node.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculate the BoundingBox of the specified part.
calculateBoundingBox(BoundingBox, int, int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculate the BoundingBox of the specified part.
calculateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Calculates the local transform based on the translation, scale and rotation
calculateRadius(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the squared radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateRadius(float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the squared radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateRadius(float, float, float, int, int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateRadius(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the squared radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateRadius(Vector3, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the squared radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateRadius(Vector3, int, int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the squared radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateRadiusSquared(float, float, float, int, int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Calculates the squared radius of the bounding sphere around the specified center for the specified part.
calculateTransforms() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Calculates the local and world transform of all Node instances in this model, recursively.
calculateTransforms() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Calculates the local and world transform of all IntNode instances in this model, recursively.
calculateTransforms(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Calculates the local and world transform of this node and optionally all its children.
calculateWorldTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Calculates the world transform; the product of local transform and the parent's world transform.
call() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.UpdaterTask
CALL - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
CallbackValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
CallbackValidator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
CallbackValidator(IValidator) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
CallbackValidator(Runnable, Runnable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
cam - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
cam - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
CAM_FAR - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Camera far value
CAM_NEAR - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Camera near value
camblur - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
camc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
camd - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
The main camera
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
camera - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
CAMERA - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
CAMERA_CENTER - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes the turn of the camera in focus mode
CAMERA_CENTER_FOCUS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the 'diverted' attribute of the camera.
CAMERA_CINEMATIC_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a boolean with the cinematic mode state (on/off) and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
CAMERA_CLOSEST_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Broadcasts the overall closest (in [0]), the closest non-star body (in [1]) and the closest star (in [2]) to this camera.
CAMERA_DIR_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a double[] with the new direction
CAMERA_FOV - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
CAMERA_FWD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the value between 0 and 1
CAMERA_K - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Logarithmic depth buffer constant.
CAMERA_MODE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new CameraMode object
CAMERA_MOTION_UPDATED - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs of a new camera state.
CAMERA_PAN - gaiasky.event.Events
CAMERA_PLAY_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs that the camera has started or stopped playing.
CAMERA_POS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a double[] with the new position
CAMERA_PROJECTION_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Update camera position, direction and up vectors all at once.
CAMERA_REC_TARGET_FPS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The target FPS when recording the camera
CAMERA_ROLL - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the roll value between -1 and 1
CAMERA_ROTATE - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the deltaX and deltaY between -1 and 1
CAMERA_SPEED - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
CAMERA_SPEED_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new camera speed
CAMERA_SPEED_LIMIT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
CAMERA_SPEED_LIMIT_IDX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
CAMERA_STOP - gaiasky.event.Events
Stops the camera motion
CAMERA_TURN - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the deltaX and deltaY between -1 and 1
CAMERA_UP_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a double[] with the new up vector
CameraBlur - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Camera blur that relies on a precomputed velocity map for the scene
CameraBlur() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
CameraBlur.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
cameraCenter() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraCenter() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Centers the camera to the focus, removing any deviation of the line of sight.
CameraComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
CameraComboBoxBean(String, CameraManager.CameraMode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.CameraComboBoxBean
CameraCompatibilityMode_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
CameraComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
CameraComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
cameraDirection - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraDirection - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraDirection - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
cameraDirection - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
CameraFirmwareDescription_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
CameraFirmwareVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
cameraForward(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraForward(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a forward movement to the camera with the given value.
cameraForward(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraFov - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
CameraGroupStrategy - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals
Minimalistic grouping strategy that splits decals into opaque and transparent ones enabling and disabling blending as needed.
CameraGroupStrategy(Camera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
CameraGroupStrategy(Camera, Comparator<Decal>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
cameraHeight - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraHeight - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraHeight - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
cameraHeight - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
CameraHeight - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
cameraHeight2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraHeight2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraHeight2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
cameraHeight2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
CameraHeight2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
CameraHeight2Alias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
CameraHeightAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
cameraK - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraK - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraK - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
cameraK - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
CameraKeyframeManager - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util.camera
CameraKeyframeManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
CameraKeyframeManager.PathType - Enum in gaiasky.desktop.util.camera
CameraManager - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
CameraManager(AssetManager, CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
CameraManager.CameraMode - Enum in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
Convenience enum to describe the camera mode
cameraMode - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
CameraMotion - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
CameraMotion(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
CameraMotion(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
cameraNearFar - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraNearFar - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraNearFar - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
cameraNearFar - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
cameraPitch(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraPitch(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a pitch to the camera.
cameraPitch(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
cameraPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
CameraPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
CameraPosAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
cameraPosition - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraPosition - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraPosition - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
cameraPosition - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
cameraRoll(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraRoll(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a roll force to the camera.
cameraRoll(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraRotate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraRotate(double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a rotation movement to the camera around the current focus, or a pitch/yaw if in free mode.
cameraRotate(double, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraRotate(long, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameras - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Vector with all perspective cameras
cameraSpeed - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
cameraSpeedLimit - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
cameraStop() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraStop() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Stops all camera motion.
cameraTransition(double[], double[], double[], double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTransition(double[], double[], double[], double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Creates a smooth transition from the current camera state to the given camera state {camPos, camDir, camUp} in the given number of seconds.
cameraTransition(double[], double[], double[], double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTransition(double[], double[], double[], double, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Creates a smooth transition from the current camera state to the given camera state {camPos, camDir, camUp} in the given number of seconds.
cameraTransition(double[], double[], double[], long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTransition(List, List, List, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTransition(List, List, List, double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTransition(List, List, List, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTransition(List, List, List, long, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTurn(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTurn(double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a turn force to the camera (yaw and/or pitch).
cameraTurn(double, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTurn(long, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraTurn(long, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraUp - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
cameraUp - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
cameraUp - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
cameraUp - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
CameraUp - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
CameraUpAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
cameraUpdate(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Does the camera math in higher precision Matrix4d objects and then down-casts the results into the perspective camera
CameraUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.camera
Contains camera utilities/
CameraUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.camera.CameraUtils
cameraYaw(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cameraYaw(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a yaw to the camera.
cameraYaw(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
camLeft - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Stereoscopic mode cameras
camName - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
camOrientProjection(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Does a pre-transformation to the camera to orient it using the given yaw, pitch and roll angles.
camp - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
camPos - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
CamRecorder - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util.camera
Contains the logic to record the camera state at each frame.
CamRecorder() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder
CamRecorder.RecorderState - Enum in gaiasky.desktop.util.camera
camRight - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Stereoscopic mode cameras
camVel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.MemInfoWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.RunCameraWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AboutWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ChooseCatalogWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetPreferencesWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DownloadDataWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FileNameWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
The cancel function, if any
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframePreferencesWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LandAtWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.PreferencesWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.QuitWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SlaveConfigWindow
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.UpdatePopup
cancel() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
cancelButton - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
Removes the focus from this Gui and returns true if the focus was in the GUI, false otherwise.
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Removes the focus from this GUI and returns true if the focus was in the GUI, false otherwise.
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
Removes the focus from this Gui and returns true if the focus was in the GUI, false otherwise.
cancelTouchFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
candidates - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetsWidget
canRender(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
canRender(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
canRender(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
canRender(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
canRender(IntRenderable) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.IntShader
Checks whether this shader is intended to render the IntRenderable.
canRender(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
canSelect() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
capacity - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
capChars - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
capHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The distance from the top of most uppercase characters to the baseline.
capitalise(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
Returns the given string with the first letter capitalised
capLabelWidth(Label, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
capString(String, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
capString(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
capsule(float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
capsule(float, float, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a capsule
capture() - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
capture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Starts capturing the scene, clears the buffer with the clear color specified by PostProcessor.setClearColor(Color) or PostProcessor.setClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a).
capture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Starts and/or continue ping-ponging, begin capturing on the next available buffer, returns the result of the previous PingPongBuffer.capture() call.
captured() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
After a capture/captureEnd action, returns the just captured buffer
captureEnd() - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
captureEnd() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Stops capturing the scene and returns the result, or null if nothing was captured.
captureNoClear() - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
captureNoClear() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Starts capturing the scene as PostProcessor.capture(), but without clearing the screen.
cartesianToSpherical(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Converts from Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.
CATALOG_ADD - gaiasky.event.Events
A new catalog has been loaded.
CATALOG_HIGHLIGHT - gaiasky.event.Events
Highlight the catalog.
CATALOG_JSON_FILES - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
The json file with the catalogue(s) to load
CATALOG_REMOVE - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes the catalog identified by the given string name
CATALOG_VISIBLE - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the visibilty of a catalog given its name and an optional boolean if it comes from the UI
CatalogFilter - Interface in gaiasky.data.stars
Interface for catalog filters for celestial bodies
catalogInfo - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Information on the catalog this fade node represents (particle vgroup, octree, etc.)
CatalogInfo - Class in gaiasky.util
CatalogInfo(String, String, String, CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType, float, FadeNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType - Enum in gaiasky.util
CatalogManager - Class in gaiasky.util
catalogSource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Source of this star: -1: Unknown 1: Gaia 2: Hipparcos (HYG) 3: Tycho
CatmullRomSplined<T extends Vectord<T>> - Class in gaiasky.util.math
CatmullRomSplined() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
CatmullRomSplined(T[], boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
cauchy() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from the Cauchy distribution.
cbDisabled - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
cbs - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetsWidget
cc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Base color
ccMax - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Mapping colors
ccMin - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Mapping colors
ccPale - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Red, green and blue colors and their revamped cousins
ccTransit - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Colour for stars that have been observed by Gaia
cdw - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
CelestialBody - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Represents any celestial body.
CelestialBody() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Simple constructor
CelestialBodyComparator - Class in gaiasky.util.comp
CelestialBodyComparator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.comp.CelestialBodyComparator
center - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
center - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The offset to the center of the bounding box of the shape, only valid after the call to IntMeshPart.update().
CENTER - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
CenterX - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
CenterY - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
centre - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
The centre of this octant
change(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Switches the current GUI with the given one, updating the processors
change(IGui, IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Switches the current GUI with the given one, updating the processors.
changed(ChangeListener.ChangeEvent, Actor) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabSelectionChangeListener
check - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
checkBudgie() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
checkClickDistance(int, int, Vector3, NaturalCamera, PerspectiveCamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
checkClickDistance(int, int, Vector3, NaturalCamera, PerspectiveCamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
checkClickDistance(int, int, Vector3, NaturalCamera, PerspectiveCamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
checkClickDistance(int, int, Vector3, NaturalCamera, PerspectiveCamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
checkClosestBody(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
checkClosestBody(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
checkClosestBody(IFocus) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Called after updating the body's distance to the cam, it updates the closest body in the camera to figure out the camera near
checkClosestBody(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
checkClosestStar(IStarFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
checkClosestStar(IStarFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
checkClosestStar(IStarFocus) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Sets the current closest star to this camera.
checkedFontColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
checkedOverFontColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
checkField(TextField, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DateDialog
Returns true if all is good
checkFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Checks the position of the camera does not collide with the focus object.
checkGnome() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
checkHitCondition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
checkHitCondition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
checkI3() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
checkIntersectRaySpehre(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
checkIntersectRaySpehre(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
checkIntersectRaySpehre(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
checkIntersectSegmentSphere(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
checkKDE() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
checkLinuxDesktop(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
checkString(String, ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
ChecksumRunnable - Interface in gaiasky.util
checkUnity() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
checkXfce() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
childCount - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
children - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
List of children entities.
children - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
children - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Children nodes
childrenCount - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Number of children nodes of this node
ChooseCatalogWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
GUI window to choose the catalog to use
ChooseCatalogWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ChooseCatalogWindow
ChooseCatalogWindow(Stage, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ChooseCatalogWindow
ChromaticAberrations - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.RgbMode
ChromaticDispersion - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
cinematic - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
CINEMATIC_CAMERA - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
circle - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
circle(float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
CircleArea - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
A circular area about a centre c (which is defined by a Place object), and radius r.
CircleArea(Place, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
Creates an instance of a CircleArea about a given centre and radius.
circleIn - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
circleOut - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
clamp(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
clamp(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
clamp(double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Clamps this vector's length to given min and max values
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
clamp(short, short, short) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Clears all data
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Removes all of the elements from this priority queue.
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Clears the data from this object, both in RAM and VRAM
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
clear() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Removes all glyphs in the cache.
CLEAR - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
CLEAR_HEADLINE_MESSAGE - gaiasky.event.Events
Clears the headline message
CLEAR_MESSAGES - gaiasky.event.Events
Clears all messages in the message interface
CLEAR_SUBHEAD_MESSAGE - gaiasky.event.Events
Clears the subhead message
clearAllMeshes(Application) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Will clear the managed mesh cache.
clearAllMessages() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
clearAllMessages() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Clears both the subhead and the headline messages.
clearAllShaderPrograms(Application) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
clearAllShaderPrograms(Application) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
clearGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
clearHeadlineMessage() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
clearHeadlineMessage() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Clears the headline messge.
clearLists() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
This must be called when all the rendering for the current frame has finished.
clearMeshData(int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
Clears the mesh data at the index i
clearOrientations() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
clearQueue() - Static method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Clears the current load queue
clearSubheadMessage() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
clearSubheadMessage() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Clears the subhead message
clearSubscriptions(Events) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Unregisters all the listeners for the specified message code.
clearText() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
clearVelocityVR() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Clears the velocityVR vector
clipSpacePlanePoints - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
clipSpacePlanePointsArray - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
clone() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
closedLoop - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Whether to close the polyline (connect end point to start point) or not
closest - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
closestBody - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Closest non-star body to the camera
closestStar - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
The closest star to the camera
cloud - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
CLOUD - gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType
CloudComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
CloudComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
Clouds - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
cloudtrans - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
cloudtransUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
cloudUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
clr() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Sets the minimum and maximum vector to zeros.
Clusters - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
CM - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
col() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
COL - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
collapse() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
COLLAPSE_PANE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Collapses a GUI pane.
collapseGuiComponent(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
collapseGuiComponent(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Collapses the component with the given name.
collapseInstant() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
collapsePane() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
collapseSpeed - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
Collapse speed in pixels per second
collapseSpeed - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
Collapse speed in pixels per second
CollapsiblePane - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A collapsible pane with a detach-to-window button.
CollapsiblePane(Stage, String, Actor, Skin, boolean, String, Actor...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
Creates a collapsible pane.
CollapsiblePane(Stage, String, Actor, Skin, String, String, String, boolean, String, Actor...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
Creates a collapsible pane.
CollapsibleWindow - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A CollapsableWindow can be expanded/collapsed with a single click on the title bar.
CollapsibleWindow(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
CollapsibleWindow(String, Skin, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
CollapsibleWindow(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
CollapsibleWindow(String, Skin, String, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
colname - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
COLON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
color(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
color(float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
color(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
color(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
Color - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
COLOR - gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap.Mode
COLOR_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for color attributes
COLOR_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for color attributes
colorbv - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
The B-V color index, calculated as the magnitude in B minus the magnitude in V
coloriftex - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Add also color even if texture is present
colormap_blue_to_magenta(float, float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
colormap_blue_white_red(float, float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts a scalar normalized to the range [0:1] into a blue-white-red rgba color, with blue at 0, white at 0.5 and red at 1
colormap_long_rainbow(float, float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts a scalar in [0..1] to a long rainbow of rgba values.
colormap_short_rainbow(float, float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts a scalar normalized to the range [0:1] into a short rainbow of rgba values.
colormap_yellow_to_red(float, float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts a scalar in [0..1] to a yellow to red map.
colorNoise - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Noise factor for the color in [0,1]
colorOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
ColorOffset - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
ColorOpacity - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
ColorOpacityAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
ColorPicker - Class in gaiasky.interfce
ColorPicker(float[], Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ColorPicker
ColorPicker(String, float[], Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ColorPicker
colors - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
colors - Variable in class gaiasky.data.OctreeGeneratorRun
ColorUtilsTest - Class in gaiasky.util.color
ColorUtilsTest() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.color.ColorUtilsTest
ColourComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
Colour component containing information about a colour.
ColourComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ColourComponent
ColourComponent(float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ColourComponent
ColourComponent(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ColourComponent
ColourComponent(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ColourComponent
ColourUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.color
ColourUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
combination(List<T>, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Generates all combinations of the given size using the elements in values.
combinations(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Generates all combinations of all sizes of all the strings given in values
Combine - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Combine() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
Combine.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
combined - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
ComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
ComboBoxBean(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ComboBoxBean
ComboBoxBean(String, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ComboBoxBean
COMMA - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
CommentedProperties - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
The CommentedProperties class is an extension of java.util.Properties to allow retention of comment lines and blank (whitespace only) lines in the properties file.
CommentedProperties() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
comp - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
Comparator of renderables, in case of need
compalpha - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Component alpha mirror
ComparatorEq() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorEq
ComparatorG() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorG
ComparatorGeq() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorGeq
ComparatorL() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorL
ComparatorLeq() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorLeq
ComparatorNeq() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorNeq
compare(double[], double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem.LineArraySorter
compare(IFocus, IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.util.comp.CelestialBodyComparator
compare(StarGroup.StarBean, StarGroup.StarBean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarBrightnessComparator
compare(IntRenderable, IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.DefaultIntRenderableSorter
compare(T, T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.comp.DistToCameraComparator
compare(T, T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.comp.ModelComparator
compare(T, T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.comp.ViewAngleComparator
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
TODO Implement this
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
compareTo(Telegram) - Method in class gaiasky.event.Telegram
compareTo(LangComboBoxBean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.LangComboBoxBean
compareTo(KeyBindings.ProgramAction) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings.ProgramAction
compareTo(AttitudeIntervalBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
compareTo(Gti) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
compareTo(IntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
compareTo(IntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
compareTo(IntShader) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.IntShader
Compare this shader against the other, used for sorting, light weight shaders are rendered first.
ComplexArea - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Specifies a combination of Areas.
ComplexArea() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
component - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
ComponentTypes - Class in gaiasky.render
BitSet with some added functionality
ComponentTypes() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
ComponentTypes(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
ComponentTypes(ComponentTypes.ComponentType...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
ComponentTypes.ComponentType - Enum in gaiasky.render
COMPUTE_GAIA_SCAN - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
COMPUTE_GAIA_SCAN_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name, the boolean value, and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
computed - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Flag indicating whether the object has been computed in this step.
computeDirectionUp(double, Pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
computedSize - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
computeFixedMeanPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
computeFuturePosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
computeGaiaScan - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GaiaComponent
computeGaiaScan(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
computeGaiaScan(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
computeGaiaScan(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
computeGaiaScan(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
computeGeomCentre() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Computes the geometric centre of this data cloud
computeGeomCentre(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Computes the geometric centre of this data cloud
computePageId() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
computePageIdRec(int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
computePosition(double, IFocus, double, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
computeViewAngle(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
computeViewAngle(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
computeVisibleFovs(CelestialBody, FovCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Returns true if a body with the given position is observed in any of the given directions using the given cone angle
concatAll(String, String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
Concatenates the base with each of the strings in suffixes
concatenate(String, Array<String>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
Concatenates the strings using the given split
concatenate(String, String...) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
Concatenates the strings using the given split
ConcreteAttitude - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
This class implements the Attitude interface and contains just the minimum fields necessary to define a unique attitude at a given time, plus a large number of methods to compute quantities that depend only on this attitude and time.
ConcreteAttitude(long, Quaterniond, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
Construct object from time, and a quaternion.
ConcreteAttitude(long, Quaterniond, Quaterniond, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
Construct object from time, quaternion and its derivative.
ConcreteDuration - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A ConcreteDuration is a duration that is linked to a time scale
ConcreteDuration() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
cone(float, float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
cone(float, float, float, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cone
cone(float, float, float, int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
cone(float, float, float, int, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cone
cone(float, float, float, int, int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
cone(float, float, float, int, int, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cone
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShaderProvider
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShaderProvider
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DefaultIntShaderProvider
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DepthIntShaderProvider
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShaderProvider
config - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider
Config() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
Config() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
Config() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader.Config
Config() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider.Config
Config(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
Config(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
Config(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader.Config
Config(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider.Config
CONFIG_FRAME_OUTPUT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Configures the render system.
configurations - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
configureFrameOutput(int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
configureFrameOutput(int, int, int, String, String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Configures the frame output system, setting the resolution of the images, the target frames per second, the output folder and the image name prefix.
configureRenderOutput(int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
configureRenderOutput(int, int, int, String, String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
ConfInit - Class in gaiasky.util
ConfInit() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
conjugate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Conjugate the quaternion.
connected(Controller) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
connected(VRContext.VRDevice) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
connected(VRContext.VRDevice) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
A new VRContext.VRDevice has connected
ConnectedWirelessDongle_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
connectionChanged(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.samp.GaiaSkyHubConnector
ConsoleLogger - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Widget that captures and displays messages in a GUI.
ConsoleLogger() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ConsoleLogger
ConsoleLogger(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ConsoleLogger
Initializes the notifications interface.
Constants - Class in gaiasky.util
Constants() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.Constants
ConstelBoundariesLoader<T extends SceneGraphNode> - Class in gaiasky.data.constel
ConstelBoundariesLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstelBoundariesLoader
Constellation - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Represents a constellation object.
Constellation() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
Constellation(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
ConstellationBoundaries - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
ConstellationBoundaries() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
Constellations - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
ConstellationsLoader<T extends SceneGraphNode> - Class in gaiasky.data.constel
ConstellationsLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstellationsLoader
constructPFMData(int, int, Function<Float, Float>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMReader
container - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
container - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
container - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
contains(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Returns whether the given position [xyz] is contained in this bounding box.
contains(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
contains(Place) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Area
Determine whether a given Place is within the Area
contains(Place) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
contains(Place) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
contains(BoundingBoxd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Returns whether the given bounding box is contained in this bounding box.
contains(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Returns whether the given vector is contained in this bounding box.
contains(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
contains(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
containsKey(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.LargeLongMap
containsKey(K) - Method in class gaiasky.util.TwoWayHashmap
containsNode(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
containsNode(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Whether this scene graphs contains a node with the given name
containsObject(AbstractPositionEntity) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
containsObject(AbstractPositionEntity) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
ContainsProximitySensor_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
containsStar(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.UncertaintiesHandler
containsUncertainties() - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.UncertaintiesHandler
containsValue(V) - Method in class gaiasky.util.TwoWayHashmap
content - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
contents - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
contents - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
contents - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
context - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
the RenderContext
context - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
ContextMenu - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
ContextMenu(Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
ContextMenu.ContextMenuListener - Interface in gaiasky.util.scene2d
Listener used to get events from ContextMenu.
ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
ContextMenuStyle() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle
ContextMenuStyle(Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle
ContextMenuStyle(ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu.ContextMenuStyle
continuous - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
continuous - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
Contrast - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
CONTRAST_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the contrast level (float) in [0..2] and an optional boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface
Controller - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceType
a controller like Oculus touch or HTC Vice controller
CONTROLLER_BLACKLIST - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
Controller name blacklist.
CONTROLLER_MAPPINGS_FILE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
ControllerMappings - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Reads inputListener mappings from a file
ControllerMappings(FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ControllerMappings
ControllerModelNotFoundException - Exception in gaiasky.vr.openvr
ControllerModelNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception gaiasky.vr.openvr.ControllerModelNotFoundException
controllerObjects - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
ControllerRoleHint_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
controlPoints - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
controlPoints - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
controlPoints - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
controls - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
ControlsConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
controlsWindow - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
ControlsWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
ControlsWindow(String, Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
convert(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeMediator
Convert a given time.
convertAngle(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
converted - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
converter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeMediator
convertJsonToMap(JsonValue) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
convertMaterial(ModelMaterial, TextureProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
convertMesh(IntModelMesh) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
convertToDoubleArray(JsonValue, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.GeoJsonLoader
Convolve1D - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Convolve1D(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
Convolve1D(int, float[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
Convolve1D(int, float[], float[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
Convolve1D.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Convolve2D - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Encapsulates a separable 2D convolution kernel filter
Convolve2D(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
coordinates - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Coordinates provider.
Coordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
Provides utility coordinate conversions between some astronomical coordinate systems and to Cartesian coordinates.
Coordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
coordinatesTimeOverflow - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Whether we are out of the time baseline range in the algorithm that works out the coordinates of this body
copy - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Is this just a copy?
copy - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
Is this just a copy?
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Creates a nested copy of this Node, any child nodes are copied using this method as well.
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
copy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
copy(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies this mesh.
copy(boolean, boolean, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies this mesh optionally removing duplicate vertices and/or reducing the amount of attributes.
Copy - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Copy() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy
Copy.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
copyParamsFrom(AbstractCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
correctAspect() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
correctGround - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
correctSunLongitude(Vector3d, Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
Transforms the given vector to a heliotropic system using the given time.
correctSunLongitude(Vector3d, Instant, float) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
Transforms the given vector to a heliotropic system using the given time.
cos(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
cos(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.ITrigonometry
cos(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns the cosine in radians from a lookup table.
cos(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
cosDeg(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns the cosine in radians from a lookup table.
COSINE - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction
CosmicRuler - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Cosmic ruler between two objects
CosmicRuler() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
CosmicRuler(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
cosXi - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
count - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
count - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
count() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
Returns the number of items managed by this instance
countLines(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
countLines(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Counts the lines on this input stream
countObjects() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
countOccurrences(String, char) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Countries - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
countsPerMag - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
cpy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
cpy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
cpy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
cpy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
cpy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
cpy() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
CrashReporter - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
CrashReporter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.CrashReporter
create() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
create() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
create(float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
create(float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
Creates an ico-sphere.
create(float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
Creates an ico-sphere.
create(float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.OctahedronSphereCreator
create(int, float, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.RingCreator
Creates a new ring with the given parameters.
create(int, float, float, boolean, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.RingCreator
Creates a new ring with the given parameters
create(IntIntMeshBuilder, Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.SphereCreator
createArrow(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with an arrow.
createArrow(Vector3, Vector3, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with an arrow.
createAttributes(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
createBox(float, float, float, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a box shape.
createBox(float, float, float, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a box shape.
createCapsule(float, float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a capsule shape.
createCapsule(float, float, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a capsule shape.
createCone(float, float, float, int, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cone shape.
createCone(float, float, float, int, int, int, Material, long, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cone shape.
createCone(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cone shape.
createCone(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cone shape.
createCone(float, float, float, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cone shape.
createCone(float, float, float, int, Material, long, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cone shape.
createCylinder(float, float, float, int, boolean, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cylinder shape.
createCylinder(float, float, float, int, boolean, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cylinder shape.
createCylinder(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cylinder shape.
createCylinder(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cylinder shape.
createCylinder(float, float, float, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cylinder shape.
createCylinder(float, float, float, int, Material, long, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a cylinder shape.
createDefaultShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Returns a new instance of the default shader used by SpriteBatch for GL2 when no shader is specified.
createFromMesh(float[], VertexAttribute[], int[], int, Material) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
createFromMesh(IntMesh, int, int, int, Material) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
createFromMesh(IntMesh, int, Material) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
createHeight(TextureRegion) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
createHeight(Texture) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
createIcoSphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
createIcoSphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing an ico-sphere shape.
createLineGrid(int, int, float, float, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model which represents a grid of lines on the XZ plane.
createMainFrameBuffer(int, int, boolean, boolean, Pixmap.Format, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
createMeshData() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
Creates a new mesh data object and adds it to the first available index in the meshes array
createNight(TextureRegion) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
createNight(Texture) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
createOctahedronSphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Creates an octahedron-sphere
createOctahedronSphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing an octahedron-sphere shape.
createPatch(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns the first region found with the specified name as a NinePatch.
createPrefix(IntRenderable) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
createPrefix(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
createPrefix(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
createPrefix(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
createPrefix(IntRenderable, DepthIntShader.Config) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
createPrefix(IntRenderable, TessellationShaderProvider.Config) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
createProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
createProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
createRect(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a rectangle shape.
createRect(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a rectangle shape.
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShaderProvider
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShaderProvider
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.BaseIntShaderProvider
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DefaultIntShaderProvider
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DepthIntShaderProvider
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShaderProvider
createShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, boolean, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, boolean, int, Material, long, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, boolean, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, boolean, Material, long, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, int, Material, long, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, int, int, boolean, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphere(float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with a single node containing a sphere shape.
createSphereRing(float, int, int, float, float, int, Material, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a sphere with a ring.
createSprite(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns the first region found with the specified name as a sprite.
createSprite(String, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns the first region found with the specified name and index as a sprite.
createSprites() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns all regions in the atlas as sprites.
createSprites(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns all regions with the specified name as sprites, ordered by smallest to largest index.
createXYZCoordinates(float, float, float, int, int, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Convenience method to create a model with three orthonormal vectors shapes.
createXYZCoordinates(float, Material, long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
cross3(double[], double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
cross3(double[], double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Computes the cross product between the two 3D vectors.
cross3(List, List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
CROSSEYE - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Left image -> right eye, no distortion
CROSSHAIR_CLOSEST - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Closest object crosshair
CROSSHAIR_CLOSEST_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Activates/deactivates the closest crosshair.
CROSSHAIR_FOCUS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Whether to show the focus crosshair
CROSSHAIR_FOCUS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Activates/deactivates the focus crosshair.
CROSSHAIR_HOME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Home object crosshair
CROSSHAIR_HOME_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Activates/deactivates the home crosshair.
crs(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Calculates the 2D cross product between this and the given vector.
crs(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets this vector to the cross product between it and the other vector.
crs(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Calculates the 2D cross product between this and the given vector.
crs(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets this vector to the cross product between it and the other vector.
crs(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Calculates the outer product of two given vectors v and w and returns the result as a new GVector3d.
CrtMonitor - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
CrtMonitor(int, int, boolean, boolean, CrtScreen.RgbMode, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
CrtScreen - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
CrtScreen(boolean, CrtScreen.RgbMode, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
CrtScreen.Effect - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
CrtScreen.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
CrtScreen.RgbMode - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
ct - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Component types, for managing visibility
CT_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
CTRL_L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
CTRL_L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
CTRL_R - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Cubemap - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
CUBEMAP_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets cubemap mode.
CUBEMAP_FACE_RESOLUTION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Resolution of each of the faces in the cubemap which will be mapped to a equirectangular projection for the 360 mode.
CUBEMAP_MODE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
CUBEMAP_PROJECTION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Cubemap projection
CUBEMAP_PROJECTION_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets a new cubemap projection.
CUBEMAP_RESOLUTION_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the resolution of the cubemap, contains an integer in [20..15000] with the resolution.
CubemapProjections - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
CubemapProjections(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
CubemapProjectionsFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Cubemap projections (spherical, cylindrical, hammer, fisheye) filter.
CubemapProjectionsFilter(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
cubemapSide - Variable in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
Side of the cubemap, if any
cubic(T, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the cubic b-spline value for the given position (t).
cubic(T, int, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the cubic b-spline value for the given span (i) at the given position (u).
cubic_derivative(T, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the cubic b-spline derivative for the given position (t).
cubic_derivative(T, int, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the cubic b-spline derivative for the given span (i) at the given position (u).
culling - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
curr - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
curr - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
current - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Current GUI object
current - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
currentDataDescriptor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
currentFocus - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
currentPostProcessor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
currentTime - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
CurrentUniverseId_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
cursorX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The amount to add to the glyph X position when drawing a cursor between glyphs.
curvature - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
Curvature - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Curvature() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
customInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
customInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
CustomInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Widget that displays custom objects on screen.
CustomInterface(Stage, Skin, Object) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.CustomInterface
cylinder(float, float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
cylinder(float, float, float, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cylinder
cylinder(float, float, float, int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
cylinder(float, float, float, int, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cylinder
cylinder(float, float, float, int, float, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Add a cylinder
cylinder(float, float, float, int, float, float, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cylinder
cylinder(float, float, float, int, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
cylinder(float, float, float, int, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a cylinder
CYLINDRICAL - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection


d - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
D - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
D_TO_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Days to milliseconds
D_TO_NS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Days to nanoseconds
D_TO_S - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Days to seconds
daemon - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Daemon thread that gets the data loading requests and serves them
DaemonLoader(AbstractOctreeWrapper, StreamingOctreeLoader) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader.DaemonLoader
DaemonRefresher() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher.DaemonRefresher
Dashboard_Back - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
data - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
data - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMData
data - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter
data - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
data() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Returns the data list
data() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Returns the data list
DATA_DESCRIPTOR_URL - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
DATA_LOCATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
Location of the data folder.
DataConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
DataDescriptor - Class in gaiasky.util.datadesc
DataDescriptor(List<DatasetType>, List<DatasetDesc>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
DataDescriptorUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.datadesc
datafile - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Path of data file
dataFile(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
dataFileHandle(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
DatasetDesc - Class in gaiasky.util.datadesc
DatasetDesc(JsonReader, JsonValue) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
DatasetPreferencesWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
DatasetPreferencesWindow(CatalogInfo, Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetPreferencesWindow
datasetPresent(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
Checks whether the dataset with the given name is present in the data folder.
datasets - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
Raw datasets list, where each dataset has a type
datasets - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetType
DatasetsComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
The datasets pane in the controls window
DatasetsComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.DatasetsComponent
DatasetsWidget - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Widget which lists all detected catalogs and offers a way to select them.
DatasetsWidget(Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DatasetsWidget
datasetType - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
DatasetType - Class in gaiasky.util.datadesc
DatasetType(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetType
date - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
date - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
DATE - gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory.DateType
dateDialog - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
DateDialog - Class in gaiasky.interfce
A dialog to pick a date.
DateDialog(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DateDialog
dateEdit - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
DateFormatFactory - Class in gaiasky.util.format
DateFormatFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
DateFormatFactory.DateType - Enum in gaiasky.util.format
DATETIME - gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory.DateType
DAY_NS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Days - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of days There are two implementations provided of the conversions methods one as object interface, where an object of the current class has to be instantiated.
Days() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
Default constructor
Days(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
Construct object
DAYS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
dCamPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
dCamPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
DCamPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
DCamPosAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
ddBrown - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
ddBrownC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
ddMagenta - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
ddMagentaC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
ddw - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
deactivate() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
deactivate() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IInputListener
deactivate() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
deactivate() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
debug() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
debug(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Logger.Log
DEBUG - gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
DEBUG_MODE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
DEBUG_OBJECTS - gaiasky.event.Events
DEBUG_QUEUE - gaiasky.event.Events
DEBUG_RAM - gaiasky.event.Events
DEBUG_TIME - gaiasky.event.Events
Debug info
DEBUG_VRAM - gaiasky.event.Events
debugGui - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
DebugGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
This GUI shows debug information at the top-right corner of the screen
DebugGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
debugInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
debugInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
DebugInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
DebugInterface(Skin, Object) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DebugInterface
dec() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Declination in degrees.
DecalUtils - Class in gaiasky.util
This class provides utils to use Sprites and Fonts as if they were Decals, this is, flat textures in the 3D space.
DecalUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Decay - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
decideGroup(Decal) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
decreaseThrustFactorIndex(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
deepCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
defaultAlphaTest - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader.Config
defaultCullFace - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
Set to 0 to disable culling, -1 to inherit from AtmosphereShader.defaultCullFace
defaultCullFace - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
Replaced by AtmosphereShader.Config.defaultCullFace Set to 0 to disable culling
defaultCullFace - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
Set to 0 to disable culling, -1 to inherit from DefaultIntShader.defaultCullFace
defaultCullFace - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
Replaced by DefaultIntShader.Config.defaultCullFace Set to 0 to disable culling
defaultDepthFunc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
Set to 0 to disable depth test, -1 to inherit from AtmosphereShader.defaultDepthFunc
defaultDepthFunc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
Replaced by AtmosphereShader.Config.defaultDepthFunc Set to 0 to disable depth test
defaultDepthFunc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
Set to 0 to disable depth test, -1 to inherit from DefaultIntShader.defaultDepthFunc
defaultDepthFunc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
Replaced by DefaultIntShader.Config.defaultDepthFunc Set to 0 to disable depth test
DefaultIntRenderableSorter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
DefaultIntRenderableSorter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.DefaultIntRenderableSorter
DefaultIntShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DefaultIntShader(IntRenderable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
DefaultIntShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
DefaultIntShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
DefaultIntShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
DefaultIntShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
DefaultIntShader.Config - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DefaultIntShader.Inputs - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DefaultIntShader.Setters - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DefaultIntShader.Setters.ACubemap - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DefaultIntShader.Setters.Bones - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DefaultIntShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider
DefaultIntShaderProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DefaultIntShaderProvider
DefaultIntShaderProvider(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DefaultIntShaderProvider
DefaultIntShaderProvider(DefaultIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DefaultIntShaderProvider
DefaultIntShaderProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DefaultIntShaderProvider
defaultParameters - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
DefaultShaderProviderLoader<T extends DefaultShaderProviderLoader.DefaultShaderProviderParameter> - Class in gaiasky.assets
DefaultShaderProviderLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.DefaultShaderProviderLoader
DefaultShaderProviderLoader.DefaultShaderProviderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
DefaultShaderProviderParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.DefaultShaderProviderLoader.DefaultShaderProviderParameter
defaultShareKeyframes - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Whether, by default, NodeKeyframe's are shared amongst IntModel and IntModelInstance.
defaultVertexDataType - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Do not use, this field is for testing only and is likely to be removed. Sets the IntMesh.VertexDataType to be used when gles 3 is not available, defaults to IntMesh.VertexDataType.VertexArray.
DEG - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
DEG_TO_ARCSEC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Degrees to arcseconds
DEG_TO_MILLARCSEC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
degRad - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
degree - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
degreesToRadians - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
multiply by this to convert from degrees to radians
DEKHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
DEL - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
delta - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
deltaOmega - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Additional fields used by numerical scanning laws
deltaOmegaBeg - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Value of the spin phase at tBeg
deltaOmegaDot - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Additional fields used by numerical scanning laws
Density - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
depth - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
depth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Contains the depth level
depth() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
depth() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPointRenderable
depth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
depth(JsonValue) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
depthBuffer - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
DepthBuffer - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Debug effect.
DepthBuffer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.DepthBuffer
Creates the effect
DepthBufferFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Debug filter, renders the contents of the depth texture attachment
DepthBufferFilter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter
DepthBufferFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
depthBufferOnly - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader.Config
DepthIntShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DepthIntShader(IntRenderable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
DepthIntShader(IntRenderable, DepthIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
DepthIntShader(IntRenderable, DepthIntShader.Config, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
DepthIntShader(IntRenderable, DepthIntShader.Config, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
DepthIntShader(IntRenderable, DepthIntShader.Config, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
DepthIntShader.Config - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DepthIntShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider
DepthIntShaderProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DepthIntShaderProvider
DepthIntShaderProvider(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DepthIntShaderProvider
DepthIntShaderProvider(DepthIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DepthIntShaderProvider
DepthIntShaderProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.DepthIntShaderProvider
DepthMapAttribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
DepthMapAttribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
DepthMapAttribute(long, Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
DepthMapAttribute(DepthMapAttribute) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
DER - gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator.Kind
derivative(T, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
Calculates the derivative of the catmullrom spline for the given position (t).
derivative(T, double, T[], int, boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the n-degree b-spline derivative for the given position (t).
derivative(T, int, double, T[], boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
Calculates the derivative of the catmullrom spline for the given span (i) at the given position (u).
derivative(T, int, double, T[], int, boolean, T) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
Calculates the n-degree b-spline derivative for the given span (i) at the given position (u).
derivativeAt(T, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
derivativeAt(T, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
derivativeAt(T, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
derivativeAt(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Pathd
derivativeAt(T, int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
derivativeAt(T, int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
derivn(long, double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.DiffnFunctionNs
descent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The distance from the bottom of the glyph that extends the lowest to the baseline.
description - Variable in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
description - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
description - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
description - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
description() - Method in annotation type gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite.ParamMetaData
DesktopConfInit - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
Desktop GlobalConf initializer, where the configuration comes from a global.properties file (global.vr.properties in case of VR).
DesktopConfInit(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopConfInit
DesktopConfInit(InputStream, InputStream) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopConfInit
DesktopDateFormat - Class in gaiasky.desktop.format
DesktopDateFormat(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormat
DesktopDateFormat(Locale, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormat
DesktopDateFormatFactory - Class in gaiasky.desktop.format
DesktopDateFormatFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormatFactory
DesktopMusicActors - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
DesktopMusicActors() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopMusicActors
DesktopNetworkChecker - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
DesktopNetworkChecker() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
DesktopNumberFormat - Class in gaiasky.desktop.format
DesktopNumberFormat(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopNumberFormat
DesktopNumberFormatFactory - Class in gaiasky.desktop.format
DesktopNumberFormatFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopNumberFormatFactory
DesktopPostProcessor - Class in gaiasky.desktop.render
DesktopPostProcessor() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
DesktopPostProcessorFactory - Class in gaiasky.desktop.render
DesktopPostProcessorFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessorFactory
DesktopSceneGraphImplementationProvider - Class in gaiasky.data
DesktopSceneGraphImplementationProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.DesktopSceneGraphImplementationProvider
det() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
det3x3() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
detach() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Removes this node from its current parent, if any.
detach() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
DeviceBatteryPercentage_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DeviceCanPowerOff_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DeviceClass_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DeviceIsCharging_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DeviceIsWireless_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
df - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
DiffnFunctionNs - Interface in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
This interface provides the method through which a set of ODEs may be coded and supplied to the methods in the class RungeKutta.
diffuseColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
diffuseColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
diffuseTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
diffuseTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
dir - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
dirbak - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
direction - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
direction - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
direction - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
Direction and up vectors
direction - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Direction and up vectors
direction - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
direction(Vector3d, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
directionalLights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
directionf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Float counterparts
directions - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
DIRECTORIES - gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileChooserTarget
dirICRS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
dirindex - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
dirLights - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
dirLightsColorOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
dirLightsDirectionOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
dirLightsLoc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
dirLightsOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.ACubemap
dirLightsSize - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
dirup - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
disableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
disableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
disableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
disableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
disableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
disableBlending() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Disables blending for drawing sprites.
disableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
disabledFontColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
disableGui() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
disableGui() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Disables the GUI rendering.
disableInput() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
disableInput() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Disables all input events from mouse, keyboard, touchscreen, etc.
disableToneMapping() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
disableToneMapping() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
disableVertexAttribute(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
disableVertexAttribute(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
disableVertexAttribute(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Disables the vertex attribute with the given name
disableVertexAttribute(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Disables the vertex attribute with the given name
disconnect() - Method in class gaiasky.util.samp.GaiaSkyHubConnector
disconnected(Controller) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
disconnected(VRContext.VRDevice) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
disconnected(VRContext.VRDevice) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
A VRContext.VRDevice has disconnected
discrete(double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from the specified discrete distribution.
discrete(int[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from the specified discrete distribution.
dispatchDelayedMessages() - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Dispatches any telegrams with a timestamp that has expired.
display() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
display() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DateDialog
DISPLAY_DATASET_DIALOG - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Whether to display the dataset dialog at startup or not
DISPLAY_GUI - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
DISPLAY_GUI_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggles whole GUI display.
DISPLAY_HUD - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
DISPLAY_MEM_INFO_WINDOW - gaiasky.event.Events
DISPLAY_MINIMAP - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
DISPLAY_POINTER_COORDS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
DISPLAY_POINTER_COORDS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a boolean with the display status
Displays VR Controller hints
DISPLAY_VR_GUI - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
DISPLAY_VR_GUI_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggles VR GUI display.
DisplayAllowNightMode_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayBootloaderVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayFirmwareVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayFPGAVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayFrequency_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayGCBlackClamp_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayGCImage_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayGCOffset_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayGCPrescale_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayGCScale_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayGCType_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayHardwareVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
displayImageObject(int, String, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
displayImageObject(int, String, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new image object at the given coordinates.
displayImageObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
displayImageObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new image object at the given coordinates.
DisplayMCImageLeft_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayMCImageRight_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayMCOffset_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayMCScale_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
DisplayMCType_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
displayMessageObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
displayMessageObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new one-line message in the screen with the given id and the given coordinates.
displayMessageObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
DisplaySuppressed_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
displayTextObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
displayTextObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Adds a new multi-line text in the screen with the given id, coordinates and size.
displayTextObject(int, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
disposables - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Array of disposable resources like textures or meshes the Model is responsible for disposing
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.DatasetsComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GaiaComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
Disposes the component
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisibilityComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ConsoleLogger
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.CustomInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
dispose() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGuiInterface
dispose() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MessagesInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWidget
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RunStateInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.TopInfoInterface
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGR
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemapProjections
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRFov
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRStereoscopic
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
dispose() - Static method in class gaiasky.rest.RESTServer
Stops the REST server gracefully.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraph
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
dispose() - Static method in class gaiasky.script.ScriptingServer
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Anaglyphic
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.DepthBuffer
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fuzzy
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GeometryWarp
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GravitationalDistortion
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Nfaa
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PipelineState
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Frees owned resources.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.FullscreenMesh
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.FullscreenQuad
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Free the resources, if any.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Disposes the texture used by this BitmapFont's region IF this BitmapFont created the texture.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Releases all resources associated with this TextureAtlas instance.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Disposes this IntIndexArray and all its associated OpenGL resources.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Disposes this IntIndexBufferObject and all its associated OpenGL resources.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Disposes this IntIndexBufferObject and all its associated OpenGL resources.
dispose() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Disposes this IndexDatat and all its associated OpenGL resources.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Frees all resources associated with this Mesh
dispose() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Disposes this VertexData and all its associated OpenGL resources.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Disposes of all resources this VertexBufferObject uses.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Disposes of all resources this VertexBufferObject uses.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
Disposes of all resources this VertexBufferObject uses.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Disposes all resources associated with this shader.
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.BaseIntShaderProvider
dispose() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.IntShaderProvider
Disposes all resources created by the provider
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ModelCache
dispose() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Disposes this octree node (and all children nodes recursively)
dispose() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
dispose(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
dispose(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
DISPOSE - gaiasky.event.Events
Dispose all resources, app is shutting down
Contains an index to the particle vgroup mesh to be cleared
DISPOSE_STAR_GROUP_GPU_MESH - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains an the index of the star vgroup mesh to be cleared
disposed - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
disposeTextures(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
Disposes and unloads all currently loaded textures immediately
disposeTextures(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Disposes and unloads all currently loaded textures immediately
dist - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
DIST_SCALE_DESKTOP - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Distance scaling factor in desktop mode
DIST_SCALE_VR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Distance scaling factor in VR mode
distance - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Distance of camera to center
distance() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Distance in internal units.
distance(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Calculates the shortest signed distance between the plane and the given point.
DISTANCE_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Distance unit scaling (mainly for VR)
distanceLinePoint(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
Returns the shortest distance between the line defined by x1 and x2 and the point x0.
distancePointLine(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Gets the distance from the point x0 to the line denoted by x1-x2.
Check this link
distancePointSegment(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Gets the distance from the point p0 to the segment denoted by p1-p2.
Check this link.
distanceSegmentPoint(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
Calculates the euclidean distance from a point to a line segment.
distCap - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Distance cap in parsecs
Distortion - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
Distortion - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
distToCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
The distance to the camera from the focus center.
distToCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
The distance to the camera in units of the center of this octant
DistToCameraComparator<T> - Class in gaiasky.util.comp
Compares entities.
DistToCameraComparator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.comp.DistToCameraComparator
div(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
divisions - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
DJBHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
dLight - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
Directional light
dn - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
The dn object allows the Runge-Kutta integrator to calculate derivatives and gives access to constants needed for the calculation
DOCUMENTATION - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
doesSaturationControl() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Hook that runs after the assets have been loaded.
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
Constructs the interface
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
Constructs the interface
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IProcessRenderer
Actually initializes all the clockwork of this renderer using the assets in the given manager
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SphericalGrid
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
doneLoading(AssetManager) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
doneLoading(AssetManager, Matrix4, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
doneLoading(AssetManager, Matrix4, float[], boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
doneLoading(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
doneLoading(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
doneLoading(Material, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.GaiaCoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.IBodyCoordinates
Initializes the coordinates object
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.MoonAACoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.OrbitLintCoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.PlutoCoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
doneLoading(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
doneLoading(Map<String, Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
doneLoading(Map<String, Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
DongleVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
doNotify() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
doNotify() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.INetworkChecker
dot(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dot(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Returns the dot product between this and the given vector.
dot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the dot product between this and the other quaternion (commutative).
dot(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dot(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dot(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the dot product between the two quaternions (commutative).
dot(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the dot product between this and the other quaternion (commutative).
dot(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dot(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dot(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
dot3(double[], double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
dot3(double[], double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Computes the dot product between the two 3D vectors.
dot3(List, List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
Doubleref - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Doubleref() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Doubleref
Doubleref(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Doubleref
doubleToDistanceString(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts this double to the string representation of a distance
doubleToVelocityString(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts the double to the string representation of a velocity (always in seconds)
doWait() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
down - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The distance to move down when \n is encountered.
DOWN - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
downAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
downFontColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
DownloadDataWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Download manager.
DownloadDataWindow(Stage, Skin, DataDescriptor) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DownloadDataWindow
DownloadDataWindow(Stage, Skin, DataDescriptor, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.DownloadDataWindow
downloadFile(String, FileHandle, ProgressRunnable, ChecksumRunnable, Runnable, Runnable) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DownloadHelper
DownloadHelper - Class in gaiasky.util
Contains utilities to download files
DownloadHelper() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.DownloadHelper
DPAD_CENTER - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
DPad_Down - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
DPAD_DOWN - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
DPad_Left - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
DPAD_LEFT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
DPad_Right - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
DPAD_RIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
DPad_Up - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
DPAD_UP - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
DPool(int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem.DPool
DR2DataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
Loads the DR2 catalog in CSV format
DR2DataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
dragging - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
draw(Batch) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
draw(Batch, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
draw(Batch, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
draw(Texture, float[], int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle using the given vertices.
draw(Texture, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(Texture, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y having the width and height of the texture.
draw(Texture, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y and stretching the region to cover the given width and height.
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y having the given width and height in pixels.
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y having the given width and height in pixels.
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y having the given width and height in pixels.
draw(Texture, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(Texture, float, float, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y having the given width and height in pixels.
draw(Texture, float, float, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(ExtBatch) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
draw(ExtBatch, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
draw(ExtBatch, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
draw(ExtBatch, GlyphLayout, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Draws text at the specified position.
draw(ExtBatch, CharSequence, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Draws text at the specified position.
draw(ExtBatch, CharSequence, float, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Draws text at the specified position.
draw(ExtBatch, CharSequence, float, float, int, int, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Draws text at the specified position.
draw(ExtBatch, CharSequence, float, float, int, int, float, int, boolean, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Draws text at the specified position.
draw(TextureRegion, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y having the width and height of the region.
draw(TextureRegion, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y and stretching the region to cover the given width and height.
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the bottom left corner at x,y and stretching the region to cover the given width and height.
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle with the texture coordinates rotated 90 degrees.
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, Affine2) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Draws a rectangle transformed by the given matrix.
draw(TextureRegion, float, float, Affine2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
DRAW_OCTREE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
Whether octree drawing is active or not
drawBackground(Batch, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
drawBackground(Batch, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
drawFont2D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, RenderingContext, String, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
drawFont2D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, RenderingContext, String, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
drawFont2D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, String, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
drawFont2D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, String, Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
drawFont3D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, String, float, float, float, float, float, Camera, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Draws the given text using the given font in the given 3D position using the 3D coordinate space.
drawFont3D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, String, Vector3, float, Camera, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Draws the given text using the given font in the given 3D position using the 3D coordinate space.
drawFont3D(BitmapFont, ExtSpriteBatch, String, Vector3, Camera, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Draws the given text using the given font in the given 3D position using the 3D coordinate space.
drawStageBackground(Batch, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
DriverVersion_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
dst(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dst(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dst(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dst(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dst(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dst(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dst(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
dst2(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dst2(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Returns the squared distance between this point and the given point
dst2(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dst2(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dst2(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
dst2(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
dst2(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
This method is faster than Vectord.dst(Vectord) because it avoids calculating a square root.
dt - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
dtMin - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
DummyVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
DummyVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
dumpObj(OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
Exports the model to the .obj (Wavefront) format in the given output stream.
dumpToDisk(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
dumpToDiskBin(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
dumpToDiskCsv(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
dumpToDiskCsv(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.OctreeGeneratorRun
duration - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntAnimation
the duration in seconds
Duration - Interface in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A Duration represents an amount of time on a proper time scale.
dustData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
dustsource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
Dust positions/sizes
dydt - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw


e - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Eccentricity of the ellipse.
E - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
E - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
EARTH_RADIUS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
EarthVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
EarthVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
ec - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
ECL_SPH_DIST - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
ECL_SPH_PLX - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
ECL_XYZ - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
Ecliptic - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
EclipticCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
EclipticCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.EclipticCoordinates
EclipticOrbit - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
EclipticOrbit() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.EclipticOrbit
eclipticToEquatorial() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
eclipticToEquatorial(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
eclipticToEquatorial(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
eclipticToEquatorial(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts ecliptic cartesian coordinates (in the internal reference system) to equatorial cartesian coordinates.
eclipticToEquatorial(double, double, Vector2d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Transforms from ecliptic to equatorial coordinates
eclipticToEquatorial(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Transforms from ecliptic to equatorial coordinates
eclipticToEquatorial(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
eclipticToEquatorialF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
eclipticToGalactic() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
eclipticToGalacticF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
eclipticToInternalCartesian(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
eclipticToInternalCartesian(double, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts ecliptic coordinates to the internal cartesian coordinate system.
eclPole - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
eclToEq() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to transform equatorial to the ecliptic coordinates.
eclToEq(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to transform from the ecliptic system to the equatorial system.
eclToEqF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
edge - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
EdidProductID_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
EdidVendorID_Int32 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Effects - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
eint(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Does an exponential interpolation: y = y0 + (y1-y0) * 10 ^ (exp * (x-x0)/(x1-x0))
elastic - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Elastic(double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Elastic
elasticIn - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
ElasticIn(double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ElasticIn
elasticOut - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
ElasticOut(double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ElasticOut
elemsInGpu - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Orbital elements in gpu, in case there is no body
ELEVATION_MULTIPLIER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Elevation multiplier
ELEVATION_MUTLIPLIER_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the elevation multiplier.
ELEVATION_TYPE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
How to represent elevation, if elevation textures present: Tessellation Parallax mapping None
ELEVATION_TYPE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the elevation type
ElevationComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
ElevationComboBoxBean(String, GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ElevationComboBoxBean
ElevationComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
Contains the parameters and functions for procedural elevation
ElevationComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
ElevationComponent.NoiseType - Enum in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
elevMult - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
ELFHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an ellipse
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an ellipse
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an ellipse
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an ellipse
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ellipse(float, float, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a circle
emissiveColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
emissiveColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
emissiveTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
emissiveTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
emptyCursor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
emptyLoadQueue() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Removes all octants from the current load queue.
enableBlending() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Enables blending for drawing sprites.
enableBlending() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
enableBlending(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
enableBlending(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
enableBlending(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
enableBlending(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
enableBlending(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
enableComponents(boolean, Disableable...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Sets the enabled property on the given components
enableComponents(boolean, Disableable...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LandAtWindow
Sets the enabled property on the given components
enabled - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
enabled - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
true by default.
enableGui() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
enableGui() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables the GUI rendering.
enableInput() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
enableInput() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables all input events.
enableProgramAvg() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
enableProgramLuma() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
enableProgramMax() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
EnableQueryStates - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Enable pipeline state queries: beware the pipeline can stall!
enableToneMappingACES() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
enableToneMappingACES() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
enableToneMappingAuto() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
enableToneMappingAuto() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
enableToneMappingExposure() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
enableToneMappingExposure() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
enableToneMappingFilmic() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
enableToneMappingFilmic() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
enableToneMappingUncharted() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
enableToneMappingUncharted() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
enableVertexAttribute(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
enableVertexAttribute(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
enableVertexAttribute(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Enables the vertex attribute with the given name
enableVertexAttribute(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Enables the vertex attribute with the given name
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Finishes ping-ponging, must always be called after a call to PingPongBuffer.capture()
end() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Finishes off rendering.
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
End building the mesh and returns the mesh
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
End rendering one or more IntRenderables.
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
End building the model.
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Disables this shader.
end() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.IntShader
Cleanup the context so other shaders can render.
end() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Disables this shader.
END - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
ENDCALL - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
endParams() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
Should be called after any one or more setParams method calls.
endsWith(String, String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Returns true if the string ends with any of the endings
enginePower - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Instantaneous engine power, this is in [0..1]
ensureCapacity(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing vertices and indices arrays to accommodate the specified number of additional vertices and indices.
ensureIndices(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing indices array to accommodate the specified number of additional indices.
ensureRectangleIndices(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing indices array to accommodate the specified number of additional rectangles.
ensureRectangles(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing vertices and indices arrays to accommodate the specified number of additional vertices and rectangles.
ensureRectangles(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing vertices and indices arrays to accommodate the specified number of additional vertices and rectangles.
ensureTempVertsSize(int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
This function makes sure that the tempVerts array has at least the given size.
ensureTriangleIndices(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing indices array to accommodate the specified number of additional triangles.
ensureTriangles(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing vertices and indices arrays to accommodate the specified number of additional vertices and triangles.
ensureTriangles(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing vertices and indices arrays to accommodate the specified number of additional vertices and triangles.
ensureVertices(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Increases the size of the backing vertices array to accommodate the specified number of additional vertices.
ENTER - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
enterExit - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
entity1 - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Entities for the GAIA_SCENE_MODE mode
entity2 - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Entities for the GAIA_SCENE_MODE mode
entity3 - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Entities for the GAIA_SCENE_MODE mode
env - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
ENVELOPE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
environment - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
The Environment to be used to render this Renderable, may be null.
environmentCubemap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
environmentCubemap - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
environmentCubemap - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
environmentMask - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
epoch - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Base epoch
eps - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
Relative tolerance for exceeding the ramp
epsilonEquals(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
epsilonEquals(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Compares this vector with the other vector using MathUtils.FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR for fuzzy equality testing
epsilonEquals(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
epsilonEquals(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
epsilonEquals(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Compares this vector with the other vector using MathUtils.FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR for fuzzy equality testing
epsilonEquals(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
epsilonEquals(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
Epsl - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Implementation of the Ecliptic Pole Scanning Law (EPSL)
Epsl() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
Default constructor (uses Mode = PRECEDING):
Epsl(Epsl.Mode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
Constructor that allows to initialize preceding or following EPSL:
Epsl.Mode - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia
Ecliptic pole scanning has two modes: PRECEDING (revolving phase angle = 0) and FOLLOWING (revolving phase angle = 180 deg).
EpslAndNsl - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
This class implements a combination of the Ecliptic Pole Scanning Law (EPSL) and the Nominal Scanning Law (NSL), by switching from EPSL to NSL at the reference epoch (tRef).
EpslAndNsl() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.EpslAndNsl
Default constructor:
EpslAndNsl(long, Epsl.Mode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.EpslAndNsl
Constructor for arbitrary reference time (= switch from EPSL to NSL) and Epsl mode (PRECEDING or FOLLOWING):
EQ_SPH_DIST - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
EQ_SPH_PLX - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
EQ_XYZ - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
EqGalTest - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
EqGalTest() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.EqGalTest
eqToEcl() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to transform from the ecliptic system to the equatorial system.
eqToEcl(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to transform equatorial to the ecliptic coordinates.
eqToEclF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
eqToGal() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to transform equatorial to galactic coordinates.
eqToGalF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
equal(String, char[], boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Compares a given buffer with another buffer.
equals(IntMeshPart) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Compares this MeshPart to the specified MeshPart and returns true if they both reference the same IntMesh and the IntMeshPart.offset, IntMeshPart.size and IntMeshPart.primitiveType members are equal.
equals(AtmosphereShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
equals(DefaultIntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.event.Telegram
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
This is the method that determines if two time intervals are identical one of them will typically contain one time and the other one a start and an end, but we have to also consider that both may have start/end times only.
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
EQUALS - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Equatorial - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
EquatorialAnglesRates - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
A compound object for holding equatorial angles and their rates as per Fig.
EquatorialAnglesRates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
equatorialCartesianToInternalCartesian(double[], double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
equatorialCartesianToInternalCartesian(double[], double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts regular cartesian coordinates, where XY is the equatorial plane, with X pointing to the vernal equinox (ra=0) and Y points to ra=90, and Z pointing to the celestial north pole (dec=90) to internal cartesian coordinates with internal units.
equatorialToEcliptic() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
equatorialToEcliptic(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
equatorialToEcliptic(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
equatorialToEcliptic(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts equatorial cartesian coordinates (in the internal reference system) to ecliptic cartesian coordinates.
equatorialToEcliptic(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
equatorialToEclipticF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
equatorialToGalactic() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
equatorialToGalactic(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
equatorialToGalactic(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts equatorial cartesian coordinates (in the internal reference system) to galactic cartesian coordinates.
equatorialToGalactic(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
equatorialToGalacticF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
equatorialToInternalCartesian(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
equatorialToInternalCartesian(double, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts equatorial coordinates to the internal cartesian coordinate system.
EQUIRECTANGULAR - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
error(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Logger.Log
error(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
error(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Log an error using the internal logging system
error(Throwable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Logger.Log
error(Throwable, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Logger.Log
ERROR - gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
ERROR_NO_CONTEXT - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
ERROR_RENDERMODEL - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
ESC - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
escExit - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
eval(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise
eval(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise
eval(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise
evaluate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorEq
evaluate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorG
evaluate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorGeq
evaluate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorL
evaluate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorLeq
evaluate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorNeq
evaluate(double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.IComparator
evaluate(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
evaluate(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
event(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
event(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRDeviceListener
Unhandled event on the VRContext.VRDevice
EVENT_TIME_FRAME_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new time frame object
EventManager - Class in gaiasky.event
Event manager that allows for subscription of observers to events (identified by strings), and also for the creation of event objects by anyone.
EventManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.event.EventManager
EventManager.TimeFrame - Enum in gaiasky.event
Time frame options
Events - Enum in gaiasky.event
Contains all the events
EventScriptingInterface - Class in gaiasky.script
Implementation of the scripting interface using the event system.
executing - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
executing() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
executing() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.INetworkChecker
ExistingLocationValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
ExistingLocationValidator(SceneGraphNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.ExistingLocationValidator
exists - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
exp(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from an exponential distribution with rate λ.
Exp(double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Exp
exp10 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
exp10In - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
exp10Out - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
exp5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
exp5In - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
exp5Out - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
expand() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
EXPAND_PANE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Expands a GUI pane.
expandGuiComponent(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
expandGuiComponent(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Expands the component with the given name.
expandInstant() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
expandPane() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
ExpIn(double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ExpIn
EXPLORER - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
export() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
exportKeyframesFile(Array<Keyframe>, String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
Exposure - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
EXPOSURE - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
EXPOSURE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the exposure tone mapping level (float) in [0..n] (0 for disabled) and an optional boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface
ExpOut(double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.ExpOut
ext(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Extends the bounding box by the given vector.
ext(BoundingBoxd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Extends this bounding box by the given bounding box.
ext(BoundingBoxd, Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Extends this bounding box by the given transformed bounding box.
ext(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Extends the bounding box to incorporate the given Vector3d.
ExtBatch - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
extendBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Extends the bounding box with the bounds of this model instance.
extendBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Extends the bounding box with the bounds of this model instance.
extendBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Extends the bounding box with the bounds of this Node.
extendBoundingBox(BoundingBox, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Extends the bounding box with the bounds of this Node.
extendBoundingBox(BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Extends the specified BoundingBox with the specified part.
extendBoundingBox(BoundingBox, int, int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Extends the specified BoundingBox with the specified part.
extendViewport - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
Viewport to use in normal mode
extentDown - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
Extent, in whatever units, of the minimap - where the edge is
extentUp - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
Extent, in whatever units, of the minimap - where the edge is
externalView - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
External view with final rendered scene and no UI
extract4x3Matrix(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Copies the 4x3 upper-left sub-matrix into double array.
extraOmega - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
An extra rotation by this angle [rad] is added to the generated attitude
ExtShaderProgram - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
A shader program encapsulates a vertex and fragment shader pair linked to form a shader program.
ExtShaderProgram() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
ExtShaderProgram(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
ExtShaderProgram(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Constructs a new ShaderProgram and immediately compiles it.
extSpriteBatch - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Sprite batch using int indices
ExtSpriteBatch - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Draws batched quads using indices.
ExtSpriteBatch() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Constructs a new SpriteBatch with a size of 1000, one buffer, and the default shader.
ExtSpriteBatch(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Constructs a SpriteBatch with one buffer and the default shader.
ExtSpriteBatch(int, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Constructs a new SpriteBatch.
extSpriteShader - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
eyeSpace - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR


F - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
F1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F10 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F11 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F12 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F6 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F7 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F8 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
F9 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Face(int...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.Face
Constructs a face with the indeces of the vertices.
faces - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
facingFocus - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Indicates whether the camera is facing the focus or not
factor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Factor to apply to the data points, usually to normalise distances
fade - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
fade - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Fade - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
fadeAlpha - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Fade alpha between quad and model.
FadeNode - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Node that offers fade-in and fade-out capabilities.
FadeNode() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
FadeNode(String, SceneGraphNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
fadeOpacity - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Fade opacity, special to model bodies
fAlpha - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fAlpha - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
FANCY - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction
fastSlow - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
FastTrigonometry - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Uses jafama (FastMath) library.
FastTrigonometry() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
fb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
In case this is not null, we are using the screenshot or frame output feature.
fbcm - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
fCameraHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fCameraHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fCameraHeight2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fCameraHeight2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fetchPosition(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Fetches the real position of the particle.
fetchPosition(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
fetchUniformLocation(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
fetchUniformLocation(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
fi - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
fieldOfView - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
FieldOfViewBottomDegrees_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
FieldOfViewLeftDegrees_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
FieldOfViewRightDegrees_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
FieldOfViewTopDegrees_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
file - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FileComboBoxBean
file - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
file - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
file - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileListItem
FileChooser - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
FileChooser(String, Skin, Stage, FileHandle, FileChooser.FileChooserTarget) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
FileChooser(String, Skin, Stage, FileHandle, FileChooser.FileChooserTarget, EventListener) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
FileChooser(String, Skin, Stage, FileHandle, FileChooser.FileChooserTarget, EventListener, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
FileChooser.FileChooserTarget - Enum in gaiasky.util.scene2d
The type of files that can be chosen with this file chooser
FileChooser.FileListItem - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
FileChooser.PathnameFilter - Interface in gaiasky.util.scene2d
FileChooser.ResultListener - Interface in gaiasky.util.scene2d
FileComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
FileComboBoxBean(FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FileComboBoxBean
fileCount(Path) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Recursively count files in a directory
fileCount(Path, String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Count files matching a certain ending in a directory, recursively
FileDataLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
FileDataLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoader
FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime
FileInfoInputStream - Class in gaiasky.util.io
FileInfoInputStream(File) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.io.FileInfoInputStream
FileInfoInputStream(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.io.FileInfoInputStream
FileListItem(FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileListItem
FileListItem(String, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileListItem
filename - Variable in class gaiasky.render.BufferedFrame
FileNameWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
FileNameWindow(String, Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.FileNameWindow
files - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter
files - Variable in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
Catalog files to load
FILES - gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileChooserTarget
filesToDelete - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
FILMIC - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
filter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
filter(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Evaluates the filter of this dataset (if any) for the given particle index
filter(CelestialBody) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.stars.CatalogFilter
Implements the filtering
Filter - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
A filter on a dataset as a set of rules
Filter<T> - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
The base class for any single-pass filter.
Filter(ShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
Filter(FilterRule) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
Creates a filter with only one rule
Filter(String, Array<FilterRule>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
Filter(String, FilterRule...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
Creates a new filter with the given rules and linking operation
Filter.Parameter - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
FilterRule - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule(String, IAttribute, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
Creates a new filter with the given attribute, value and comparator function
FilterRule.ComparatorEq - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule.ComparatorG - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule.ComparatorGeq - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule.ComparatorL - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule.ComparatorLeq - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule.ComparatorNeq - Class in gaiasky.util.filter
FilterRule.IComparator - Interface in gaiasky.util.filter
filters - Variable in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
find(Comparable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Find an item in the tree.
findAction(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
Finds an action given its name
findActor(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
findActor(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
findActor(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Returns the first actor found with the specified name.
findActor(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
findDataset(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
Finds the dataset with the given name in the dataset descriptor list.
findFocus(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
findFocus(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
findIntervalStart(Comparable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Find the start of the interval where x is in.
findLeftIndex(long[], int, long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Mantis 14225, deprecated August 2, 2012. Use AttitudeUtils.findLeftIndex(long, long[], int). Remove by GT 18.0.
findLeftIndex(long, long[], int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
In the non-decreasing sequence xa[0:n-1], finds the left index such that xa[left] <= x < xa[left+1] If x < xa[0] the method returns left = -1.
findLeftIndexBisection(int, int[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
In the non-decreasing sequence xa[0:n-1], finds the left index such that xa[left] <= x < xa[left+1] If x < xa[0] the method returns left = -1.
findLeftIndexBisection(long, long[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
In the non-decreasing sequence xa[0:n-1], finds the left index such that xa[left] <= x < xa[left+1] If x < xa[0] the method returns left = -1.
findLeftIndexBisectionVar(int, int[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Variant of findLeftIndexBisection which returns left = xa.length - 2 if x == xa[xa.length-1].
findLeftIndexBisectionVar(long, long[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Variant of findLeftIndexBisection which returns left = xa.length - 2 if x == xa[xa.length-1].
findLeftIndexBSpline(long, long[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Variant of findLeftIndex to be used for BSpline interpolation.
findLeftIndexVar(long, long[], int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Variant of findLeftIndex which returns left = xa.length - 2 if x == xa[xa.length-1].
findMax() - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Find the largest item in the tree.
findMin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Find the smallest item in the tree.
findMin(BinaryNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Internal method to find the smallest item in a subtree.
findOctant(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
findRegion(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns the first region found with the specified name.
findRegion(String, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns the first region found with the specified name and index.
findRegions(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns all regions with the specified name, ordered by smallest to largest index.
finished(long) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MessageBean
Has the message finished given the timeout?
fInnerRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fInnerRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fInnerRadius2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fInnerRadius2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fireStateChanged() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Sends a ChangeEvent, with this TabbedPane as the target, to each registered listener.
Firmware_ForceUpdateRequired_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Firmware_ProgrammingTarget_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
FirmwareVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
fisheye - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
Fisheye - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Fisheye(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
Fisheye(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
FISHEYE - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
FISHEYE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Fisheye effect toggle.
FisheyeDistortion - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
FisheyeDistortion(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
FisheyeDistortion(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
FisheyeDistortion.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
fixedMeanPosition - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
This flag indicates whether the mean position is already given by the JSON injector
fixedWidth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
fKm4PI - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fKm4PI - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fKmESun - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fKmESun - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fKr4PI - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fKr4PI - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fKrESun - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fKrESun - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
Flare - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Lens flare effect as described in John Chapman's article (without lens dirt or diffraction starburst).
Flare(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
Flare.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
flareBias - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
FlareDirt - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
This adds the lens dirt and starburst effects to the lens flare.
FlareDirt() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt
FlareDirt.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
flareIntensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
flareSaturation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
fling(float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
flip - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
flip - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
Flips the font vertically if true.
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
boolean parameters x,y are not setting a state, but performing a flip
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
flip(int[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
flipNormals - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
flipped - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
flipV - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader.ObjLoaderParameters
FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
FloatComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
FloatComboBoxBean(float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FloatComboBoxBean
FloatExtAttribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
FloatExtAttribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
FloatExtAttribute(long, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
floatToDistanceString(float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts this float to the string representation of a distance
FloatValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
FloatValidator(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.FloatValidator
FloatValidator(IValidator, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.FloatValidator
flush() - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.BasicFileImageRenderer
flush() - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.BufferedFileImageRenderer
flush() - Method in interface gaiasky.screenshot.IFileImageRenderer
Flushes the renderer causing the images to be written, if needed.
flush() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Causes any pending sprites to be rendered, without ending the Batch.
flush() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
flush() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Flushes the batch, causing all IntRenderables in the batch to be rendered.
FLUSH_FRAMES - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to flush the frame system
flushLoadedIds() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
flushLoadQueue() - Method in class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher
Tells the loader to start loading the octants in the queue.
flushLoadQueue() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Tells the loader to start loading the octants in the queue.
FNVHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
focus - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
The focus entity
focus - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Reference to the current focus
FOCUS - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
FOCUS_CHANGE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
FOCUS_MODE change command.
FOCUS_CHANGED - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs that the focus has somehow changed and the GUI must be updated.
FOCUS_INFO_UPDATED - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the distance to the camera [0], the viewing angle [1], right ascension in deg [2], declination in deg [3] and the distance to Sol [4]
FOCUS_LOCK - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
FOCUS_LOCK_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name, the boolean value, and an optional boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
FOCUS_LOCK_ORIENTATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
FOCUS_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
FOCUS_NOT_AVAILABLE - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs that the given focus is not available anymore (not visible or unloaded)
focusAbsMag - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusAppMag - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusBak - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
The focus entity
focusDEC - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusDirection - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
focusDistCam - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusDistSol - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusId - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
FocusInfoInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Part of the user interface which holds the information on the current focus object and on the camera.
FocusInfoInterface(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
FocusInfoInterface(Skin, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
focusInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
focusListScrollPane - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
focusLock - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
focusMuAlpha - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusMuDelta - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusName - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusNameGroup - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusRA - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusRadVel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
focusType - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
fogColor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
fogColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fogColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
fogColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
FogColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
FogColorAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
fogDensity - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
fogDensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fogDensity - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
fogDensity - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
FogDensity - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
FogDensityAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
folder - Variable in class gaiasky.render.BufferedFrame
FOLLOWING - gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl.Mode
following scanning mode
FollowingFovs - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
font - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
font - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
FONT_ANNOTATION - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
FONT_LABEL - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
font2d - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
fontColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
fontDistanceField - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
fontFile - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
FontRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
FontRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
FontRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, BitmapFont, BitmapFont, BitmapFont) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
fontTitles - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
force - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Force, acceleration and velocity
forceInit - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
forceInit(FileHandle) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.I18n
forceUpdateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
forceUpdatePosition(ITimeFrameProvider, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
Default implementation, only sets the result of the coordinates call to pos
forceUpdatePosition(ITimeFrameProvider, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
forceUpdatePosition(ITimeFrameProvider, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
Default implementation, only sets the result of the coordinates call to pos
format - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
format(double) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopNumberFormat
format(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.format.INumberFormat
format(long) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopNumberFormat
format(long) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.format.INumberFormat
format(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormat
format(Instant) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.format.IDateFormat
formatMessage(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MessageBean
forward - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
forward(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
forward(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
FORWARD_DEL - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
FOUR_PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
FOUR_PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
fourthOrder(DiffnFunctionNs, long, double[], long, long, long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.RungeKuttaNs
Returns the value of y at a given value of x (xn) for a set of ordinary differential equation (ODEs)
See http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/RungeKutta.html#four
fOuterRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fOuterRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fOuterRadius2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fOuterRadius2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
Fov - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
FOV - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia
FOV enumeration
FOV_AC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Total FoV (i.e., including dead zones between CCDs) in the across-scan direction per viewing direction (telescope)
FOV_AC_ACTIVE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Total actice FoV (i.e., excluding dead zones between CCDs) in the across-scan direction per viewing direction (telescope)
FOV_AL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Total FoV (i.e., including 'intra-instrument' but excluding 'inter-instrument' dead zones between CCDs), in the along-scan direction, per viewing direction (telescope)
FOV_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION - gaiasky.event.Events
Notifies a fov update in the camera.
FOV_CHANGED_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the a float with the new fov value and an optional boolean to indicate whether to cap the value to 95 degrees or not
FOV1 - gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
FOV2 - gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
FOV3 - gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
FOV4 - gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
fovbak - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
fovCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
FovCamera - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
The field of view cameras.
FovCamera(AssetManager, CameraManager) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
fovFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
fovFactor - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
fovFlag - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
FPGAVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
fps - Variable in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
The fixed frame rate when not in real time.
FPS_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Frames per second info
fragmentFile - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter
File name to be used for the fragment program instead of the default determined by the file name used to submit this asset to AssetManager.
fragmentShader - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
The uber fragment shader to use, null to use the default fragment shader.
fragmentShader - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
The uber fragment shader to use, null to use the default fragment shader.
frame - gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.RenderType
frame - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
FRAME_FORMAT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
FRAME_MODE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The frame output screenshot mode
FRAME_OUTPUT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the frame output command.
FRAME_OUTPUT_MODE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the frame output mode, either simple or redraw.
FRAME_QUALITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
Quality, in case format is JPG
FRAME_SIZE_UDPATE - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs of the new size of the frame output system
FRAME_TICK - gaiasky.event.Events
Event sent before the start of every frame.
FrameConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
frameRenderer - Variable in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
frames - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
free(Object) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Frees an object from the pool.
FREE_CAMERA_TARGET_MODE_ON - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
FREE_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
Free navigation
FREE_MODE_COORD_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Posts the coordinates of the free mode focus.
freeAll(Array) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Frees the specified objects from the pool.
freeAll(Array, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Frees the specified objects from the pool.
from - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
Conversions to and from internal units
fromFile(String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ShaderLoader
fromFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ShaderLoader
fromString(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ShaderLoader
fromString(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ShaderLoader
Front - gaiasky.util.math.Planed.PlaneSide
frustumd - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
Frustumd - Class in gaiasky.util.math
A truncated rectangular pyramid.
Frustumd() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
fSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
fSamples - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
fSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
fSamples - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
fSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
FSamplesAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
fScale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fScale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fScaleDepth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fScaleDepth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
fScaleOverScaleDepth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
fScaleOverScaleDepth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
FullGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Full OpenGL GUI with all the controls and whistles.
FullGui(Lwjgl3Graphics) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
fullPowerTime - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Seconds to reach full power
FULLSCREEN - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
FULLSCREEN_HEIGHT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
FULLSCREEN_WIDTH - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
FullscreenMesh - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils
FullscreenMesh(float[], int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.FullscreenMesh
FullscreenQuad - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils
Encapsulates a fullscreen quad, geometry is aligned to the screen corners.
FullscreenQuad() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.FullscreenQuad
Fuzzy - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
This is just a test for now
Fuzzy(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fuzzy
Fuzzy(int, int, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fuzzy
FuzzyFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
FuzzyFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
FuzzyFilter(int, int, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
FuzzyFilter(Vector2, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
FuzzyFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Fxaa - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Implements the fast approximate anti-aliasing.
Fxaa(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
Create a FXAA with the viewport size
Fxaa(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
FXAA - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
FxaaFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
FxaaFilter(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
FxaaFilter(float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
FxaaFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
FxaaFilter(Vector2, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
FxaaFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
FxaaReduceMin - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
FxaaReduceMul - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
FxaaSpanMax - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param


g - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
g - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
g - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
g - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
g - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
g - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
G - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
G - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
g2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
g2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
g2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
g2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
g2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
g2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
G2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
G2Alias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
G3dModelLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
G3dModelLoader(BaseJsonReader) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
G3dModelLoader(BaseJsonReader, FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
gaia - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
Gaia - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Gaia() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
GAIA_FOV1_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
GAIA_FOV2_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
GAIA_FOVS_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
Both fields of view
GAIA_LOADED - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the Gaia object [0]
GAIA_POSITION - gaiasky.event.Events
GAIA_SCENE_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
Gaia Scene
GaiaAttitudeLoader - Class in gaiasky.assets
GaiaAttitudeLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.GaiaAttitudeLoader
GaiaAttitudeLoader.GaiaAttitudeLoaderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
GaiaAttitudeLoaderParameter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.GaiaAttitudeLoader.GaiaAttitudeLoaderParameter
GaiaAttitudeServer - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Provides caching of the last Nsl37 attitude requested.
GaiaAttitudeServer(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.GaiaAttitudeServer
GaiaAttitudeWriter - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
Writes Gaia attitude to a file.
GaiaAttitudeWriter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.GaiaAttitudeWriter
GaiaComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
GaiaComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.GaiaComponent
GaiaCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
GaiaCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.GaiaCoordinates
GaiaGestureListener() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
gaiasky - package gaiasky
GaiaSky - Class in gaiasky
The main class.
GaiaSky() - Constructor for class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Creates an instance of Gaia Sky.
GaiaSky(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Creates an instance of Gaia Sky.
gaiasky.assets - package gaiasky.assets
gaiasky.data - package gaiasky.data
gaiasky.data.cluster - package gaiasky.data.cluster
gaiasky.data.constel - package gaiasky.data.constel
gaiasky.data.galaxy - package gaiasky.data.galaxy
gaiasky.data.group - package gaiasky.data.group
gaiasky.data.octreegen - package gaiasky.data.octreegen
gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator - package gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
gaiasky.data.orbit - package gaiasky.data.orbit
gaiasky.data.stars - package gaiasky.data.stars
gaiasky.data.util - package gaiasky.data.util
gaiasky.desktop - package gaiasky.desktop
gaiasky.desktop.concurrent - package gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
gaiasky.desktop.data - package gaiasky.desktop.data
gaiasky.desktop.format - package gaiasky.desktop.format
gaiasky.desktop.render - package gaiasky.desktop.render
gaiasky.desktop.util - package gaiasky.desktop.util
gaiasky.desktop.util.camera - package gaiasky.desktop.util.camera
gaiasky.event - package gaiasky.event
gaiasky.interfce - package gaiasky.interfce
gaiasky.interfce.beans - package gaiasky.interfce.beans
gaiasky.interfce.components - package gaiasky.interfce.components
gaiasky.interfce.minimap - package gaiasky.interfce.minimap
gaiasky.render - package gaiasky.render
gaiasky.render.system - package gaiasky.render.system
gaiasky.rest - package gaiasky.rest
gaiasky.scenegraph - package gaiasky.scenegraph
gaiasky.scenegraph.camera - package gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
gaiasky.scenegraph.component - package gaiasky.scenegraph.component
gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper - package gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper
gaiasky.screenshot - package gaiasky.screenshot
gaiasky.script - package gaiasky.script
gaiasky.util - package gaiasky.util
gaiasky.util.camera - package gaiasky.util.camera
gaiasky.util.color - package gaiasky.util.color
gaiasky.util.comp - package gaiasky.util.comp
gaiasky.util.coord - package gaiasky.util.coord
gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87 - package gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
gaiasky.util.datadesc - package gaiasky.util.datadesc
gaiasky.util.ds - package gaiasky.util.ds
gaiasky.util.filter - package gaiasky.util.filter
gaiasky.util.filter.attrib - package gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
gaiasky.util.format - package gaiasky.util.format
gaiasky.util.gaia - package gaiasky.util.gaia
gaiasky.util.gaia.time - package gaiasky.util.gaia.time
gaiasky.util.gaia.utils - package gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
gaiasky.util.gdx - package gaiasky.util.gdx
gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess - package gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess
gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects - package gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters - package gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils - package gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils
gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils - package gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils
gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d - package gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals - package gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals
gaiasky.util.gdx.loader - package gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is - package gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is
gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh - package gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
gaiasky.util.gdx.model - package gaiasky.util.gdx.model
gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data - package gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data
gaiasky.util.gdx.shader - package gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider - package gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider
gaiasky.util.gravwaves - package gaiasky.util.gravwaves
gaiasky.util.io - package gaiasky.util.io
gaiasky.util.math - package gaiasky.util.math
gaiasky.util.noise - package gaiasky.util.noise
gaiasky.util.parse - package gaiasky.util.parse
gaiasky.util.samp - package gaiasky.util.samp
gaiasky.util.scene2d - package gaiasky.util.scene2d
gaiasky.util.test - package gaiasky.util.test
gaiasky.util.time - package gaiasky.util.time
gaiasky.util.tree - package gaiasky.util.tree
gaiasky.util.ucd - package gaiasky.util.ucd
gaiasky.util.units - package gaiasky.util.units
gaiasky.util.update - package gaiasky.util.update
gaiasky.util.validator - package gaiasky.util.validator
gaiasky.vr.openvr - package gaiasky.vr.openvr
GaiaSkyContextMenu - Class in gaiasky.interfce
GaiaSkyContextMenu(Skin, String, int, int, IFocus) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.GaiaSkyContextMenu
GaiaSkyDesktop - Class in gaiasky.desktop
Main class for the desktop launcher
GaiaSkyDesktop() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.GaiaSkyDesktop
GaiaSkyFrameBuffer - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils
Exposes a builder accepting a buffer builder.
GaiaSkyFrameBuffer(GLFrameBuffer.GLFrameBufferBuilder<? extends GLFrameBuffer<Texture>>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
GaiaSkyHubConnector - Class in gaiasky.util.samp
Extends hub connector to provide some very basic logging using the Gaia Sky internal logging system.
GaiaSkyHubConnector(ClientProfile) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.samp.GaiaSkyHubConnector
GaiaSkyThreadFactory - Class in gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
The default thread factory
GaiaSkyThreadFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.GaiaSkyThreadFactory
GaiaSkyThreadFactory.GSThread - Class in gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
gaiaskyUI - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
External UI window
GaiaSkyView - Class in gaiasky
GaiaSkyView() - Constructor for class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
GAL_SPH_DIST - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
GAL_SPH_PLX - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
GAL_XYZ - gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
Galactic - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
galacticToEcliptic() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
galacticToEclipticF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
galacticToEquatorial() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
galacticToEquatorial(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
galacticToEquatorial(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts galactic cartesian coordinates (in the internal reference system) to equatorial cartesian coordinates.
galacticToEquatorial(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
galacticToEquatorialF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
galacticToInternalCartesian(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
galacticToInternalCartesian(double, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts galactic coordinates to the internal cartesian coordinate system.
Galaxies - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
GALAXY - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Galaxy as a whole
GALAXY_3D - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Display galaxy as 3D object or as a 2D texture
GALAXY_3D_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues command to chagne the galaxy appearance.
GalaxydataComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
GalaxydataComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
GalaxyGenerator - Class in gaiasky.data.galaxy
GalaxyGenerator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.galaxy.GalaxyGenerator
GAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
galToEq() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to transform from the galactic system to the equatorial system.
galToEqF() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
GAME_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
GameMouseKbdListener - Class in gaiasky.interfce
GameMouseKbdListener(GameMouseKbdListener.GameGestureListener, NaturalCamera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
GameMouseKbdListener(NaturalCamera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
Gamma - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
GAMMA_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the gamma level (float) in [0..3] and an optional boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface
gasData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
gassource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
Gas positions/sizes
gaussian() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a standard Gaussian distribution.
gaussian(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a Gaussian distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ.
Gaussian3x3 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
Gaussian3x3b - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
Gaussian5x5 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
Gaussian5x5b - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
gBlue - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gBlueC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
GEN_HEIGHT_KEYWORD - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Generated height keyword
generateElevation(int, int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
generateIndex(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Generates the index (maps star name and id to array index) and computes the geometric center of this star vgroup
generateMesh(float[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMReader
generateOctree(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IOctreeGenerator
generateOctree(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorMag
generateOctree(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorPart
Generic - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceType
a generic VR tracking device
GenericDialog - Class in gaiasky.interfce
GenericDialog(String, Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
GenericSpacecraft - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A generic spacecraft
GenericSpacecraft() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.GenericSpacecraft
genMipMaps - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
Generates mipmaps for the font if true.
geoDistances - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
geoDistErrors - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Errors (negative or nan values) reading geometric distance files
geoDistFile - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Points to the location of a file or directory which contains a set of
GeoJsonLoader<T extends SceneGraphNode> - Class in gaiasky.data
Loads GeoJson files to Area objects
GeoJsonLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.GeoJsonLoader
geometric(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from a geometric distribution with success probability p.
geometryWarp - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
GeometryWarp - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Implements geometry warp and blending from MPCDI
GeometryWarp(PFMData) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GeometryWarp
GeometryWarp(PFMData, Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GeometryWarp
GeometryWarpFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
This filter implements the geometry warp and blending defined in the MPCDI format.
GeometryWarpFilter(PFMData) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter
GeometryWarpFilter(PFMData, Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter
GeometryWarpFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
gestureListener - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
get(int) - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Retrieves the element at the specified index.
get(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
get(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
Returns the item at the specified index
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDEC
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDistance
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLatitude
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLongitude
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLatitude
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLongitude
get(ParticleGroup.ParticleBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRA
get(StarGroup.StarBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAbsmag
get(StarGroup.StarBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAppmag
get(StarGroup.StarBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMualpha
get(StarGroup.StarBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMudelta
get(StarGroup.StarBean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRadvel
get(Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit) - Method in class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle
get(Quantity.Brightness.BrightnessUnit) - Method in class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Brightness
get(Quantity.Length.LengthUnit) - Method in class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length
get(Class<T>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Returns a new or existing pool for the specified type, stored in a Class to Pool map.
get(Class<T>, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Returns a new or existing pool for the specified type, stored in a Class to Pool map.
get(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.LargeLongMap
get(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
Gets the CatalogInfo with the given name, if any
get(Date) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
get(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.IAttribute
Gets the value of this attribute
getAACode() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
getAbsmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getAbsmag() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the absolute magnitude
getAbsmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getAbsmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getAbsmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getAbsoluteOrientation(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getAbsolutePosition(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the absolute position of this entity in the native coordinates (equatorial system)
getAbsolutePosition(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the absolute position of this entity in the native coordinates (equatorial system)
getAbsolutePosition(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getAbsolutePosition(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getAbsolutePosition(String, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getAbsolutePosition(String, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the absolute position of the entity identified by name within this entity in the native reference system
getAbsolutePosition(String, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getAbsolutePosition(String, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getActiveItem() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
getActor() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
getActors(Skin) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopMusicActors
getActors(Skin) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMusicActors
getAggregatedChildren() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Gets the number of nodes contained in this node, including itself
getAlAcRates(double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Compute the angular speed AL and AC of an inertial direction in the SRS frame, using instrument angles (phi, zeta).
getAlAcRates(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getAlAcRates(FOV, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Compute the angular speed AL and AC of an inertial direction in the SRS frame, using field angles (fov, eta, zeta).
getAlAcRates(FOV, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getAlpha() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getAlpha() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the right ascension angle of this focus object
getAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
getAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Returns the right ascension [rad] of the Place
getAlpha(ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
getAlpha(IRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
Computes the alpha opacity value of a given renderable using its component types
getAlphaZ() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
Get the right ascension of the SRS z axis - this is the first equatorial attitude angle
getAlphaZDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
Get the time derivative of the right ascension of the SRS z axis
getAltname() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getAmount() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
getAndroidApiLevel() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
Returns the Android API level it's basically the same as android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT
getAngle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the angle in degrees of the rotation this quaternion represents.
getAngleAround(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis.
getAngleAround(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the angle in degrees of the rotation around the specified axis.
getAngleAroundRad(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis.
getAngleAroundRad(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the angle in radians of the rotation around the specified axis.
getAngleEdge() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getAngleEdge() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getAngleEdge() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Gets the angle of the edge of the screen, diagonally.
getAngleEdge(int, int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getAngleRad() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the angle in radians of the rotation this quaternion represents.
getAngleRad() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
getAngleTo(Place) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Calculates the angle between this Place and another Place
getAnimation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getAnimation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getAnimation(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getAnimation(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getAntialias(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
getApplicationTitle(boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
getAppmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getAppmag() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the apparent magnitude
getAppmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getAppmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getAppmag() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getAscent() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the ascent, which is the distance from the cap height to the top of the tallest glyph.
getAssets() - Static method in class gaiasky.data.AssetBean
getAssetsLocation() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getAssetsLocation() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
getAtlasRegion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getAttitude(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
getAttitude(Date) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
getAttitude(Date) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.GaiaAttitudeServer
Returns the NSL37 attitude for the given date.
getAttitudeNative(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
Calculate the scanning law at a given time.
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
Evaluate the attitude in the native time system of the server
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EpslAndNsl
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getAttitudeNative(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
getAttribute() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
getAttributeLocation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getAttributeLocation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
getAttributes() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
getAttributes() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getAttributeSize(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getAttributeSize(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getAttributeType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getAttributeType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getAxisAngle(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the axis angle representation of the rotation in degrees.
getAxisAngleRad(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the axis-angle representation of the rotation in radians.
getAxisMove() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getAxisMove() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the axis that controls the forward and backward movement
getAxisPitch() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getAxisPitch() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the axis that produces: Vertical rotation around focus in focus mode Vertical look rotation (pitch) in free mode
getAxisRoll() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getAxisRoll() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the axis that produces: Roll rotation in focus mode Horizontal lateral movement in free mode
getAxisVelocityDown() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getAxisVelocityDown() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the axis used to decrease the velocity.
getAxisVelocityUp() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getAxisVelocityUp() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the axis used to increase the velocity.
getAxisX(int) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getAxisY(int) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getAxisYaw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getAxisYaw() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the axis that produces: Horizontal rotation around focus in focus mode Horizontal look rotation (yaw) in free mode
getBackRenderBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getBackward(V) - Method in class gaiasky.util.TwoWayHashmap
getBaseIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBaseIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBaseOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
getBaseOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getBaseSaturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBaseSaturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBeamP0() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
Gets the initial point of the controller beam in camera space
getBeamP1() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
Gets the end point of the controller beam in camera space
getBestOctant(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Returns the deepest octant that contains the position
getBias() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBias() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBias() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias
getBillboardRotation(Camera) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Gets the billboard rotation using the parameters of the given camera
getBillboardRotation(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Returns a Quaternion representing the billboard rotation to be applied to a decal that is always to face the given direction and up vector
getBlendDstFunc() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getBlendDstFunc() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getBlendDstFuncAlpha() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getBlendDstFuncAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getBlendingDestFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBlendingDestFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
getBlendingDestFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBlendingSourceFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBlendingSourceFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
getBlendingSourceFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBlendSrcFunc() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getBlendSrcFunc() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getBlendSrcFuncAlpha() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getBlendSrcFuncAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getBlue(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
getBlurAmount() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
getBlurAmount() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBlurAmount() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBlurPasses() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
getBlurPasses() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBlurPasses() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBlurStrength() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
getBlurType() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
getBlurType() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getBlurType() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getBooleanProperty(VRContext.VRDeviceProperty) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getBottomHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getBoundingRectangle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Returns the bounding axis aligned Rectangle that bounds this sprite.
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Returns the underlying IntBuffer.
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Returns the underlying IntBuffer.
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Returns the underlying IntBuffer.
getBuffer() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Returns the underlying IntBuffer.
getBuffer() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Returns the underlying FloatBuffer and marks it as dirty, causing the buffer contents to be uploaded on the next call to bind.
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
getBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
getBufferHandle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Returns the VBO handle
getButtonDown() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonDown() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button used to go down.
getButtonModeToggle() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonModeToggle() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button used to toggle between free and focus mode.
getButtonUp() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonUp() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button used to go up.
getButtonVelocityDown() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonVelocityDown() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button used to decrease the velocity.
getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonVelocityMultiplierHalf() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.5.
getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonVelocityMultiplierTenth() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button that, when pressed, multiplies the velocity vector by 0.1.
getButtonVelocityUp() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractControllerMappings
getButtonVelocityUp() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IControllerMappings
Returns the code of the button used to increase the velocity.
getByteBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
getBytesRead() - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.FileInfoInputStream
getCache() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
For expert usage -- returns the BitmapFontCache used by this font, for rendering to a sprite batch.
getCacheDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Returns the default cache directory, for non-essential data.
getCalendarDay(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Gets the Gregorian calendar quantities given the Julian date.
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getCamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Returns the perspective camera.
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
getCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Provides access to the current camera in between IntModelBatch.begin(Camera) and IntModelBatch.end().
getCameraDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getCameraDirection() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current camera direction vector.
getCameraK() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.Constants
getCameraManager() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getCameraManager() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
getCameraPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getCameraPosition() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current camera position, in km.
getCameraSpeed() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getCameraSpeed() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current physical speed of the camera in km/h
getCameraStereoLeft() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getCameraStereoLeft() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getCameraStereoLeft() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getCameraStereoRight() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getCameraStereoRight() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getCameraStereoRight() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getCameraUp() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getCameraUp() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current camera up vector.
getCandidateId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getCandidateId() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the id of the focus candidate of this object.
getCandidateId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getCandidateId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getCandidateId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getCandidateIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getCandidateName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getCandidateName() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the name of the focus candidate of this object.
getCandidateName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getCandidateName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getCandidateName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getCandidateViewAngleApparent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getCandidateViewAngleApparent() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the candidate apparent view angle (view angle corrected with the field of view) of this entity, in radians
getCandidateViewAngleApparent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getCandidateViewAngleApparent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getCandidateViewAngleApparent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getCapHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the cap height, which is the distance from the top of most uppercase characters to the baseline.
getCatalogInfo() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
getCatalogInfos() - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
getCatalogSource() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Gets the catalog source of this star.
getCatalogSource() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getCatalogSource() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getCenter() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCenterX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getCenterX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getCenterX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCenterY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getCenterY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getCenterY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCenterZ() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCentre() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
getChild(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
getChild(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
getChildByName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getChildByNameAndType(String, Class<? extends SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getChildCount() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
getChildren() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
getChildrenByType(Class<? extends SceneGraphNode>, Array<SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getChromaticDispersion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
getChromaticDispersion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
getClosest() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getClosest() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getClosest() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Returns the current closest object
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the position of the closest star in world coordinates
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getClosestAbsolutePos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getClosestBody() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getClosestBody() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getClosestBody() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getClosestCol() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the color of the closest star
getClosestCol() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getClosestCol() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the closest star distance to the camera
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getClosestDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getClosestName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getClosestName() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
getClosestName() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Name of closest star to camera
getClosestName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getClosestName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getClosestName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getClosestName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getClosestObjectToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getClosestObjectToCamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the closest object to the camera in this instant as a IFocus.
getClosestPoint(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Gets the closest point on the line p1-p2 from p0.
Check this link.
getClosestPoint2(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
getClosestPos(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the position of the closest star in camera coordinates
getClosestPos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getClosestPos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getClosestSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the size of the closest star
getClosestSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getClosestSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getClosestStar() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getClosestStar() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getClosestStar() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Gets the current closest star to this camera
getCollapsiblePane(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
getColor() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the color of text drawn with this font.
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Returns the color used for subsequently added text.
getColor() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Returns the color of this sprite.
getColor(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getColorBufferTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
getColorBufferTexture1() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
getColorBufferTexture2() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
getColorFromIndex(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
getColorMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getColorMin() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getColors() - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
getColors() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
getColors() - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
getCombinedBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
getCombinePass() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
getComparator() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
getComparatorFromString(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
getComponentType() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IRenderable
Gets the component types of this entity
getComponentType() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getComponentType() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
getComponentType() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
getComputedAncestor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getConfigDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getConfigDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getConfigDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path to the location of the configuration directory
getConfigFileName(boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopConfInit
getControllerByRole(VRContext.VRControllerRole) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
getControllerRole() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
The VRContext.VRControllerRole, indicating if the VRContext.VRDevice is assigned to the left or right hand.
getCoordsX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getCoordsY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getCorner000(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner001(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner010(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner011(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner100(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner101(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner110(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorner111(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getCorners() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Use the getCornerXYZ methods instead
getCount() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getCount() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getCountsPerMag() - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
getCountsPerMag() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Gets the star counts per magnitude
getCrashReportsDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the crash reports directory, where crash reports are stored.
getCt() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the component types of this focus
getCt() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getCurrent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getCurrent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getCurrent() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getCurrentAttitudeName() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.GaiaAttitudeServer
getCurrentFrameNumber() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getCurrentFrameNumber() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current frame number.
getCurrentMouseKbdListener() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getCurrentName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWidget
getCurrentS() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current speed of z axis in solar motion units
getCurrentSGR() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
getCurrentTime() - Static method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Returns the current time in milliseconds.
getCurrentTimeMs() - Method in enum gaiasky.event.EventManager.TimeFrame
getD() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
getData() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.orbit.IOrbitDataProvider
getData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitalParametersProvider
getData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider
getData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataProvider
getData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitSamplerDataProvider
getData() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Gets the underlying BitmapFont.BitmapFontData for this BitmapFont.
getDataDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Returns the default data directory.
getDataDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDataDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path of the local data directory, configured in your global.properties file
getDatasetNames() - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
getDate(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getDateFormatter(String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormatFactory
getDateFormatter(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
getDateFormatter(Locale) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormatFactory
getDateFormatter(Locale) - Method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
getDateTimeFormatter(Locale) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormatFactory
getDateTimeFormatter(Locale) - Method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
getDayFraction(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Gets the day fraction from the day quantities
getDayQuantities(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Gets the day quantities from the day fraction
getDaysSinceJ2000(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the elapsed days since the epoch J2000 until the given date.
getDecay() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
getDefaultCameraDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the camera directory.
getDefaultCameraDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDefaultCameraDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path of the default directory where the camera files are saved
getDefaultCullFace() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
getDefaultCullFace() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
getDefaultDepthFunc() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
getDefaultDepthFunc() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
getDefaultFragmentShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
getDefaultFragmentShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
getDefaultFragmentShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
getDefaultFramesDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the frames directory.
getDefaultFramesDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDefaultFramesDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path of the default directory where the still frames are saved
getDefaultInputListener() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
Returns input listener that can be added to scene2d actor.
getDefaultInputListener(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
Returns input listener that can be added to scene2d actor.
getDefaultMappingsDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the mappings directory.
getDefaultMappingsDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDefaultMappingsDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path to the location of the inputListener mappings
getDefaultMpcdiDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the mpcdi directory.
getDefaultMusicDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the music directory.
getDefaultMusicDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDefaultMusicDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path to the location of the music files
getDefaultScreenshotsDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the default screenshots directory.
getDefaultScreenshotsDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDefaultScreenshotsDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the absolute path of the default directory where the screenshots are saved
getDefaultStarGroup(String, Array<StarGroup.StarBean>) - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Creates a default star vgroup with some sane parameters, given the name and the data
getDefaultStarGroup(String, Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Creates a default star vgroup with some sane parameters, given the name and the data
getDefaultTmpDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the temporary directory within the cache directory.
getDefaultVertexShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
getDefaultVertexShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
getDefaultVertexShader() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
getDelta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getDelta() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the declination angle of this focus object
getDelta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getDelta() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Returns the declination [rad] of the Place
getDeltaOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current spin phase offset (DeltaOmega)
getDeltaOmegaDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current spin phase offset rate (d(DeltaOmega/dt)
getDeltaYears() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Returns the delta years to integrate the proper motion.
getDeltaYears() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getDeltaZ() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
Get the declination of the SRS z axis - this is the second equatorial attitude angle
getDeltaZDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
Get the time derivative of the declination of the SRS z axis
getDensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader.AtmosphereShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, DefaultShaderProviderLoader.DefaultShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.DefaultShaderProviderLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, GaiaAttitudeLoader.GaiaAttitudeLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.GaiaAttitudeLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, GroundShaderProviderLoader.GroundShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.GroundShaderProviderLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, RelativisticShaderProviderLoader.RelativisticShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.RelativisticShaderProviderLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, TessellationShaderProviderLoader.TessellationShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.TessellationShaderProviderLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider
getDependencies(String, FileHandle, P) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
getDepth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getDepthBufferTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
getDepthMap() - Method in class gaiasky.render.ShadowMapImpl
getDepthTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
getDescent() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the descent, which is the distance from the bottom of the glyph that extends the lowest to the baseline.
getDescription() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
getDescription() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IVisibilitySwitch
getDescription() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
getDevice() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
getDeviceByType(VRContext.VRDeviceType) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
getDevices() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
getDevicesByType(VRContext.VRDeviceType) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
getDimensions() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getDimensions(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getDirection() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Returns the unit vector of the Place
getDirection(VRContext.Space) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getDirections() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getDirections() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getDirections() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getDirections() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getDirections() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getDirections() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getDirections(Date) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getDiscarded() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStars
getDiscarded() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStarsSimple
getDiscarded() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IAggregationAlgorithm
Returns the number of discarded stars by this algorithm so far.
getDiscarded() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IOctreeGenerator
getDiscarded() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorMag
getDiscarded() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorPart
getDistance() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getDistance() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getDistance() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Gets the distance from the camera to the centre of our reference frame (Sun)
getDistanceTo(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getDistanceTo(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the distance to the surface of the object identified with the given name.
getDistortion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
getDistortion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
getDistToCamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IRenderable
Gets the last distance to the camera calculated for this entity
getDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the current distance to the camera in internal units.
getDistToCamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the current distance to the camera in internal units
getDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
getDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
getDistToCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
getDt() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
Provides the time difference in hours
getDt() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Gets the difference from the last time frame in hours
getDt() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
The dt in hours
getDuration() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Return the duration of the GTI
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.GaiaCoordinates
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.IBodyCoordinates
Gets ecliptic cartesian coordinates for the given date.
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.MoonAACoordinates
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.OrbitLintCoordinates
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.PlutoCoordinates
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
getEclipticCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
getEclipticCoordinates(String, Instant, Vector3d, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Should use the classes that extend IBodyCoordinates instead.
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.EclipticCoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.GaiaCoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.IBodyCoordinates
Returns the ecliptic coordinates of the body in the out vector for the given date.
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.MoonAACoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.OrbitLintCoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.PlutoCoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
getEclipticSphericalCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
getEnabledEffectsCount() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Returns the number of the currently enabled effects
getEnd() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getEnd() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Return the end time.
getEndMs() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getEndPoint(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Use Rayd.getEndPoint(Vector3d, float) instead. Returns the endpoint given the distance. This is calculated as startpoint + distance * direction.
getEndPoint(Vector3d, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Returns the endpoint given the distance.
getEpoch() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Returns the epoch in Julian Days used for the stars in this vgroup
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.EclipticCoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.GaiaCoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.IBodyCoordinates
Gets equatorial cartesian coordinates for the given date.
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.MoonAACoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.OrbitLintCoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.PlutoCoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
getEquatorialCartesianCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
getFadeIn() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
getFadeOut() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
getFar() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getFar() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getFar() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getFileNameField() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FileNameWindow
Returns the file name text field
getFirst() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
getFirst() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
getFirstGlyph() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
getFirstOrdinal() - Method in class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
Returns the index of the rightmost bit set to 1.
getFirstStarAncestor() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the first ancestor of this node that is of type Star
getFirstStarAncestor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getFirstStarAncestor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Gets the first ancestor of this node that is of type Star
getFixedRate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
getFixedRate() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Returns the fixed frame rate if the mode is fixed frame rate.
getFixedRate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
getFlareIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getFlareSaturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getFloatProperty(VRContext.VRDeviceProperty) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getFocus() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Returns the foucs if any
getFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getFocus(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getFocus(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Prepares the candidate with the given name
getFocus(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getFocus(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getFocus(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getFocusableEntities() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getFocusableObjects() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getFocusableObjects() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
getFocusSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Default size if not in data, 1e5 km
getFocusSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getFont() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
getFontFile() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
getFormattedTimeWarp() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
getFormattedTimeWarp(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
getFormatter(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
getFormatter(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.format.NumberFormatFactory
getFormatter(Locale, DateFormatFactory.DateType) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
getForward(K) - Method in class gaiasky.util.TwoWayHashmap
getFov(int) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get enumeration type for the given FoV index [0-3]
getFovByNumber(int) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get enumeration type for the given FoV number [1-4]
getFovCount() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get the number of FoV identifiers (including the both motion configurations)
getFovDirections() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Get the PFoV and FFoV directions as an array of unit vectors expressed in the ICRS (or CoMRS).
getFovDirections() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getFovFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getFovFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getFovFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getFovFactor() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getFragmentShaderSource() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getFragmentShaderSource() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getFrameBuffer(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getFrameBuffer(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
getFrameBuffer(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
getFrameBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
getFramebufferFormat() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Returns the internal framebuffer format, computed from the parameters specified during construction.
getFrameNumber() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getFrameNumber() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current frame number.
getFrameOutputFps() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getFrameOutputFps() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current FPS setting in the frame output system.
getFreeMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MemInfo
getFreeMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.VMemInfo
getFreeMemory() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.VMemInfo.IGraphicsDeviceInfo
getFromKey(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
getFrontCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getFrontCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getFrontCameras() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getFrontCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getFrontCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getFrontCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getFrustum2() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getFuzzyRenderSize(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getFuzzyRenderSize(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
getGaiaFovMode() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
Returns the current FOV mode: 1 - FOV1 2 - FOV2 3 - FOV1&2 0 - No FOV mode
getGeoDistance(long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Gets the distance in parsecs to the star from the geometric distances map, if it exists.
getGhosts() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getGhosts() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
getGimbalPole() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the pole of the gimbal lock, if any.
getGLExtensions() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
getGlowFb() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
getGlowNLights() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
getGlPrimitive() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getGlPrimitive() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ILineRenderable
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getGlPrimitive() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
getGlyph(char) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Returns the glyph for the specified character, or null if no such glyph exists.
getGlyphs(GlyphLayout.GlyphRun, CharSequence, int, int, BitmapFont.Glyph) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Using the specified string, populates the glyphs and positions of the specified glyph run.
getGreen(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
getGroupShader(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
getGTimeBeg() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get initial time as GaiaTime
getGtis() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
Get the set of good time intervals for the spacecraft attitude.
getGuiStage() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
getGuiStage() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
getGuiStage() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Returns the stage
getGuiStage() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
getHaloWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
getHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
getHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
getHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
getHeight(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getHeight(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the height of the projected position of the current camera on this focus object, which is usually the radius plus a value lookup in the height texture (if exists)
getHeight(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getHeight(Vector3d, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getHeight(Vector3d, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Same as IFocus.getHeight(Vector3d) but with the option to use the future position of the body instead of the current one.
getHeight(Vector3d, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getHeight(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getHeight(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Same as IFocus.getHeight(Vector3d) but with the option to use the given future position of the body instead of the current one.
getHeight(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getHeightRatio() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getHeightScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getHeightScale() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the height scale of this focus, or 0 if it has no height info
getHeightScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getHeliotropicAnglesRates() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getHeliotropicAnglesRates(long, Attitude) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeConverter
Calculate the heliotropic angles and rates for a given attitude
getHighDensityAreas() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get a list of high-density areas that have been set
getHip() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the HIP number of this star, or negative if it has no HIP number
getHip() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getHip() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
getHip() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getHistorical() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
getHlColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
getHomeDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getHomeDirString() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getICamera() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getICamera() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
getId() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the unique id of this focus
getId() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarFocus
Returns the identifier
getId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Returns the id
getId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getId() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getImage() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getImageCell() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getImagePath(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Returns the image path for the texture page at the given index (the "id" in the BMFont file).
getImagePaths() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
getImplementation(boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.DesktopSceneGraphImplementationProvider
getImplementation(boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.SceneGraphImplementationProvider
Gets the right scene graph implementation for the given information about it
getIndex() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get FOV index [0-3]
getIndex() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeContext
getIndex(long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getIndex(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Gets the bounding indices for the given date.
getIndices(int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the indices from the Mesh to the int array.
getIndices(int[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the indices from the Mesh to the int array.
getIndices(int, int[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the remaining indices from the Mesh to the int array.
getIndices(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the indices from the Mesh to the int array.
getIndicesBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getInnerRad() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getInnerRad() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
getInnerRad() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getInnerRad() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getInputMultiplexer() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
getInputStream(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is.GzipInputStreamProvider
getInputStream(FileHandle) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is.InputStreamProvider
getInputStream(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is.RegularInputStreamProvider
getInstance() - Static method in class gaiasky.data.stars.UncertaintiesHandler
getInstance() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
getInstance() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.samp.SAMPClient
getInt32Property(VRContext.VRDeviceProperty) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
getIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getInternalUnitToMeterConversion() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getInternalUnitToMeterConversion() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the internal unit to meter conversion factor.
getInversePos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getInversePos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getInversePos() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getJavaVersion() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getJulianDate(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Gets the Julian date number given the Gregorian calendar quantities.
getJulianDate(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
getJulianDateCache(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Gets the Julian Date for the given date.
getJulianDayNumberBook(int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
This does not work well!
getJulianDayNumberWikipediaGregorianCalendar(int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the Julian day number of a date in the Gregorian calendar.
getJulianDayNumberWikipediaJulianCalendar(int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the Julian day number of a date in the Julian calendar.
getKappa() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current kappa = d(nu)/d(sLon)
getKerning(char) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
getKey() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
getKey(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
getKeys(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
Gets the keys that trigger the action identified by the given name
getLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getLabelCell() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getLastCheckedString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
getLayouts() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
getLeft(double, double[], int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Find left such that t[left] <= ta < t[left+1]
getLeftVar(double, double[], int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Find left such that t[left] <= ta < t[left+1] (but one less if ta == t[left+1])
getLeftWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getLightGlowTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
getLightGlowTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
getLightPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
getLineCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getLineHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the line height, which is the distance from one line of text to the next.
getLineWidth() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ILineRenderable
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Polyline
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
getLineWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
getLinkURL() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
getList(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
Returns the list for the given index.
getListener() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
getListOfAreas() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
getLoadQueueSize() - Static method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
getLocalDataDir() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Gets a file pointer to the local data directory where the data files are downloaded and stored.
getLocalDataDir() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getLocalDataDir() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the default data directory.
getLocalTransform() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getLocation() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
getLog() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getLog() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getLogger() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.Logger
Returns default logger
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.Logger
Gets the logger for the particular class
getLogger(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.Logger
Gets a logger for an arbitary string tag
getLonLat(Planet, ICamera, int, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3d, Vector3d, Matrix4, double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.camera.CameraUtils
getLSun() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
getLSunDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
getLSunRef() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getLuma() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
getLumaBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
getLut() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getLut() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getLutIndexVal(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getLutIndexVal(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getLutIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getLutIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getMainBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
getManagedDisposables() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getManagedStatus() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getManagedStatus() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getManagedStatus() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getManager() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getManager() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getManager() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getMappedValue() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
getMappedValue() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
getMappings() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
getMappingsDirName() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getMappingsInv() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
getMaterial(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.MtlLoader
getMaterial(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getMaterial(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getMaterial(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getMaterial(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getMatrix(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets the matrix aux to a translation matrix using this vector
getMatrix(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets the given matrix to a translation matrix using this vector
getMax() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getMax(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getMaxDepth() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStars
getMaxDepth() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStarsSimple
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IAggregationAlgorithm
Returns the max depth setting.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Gets the depth of this subtree, that is, the number of levels of the longest parent-child path starting at this node.
getMaxDistance() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getMaxHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
getMaxHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
getMaxIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getMaxInternalTimeStep() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current time step in Runge-Kutta integrator
getMaxMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MemInfo
getMaxPart() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStars
getMaxPart() - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStarsSimple
getMaxPart() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IAggregationAlgorithm
Gets the maximum number of particles in a single node
getMaxStep() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Return the currently set maximum step used in the Hermite interpolation
getMaxVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getMaxWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
getMaxWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
getMeanDistance() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getMeshPart() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
getMeshPart() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
getMessage1Width() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
getMessage2Width() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
getMessagesWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
getMeterToInternalUnitConversion() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getMeterToInternalUnitConversion() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the meter to internal unit conversion factor.
getMiddleHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getMiddleWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getMidPoint() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Area
Determine the weighted mid-point of the Area
getMidPoint() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
getMidPoint() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
getMin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getMin(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getMinDistance() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getMinHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
getMinStarOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getMinStarOpacity() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the minimum star opacity.
getMinWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getMode() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
getMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
Return the Epsl.Mode (preceding or following)
getMode(int) - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
getModel(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ModelCache
getModelInstance() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getMouseWheelY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
Returns the amount to scroll vertically when the mouse wheel is scrolled.
getMpcdiDirName() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getMsl() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Returns the underlying ModeifiedScanningLaw.
getMsSince(Instant, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the elapsed milliseconds since the given julian date jd until the given date.
getMsSinceJ2000(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the elapsed milliseconds since the epoch J2000 until the given date.
getMsSinceJ2010(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the elapsed milliseconds since the epoch J2010 until the given date.
getMsSinceJ2015(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the elapsed milliseconds since the epoch J2015 until the given date.
getMuAlpha() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IProperMotion
Returns the mu alpha in mas/yr
getMuAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getMuAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getMuAlpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getMuDelta() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IProperMotion
Returns the mu delta in mas/yr
getMuDelta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getMuDelta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getMuDelta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getMusicActors() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.MusicActorsManager
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
getName() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HeliosphereMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HighZMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup1MinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup2MinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OortCloudMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
getName() - Method in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
getName() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the name of this focus
getName() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IVisibilitySwitch
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Returns name of focus
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getName() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
Get the name of the area
getName0() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
getName1() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
getNCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getNCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getNCameras() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getNCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getNCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getNCameras() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getNear() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getNear() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getNear() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getNetName() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
getNewtorkChecker() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.NetworkCheckerManager
getNext(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Gets a copy of this entity which mimics its state in the next time step with position, orientation, etc.
getNext(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
getNLoadedStars() - Static method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
getNObjects() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getNode(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getNode(Array<IntNode>, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Helper method to recursive fetch a node from an array
getNode(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getNode(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Returns the node with the given name, or null if it does not exist.
getNode(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getNode(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getNode(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getNode(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getNode(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getNode(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
getNode(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getNodeParams() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Return the parameters defining the Hermite interpolation nodes (array tNs) Note: Although the super (HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer) permits to use a non-equidistant grid of Hermite nodes, the grid in MslAttitudeDataServer is always equidistant.
getNodes() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getNodes() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
getNominalSunVector() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
getNormal() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
getNStars() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getNu() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
Get the revolving phase angle - this is the second heliotropic attitude angle
getNu() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Returns the current heliotropic revolving phase in range [0,2*pi]
getNuDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
Get the time derivative of the revolving phase angle
getNuDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current precession angle rate (d(nu)/dt)
getNuFull() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getNumber() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get FOV number [1-4]
getNumberFormatter(String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopNumberFormatFactory
getNumberFormatter(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.format.NumberFormatFactory
getNumberMessages() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
getNumCollections() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
getNumericalFieldIndex() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get numerical field index defined as 1.0 for FOV1-3 and -1.0 for FOV2-4
getNumIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
getNumIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
getNumIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
getNumIndices() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
getNumIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getNumManagedShaderPrograms() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getNumManagedShaderPrograms() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getNumMaxIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
getNumMaxIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
getNumMaxIndices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
getNumMaxIndices() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
getNumMaxVertices() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
getNumMaxVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
getNumMaxVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
getNumMaxVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
getNumMaxVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
getNuMod4Pi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Returns the current heliotropic revolving phase in range [0,4*pi]
getNuMod4Pi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getNumPoints() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getNumSamples() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
getNumVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getNumVertices() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
getNumVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
getNumVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
getNumVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
getNumVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
getNuRef() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Get the reference revolving phase angle
getObject(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getObject(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets an object from the scene graph by name or id (HIP, TYC, Gaia SourceId).
getObject(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getObject(String, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets an object by name or id (HIP, TYC, Gaia SourceID), optionally waiting until the object is available, with a timeout.
getObjectPosition(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getObjectPosition(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current position of the object identified by name in the internal coordinate system and internal units.
getObjectPosition(String, double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getObjectPosition(String, double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Gets the current position of the object identified by the given name.
getObjectRadius(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getObjectRadius(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the size of the object identified by name, in Km, by name or id (HIP, TYC, sourceId).
getOctant() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getOctant() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the octant this focus belongs to, if any.
getOffset() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getOffset() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getOffset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
getOffset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
getOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
Get the spin phase angle - this is the third heliotropic attitude angle
getOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Returns the scanning phase angle (Omega) in the range [0, 2*pi].
getOmegaDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
Get the time derivative of the spin phase angle
getOmegaDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current spin phase rate (d(Omega)/dt)
getOmegaDot1() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getOmegaFull() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
getOmegaFull() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getOmegaMod4Pi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
getOmegaMod4Pi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Returns the scanning phase angle (Omega) in the range [0, 4*pi].
getOmegaMod4Pi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getOmegaRef() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Get the reference scan phase angle
getOmegaRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Returns the integer number of revolutions to be added to the spin phase (omega) such that omega + 2 * pi * omegaRevs is a continuous function of time
getOmegaRevs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
getOntime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Compute the sum of the TimeIntervals
getOpacity() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IRenderable
Returns the opacity of this renderable
getOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
getOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
getOperation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
getOperationFromString(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
getOperationString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
getOrbitObject() - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
getOrbitObject() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.IBodyCoordinates
Gets the orbit object of these coordinates, if any.
getOrbitObject() - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
getOrbitObject() - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
getOrientation() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the orientation matrix of this focus
getOrientation() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getOrientationQuaternion() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getOrientationQuaternion() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
getOrientationQuaternion() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the orientation quaternion of this focus
getOrientationQuaternion() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getOrientationQuaternion() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getOriginX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
getOriginX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
getOriginX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
getOriginX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
The origin influences Sprite.setPosition(float, float), Sprite.setRotation(float) and the expansion direction of scaling Sprite.setScale(float, float)
getOriginX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getOriginY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
getOriginY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
getOriginY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
getOriginY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
The origin influences Sprite.setPosition(float, float), Sprite.setRotation(float) and the expansion direction of scaling Sprite.setScale(float, float)
getOriginY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getOSArchitecture() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getOSFamily() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getOSName() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getOSVersion() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getPackedColor() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getPackedColor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getPadBottom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Returns the bottom padding if set, else returns NinePatch.getBottomHeight().
getPadLeft() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Returns the left padding if set, else returns NinePatch.getLeftWidth().
getPadRight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Returns the right padding if set, else returns NinePatch.getRightWidth().
getPadTop() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Returns the top padding if set, else returns NinePatch.getTopHeight().
getPages() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData
getParallaxDistance() - Method in class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle
Gets the parallax distance of this angle.
getParent() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getParent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getParent() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
getParentIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Gets the index of this node in the parent's list
getPasses() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
getPickedColor() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ColorPicker
getPitch() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the pitch euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the x axis.
getPitchRad() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the pitch euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the x axis.
getPmX() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getPmX() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
getPmY() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getPmY() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
getPmZ() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getPmZ() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
getPointCloud() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getPointCloud() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getPos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getPos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getPos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getPos() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getPos() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the position
getPose() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Position
getPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
Gets the current play position in seconds
getPosition() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.tree.IPosition
getPosition(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the position of this entity in the internal reference system.
getPosition(VRContext.Space) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getPositionAboveSurface(double, double, double, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Returns the cartesian position in the internal reference system above the surface at the given longitude and latitude and distance.
getPositionAndSizeGui(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getPositionAndSizeGui(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the size and position of the GUI element that goes by the given name or null if such element does not exist.
getPositionOctantId(double, double, double, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorMag
Gets the id of the node which corresponds to the given xyz position
getPositionType(UCD, UCD, UCD) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
getPosSph() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
getPosSph() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the position in equatorial spherical coordinates
getPosSph() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getPostProcessBean(IPostProcessor.RenderType) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
getPostProcessBean(IPostProcessor.RenderType) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor
getPostProcessor() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessorFactory
getPostProcessor() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getPostProcessor() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
getPostProcessor() - Method in class gaiasky.render.PostProcessorFactory
getPrecessionRateChanges() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Get a list of the (approximate) times when the precession rate has changed.
getPrecRate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get the precession rate of the underlying NSL
getPredictedPosition(Vector3d, ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Gets the position of this entity in the next time step in the internal reference system using the given time provider and the given camera.
getPredictedPosition(Vector3d, ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the position of this entity in the next time step in the internal reference system using the given time provider and the given camera
getPredictedPosition(Vector3d, ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getPredictedPosition(Vector3d, ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Overrides ParticleGroup's implementation by actually integrating the position using the proper motion and the given time.
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImage
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
getPrefHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImage
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
getPrefWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
getPrePassTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
getPrePassTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
getPreviousPos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getPreviousPos() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getPreviousPos() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getPreviousProjView() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getPreviousProjView() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getPreviousProjView() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getPrimitiveSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
getPrimitiveSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
getProjectionMatrix() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Returns the current projection matrix.
getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getProjView() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getProjView() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getProjView() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getProjViewTrans() - Method in class gaiasky.render.ShadowMapImpl
getProperMotionsMaxNumber() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getProperMotionsMaxNumber() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the current maximum number of proper motion vectors allowed.
getProvider() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
getProvider() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
getProvider() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getPsi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
Get the equatorial spin phase angle, psi (from the ascending node on the equator to the SRS x axis) - this is the third equatorial attitude angle
getPsiDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EquatorialAnglesRates
Get time derivative psiDot of the the equatorial spin phase angle
getQuaternion() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
getQuaternion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getQuaternionAndRate(long, HeliotropicAnglesRates) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeConverter
Converts heliotropic angles and rates to an attitude quaternion and its derivative
getQuaternionDot() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
getQuaternionDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
Get the time derivative of the attitude.
getRadialVelocity() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IProperMotion
Returns the radial velocity in km/s
getRadialVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getRadialVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getRadialVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the radius in internal units
getRadius() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the radius of this focus object in internal units
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getRadius() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
getRadius(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getRadius(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
getRampDuration() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
Return the duration of the ramp
getRandomPlace(Random) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
Get a random Place within the ComplexArea
getRed(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
getRefEpoch() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get reference epoch (for the reference values of nu and omega) as nanoseconds since J2010
getRefNu() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get reference value of nu
getRefOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get reference values of omega
getRefOmega() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Returns the (effective) reference value of the heliotropic angle Omega.
getRefTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Ref time in nanoseconds since epoch.
getRefTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
getRegion() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the first texture region.
getRegion(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the texture page at the given index.
getRegionHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Returns the region's height.
getRegions() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the array of TextureRegions that represents each texture page of glyphs.
getRegions() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Returns all regions in the atlas.
getRegions() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData
getRegionWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Returns the region's width.
getRegionX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getRegionY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getRenderable(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getRenderable(IntRenderable, IntNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getRenderable(IntRenderable, IntNode, IntNodePart) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getRenderables(Array<IntRenderable>, Pool<IntRenderable>) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderableProvider
Returns IntRenderable instances.
getRenderables(Array<IntRenderable>, Pool<IntRenderable>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Traverses the IntNode hierarchy and collects IntRenderable instances for every node with a graphical representation.
getRenderables(IntNode, Array<IntRenderable>, Pool<IntRenderable>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
getRenderableSorter() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
getRenderContext() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
getRenderGroup() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
getRenderGroup() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.system.IRenderSystem
getRenderingContext() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ISGR
getRenderingContext() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
getRenderOutputFps() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getRenderOutputFps() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
getResponseTime() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
getResponseTime() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
getResult() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
getResultBuffer() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ISGR
getResultBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
getResultBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
getResultTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
getRgbMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
getRgbMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
getRight(VRContext.Space) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getRightWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getRoll() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the roll euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the z axis.
getRollRad() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the roll euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the z axis.
getRoot() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getRoot() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
getRoot() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getRoot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Gets the root of the tree this octant is in by successively checking the parent until it is null.
getRotatedPackedHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
Returns the packed height considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedWidth, otherwise it returns the packedHeight.
getRotatedPackedWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
Returns the packed width considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedHeight, otherwise it returns the packedWidth.
getRotation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
getRotationComponent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getRotationComponent() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the rotation component of this focus
getRotationComponent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getRotationComponent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
getRotationComponent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getRotationMatrix(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Gets the rotation matrix to apply for the given Euler angles α, β and γ.
getRotationQuaternion() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getRotationUnits() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Depends on the distance to the focus
getRules() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
getRuweValue(long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
getSaturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getSaturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getSaturationMul() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
getSaturationMul() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getScale() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
getScale() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
getScale(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScaleX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
getScaleX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
X scale of the sprite, independent of size set by Sprite.setSize(float, float)
getScaleX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScaleXSquared() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScaleY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
getScaleY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Y scale of the sprite, independent of size set by Sprite.setSize(float, float)
getScaleY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScaleYSquared() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScaleZ() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScaleZSquared() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getScanRate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get the (target) scan rate
getScatteringIntensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getScatteringSaturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getSceneGraphDepth() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Gets the depth of this focus object in the scene graph
getSceneGraphDepth() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getScreenHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getScreenHeight() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the screen height in pixels.
getScreenHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
getScreenWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getScreenWidth() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the screen width in pixels.
getScreenWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
getSecond() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
getSecond() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
getSecondClosestBody() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getSecondClosestBody() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getSecondClosestBody() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getSecondClosestBody() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getSeed() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns the seed of the pseudorandom number generator.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
getSequenceNumber() - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ImageRenderer
getSettings() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
getSettings() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
getSettings() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
getSettings() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
getShader() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
getShader() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getShader(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.BaseIntShaderProvider
getShader(IntRenderable) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.IntShaderProvider
Returns a IntShader for the given IntRenderable.
getShaderCode(String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider
getShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
getShaderProvider() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
getShift() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getShift() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getShift() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getShortApplicationName() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
getShortcut() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getShortcutCell() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getShortcutFor(int...) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
Creates platform dependant shortcut text.
getSideProjection() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWidget
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Gets a copy of this object but does not copy its parent or children
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
Gets a copy of this object but does not copy its parent or children
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Gets a copy of this object but does not copy its parent or children
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getSimpleCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getSimulationTime() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getSimulationTime() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the current simulation time as the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 GMT.
getSimulationTimeArr() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getSimulationTimeArr() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the current UTC simulation time in an array.
getSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the size (diameter) of this entity in internal units.
getSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the size (diameter) of this entity in internal units
getSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
getSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
getSize(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Returns the size of the particle at index i
getSize(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Returns the size of the particle at index i
getSlaveIndex(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
getSlaves() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
getSlaveStates() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
getSolarDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
getSolarLongitude() - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
getSolarLongitudeDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
getSolarLongitudeMod4Pi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
getSortedMappings() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
getSortedMappingsInv() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
getSouceTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
getSource1Intensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
getSource1Saturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
getSource2Intensity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
getSource2Saturation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
getSourceBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
getSpaceXadvance() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the x-advance of the space character.
getSpeed() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getSpeed() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getSpeed() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Gets the current velocity of the camera in km/h.
getSpeed() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getSpeed() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getSpeed() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getSpinVectorInIcrs() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Get the inertial spin vector in the ICRS (or CoMRS).
getSpinVectorInIcrs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getSpinVectorInSrs() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Get the inertial spin vector in the SRS.
getSpinVectorInSrs() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getSquareDegrees() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
getSquareDegrees() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
getSrsAxes(Vector3d[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Get the x, y, z axes of the SRS as an array of three unit vectors expressed in the ICRS (or CoMRS).
getSrsAxes(Vector3d[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getStarBrightness() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getStarBrightness() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the star brightness value.
getStarCount() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IStarContainer
getStarCount() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
getStarCount() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getStarCount() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getStarCount() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getStarMap() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
getStarMap() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Gets a star map: HIP -> IPosition It only contains the stars with HIP number
getStarSize() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getStarSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Gets the current star size.
getStart() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getStart() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Return the start time.
getStartMs() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getStartTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
getStatus() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Get current status of scanning (nominal, transition, modified)
getStatus() - Method in class gaiasky.util.samp.SAMPClient
getStatus() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
getStopTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
getStrength() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
getStringKeys(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
getStringProperty(VRContext.VRDeviceProperty) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getStyle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getStyle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
Returns the window's style.
getStyle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
getStyle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Returns the tabbed pane's style.
getSubMenu() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getSubMenuIconCell() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getSunDistance(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
getSunDistance(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Algorithm in "Astronomical Algorithms" book by Jean Meeus.
getSunLongitude(Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the Sun's ecliptic longitude in degrees for the given time.
getSunLongitudeWikipedia(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Gets the ecliptic longitude of the Sun in degrees as published in Wikipedia.
getSuperShortApplicationName() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
getSwingTwist(double, double, double, Quaterniond, Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the swing rotation and twist rotation for the specified axis.
getSwingTwist(Vector3d, Quaterniond, Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the swing rotation and twist rotation for the specified axis.
getT() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getT() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
getTag() - Method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionCheckEvent
getTagTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionCheckEvent
getTargetPrecessionRate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Get the target precession rate
getTargetScanPeriod() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Get the target scan period
getTargetScanRate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Get the target scan rate
getTelescopeIndex() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get telescope index [0-1]
getTelescopeNumber() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Get telescope number [1-2]
getText() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
getText(Keyframe) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
getTextOpacity() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Gets the text opacity
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
getTextOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
getTextPosition(ICamera, Vector3d, Keyframe) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
getTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getTextureAttachment(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
getTextures() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
getTexturesString() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
getThird() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
getThOverFactor(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getThOverFactor(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getThOverFactorScl() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
getThOverFactorScl() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getThOverFactorScl() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
getThOverFactorScl() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getThOverFactorScl() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
getThOverFactorScl() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
getThreshold() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
getThreshold() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold
getTime() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.Attitude
Get the time that this attitude is valid for as a single long value.
getTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
getTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
getTime() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Gets the current time
getTime() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
getTimeFormatter(Locale) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormatFactory
getTimeFormatter(Locale) - Method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
getTimeMediator(TimeContext, TimeContext) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeMediator
Get an applicable TimeMediator for a given combination of time contexts.
getTint() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
getTint() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
getTitleLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
getTitleTable() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
getTopHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getTopProjection() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWidget
getTotalHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getTotalMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MemInfo
getTotalMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.VMemInfo
getTotalMemory() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.VMemInfo.IGraphicsDeviceInfo
getTotalWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
getTrackerSpaceOriginToWorldSpaceTranslationOffset() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Returns the tracker space to world space translation offset.
getTrackerSpaceToWorldspaceRotationOffset() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Returns the tracker space to world space rotation offset.
getTransformD(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
getTransformF(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
getTransformMatrix() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Returns the current transform matrix.
getTransformMatrix() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
getTranslateUnits() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getTranslateUnits() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getTranslateUnits() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getTranslateUnits() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
This depends on the distance from the focus.
getTranslateUnits() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getTranslateUnits() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getTranslateUnits(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getTranslation() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getTranslationf() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getTranslationf(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getTranslationf(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getType() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
getType() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getU() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getU2() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getUInt64Property(VRContext.VRDeviceProperty) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getUIThemeBase() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Gets the name of the UI theme without the "-x2" suffix
getUniformAlias(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
getUniformID(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
getUniformLocation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getUniformLocation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getUniforms() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getUniforms() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getUniformSize(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getUniformSize(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getUniformType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getUniformType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getUniqueness() - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Returns a value indicating whether only unique elements are allowed to be inserted.
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAbsmag
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAppmag
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDEC
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDistance
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLatitude
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLongitude
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLatitude
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLongitude
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMualpha
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMudelta
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRA
getUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRadvel
getUnit() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.IAttribute
Gets the unit in string
getUnitX() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
getUnitY() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
getUnitZ() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
getUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
getUp() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
getUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getUp(VRContext.Space) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
getUsage() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
getUsedMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MemInfo
getUsedMemory() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.VMemInfo
getUsedMemory() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.VMemInfo.IGraphicsDeviceInfo
getV() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getV2() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
getVal() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
getValue() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
getValues() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
getValueString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
getVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
getVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
getVelocity() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
getVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
getVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
getVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Position
getVelocity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
getVelocity() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.tree.IPosition
getVelocityBufferTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.GaiaSkyFrameBuffer
getVersionNumber() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
getVersionNumber() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the version number string.
getVersionNumber() - Method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionCheckEvent
getVertexAttribute(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Returns the first VertexAttribute having the given VertexAttributes.Usage.
getVertexAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getVertexCount(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
getVertexShaderSource() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
getVertexShaderSource() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
getVertexSize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getVertexTransform(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
getVertexTransform(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Get the current vertex transformation matrix.
getVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
getVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Returns the packed vertices, colors, and texture coordinates for this sprite.
getVertices(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the vertices from the Mesh to the float array.
getVertices(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
getVertices(int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the the remaining vertices from the Mesh to the float array.
getVertices(int, int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the specified vertices from the Mesh to the float array.
getVertices(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Copies the specified vertices from the Mesh to the float array.
getVerticesBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
getViewAngle() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the current view angle of this entity, in radians.
getViewAngle() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getViewAngle() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the current view angle of this entity, in radians
getViewAngle() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getViewAngleApparent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Returns the current apparent view angle (view angle corrected with the field of view) of this entity, in radians.
getViewAngleApparent() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns the current apparent view angle (view angle corrected with the field of view) of this entity, in radians
getViewAngleApparent() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
getViewAnglePow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
getViewAnglePow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
getViewAnglePow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
getViewAnglePow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getViewAnglePow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
getViewportSize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
getViewportSize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter
getVolume() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getVolume() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
getVOSP87(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VSOP87
getVRDeviceToModel() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
getWarpFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
getWarpFactor() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Gets the current warp factor
getWarpFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
getWeight() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Area
Determine the weight of the Area
getWeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.CircleArea
getWeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
getWeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
getWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
getWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
getWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
getWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
getWidthRatio() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getWikiname() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
getWrapIndex(Array<BitmapFont.Glyph>, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Returns the first valid glyph index to use to wrap to the next line, starting at the specified start index and (typically) moving toward the beginning of the glyphs array.
getWrapTime(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getWrapTimeMs(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Returns the x position of the cached string, relative to the position when the string was cached.
getX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
getX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getX(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getXdgDesktop() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
getXHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns the x-height, which is the distance from the top of most lowercase characters to the baseline.
getXi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
Get the solar aspect angle (between the nominal sun and the SRS z axis) - this is the first heliotropic attitude angle
getXi() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
getXiDot() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
Get the time derivative of the solar aspect angle
getXiRef() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Get the reference solar aspect angle
getY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
getY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Returns the y position of the cached string, relative to the position when the string was cached.
getY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
getY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
getY(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getYaw() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the yaw euler angle in degrees, which is the rotation around the y axis.
getYawRad() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Get the yaw euler angle in radians, which is the rotation around the y axis.
getZ(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
getZoom() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
gGreen - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gGreenC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
ghosts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
Ghosts - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
GlobalClock - Class in gaiasky.util.time
Keeps pace of the simulation time vs real time and holds the global clock.
GlobalClock(double, Instant) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
Creates a new GlobalClock
GlobalConf - Class in gaiasky.util
Holds the global configuration options
GlobalConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
GlobalConf.ControlsConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.DataConf - Class in gaiasky.util
Holds all configuration values related to data.
GlobalConf.FrameConf - Class in gaiasky.util
Holds the configuration for the output frame subsystem and the camera recording.
GlobalConf.IConf - Interface in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.ImageFormat - Enum in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.PerformanceConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.PostprocessConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias - Enum in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping - Enum in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.ProgramConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile - Enum in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.RuntimeConf - Class in gaiasky.util
Runtime configuration values, which are never persisted.
GlobalConf.SceneConf - Class in gaiasky.util
Contains preferences and attributes which define the scene
GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType - Enum in gaiasky.util
The type of elevation representation if elevation textures are present
GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality - Enum in gaiasky.util
Graphics quality setting
GlobalConf.ScreenConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode - Enum in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalConf.VersionConf - Class in gaiasky.util
GlobalResources - Class in gaiasky.util
Holds and initialises resources utilised globally.
GlobalResources() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
GlobalSetter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.GlobalSetter
globalTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
the global transform, product of local transform and transform of the parent node, calculated via IntNode.calculateWorldTransform()
Glow - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Scattering Light effect.
Glow(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
Glow.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
glPrimitive - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
glType - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
Glyph() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
GlyphLayout - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Stores runs of glyphs for a piece of text.
GlyphLayout() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
Creates an empty GlyphLayout.
GlyphLayout(BitmapFont, CharSequence) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
GlyphLayout(BitmapFont, CharSequence, int, int, Color, float, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
GlyphLayout(BitmapFont, CharSequence, Color, float, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
GlyphLayout.GlyphRun - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Stores glyphs and positions for a piece of text which is a single color and does not span multiple lines.
GlyphRun() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
glyphs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
glyphs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
GO_TO_OBJECT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Executes the command to position the camera near the object in focus
goTo - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
goToObject(IFocus, double, int, AtomicBoolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Runs a seamless trip to the object with the name focusName until the object view angle is 20 degrees.
goToObject(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Runs a seamless trip to the object with the name focusName until the object view angle viewAngle is met.
goToObject(String, double, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String, double, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Runs a seamless trip to the object with the name focusName until the object view angle viewAngle is met.
goToObject(String, double, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String, double, int, AtomicBoolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String, long, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObject(String, long, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObjectInstant(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
goToObjectInstant(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in focus mode with the given focus object and instantly moves the camera next to the focus object.
gPink - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gPinkC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
GPS - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
GPS time
graphics - Static variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
graphics - Static variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
graphics - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
GRAPHICS_QUALITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
The graphics quality
GRAPHICS_QUALITY_UPDATED - gaiasky.event.Events
Graphics quality updated, contains the new GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality object.
GRAV_WAVE_START - gaiasky.event.Events
Start gravitational wave.
GRAV_WAVE_STOP - gaiasky.event.Events
Stops gravitational wave
GRAVE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Contains the x and the y in pixels of the position of the mass
GRAVITATIONAL_WAVES - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
GravitationalDistortion - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
This is just a test for now
GravitationalDistortion(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GravitationalDistortion
GravitationalDistortionFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
GravitationalDistortionFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter
GravitationalDistortionFilter(Vector2) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter
GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
gravitationalWavePos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Applies the gravitational wave transformation to the given position
gravWavesOn() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
grayscale(float, float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts a scalar value that is normalized to [0:1] into a grayscale color vector rgba.
GRAYSCALE - gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap.Mode
gRed - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gRedC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Grip - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
GroundShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
GroundShader(IntRenderable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
GroundShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
GroundShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
GroundShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
GroundShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
GroundShader.Inputs - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
GroundShader.Setters - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
GroundShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
GroundShaderProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShaderProvider
GroundShaderProvider(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShaderProvider
GroundShaderProvider(DefaultIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShaderProvider
GroundShaderProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShaderProvider
GroundShaderProviderLoader<T extends GroundShaderProviderLoader.GroundShaderProviderParameter> - Class in gaiasky.assets
GroundShaderProviderLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.GroundShaderProviderLoader
GroundShaderProviderLoader.GroundShaderProviderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
GroundShaderProviderParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.GroundShaderProviderLoader.GroundShaderProviderParameter
GSKeys - Class in gaiasky.interfce
GSKeys() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
gsposition - Variable in class gaiasky.util.units.Position
GSThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.GaiaSkyThreadFactory.GSThread
Gti - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A GTI (Good Time Interval), is a
Gti(long, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Constructor taking both start and end times.
GtiList - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A collection of Good Time Intervals (GTIs).
GtiList() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Create an empty GTI List
gtis - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
List of good time intervals
GUI_FOLD_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Maximizes or minimizes the GUI window.
GUI_MOVE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Moves the GUI window.
GUI_SCROLL_POSITION_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the vertical scroll position.
GuiComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
A GUI component
GuiComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
guiLayout - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
GuiRegistry - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Manages the Graphical User Interfaces of Gaia Sky
GuiRegistry(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
One object to handle observer pattern
guirenderlock - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Render lock object
GuiUtils - Class in gaiasky.util
GuiUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GuiUtils
gw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
gw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
gw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
gw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
gw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Cartesian coordinates from the origin of the grav wave.
Gw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
GwAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
gWhite - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gWhiteC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gwmat3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
gwmat3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
gwmat3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
gwmat3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
gwmat3 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Rotation of gw
Gwmat3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
Gwmat3Alias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
gwmat4 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Rotation of gw
gwtime - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Time in seconds, synced to the simulation time.
gYellow - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
gYellowC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
GzipInputStreamProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is
GzipInputStreamProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is.GzipInputStreamProvider


h() - Method in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
Gets the height
H - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
H_TO_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Hours to milliseconds
H_TO_S - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Hours to seconds
halfExtents - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The location, relative to IntMeshPart.center, of the corner of the axis aligned bounding box of the shape.
haloWidth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
HaloWidth - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
HAMMER - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
hardEdges - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
HardwareRevision_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
HardwareRevision_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
has(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
Whether this IntShader instance implements the specified uniform, only valid after a call to init().
hasAcceptRunnable() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
hasAtmosphere() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IModelRenderable
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
hasAtmosphere() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
hasAttached() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
Returns true if the ruler is attached to at least one object.
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
hasBinormal - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
HasCamera_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
hasCancelRunnable() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
hasChildren() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
hascol - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
hasColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
hasDataset(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
hasDataset(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Checks whether the dataset identified by the given name is loaded
hasGeoDistance(long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
hasGeoDistances() - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
hasGlyph(char) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Returns true if the font has the glyph, or if the font has a BitmapFont.BitmapFontData.missingGlyph.
hasGravitationalWaves(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
hash(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
hash(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Hash - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils
* General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms Library * * Author: Arash Partow - 2002 * URL: http://www.partow.net * URL: http://www.partow.net/programming/hashfunctions/index.html * * Copyright notice: * Free use of the General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms Library is * permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most current * version of the Common Public License.
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.event.Telegram
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
This is needed in order to have the search working in the HashMap In order to choose the bucket we don't need more than one second accuracy.
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
hasHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
hasHeight() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
hasid - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
hasmag - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
hasname - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
hasNaN() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
hasNormal - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
hasObject0() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
hasObject1() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
hasOctree - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
Does it contain an octree
hasOppositeDirection(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
hasOppositeDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
hasOppositeDirection(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
hasParent() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
haspm - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
haspos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
hasPosition - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
hasRelativisticEffects(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
hasRules() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
hasSameDirection(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
hasSameDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
hasSameDirection(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
hasSlaves() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
hasStarGroup - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
Does it contain a star vgroup
hasSubscriptors(Events) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
hasTangent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
hasUniform(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
hasUniform(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
hasUV - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
hasVelocityBuffer(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
haveAngles - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
HD_3DTV_HORIZONTAL - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Left image -> left eye, distortion
HD_3DTV_VERTICAL - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
hdiff - Variable in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
The hour difference from the last frame
header - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ModePopupInfo
HeadMountedDisplay - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceType
the head mounted display
HEADSETHOOK - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
height - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMData
height - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
The height of the image.
Height - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
HeightAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
heightMap - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
heightNoiseSize - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
heightNoiseSize - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
HeightNoiseSize - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
HeightNoiseSizeAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
heightScale - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
heightScale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
heightScale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
HeightScale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
HeightScaleAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
heightSize - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
heightSize - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
heightSize - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
HeightSize - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
HeightSizeAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
heightTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
heightTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
heightUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
HeliosphereMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
HeliosphereMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HeliosphereMinimapScale
HeliotropicAnglesRates - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
A compound object for holding heliotropic angles and their rates as per Fig.
HeliotropicAnglesRates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.HeliotropicAnglesRates
HeliotropicOrbit - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Heliotropic orbits must be corrected using the Sun longitude.
HeliotropicOrbit() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.HeliotropicOrbit
HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
heliotropicToQuaternion(long, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
Method to convert heliotropic angles to quaternion
heliotropicToQuaternions(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeConverter
Converts heliotropic angles and rates to an attitude quaternion and its derivative
heliotropicToQuaternionSrsRates(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeConverter
Converts heliotropic angles and rates to the attitude quaternion components and the inertial rates in SRS
hermite3(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Static method for cubic Hermite interpolation between two points, given their values and derivatives.
HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
This abstract class contains the fields needed to store numerical attitude in the form of arrays (q and SRS rates), and a method to calculate the attitude for any given time using cubic Hermite interpolation
HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer(long, Duration) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
Constructor for a given start time and mission length
HexColorValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
HexColorValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.HexColorValidator
hexToRgb(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
hexToRgba(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
hidden - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
hidden - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
HiddenHelperUser - Class in gaiasky.script
This guy implements high level operations which run concurrently to the main thread by starting new threads
hide() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Hides the dialog.
hide(Action) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Hides the dialog with the given action and then removes it from the stage.
HIDE_UNCERTAINTIES - gaiasky.event.Events
Hides all uncertainties
hideDataset(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
hideDataset(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Hides the dataset identified by the given name, if it exists and is not hidden
High - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
HIGH - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
HIGH_ACCURACY_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to change the high accuracy setting.
HIGH_ACCURACY_POSITIONS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
High accuracy positions for planets and moon - use all terms of VSOP87 and moon algorithms
highAccuracy - Variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
highDensityAreas - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
highlight(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
Highlight the dataset using the dataset's own color index
highlight(boolean, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
highlight(boolean, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
highlight(boolean, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
highlight(boolean, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
Highlight the dataset using a specific color index
highlight(Keyframe) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
highlightDataset(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
highlightDataset(String, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or disables the dataset highlight using a color chosen by the system
highlightDataset(String, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
highlightDataset(String, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or disables the dataset highlight, using a given color
highlightDataset(String, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
highlightDataset(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or disables the dataset highlight, using a given color index: 0 - blue 1 - red 2 - yellow 3 - green 4 - pink 5 - orange 6 - purple 7 - brown 8 - magenta
highlighted - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Is it highlighted?
highlighted - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Highlighted keyframe
highlighted - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
highlightedKnot - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Highlighted knot
highlightedSizeFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
HighZMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
HighZMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HighZMinimapScale
hiiData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
hiisource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
HII positions/sizes
hip - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
HIP number, negative if non existent
hip() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
hipMap - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
Map from integer to position with all Hipparcos stars, for the constellations
hit(float, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
hits - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
hlAllVisible - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
hlc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Highlight color index
hlColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
hlColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Highlight color array for datasets
hlSizeFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
HMD_DEVICE_INDEX - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
device index of the head mounted display
hmdMat34ToMatrix4(HmdMatrix34, Matrix4) - Static method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
hmdMat4toMatrix4(HmdMatrix44, Matrix4) - Static method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
hoffset - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
Horizontal offset, for VR
HOME - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
HOME_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Runs the 'Go home' action
Hours - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of hours There are two implementations provided of the conversions methods one as object interface, where an object of the current class has to be instantiated.
Hours() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
Default constructor
Hours(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
Construct object
HOURS_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
HOURS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
HOURS_PER_REV - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
HSBtoRGB(float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
hslToRgb(float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts an HSL color value to RGB.
hterms - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
hterms - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
hterms - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
hterms - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
hterms - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Hterms: hpluscos, hplussin, htimescos, htimessin
Hterms - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
HtermsAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
HttpParameterEncoder - Class in gaiasky.util
HttpParameterEncoder() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.HttpParameterEncoder
hudColor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
hudColors - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
HUDGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Head-up display GUI which only displays information and has no options window.
HUDGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
hudh - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
hudScales - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
hudw - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Hue - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
HUE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the hue level (float) in [0..2] and an optional boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface
humanReadableByteCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts bytes to a human readable format


i - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Inclination, angle between the reference plane (ecliptic) and the orbital plane.
i() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadIndexer
I - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
I_ABSMAG - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_APPMAG - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_COL - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_HIP - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_MUALPHA - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_MUDELTA - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_PMX - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_PMY - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_PMZ - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_RADVEL - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
I_X - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
I_Y - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
I_Z - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
I18n - Class in gaiasky.util
Manages the i18n system.
I18n() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.I18n
I18nFormatter - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
I18nFormatter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.I18nFormatter
I3DTextRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
Interface to be implemented by all entities that can render a text in 3d space
IAggregationAlgorithm - Interface in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
Interface to be implemented by all algorithms that create a vgroup of virtual particles for an octant.
IAnnotationsRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
IAtmosphereRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
To be implemented by all entities wanting to render an atmosphere.
IAttribute<T extends ParticleGroup.ParticleBean> - Interface in gaiasky.util.filter.attrib
Represents an attribute
IBodyCoordinates - Interface in gaiasky.util.coord
Defines the interface to get the coordinates of a body
ICamera - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
ICloudRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
To be implemented by all entities wanting to render a clouds layer.
ICON_URL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
IconPathName_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
IControllerMappings - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
icosphere(float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
icosphere(float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an icosphere
icosphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
icosphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an icosphere
IcoSphereCreator - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Helper generic class to create icospheres.
IcoSphereCreator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
id - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The internal identifier
id - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMesh
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMeshPart
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntAnimation
the unique id of the animation
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Unique id within model, may be null.
id - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
the id, may be null, FIXME is this unique?
ID - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
IDateFormat - Interface in gaiasky.util.format
IDLE - gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder.RecorderState
ids - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
List of pairs of HIP identifiers
idt() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to an identity matrix.
idt() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion to an identity Quaterniond
idt(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
idx() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.MultiThreadIndexer
idx() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadIndexer
Gets the index of the current thread
idxLoadedIds - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
IFileImageRenderer - Interface in gaiasky.screenshot
IFocus - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph
Contract that all focus objects must implement
ignoreTouchDown - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
ignoreUnimplemented - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
ignoreUnimplemented - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
IGPUVertsRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
IGui - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
An interface to be implemented by all top-level GUIs in Gaia Sky
IGuiInterface - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
IInputListener - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
ILineRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
Interface to implement by all entities that are to be rendered as lines whose points are floated by the camera position in the CPU.
imagePaths - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
An array of the image paths, for multiple texture pages.
ImageRenderer - Class in gaiasky.screenshot
Utility class to render the current frame buffer to images.
ImageRenderer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.screenshot.ImageRenderer
ImageSize - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
IMainRenderer - Interface in gaiasky.render
IMinimapScale - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
ImmediateRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
ImmediateRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
ImmediateRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData - Class in gaiasky.render.system
IModelRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
Interface to implement by all the entities that can be rendered as a model.
implementedFlags - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
implementedFlags - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
IMusicActors - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
inclination - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Angle between orbital plane and the ecliptic in degrees.
increaseThrustFactorIndex(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
index - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.GaiaSkyThreadFactory.GSThread
index - Variable in enum gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.RenderType
index - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The number at the end of the original image file name, or -1 if none.

When sprites are packed, if the original file name ends with a number, it is stored as the index and is not considered as part of the sprite's name.
index - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
index - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
index - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
index(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
index(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an index, IntMeshPartBuilder expects all meshes to be indexed.
index(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
index(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add multiple indices, IntMeshPartBuilder expects all meshes to be indexed.
index(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
index(int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add multiple indices, IntMeshPartBuilder expects all meshes to be indexed.
index(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
index(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add multiple indices, IntMeshPartBuilder expects all meshes to be indexed.
index(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
index(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add multiple indices, IntMeshPartBuilder expects all meshes to be indexed.
index(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
index(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add multiple indices, IntMeshPartBuilder expects all meshes to be indexed.
indexIdx - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
indexVert - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
indices - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
indices - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMeshPart
INetworkChecker - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
Interface all network checkers must comply.
inf() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Sets the minimum and maximum vector to positive and negative infinity.
info(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Logger.Log
INFO - gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
infoCell - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
infoCell1 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
infoCell2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
infoFocus - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
infoFree - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
infoMessage1 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
infoMessage2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
infoTable - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
inGap(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
inGap(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
inGpu - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
GPU rendering attributes
inGpu() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
inGpu() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
inGpu() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
inGpu(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
inheritTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Whether this node should inherit the transformation of its parent node, defaults to true.
ini - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
INI_DPOOL_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
init() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
init() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
init() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.IntShader
Initializes the IntShader, must be called before the IntShader can be used.
init(ExtShaderProgram, IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
Initialize this shader, causing all registered uniforms/attributes to be fetched.
initGlobalConf() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopConfInit
initGlobalConf() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
initialGui - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
InitialGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Displays dataset downloader and dataset chooser screen if needed.
InitialGui(boolean, boolean, VRStatus) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
Creates an initial GUI
initialise(AssetManager, VRContext) - Static method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
initialiseProperties(File) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopConfInit
initialiseProperties(File) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.ScreenModeCmd
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.DatasetsComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GaiaComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
Initialises the component
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisibilityComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
An octree wrapper has as 'scene graph children' all the elements contained in the octree, even though it acts as a hub that decides which are processed and which are not.
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.script.HiddenHelperUser
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.script.ScriptingServer
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Make constants available to integrator and compute the initial values of the scanning law angles at the starting time of the integration.
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
Any numerical attitude needs to be initialized
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
Initialization mainly calculates the acceleration required for the specified ramp
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.I18n
Initialises the i18n system.
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathManager
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.util.samp.SAMPClient
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
initialize() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.VMemInfo
initialize() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
initialize(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
initialize(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
initialize(boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.script.ScriptingServer
initialize(boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathManager
initialize(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
initialize(boolean, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PerformanceConf
initialize(boolean, String, String, boolean, GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
initialize(boolean, Instant, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, boolean, GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, List<String>, String, float, float, float, String, String, String, boolean, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
initialize(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.Constants
initialize(float, boolean, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf
initialize(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadPoolManager
initialize(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
initialize(int, int, int, int, boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean, GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float, CameraKeyframeManager.PathType, CameraKeyframeManager.PathType) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
initialize(int, int, String, GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Initializes the GUI, adding all the resources to the asset manager queue for loading
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IProcessRenderer
Initializes the renderer, sending all the necessary assets to the manager for loading
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
initialize(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
initialize(AssetManager) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
initialize(FileHandle) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.I18n
initialize(FileHandle...) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HeliosphereMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HighZMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup1MinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup2MinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OortCloudMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
initialize(OrthographicCamera, SpriteBatch, ShapeRenderer, BitmapFont, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
initialize(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
initialize(Array<SceneGraphNode>, ITimeFrameProvider, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
Builds the scene graph using the given nodes.
initialize(Array<SceneGraphNode>, ITimeFrameProvider, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Initializes the scene graph
initialize(Array<String>, String, boolean, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
initialize(Array<String>, String, boolean, float, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
initialize(SceneGraphImplementationProvider) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.SceneGraphImplementationProvider
initialize(ThreadIndexer) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadIndexer
initialize(IMusicActors) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.MusicActorsManager
initialize(INetworkChecker) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.NetworkCheckerManager
initialize(PostProcessorFactory) - Static method in class gaiasky.render.PostProcessorFactory
initialize(ISceneGraph) - Static method in class gaiasky.render.AbstractRenderer
initialize(IStarFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
initialize(ConfInit) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
initialize(DateFormatFactory) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory
initialize(NumberFormatFactory) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.format.NumberFormatFactory
initialize(GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias, float, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
initialize(GlobalConf.VersionConf, GlobalConf.ProgramConf, GlobalConf.SceneConf, GlobalConf.DataConf, GlobalConf.RuntimeConf, GlobalConf.PostprocessConf, GlobalConf.PerformanceConf, GlobalConf.FrameConf, GlobalConf.ScreenConf, GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf, GlobalConf.ControlsConf, GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
Initialises the properties
initialize(ITimeFrameProvider) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
initialize(Integer) - Static method in class gaiasky.rest.RESTServer
Initialize the REST server.
initialize(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstelBoundariesLoader
initialize(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstellationsLoader
initialize(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.GeoJsonLoader
initialize(String[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.ISceneGraphLoader
initialize(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
initialize(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
initialize(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
initialize(String, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
initialize(String, Array<String>, String, float, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
initialize(String, GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality, long, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, boolean, boolean, float, float, float, boolean[], int, int, double, double, double, float, float, boolean, float, float, float, float, long, int, boolean, float, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, long, GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
initialize(String, Instant, String, String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
initialized - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
Some scanning laws have constants or tables for interpolation that need to be computed before the first use and recomputed after changing certain reference values.
initialized - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Have computed quantities been properly initialized?
initialized() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
initialized() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
INITIALIZED_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs Gaia Sky is fully initialized and normal operation is about to start
initializeList(float[], int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LightPositionUpdater
initializeMinimap(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
initialRequestedTimeContext - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
initialValue() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.TLV3
initialValue() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.TLV3D
initLists() - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
initLists(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Initialises the lists and structures given number of elements
initLists(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Initialises the lists and structures given a file by counting the number of lines
initMappings() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ModePopupInfo
initMaterial() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
initMaterial(AssetManager, Material, Material, float[], boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
initMaterial(AssetManager, IntModelInstance, float[], boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
initModel() - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
initModel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
initOctaves() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
Initialize the octave frequencies and amplitudes with the default values if needed
initOrbitMetadata() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleEffectsRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleGroupRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarGroupRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarPointRenderSystem
initShaderProgram() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
initSkybox() - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleEffectsRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleGroupRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarGroupRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarPointRenderSystem
initVertices() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
innerRad - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
innerRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
innerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
innerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
innerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
innerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
InnerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
innerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
innerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
innerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
innerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
InnerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
InnerRadius2Alias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
InnerRadiusAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale
input - Static variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
INPUT_ENABLED - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
INPUT_ENABLED_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Enables/disables input from mouse/keyboard/etc.
INPUT_EVENT - gaiasky.event.Events
Issued when an input event is received.
inputBuffer - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
inputInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
inputListener - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
Inputs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
Inputs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
Inputs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
Inputs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
InputScene - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
InputStreamProvider - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is
inputTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
inSceneGraph - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Is the node already in the scene graph?
insert(AbstractPositionEntity, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
insert(SceneGraphNode, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
insert(SceneGraphNode, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Inserts a node
insert(Comparable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Insert into the tree.
insert(Comparable, BinaryNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Internal method to insert into a subtree.
insert(List<? extends SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Inserts the list of nodes under the parents that match each node's name.
INSERT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
insertChild(int, T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Insert the specified node as child of this node at the specified index.
insertChildren(int, Iterable<T>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Insert the specified nodes as children of this node at the specified index.
insertElements(double[], long[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Insert one or more elements in an array with a certain multiplicity This will redefine a larger array of the same duration.
insertKnots(long[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Insert one or more knots in a knot sequence with a certain multiplicity This will redefine a larger knot sequence of the same duration
insertKnotsAndSplines(AttitudeUtils.KnotsAndSplines, long[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
Insert one or more knots in a knot sequence with a certain multiplicity This will redefine a larger knot sequence of the same duration Additionally, corresponding spline coefficients are inserted with zero as their starting values.
inside(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Check if a time is within any GTI in the list
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadIndexer
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.desktop.render.ScreenModeCmd
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Singleton pattern
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Singleton instance
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.PostProcessorFactory
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
instance - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
instance - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VSOP87
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.GaiaAttitudeServer
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathManager
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
instance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
instance() - Static method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
instance() - Static method in class gaiasky.script.HiddenHelperUser
instance() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
instance() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptorUtils
INT - gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator.Kind
IntAnimation - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
An Animation has an id and a list of IntNodeAnimation instances.
IntAnimation() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntAnimation
IntComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
IntComboBoxBean(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.IntComboBoxBean
Intensity - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
interfaces - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
The GUI interfaces, if any
interfaces - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
INTERNAL - gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
internalCartesianToEquatorial(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
internalCartesianToEquatorial(double, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts internal cartesian coordinates to equatorial [ra, dec, distance] coordinates.
internalFormat - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter
internalUnitsToKilometres(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
internalUnitsToKilometres(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts the value in internal units to Kilometers
internalUnitsToMetres(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
internalUnitsToMetres(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts the value in internal units to metres
interpolate(Vector2d, double, Interpolationd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
interpolate(Vector3d, double, Interpolationd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
interpolate(T, double, Interpolationd) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Interpolates between this vector and the given target vector by alpha (within range [0,1]) using the given Interpolation method.
interpolatedDirections - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
Interpolationd - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Takes a linear value in the range of 0-1 and outputs a (usually) non-linear, interpolated value.
Interpolationd() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Interpolationd.Bounce - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.BounceIn - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.BounceOut - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.Elastic - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.ElasticIn - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.ElasticOut - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.Exp - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.ExpIn - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.ExpOut - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.Pow - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.PowIn - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.PowOut - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.Swing - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.SwingIn - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolationd.SwingOut - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Interpolator - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Interpolator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Interpolator.Kind - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Kind of interpolation: for derivative, value or integral
interPolDer(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
For normalized argument x (between 0 and 1), calculate the derivatives ap0(x), ap1(x), bp0(x), bp1(x) of the four interpolating polynomials
interPolInt(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
For normalized argument x (between 0 and 1), calculate the integrals A0(x), A1(x), B0(x), B1(x) of the interpolating polynomials A0(x) = int_0^x a0(y)*dy (etc)
interPolVal(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
For normalized argument x (between 0 and 1), calculate the four interpolating polynomials a0(x), a1(x), b0(x), b1(x) [DRO-012, Eq.
Intersectord - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Intersectord() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
intersectRayBoundsFast(Rayd, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
Quick check whether the given Ray and BoundingBoxd intersect.
intersectRaySphere(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
intersects(BoundingBoxd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Returns whether the given bounding box is intersecting this bounding box (at least one point in).
intersectScreenSphere(Planet, ICamera, int, int, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.camera.CameraUtils
Checks if the planet p is hit by the screen position x and y.
intersectSegmentSphere(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Intersectord
TODO: Not working well due to aux vectors
intf - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
IntIndexArray - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts
IntIndexArray(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Creates a new IntIndexArray to be used with vertex arrays.
IntIndexBufferObject - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts
IntIndexBufferObject(boolean, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Creates a new IntIndexBufferObject.
IntIndexBufferObject(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Creates a new static IntIndexBufferObject to be used with vertex arrays.
IntIndexBufferObjectSubData - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts
IntIndexBufferObjectSubData(boolean, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Creates a new IntIndexBufferObject.
IntIndexBufferObjectSubData(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Creates a new IntIndexBufferObject to be used with vertex arrays.
IntIndexData - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
An IntIndexData instance holds index data.
IntIntMeshBuilder - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Class to construct a mesh, optionally splitting it into one or more mesh parts.
IntIntMeshBuilder() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
IntMesh - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts used in Mesh
IntMesh(boolean, boolean, int, int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Creates a new Mesh with the given attributes.
IntMesh(boolean, int, int, VertexAttribute...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Creates a new Mesh with the given attributes.
IntMesh(boolean, int, int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Creates a new Mesh with the given attributes.
IntMesh(IntMesh.VertexDataType, boolean, int, int, VertexAttribute...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Creates a new Mesh with the given attributes.
IntMesh(IntMesh.VertexDataType, boolean, int, int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Creates a new Mesh with the given attributes.
IntMesh(IntVertexData, IntIndexData, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
IntMesh.VertexDataType - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
IntMeshPart - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
A libgdx MeshPart which uses IntMesh (for integer indices) instead of a regular Mesh A MeshPart is composed of a subset of vertices of a IntMesh, along with the primitive type.
IntMeshPart() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Construct a new MeshPart, with null values.
IntMeshPart(IntMeshPart) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Construct a new MeshPart which is an exact copy of the provided MeshPart.
IntMeshPart(String, IntMesh, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Construct a new MeshPart and set all its values.
IntMeshPartBuilder - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx
IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Class that contains all vertex information the builder can use.
IntModel - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
This implementation uses IntMesh and IntMeshPart instead of Mesh and MeshPart.
IntModel() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Constructs an empty model.
IntModel(IntModelData) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Constructs a new Model based on the IntModelData.
IntModel(IntModelData, TextureProvider) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Constructs a new Model based on the IntModelData.
IntModelBatch - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Batches IntRenderable instances, fetches IntShaders for them, sorts them and then renders them.
IntModelBatch() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch with the default implementation
IntModelBatch(RenderContext) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch, using this constructor makes you responsible for calling context.begin() and context.end() yourself.
IntModelBatch(RenderContext, IntRenderableSorter) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch, using this constructor makes you responsible for calling context.begin() and context.end() yourself.
IntModelBatch(RenderContext, IntShaderProvider) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch, using this constructor makes you responsible for calling context.begin() and context.end() yourself.
IntModelBatch(RenderContext, IntShaderProvider, IntRenderableSorter) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch, using this constructor makes you responsible for calling context.begin() and context.end() yourself.
IntModelBatch(IntShaderProvider, IntRenderableSorter) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch
IntModelBatch(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Construct a ModelBatch with the default implementation and the specified ubershader.
IntModelBatch.RenderablePool - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
IntModelBuilder - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Helper class to create IntModels from code.
IntModelBuilder() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
IntModelData - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data
Returned by a ModelLoader, contains meshes, materials, nodes and animations.
IntModelData() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
IntModelInstance - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
An instance of a IntModel, allows to specify global transform and modify the materials, as it has a copy of the model's materials.
IntModelInstance(IntModel) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with all nodes and materials of the given model.
IntModelInstance(IntModelInstance) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance which is an copy of the specified IntModelInstance.
IntModelInstance(IntModelInstance, Matrix4) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance which is an copy of the specified IntModelInstance.
IntModelInstance(IntModelInstance, Matrix4, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance which is an copy of the specified IntModelInstance.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance at the specified position.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with the specified transform.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, Array<String>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, Array<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, String...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Recursively searches the mode for the specified node.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Matrix4, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Vector3) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance at the specified position.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, Array<String>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, String...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
IntModelInstance(IntModel, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
Recursively searches the mode for the specified node.
IntModelInstance(IntModel, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
IntModelLoader<P extends IntModelLoader.IntModelParameters> - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
IntModelLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
IntModelLoader.IntModelParameters - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
IntModelMesh - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data
IntModelMesh() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMesh
IntModelMeshPart - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data
IntModelMeshPart() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMeshPart
IntModelNode - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data
IntModelNode() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
IntModelParameters() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader.IntModelParameters
IntNode - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
A node is part of a hierarchy of Nodes in a IntModel.
IntNode() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
IntNodeAnimation - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
A NodeAnimation defines keyframes for a IntNode in a IntModel.
IntNodeAnimation() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodeAnimation
IntNodePart - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.model
A combination of IntMeshPart and Material, used to represent a IntNode's graphical properties.
IntNodePart() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
Construct a new NodePart with null values.
IntNodePart(IntMeshPart, Material) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
Construct a new NodePart referencing the provided IntMeshPart and Material.
IntRenderable - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
A Renderable contains all information about a single render instruction (typically a draw call).
IntRenderable() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
IntRenderableProvider - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx
Returns a list of IntRenderable instances to be rendered by a IntModelBatch.
IntRenderableSorter - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx
Responsible for sorting IntRenderable lists by whatever criteria (material, distance to camera, etc.)
IntShader - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
Interface which is used to render one or more IntRenderables.
IntShaderProvider - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider
Returns IntShader instances for a IntRenderable on request.
IntValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
IntValidator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.IntValidator
IntValidator(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.IntValidator
IntValidator(IValidator) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.IntValidator
IntValidator(IValidator, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.IntValidator
IntVertexData - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
A VertexData instance holds vertices for rendering with OpenGL.
INumberFormat - Interface in gaiasky.util.format
inv() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
inv(double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Computes the inverse of the given matrix.
Invalid - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Invalidates the IntIndexArray so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Invalidates the IntIndexBufferObject so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Invalidates the IntIndexBufferObject so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidate() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Invalidates the IntIndexBufferObject so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidate() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Invalidates the VertexData if applicable.
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Invalidates the VertexBufferObject so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Invalidates the VertexBufferObject so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
Invalidates the VertexBufferObject so a new OpenGL buffer handle is created.
invalidateAllMeshes(Application) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Invalidates all meshes so the next time they are rendered new VBO handles are generated.
invalidateAllShaderPrograms(Application) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Invalidates all shaders so the next time they are used new handles are generated
invalidateAllShaderPrograms(Application) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Invalidates all shaders so the next time they are used new handles are generated
invBoneBindTransforms - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
Mapping to each bone (node) and the inverse transform of the bind pose.
inverse() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the value of this quaternion to the quaternion inverse of itself.
inverseRefPlaneTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
invert - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter
invert - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter
Whether to compute the inverse mapping
INVERT_LOOK_Y_AXIS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
invertMap(Map<T, U>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Inverts a map
invEyeSpace - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
Invisible - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
The sole purpose of this class is to act as an invisible focus.
Invisible - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
Invisible() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
Invisible(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
Invisible(String, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
invWavelength - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
invWavelength - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
invWavelength - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
invWavelength - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
InvWavelength - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
InvWavelengthAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
IObserver - Interface in gaiasky.event
IOctreeGenerator - Interface in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
IOrbitDataProvider - Interface in gaiasky.data.orbit
IParticleGroupDataProvider - Interface in gaiasky.data.group
Data provider for a particle vgroup.
IPointRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
Interface to be implemented by those entities that can be rendered as a single point, floated by the camera position in the CPU.
IPosition - Interface in gaiasky.util.tree
Interface that must implement all entities that have a position.
IPostProcessor - Interface in gaiasky.render
IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean - Class in gaiasky.render
IPostProcessor.RenderType - Enum in gaiasky.render
IProcessRenderer - Interface in gaiasky.render
Interface for component renderers.
IProperMotion - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph
Any entity which contains a proper motion
IQuadRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
IRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
A top-level renderable interface that all renderable objects must extend
IRenderSystem - Interface in gaiasky.render.system
A component that renders a type of objects.
is(Bits) - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
isActive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
isActive() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns whether this focus object is active or not.
isActive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
isActive() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
isActive(Vector3d, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
isActive(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
isAnaglyphic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
isAndroid() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
isAnimated - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Whether this node is currently being animated, if so the translation, rotation and scale values are not used.
isAnyInView(Vector3d[], float, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Computes whether any of the given points is visible by a camera with the given direction and the given cone angle.
isAtLeast(GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality) - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
isAtMost(GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality) - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
isBlendingEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
isBlendingEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
isBlendingEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
isBlendingEnabled() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
isBlendingEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
isBreakChar(char) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
isButtonPressed(int) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
ISceneGraph - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph
Defines the interface for any scene graph implementation
ISceneGraphLoader - Interface in gaiasky.data
isClosedLoop() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
isClosedLoop() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
isCollapsed() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
isCollinear(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isCollinear(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isCollinear(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isCollinear(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isCollinear(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isCollinear(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isCollinearOpposite(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isCollinearOpposite(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isCollinearOpposite(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isCollinearOpposite(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isCollinearOpposite(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isCollinearOpposite(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isCompiled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
isCompiled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
isConnected - Variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevicePose
whether the device is connected
isConnected() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
isControllerBlacklisted(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
isCoordinatesTimeOverflow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
isCoordinatesTimeOverflow() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Checks whether this foucs is within its valid time range, so that it can be used as a focus
isCoordinatesTimeOverflow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
isCoordinatesTimeOverflow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
isCopy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
isCopy() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Whether this is a copy or not
IScriptingInterface - Interface in gaiasky.script
Scripting interface.
isCubemap() - Method in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
isDisabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
isDragging() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
isDrawing() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
isDrawing() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
isEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
isEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
isEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
isEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Test if the tree is logically empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
isEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.util.LargeLongMap
isEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Whether or not the post-processor is enabled
isEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
Whether or not this effect is enabled and should be processed
isEnabled(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PipelineState
isEnabled(ComponentTypes.ComponentType) - Method in class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
Checks whether the given ComponentTypes.ComponentType is enabled in this ComponentTypes instance
isEqual(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns true if a is nearly equal to b.
isEqual(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns true if a is nearly equal to b.
isFailed() - Method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionCheckEvent
isFinishedLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
isFinishedLoading(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
isFixedRateMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
isFixedRateMode() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Returns whether the frame rate is set to fixed or not
isFixedRateMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
isFL(String, AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
isFL(String, AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
isFlipped() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Returns true if this BitmapFont has been flipped for use with a y-down coordinate system.
isFlipX() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
isFlipY() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
isFocus() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
isFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
isFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
isFocus(IFocus) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Checks if this body is the current focus
isFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
isFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
isFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
isFollowingTelescope() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Determine whether a given field of view corresponds to the following telescope
isFrameOutputActive() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
isFrameOutputActive() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Is the frame output system on?
isFree() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
isFrontFacing(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Returns whether the plane is facing the direction vector.
isGaiaFov() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
isGame() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
isGenerateDisabledImage() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
isGlobal(BaseIntShader, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.GlobalSetter
isGlobal(BaseIntShader, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.LocalSetter
isGlobal(BaseIntShader, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Setter
ISGR - Interface in gaiasky.render
Interface that must be extended by all types of scene graph renderers
isGradientMappingEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
isGradientMappingEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
IShapeRenderable - Interface in gaiasky.render
isHiDPITheme() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
isHigh() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
isHighlighted() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
isHorizontal() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
isIdentity() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
isIdentity(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
isInitialised() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
isInitialized() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
isInitialized() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
isInRender(IRenderable, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
isInRender(IRenderable, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
isInside(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Is an instant within the GTI; that is has a time later than or equal to the start time and earlier than or equal to the end time of the GTI
isInView(Vector3, double, float, Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
isInView(Vector3d, double, float, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Computes whether a body with the given position is visible by a camera with the given direction and angle.
isInView(Vector3d, float, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Computes whether a body with the given position is visible by a camera with the given direction and angle.
isIos() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
isKeyPressed(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
isKeyPressed(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
isLabel() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Is it a label or another kind of text?
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
isLabel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
isLessThan(Gti) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Is this GTI X '<' than the GTI passed in Y? If X starts before Y it is less than Y.
isLightScatterEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
isLightScatterEnabled() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor
isLine() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
isLine() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
isLinux() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
isLongerThan(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
isLongerThan(Duration) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
Check that this duration is longer than a given one
isLow() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
isMac() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
isMac() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
isMaster() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
isModal() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
isModified(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Returns true if the precession rate is reduced in the interpolation interval containing t
isMotion() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Indicates if this FoV has motion propagation in the Focal plane
isMovable() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
isNatural() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
isNone() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
isNormal() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
isNormalLineRenderer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
isNullMotion() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Indicates if this FoV has Null motion propagation in the Focal plane
isNumeric(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
isObserved() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
isOn() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.CustomInterface
isOn() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGuiInterface
isOn() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.TableGuiInterface
isOn(int) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
isOn(int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
isOn(ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
isOn(ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Checks if the component types are all on
isOn(ComponentTypes.ComponentType) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
isOn(ComponentTypes.ComponentType) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Checks if a given component type is on
IsOnDesktop_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
isOnLine(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isOnLine(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isOnLine(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isOnLine(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isOnLine(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isOnLine(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isOver() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
isPanorama() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
isParallax() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
isParallaxMapping() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
isPerpendicular(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isPerpendicular(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isPerpendicular(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isPerpendicular(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isPerpendicular(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isPerpendicular(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isPlanetarium() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
isPlaying() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
isPoint() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
isPoint() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
isPostProcessAntialias() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
isPrecedingTelescope() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Indicates whether this field of view corresponds to the preceding telescope
isQuadLineRenderer() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
isReady() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
If called before capturing it will indicate if the next capture call will succeed or not.
isRedrawMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
isRedrawMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
isReduced() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Is the list reduced?
isRenderOutputActive() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
isRenderOutputActive() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
isResizable() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
isSelected() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
isShadow() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Whether shadows should be rendered for this object
isSimpleMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
isSimpleMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
isSimulationTimeOn() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
isSimulationTimeOn() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Queries whether the time is on or not.
isSlave() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
isSlaveConnected(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
isSlaveConnected(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
isSlaveMPCDIPresent() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Checks whether the MPCDI configuration file for this slave is set
isSolaris() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
isSorted() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Is the list sorted?
isSpacecraft() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
isStabilising() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
isStar() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
isStar() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
isStateEnabled(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Provides a way to query the pipeline for the most used states
isStereoFullWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
isStereoHalfViewport() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
isStereoHalfWidth() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
isStopping() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
isSubscribedToAny(IObserver) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
IStarContainer - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph
IStarFocus - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph
IStarGroupDataProvider - Interface in gaiasky.data.group
Data provider for a star vgroup, which contains an index map with the names and indices of the stars.
IStarGroupIO - Interface in gaiasky.data.octreegen
isTessellation() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
isTimeOn() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
isTimeOn() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Is the time on?
isTimeOn() - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
isToneMappingAuto() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
isTransition(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Returns true if the precession rate is in a transition phase during the interval containing t
isUINightMode() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Returns whether the UI theme is in night mode
isUltra() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
isUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isUnit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isUnit() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isUnit(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isUnit(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isUnit(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isUnix() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
isUnix() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
isValid - Variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevicePose
whether the pose is valid our invalid, e.g.
isValid() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Returns whether this bounding box is valid.
isValid() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
Checks the validity of the value.
isValid(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
Check if the there is a valid attitude at a given time
isValidPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
isValidPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Returns whether the current position is valid (usually, when there is no coordinates overflow)
isVertexTransformationEnabled() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
isVertexTransformationEnabled() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Indicates whether vertex transformation is enabled.
isVertical() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
isVisibilityOn() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
isVisible() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
isVisible() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IVisibilitySwitch
isVisible() - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, double, Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, double, Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, double, Vector3d, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
isVisible(ITimeFrameProvider, CelestialBody) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
isWarpOrBlend() - Method in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
isWhitespace(char) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
isWindows() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
isWindows() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
isZero() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isZero() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isZero() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isZero(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns true if the value is zero (using the default tolerance as upper bound)
isZero(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
isZero(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
isZero(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
isZero(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns true if the value is zero.
isZero(Color) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
items - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
ItemsManager<T extends com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable> - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils
ItemsManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
iterator() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
iterator() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
iterator() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
ITimeFrameProvider - Interface in gaiasky.util.time
Basic interface for entities that provide an time frame in the scene
ITransform - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
Represents a generic matrix transformation
ITrigonometry - Interface in gaiasky.util.math
Trigonometry interface to enable multiple implementations
IValidator - Interface in gaiasky.util.validator
IVisibilitySwitch - Interface in gaiasky.scenegraph
iVSOP87 - Interface in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87


J - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
J2000_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Milliseconds of J2000 in the scale of java.util.Date
JAVA_EXCEPTION - gaiasky.event.Events
Notifies from a java exception, it sends the Throwable and an optional tag.
JD_B1900 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Julian date of B1900 epoch
JD_J2000 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Julian date of J2000 epoch (julian days since January 1, 4713 BCE)
JD_J2010 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Julian date of TGAS epoch 2010-01-01T00:00:00
JD_J2015 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Julian date of reference epoch J2015.0 = JD2455197.5 = 2015-01-01T00:00:00
JD_J2015_5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Julian date of the Gaia DR2 reference epoch, J2015.5 = JD2455197.5 = 2015-01-01T00:00:00
JPG - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ImageFormat
JPGWriter - Class in gaiasky.screenshot
Writes JPG images
JPGWriter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.screenshot.JPGWriter
JSHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
JsonLoader<T extends SceneGraphNode> - Class in gaiasky.data
Implements the loading of scene graph nodes using libgdx's json library.
JsonLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
julianDateToInstant(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
JulianYears - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of years.
JulianYears() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
Default constructor
JulianYears(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
Construct object
JupiterVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
JupiterVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87


K - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
kappa - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
keepWithinStage() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
keepWithinStage(Actor) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ActorUtils
Makes sures that actor will be fully visible in stage.
keepWithinStage(Stage, Actor) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ActorUtils
Makes sures that actor will be fully visible in stage.
kerning - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
key - Variable in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
key - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
KEY_DOWN - gaiasky.event.Events
KEY_UP - gaiasky.event.Events
KeyBindings - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Contains the key mappings and the actions.
KeyBindings.BooleanRunnable - Interface in gaiasky.interfce
KeyBindings.ProgramAction - Class in gaiasky.interfce
A simple program action.
keyData - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
Use a Vector to keep a copy of lines containing a key, i.e.
keyDown(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
keyDown(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyInputController
keyDown(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
Keyframe - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util.camera
Represents a keyframe and contains the camera state, the simulation time, the frame and a descriptor name.
Keyframe(String, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, long, double, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
KEYFRAME_ADD - gaiasky.event.Events
Add new keyframe at the end with the current camera settings
KEYFRAME_SELECT - gaiasky.event.Events
The given keyframe has been selected
KEYFRAME_UNSELECT - gaiasky.event.Events
The given keyframe is no longer selected
KeyframePreferencesWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
KeyframePreferencesWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframePreferencesWindow
keyframes - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Keyframe objects
KEYFRAMES_EXPORT - gaiasky.event.Events
Exports the given array of keyframes to a camera path file
KEYFRAMES_FILE_SAVE - gaiasky.event.Events
Saves the given array of keyframes to a keyframes file
KEYFRAMES_REFRESH - gaiasky.event.Events
Refreshes the keyframes from the model
KeyframesPathObject - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
KeyframesPathObject() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
KeyframesWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
KeyframesWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
KeyInputController - Class in gaiasky.interfce
This input inputListener connects the input events with the key binding actions
KeyInputController(Input) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.KeyInputController
keyUp(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
keyUp(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyInputController
keyUp(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
KF_PATH_TYPE_ORIENTATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
Path type of camera orientation
KF_PATH_TYPE_POSITION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
Path type of camera position
kilometrestointernalunits(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
kilometrestointernalunits(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts the kilometres to internal units
KM - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
KM_TO_AU - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Kilometres to astronomical units
KM_TO_PC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Kilometres to parsecs
KM_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Kilometre to local unit conversion.
km4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
km4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
km4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
km4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
Km4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
Km4PIAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
kmESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
kmESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
kmESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
kmESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
KmESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
KmESunAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
knots - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
The knots, or keyframe positions
knots - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils.KnotsAndSplines
knots - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
KnotsAndSplines(long[], double[][]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils.KnotsAndSplines
knotsSeam - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Knots which are also seams
KPC_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Kiloparsec to local unit conversion.
kr4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
kr4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
kr4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
kr4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
Kr4PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
Kr4PIAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
krESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
krESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
krESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
krESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
KrESun - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
KrESunAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute


l() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Galactic longitude in degrees.
L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
L_BRACKET - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
L0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
L1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
L2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
L3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
L4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
L5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
LABEL_NUMBER_FACTOR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
LABEL_SIZE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Set label size.
LABEL_SIZE_FACTOR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
labelcolor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
labelColour - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Colour of label
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
labelFactor() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
labelMax() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
labelPosition - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Position of label
Labels - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
labelSize - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
labelSizeConcrete() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
labelSizeConcrete() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
labelSizeConcrete() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
labelSizeConcrete() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
lambda() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Ecliptic longitude in degrees.
LAND_AT_LOCATION_OF_OBJECT - gaiasky.event.Events
Lands at a certain location on a planet object
LAND_ON_OBJECT - gaiasky.event.Events
Lands on a planet object
landAt - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
LandAtWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
LandAtWindow(CelestialBody, Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.LandAtWindow
landOn - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
landOnObject(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
landOnObject(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Lands on the object with the given name, if it is an instance of Planet.
landOnObjectLocation(IFocus, String, AtomicBoolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
landOnObjectLocation(String, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
landOnObjectLocation(String, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Lands on the object with the given name, if it is an instance of Planet, at the location specified in by [latitude, longitude], in degrees.
landOnObjectLocation(String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
landOnObjectLocation(String, String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Lands on the object with the given name, if it is an instance of Planet, at the location with the given name, if it exists.
landOnObjectLocation(String, String, AtomicBoolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
LangComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
LangComboBoxBean(Locale) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.LangComboBoxBean
LargeLongMap<T> - Class in gaiasky.util
LargeLongMap(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.LargeLongMap
Creates a LargeLongMap with the given number of backend maps
LAST_OPEN_LOCATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
LastFrame - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
lastIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
lastIndex() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
lastNumberObjects - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
The number of objects added to render in the last frame
lastQueueClearMs - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Last time of a queue clear event went through
lastSortTime - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Stores the time when the last sort operation finished, in ms
lastTime - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
lastTransitIncrease - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Last observations increase in ms
launchMainApp() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.GaiaSkyDesktop
LAZY_MESH_INIT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Initializes meshes lazily
LAZY_TEXTURE_INIT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Lazy texture initialisation - textures are loaded only if needed
left - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
left() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
LEFT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
LEFT_BRACKET - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
leftAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
LeftHand - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerRole
leftMouseButton - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
The button for rotating the camera either around its center or around the focus.
len() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
len() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
len() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
len() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
len(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
len(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
len(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
len2() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
len2() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
len2() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
len2() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
This method is faster than Vectord.len() because it avoids calculating a square root.
len2(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
len2(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
len2(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
length - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
length - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
Length(double, Quantity.Length.LengthUnit) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length
Length(double, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length
LengthValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
LengthValidator(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.LengthValidator
LengthValidator(IValidator, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.LengthValidator
lens - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
Lens - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Lens flare effect.
Lens(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
LENS_FLARE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Activate/deactivate lens flare.
Lens.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
LensCenterLeftU_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
LensCenterLeftV_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
LensCenterRightU_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
LensCenterRightV_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
LensColor - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
LensDirt - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
LensFlare2 - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Pseudo lens flare implementation.
LensFlare2(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
LensFlare2.Settings - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
LensStarburst - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
lerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
lerp(float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
lerp(long, long, long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
lerp(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
lerp(Matrix4d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Linearly interpolates between this matrix and the given matrix mixing by alpha
lerp(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
lerp(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
lerp(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Linearly interpolates between this vector and the target vector by alpha which is in the range [0,1].
level - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Logger
leveling - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
levels - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
Levels - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Implements brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels, plus auto-tone mapping HDR and gamma correction.
Levels() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Creates the effect
LevelsFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Controls levels of brightness and contrast
LevelsFilter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
LevelsFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
LIGHT_POS_2D_UPDATED - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains an int with the number of lights and a float[] with [x, y] of the 10 closest stars in screen coordinates in [0..1]
LIGHT_SCATTERING_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Activate/deactivate the light scattering.
LightBeam - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
LightBeam() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
LightColors - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
lightglow - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
LightGlow - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Light scattering implementation.
LightGlow(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
LightGlow.Settings - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
LightGlowTexture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
lighting - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
lightPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
lightPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
lightPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
lightPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
LightPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
LightPosAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
LightPosition - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
LightPosition - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
LightPositionAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
LightPositions - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
LightPositions - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
LightPositionUpdater - Class in gaiasky.render.system
LightPositionUpdater() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.LightPositionUpdater
LightScattering - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Light scattering implementation.
LightScattering(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
LightScattering.Settings - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
LightViewAngles - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
LightViewAngles - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
limit(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
limit(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
limit(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Limits the length of this vector, based on the desired maximum length.
LIMIT_FPS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
LIMIT_MAG_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the limit magnitude.
LIMIT_MAG_LOAD - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
Limit magnitude used for loading stars.
LIMIT_MAG_RUNTIME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
limit2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
limit2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
limit2(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Limits the length of this vector, based on the desired maximum length squared.
limitWidth(CharSequence, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
line(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
line(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a line.
line(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
line(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a line by indices.
line(Vector3, Color, Vector3, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
line(Vector3, Color, Vector3, Color) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a line.
line(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
line(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a line.
line(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
line(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a line.
LINE - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
LINE_GPU - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Line GPU
LINE_RENDERER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
The line render system: 0 - normal, 1 - shader
LINE_RENDERER_UPDATE - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to update the line render system.
LINE_WIDTH_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Line width factor.
LINE_WIDTH_FACTOR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
linear - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
linear(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
LINEAR - gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager.PathType
LINEAR - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction
Lineard<T extends Vectord<T>> - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Lineard(T[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
LineArraySorter(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem.LineArraySorter
lineData - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
Use a Vector to keep a copy of lines that are a comment or 'blank'
lineHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The distance from one line of text to the next.
LineQuadRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
Renders lines as Polyline Quadstrips (Polyboards).
LineQuadRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
LineQuadRenderSystem.DPool - Class in gaiasky.render.system
LineRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
LineRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
LineRenderSystem.LineArraySorter - Class in gaiasky.render.system
lines - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
lines - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
The lines themselves as pairs of positions
lineWidth - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
link - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
Link - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
Link widget.
Link(CharSequence, Label.LabelStyle, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
Link(CharSequence, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
Link(CharSequence, Skin, String, Color, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
Link(CharSequence, Skin, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
Link(CharSequence, Skin, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
LinkButton - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
LinkButton(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.LinkButton
linkCursor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
lint(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Linear interpolation
lint(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Linear interpolation
lint(long, long, long, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Linear interpolation
list - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
listDatasets() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
listDatasets() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Returns the names of all datasets currently loaded
listRec(FileHandle, Array<FileHandle>, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
listRec(FileHandle, Array<FileHandle>, String...) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Gets all the files with the given extension in the given file handle f.
load(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.data.AssetBean
Invokes the load operation on the given AssetManager for this given AssetBean.
load(AssetManager) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
load(FileHandle) - Static method in class gaiasky.assets.ShaderTemplatingLoader
load(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.MtlLoader
loads .mtl file
load(FileHandle, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
load(BitmapFont.BitmapFontData) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
load(IntModelData, TextureProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
load(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoader
Loads the data in the input stream into an OrbitData object.
load(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime
Loads the data in the input stream into an OrbitData object.
load(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
Loads the data in the input stream and transforms it into Cartesian ecliptic coordinates.
load(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
Load properties from the specified InputStream.
load(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.assets.ShaderTemplatingLoader
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.orbit.IOrbitDataProvider
Loads the orbit data into the OrbitData object in the internal units.
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitalParametersProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitSamplerDataProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.orbit.IOrbitDataProvider
Loads the orbit data into the OrbitData object in the internal units.
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitalParametersProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataProvider
load(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitSamplerDataProvider
LOAD_ACTIVE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Is dynamic loading active?
LOAD_DATA_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Dataset has been choosen, loading can start
LOAD_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Default load queue size in octants
loadAnimations(Iterable<ModelAnimation>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
loadAssets(AssetManager) - Method in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, GaiaAttitudeLoader.GaiaAttitudeLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.GaiaAttitudeLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, P) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, T) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, T) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.DefaultShaderProviderLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, T) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.GroundShaderProviderLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, T) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.RelativisticShaderProviderLoader
loadAsync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, T) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.TessellationShaderProviderLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.cluster.MWSCLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstelBoundariesLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstellationsLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.GeoJsonLoader
loadData() - Method in interface gaiasky.data.ISceneGraphLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.NBGLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.SunLoader
loadData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IParticleGroupDataProvider
Loads the data applying a factor.
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataProvider
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SDSSDataProvider
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SerializedDataProvider
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
loadData(InputStream, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.UncertaintiesProvider
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
loadData(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IParticleGroupDataProvider
Loads the data as it is.
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataProvider
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SDSSDataProvider
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SerializedDataProvider
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
loadData(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.UncertaintiesProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IParticleGroupDataProvider
Loads the data applying a factor.
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SDSSDataProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SerializedDataProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
loadData(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.UncertaintiesProvider
loadData(DataSource, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IParticleGroupDataProvider
Loads the data applying a factor using a memory mapped file for improved speed.
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SDSSDataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SerializedDataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.UncertaintiesProvider
loadDataMapped(String, double, int, long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
Uses memory mapped files to load catalog files.
loadDataPoint(Vector3d, Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
loadDataset(String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
loadDataset(String, String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Loads a VOTable file (.vot) with a given name.
loadDataset(String, String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
loadDataset(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Loads a VOTable file (.vot) with a given name.
loadDataset(String, String, CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
loadDateUTC - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
LOADED - gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
loadedIds - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Loaded octant ids, for logging
loadedObjects - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
loadFileIs(InputStream, double, DR2DataProvider.LongWrap, DR2DataProvider.LongWrap) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
LOADING - gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
LOADING_FAILED - gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
loadingGui - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
LoadingGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Displays the loading screen.
LoadingGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
LoadingGui(Boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
LoadingGui(Integer, Boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
loadingGuiVR - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
loadingPaused - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Whether loading is paused or not
loadKeyframesFile(File) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
loadLod(Integer, AbstractOctreeWrapper) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Loads all the levels of detail until the given one.
loadMaterials(Iterable<ModelMaterial>, TextureProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
loadMeshes(Iterable<IntModelMesh>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
loadModel(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
Directly load the model on the calling thread.
loadModel(FileHandle, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader
Directly load the model on the calling thread.
loadModel(FileHandle, TextureProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
Directly load the model on the calling thread.
loadModel(FileHandle, TextureProvider, P) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
Directly load the model on the calling thread.
loadModel(FileHandle, P) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
Directly load the model on the calling thread.
loadModelData(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
Directly load the raw model data on the calling thread.
loadModelData(FileHandle, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader
loadModelData(FileHandle, IntModelLoader.IntModelParameters) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
loadModelData(FileHandle, ObjLoader.ObjLoaderParameters) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader
loadModelData(FileHandle, P) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
Directly load the raw model data on the calling thread.
loadNode(IntModelNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
loadNodes(Iterable<IntModelNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
loadOctant(OctreeNode, AbstractOctreeWrapper, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.OctreeGroupLoader
loadOctant(OctreeNode, AbstractOctreeWrapper, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Loads the data of the given octant
loadOctant(OctreeNode, AbstractOctreeWrapper, Integer) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Loads the data of the given octant and its children down to the given level
loadOctants(Array<OctreeNode>, AbstractOctreeWrapper, AtomicBoolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Loads the objects of the given octants
loadOctreeData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.OctreeGroupLoader
loadOctreeData() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Loads the nodes and the octree
loadOld(String, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitalParametersProvider
loadPoint(Vector3d, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Loads the data point at the index in the vector in the Orbit reference system
loadPoint(Vector3d, long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Returns a vector with the data point at the given time.
loadPoint(Vector3d, Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Returns a vector with the data point at the given time.
loadPointF(Vector3, int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
Loads the data point at the index in the vector in the world reference system
loadSceneGraph(FileHandle[], ITimeFrameProvider, boolean, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.SceneGraphJsonLoader
LoadStatus - Enum in gaiasky.util.tree
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader.AtmosphereShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.AtmosphereShaderProviderLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, DefaultShaderProviderLoader.DefaultShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.DefaultShaderProviderLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, GaiaAttitudeLoader.GaiaAttitudeLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.GaiaAttitudeLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, GroundShaderProviderLoader.GroundShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.GroundShaderProviderLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, RelativisticShaderProviderLoader.RelativisticShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.RelativisticShaderProviderLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, TessellationShaderProviderLoader.TessellationShaderProviderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.TessellationShaderProviderLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider
loadSync(AssetManager, String, FileHandle, P) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader
loadTime(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
loc(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
Loc - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Loc() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
locale - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.LangComboBoxBean
locale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.I18n
LOCALE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
LocalGroup1MinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
LocalGroup1MinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup1MinimapScale
LocalGroup2MinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
LocalGroup2MinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup2MinimapScale
LocalSetter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.LocalSetter
localTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
localTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
localTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Local transform matrix.
localTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
the local transform, based on translation/rotation/scale (IntNode.calculateLocalTransform()) or any applied animation
localTransformD - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
locate(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
locate(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
locate(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
locate(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Pathd
Locations - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
lock - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
Lock for sync
locThOverFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
ThOverFactor for Locs
locVaMultiplier - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Multiplier for Loc view angle
LOD - gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
LodLevel - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
log(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
log(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Print text using the internal logging system
logger - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
logger - Static variable in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IOctreeGenerator
logger - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
logger - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
logger - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
Logger - Class in gaiasky.util
Logger() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.Logger
Logger.Log - Class in gaiasky.util
Logger.LoggerLevel - Enum in gaiasky.util
logOnCompileFailure - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter
Whether to log (at the error level) the shader's log if it fails to compile.
logWarning - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader
Set to false to prevent a warning from being logged when this class is used.
logWindow - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
LogWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
LogWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
LON_LAT_UPDATED - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains two Double values, the longitude and latitude in degrees
longPress(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
Longref - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Longref() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Longref
Longref(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Longref
lonLatLabel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
Low - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
LOW - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
LruCache<A,​B> - Class in gaiasky.util
Least Recently Used cache implementation
LruCache(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.LruCache
lSun - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Current value of the solar longitude [rad] and rate of solar longitude [rad/day]
lSunDot - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
lSunRef - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Reference solar longitude (at the reference epoch) [rad]
Luma - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Luma() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
Luma.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
LutIndex - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
LutIndex2 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
LutIndexOffset - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
LutIntensity - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
LutStep - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
LutStepOffset - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param


M - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
M - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
m_fAtmosphereHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
m_fInnerRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
m_fOuterRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
m_Km - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
m_Kr - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
M_TO_PC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Metres to parsecs
M_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Metre to local unit conversion.
M00 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
XX: Typically the unrotated X component for scaling, also the cosine of the angle when rotated on the Y and/or Z axis.
M01 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
XY: Typically the negative sine of the angle when rotated on the Z axis.
M02 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
XZ: Typically the sine of the angle when rotated on the Y axis.
M03 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
XW: Typically the translation of the X component.
M10 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
YX: Typically the sine of the angle when rotated on the Z axis.
M11 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
YY: Typically the unrotated Y component for scaling, also the cosine of the angle when rotated on the X and/or Z axis.
M12 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
YZ: Typically the negative sine of the angle when rotated on the X axis.
M13 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
YW: Typically the translation of the Y component.
M20 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
ZX: Typically the negative sine of the angle when rotated on the Y axis.
M21 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
ZY: Typical the sine of the angle when rotated on the X axis.
M22 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
ZZ: Typically the unrotated Z component for scaling, also the cosine of the angle when rotated on the X and/or Y axis.
M23 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
ZW: Typically the translation of the Z component.
M30 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
WX: Typically the value zero.
M31 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
WY: Typically the value zero.
M32 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
WZ: Typically the value zero.
M33 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
WW: Typically the value one.
MAG - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Brightness.BrightnessUnit
MAG - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
magCorrections - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Apply magnitude/color corrections for extinction/reddening
magFilter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
magFilter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
The Texture.TextureFilter to use when scaling up the BitmapFont.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.galaxy.GalaxyGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.OctreeGeneratorRun
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.OortGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitSamplerDataProvider
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.data.MilkyWayReshaper
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.GaiaSkyDesktop
Main method
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.EqGalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.I18nFormatter
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.PackTextures
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.Positions2DExtractor
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.TeffPlot
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColorUtilsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.test.AstroUtilsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.test.SortTest
mainGui - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
mainTable - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
mainVertical - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
makeEmpty() - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Make the tree logically empty.
makeFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
makeFocus() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Hook that runs when the candidate is actually made focus
makeFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
makeFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
manage(Disposable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Add the Disposable object to the model, causing it to be disposed when the model is disposed.
manageDisposable(Disposable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
Adds a Disposable to be managed and disposed by this Model.
manager - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
manager() - Static method in class gaiasky.data.AssetBean
ManufacturerName_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
map - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
MappingFileComboBoxBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce.beans
MappingFileComboBoxBean(FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.beans.MappingFileComboBoxBean
mappings - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyInputController
mappings - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ModePopupInfo
markForUpdate() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
markForUpdate() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
markupEnabled - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
MarsVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
MarsVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
MAS - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
mass - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Mass in kg
MassPosition - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
MasterManager - Class in gaiasky.util
Manages a master instance which makes available state information to others in order to synchronize a session.
material - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
The Material to be applied to the shape (part of the mesh), must not be null.
material - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
The Material used to render the IntNodePart.meshPart.
MaterialComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
A basic component that contains the info on a material.
MaterialComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
materialMask - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
materials - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.MtlLoader
materials - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
materials - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
the materials of the model, used by nodes that have a graphical representation
materials - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
the materials of the model, used by nodes that have a graphical representation FIXME not sure if superfluous, allows modification of materials without having to traverse the nodes
MathManager - Class in gaiasky.util.math
MathUtilsd - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Utility and fast math functions.
MathUtilsd() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Matrix3Attribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
Matrix3Attribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
Matrix3Attribute(long, Matrix3) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
Matrix4Attribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
Matrix4Attribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
Matrix4Attribute(long, Matrix4) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
Matrix4d - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Encapsulates a column major 4 by 4 matrix.
Matrix4d() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Constructs an identity matrix
Matrix4d(double[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Constructs a matrix from the given double array.
Matrix4d(float[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Matrix4d(Matrix4d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Constructs a matrix from the given matrix.
Matrix4d(Quaterniond) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Constructs a rotation matrix from the given Quaterniond.
Matrix4d(Vector3d, Quaterniond, Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Construct a matrix from the given translation, rotation and scale.
max - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
MAX_AMBIENT_LIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Max ambient light
MAX_BRIGHTNESS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_CAM_SPEED - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum camera speed
MAX_CONTRAST - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_DATASET_SIZE_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_DEVICE_INDEX - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
maximum device index
MAX_DPOOL_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
MAX_ELEVATION_MULT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_EXPOSURE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_FOV - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum fov value, in degrees
MAX_FRAME_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
MAX_GAMMA - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_HUE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_LABEL_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_LINE_WIDTH - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_LOAD_CHUNK - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher
Maximum number of pages to send to load every batch
MAX_LOAD_CHUNK - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Maximum number of pages to send to load every batch
MAX_LOADED_STARS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
In the case of multifile LOD datasets (such as DR2+), this setting contains the maximum number of stars loaded at a time.
MAX_LOD_TRANS_ANGLE_DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum angle where the LOD transitions end
MAX_MINIMAP_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_MOTION_BLUR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Max motion blur value
MAX_OVERLAP_ANGLE - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
MAX_OVERLAP_TIME - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
time that has to pass with the current scan rate so that we scan to the edge of the current field of view.
MAX_PM_LEN_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum length factor for proper motion vectors
MAX_PM_NUM_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum number factor for proper motion vectors
MAX_ROT_SPEED - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum rotation speed
MAX_SATURATION - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_SC_RESPONSIVENESS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum spacecraft responsiveness
MAX_SCREENSHOT_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
MAX_SLIDER - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum generic slider value
MAX_STAR_BRIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum star brightness
MAX_STAR_MIN_OPACITY - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum star minimum opacity
MAX_STAR_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum star pixel size
MAX_TESS_QUALITY - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_TIME_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_TURN_SPEED - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Maximum turning speed
MAX_VERSION_NUMBER - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionChecker
MAX_VSOP_TIME_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MAX_WARP - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
maxDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Max depth of the structure this node belongs to
maxDistance - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
maxDistanceCap - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
maximizeInterfaceWindow() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
maximizeInterfaceWindow() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Maximizes the interface window.
maxLoadedIds - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
maxLoadedStars - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Max number of stars loaded at once
MaxLuma - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
maxPart - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
maxSpritesInBatch - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
The maximum number of sprites rendered in one batch so far.
maxStepSec - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Maximum step size for the Hermite interpolation.
maxThreads - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter
mb - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ModelCache
mc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
mc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
mc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
mc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
mc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
mc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SphericalGrid
me - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
me - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
meananomaly - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Mean anomaly at epoch, in degrees.
meanDistance - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
The mean distance from the origin of all points in this group.
MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MEDIA_NEXT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MEDIA_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MEDIA_REWIND - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MEDIA_STOP - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Medium - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
MemInfo - Class in gaiasky.util
MemInfo() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.MemInfo
memInfoWindow - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
MemInfoWindow - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
MemInfoWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.MemInfoWindow
MENU - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MenuItem - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
MenuItem contains text or text with icon.
MenuItem(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Image) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Image, ChangeListener) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Image, MenuItem.MenuItemStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Image, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, ChangeListener) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Drawable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Drawable, ChangeListener) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Drawable, MenuItem.MenuItemStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, Drawable, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
MenuItem.MenuItemStyle - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
MenuItemStyle() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem.MenuItemStyle
MenuItemStyle(Drawable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem.MenuItemStyle
MenuItemStyle(MenuItem.MenuItemStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem.MenuItemStyle
MercuryVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
MercuryVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
meridianAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
The meridian (hour) angle at the epoch J2000.0, in degrees
mesh - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
mesh - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The Mesh the part references, also stored in IntModel
MeshData() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
meshes - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
meshes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
meshes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
the meshes of the model
Meshes - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
meshId - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
meshIdx - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
MeshObject - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
MeshObject() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
meshPart - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
The IntMeshPart that contains the shape to render
meshPart - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
The MeshPart (shape) to render.
meshParts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
parts of meshes, used by nodes that have a graphical representation
MessageBean - Class in gaiasky.interfce
MessageBean(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MessageBean
MessageBean(Instant, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MessageBean
messagesInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
messagesInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
messagesInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
MessagesInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Widget that displays big messages on screen.
MessagesInterface(Skin, Object) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MessagesInterface
META_ALT_LEFT_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
META_ALT_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
META_ALT_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
META_SHIFT_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
META_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
META_SYM_ON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
metadata - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
MetadataBinaryIO - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen
Writes and reads the metadata to/from binary.
MetadataBinaryIO() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
metresToInternalUnits(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
metresToInternalUnits(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Converts the metres to internal units
MIDDLE_CENTER - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
MIDDLE_LEFT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
MIDDLE_RIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
middleMouseButton - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
The button for moving the camera along the direction axis
MilkyWay - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
MilkyWay - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
MilkyWay() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
MilkyWayMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
MilkyWayMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
MilkyWayReshaper - Class in gaiasky.desktop.data
MilkyWayReshaper() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.data.MilkyWayReshaper
MILLARCSEC_TO_DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
MILLARCSEC_TO_RAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
MILLIARCSEC_TO_ARCSEC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
min - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
MIN_AMBIENT_LIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Min ambient light
MIN_BRIGHTNESS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_CAM_SPEED - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum camera speed
MIN_CONTRAST - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_DATASET_SIZE_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_ELEVATION_MULT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_EXPOSURE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_FOV - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum fov value, in degrees
MIN_FRAME_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
MIN_GAMMA - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_HUE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_LABEL_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_LINE_WIDTH - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_LOD_TRANS_ANGLE_DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum angle where the LOD transitions start
MIN_MINIMAP_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_PM_LEN_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum length factor for proper motion vectors
MIN_PM_NUM_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum number factor for proper motion vectors
MIN_QUEUE_CLEAR_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Minimum time to pass to be able to clear the queue again
MIN_ROT_SPEED - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum rotation speed
MIN_SATURATION - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_SC_RESPONSIVENESS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum spacecraft responsiveness
MIN_SCREENSHOT_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
MIN_SLIDER - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum generic slider value
MIN_SLIDER_1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum generic slider value (1)
MIN_STAR_BRIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum star brightness
MIN_STAR_MIN_OPACITY - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum star minimum opacity
MIN_STAR_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum star pixel size
MIN_TESS_QUALITY - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_TIME_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_TO_S - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Minutes to seconds
MIN_TURN_SPEED - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Minimum turning speed
MIN_VSOP_TIME_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
MIN_WARP - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
minDistance - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
minFilter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
minFilter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter
The Texture.TextureFilter to use when scaling down the BitmapFont.
MINIMAP_IN_WINDOW - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
MINIMAP_SIZE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
minimapInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
MinimapInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
MinimapInterface(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapInterface
MinimapWidget - Class in gaiasky.interfce
MinimapWidget(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWidget
minimapWindow - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
MinimapWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
MinimapWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWindow
minimizeInterfaceWindow() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
minimizeInterfaceWindow() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Minimizes the interface window.
Mins - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of minutes.
Mins() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
Default constructor
Mins(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
Construct object from number of minutes.
MINS_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
MINS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
MINS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
MINS_PER_REV - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
minus - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
MINUS - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
misses - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
missingGlyph - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The glyph to display for characters not in the font.
mkdirs() - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils
Initialise directories
MM - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter.Parameter
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
mnemonic() - Method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
mod289(float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
mod289(Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
modal - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
mode - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.CameraComboBoxBean
mode - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
mode - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
The mode of the image, color/grayscale.
Mode - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
MODE_POPUP_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Opens a new popup window with information on the new mode.
modeChangeTable - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Mode change info popup
model - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
the IntModel this instances derives from
MODEL_ATM - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Atmospheres of planets
MODEL_CLOSEUP - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Model close up
MODEL_CLOUD - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
MODEL_DIFFUSE - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Only diffuse
MODEL_PIX - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Using normal shader for per-pixel lighting
MODEL_PIX_DUST - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Opaque meshes (dust, etc.)
MODEL_PIX_TESS - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Tessellated model
MODEL_VERT - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Using default shader, no normal map
MODEL_VERT_ADDITIVE - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Transparent additive-blended meshes
MODEL_VERT_BEAM - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
MODEL_VERT_GRID - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Grids shader
MODEL_VERT_STAR - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Model star
ModeLabel_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
ModelBatchRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
Renders with a given model batch.
ModelBatchRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], IntModelBatch, ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem
Creates a new model batch render component.
ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType - Enum in gaiasky.render.system
ModelBatchTessellationRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
ModelBatchTessellationRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], IntModelBatch) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchTessellationRenderSystem
Creates a new model batch render component.
ModelBody - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Abstract class with the basic functionality of bodies represented by a 3D model.
ModelBody() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
ModelCache - Class in gaiasky.util
ModelCache() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.ModelCache
ModelComparator<T> - Class in gaiasky.util.comp
Compares models.
ModelComparator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.comp.ModelComparator
ModelComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
ModelComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
ModelComponent(Boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
ModelCreator - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
ModelCreator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
ModelCreator.Face - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Contains the index info for a face.
ModelCreator.IFace - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx
modelFile - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
ModelNumber_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
ModePopupInfo - Class in gaiasky.interfce
ModePopupInfo() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.ModePopupInfo
modFourPi(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
Returns the argument modulo 4*pi [rad]
MODIFIED - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.ScanState
ModifiedScanningLaw - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Class to generate Gaia Modified Scanning Law (MSL).
ModifiedScanningLaw(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Constructor with NSL initialization for given start time
ModifiedScanningLaw.ScanState - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia
There are three modes of scanning, enumerated by the ScanState: NOMINAL = running as in NSL, MODIFIED = running at reduced precession speed, TRANSITION = the precession speed is ramping up or down between the NOMINAL and MODIFIED states.
ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia
Enumerates the various transition functions tested.
monitor - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
MoonAACoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
Coordinates of the Moon given by the algorithm in Jean Meeus' Astronomical Algorithms book.
MoonAACoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.MoonAACoordinates
moonEclipticCoordinates(double, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Algorithm in "Astronomical Algorithms" book by Jean Meeus.
moonEclipticCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Algorithm in "Astronomical Algorithms" book by Jean Meeus.
moonEquatorialCoordinates(Vector3d, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Algorithm in "Astronomical Algorithms" book by Jean Meeus.
moonEquatorialCoordinates(Vector3d, Instant) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Algorithm in "Astronomical Algorithms" book by Jean Meeus.
Moons - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
MOTION_BLUR_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the opacity of motion blur between 0 and 1 and a boolean for whether it comes from the interface
MotionFovs - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Lists of FOVs grouped by the application of AC motion in theis related observations
MOUSE_CAPTURE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
True to capture the mouse, false to uncapture
MOUSE_CAPTURE_TOGGLE - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggle mouse capture
MouseKbdListener - Class in gaiasky.interfce
MouseKbdListener(GestureDetector.GestureListener, NaturalCamera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
mouseMoved(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
moveSelection(int, int, NaturalCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
moveToRandom(Random) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Moves the current Place to a random position
moveToRandom(Random, Place, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Moves the current Place to a random position within a certain radius of a given Place.
MPC - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
MPC_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Megaparsec to local unit conversion.
MS_TO_D - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Milliseconds to days
MS_TO_H - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Milliseconds to hours
MS_TO_Y - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Milliseconds to year
msl - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
MslAttitudeDataServer - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
This class implements the Modified Scanning Law (MSL) by Hermite interpolation of the attitude quaternion among values obtained by numerical integration of the basic equations in heliotropic angles.
MslAttitudeDataServer(long, Duration, ModifiedScanningLaw) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Constructor for given start time and mission length
mtc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
MtlLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
MtlLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.MtlLoader
mu - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
G*M of central body (gravitational constant).
MU_SOL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
mualpha() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
mudelta() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
mul(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Multiplies the components of this quaternion with the given scalar.
mul(double[], double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Multiplies the matrix mata with matrix matb, storing the result in mata.
mul(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = this * other
mul(Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Left-multiplies this vector by the given matrix
mul(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Multiplies the bounding box by the given matrix.
mul(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with the given matrix, storing the result in this matrix.
mul(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Multiplies the Rayd by the given matrix.
mul(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Left-multiplies the vector by the given matrix, assuming the fourth (w) component of the vector is 1.
mul(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = this * other
mul(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Multiplies the vector by the given Quaternion.
mul(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
mul4x3(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Left-multiplies the vector by the given 4x3 column major matrix.
mulAdd(Quaterniond, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Add quaternion q, scaled by s, to this quaternion (this = this + q * s)
mulAdd(Vector2d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
mulAdd(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
mulAdd(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
mulAdd(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
mulAdd(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
mulAdd(T, T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
mulInverse(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q1 and places the value into this quaternion.
mulLeft(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = other * this
mulLeft(Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
mulLeft(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Premultiplies this matrix with the given matrix, storing the result in this matrix.
mulLeft(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Multiplies this quaternion with another one in the form of this = other * this
mulLeftInverse(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Pre-multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q and places the value into this quaternion.
mulRight(Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
mult(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
mult(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
Multiply this duration by a given factor
mult(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
MultipassFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
The base class for any multi-pass filter.
MultipassFilter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.MultipassFilter
multiplier - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
multiplier - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
MultiThreadIndexer - Class in gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
Thread indexer for a multithread environment.
MultiThreadIndexer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.MultiThreadIndexer
multithreading - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter
MULTITHREADING - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PerformanceConf
MUSIC_NEXT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Plays next music
MUSIC_PLAYPAUSE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggles the play
MUSIC_PREVIOUS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Plays previous music
MUSIC_RELOAD_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Reload music files
MUSIC_TRACK_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Info about current track
MUSIC_VOLUME_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Volume of music, contains the volume (float in [0..1])
MusicActorsManager - Class in gaiasky.interfce
MusicActorsManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.MusicActorsManager
MusicComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
MusicComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
MusicManager - Class in gaiasky.util
MusicManager(FileHandle[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
mustAddToIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
mustAddToIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
mustAddToIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Whether to add this node to the index
mustDownload - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
mustDraw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
mustDraw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
mustDraw() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Returns whether this GUI must be drawn or not
mustDraw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
mustDraw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
mustDraw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
mustDraw() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
mustLoad(long) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Returns whether the star must be loaded or not
mustLoadIds - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
mustRender() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem
mustRender() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchTessellationRenderSystem
mustUpdatePosition(ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Whether position must be recomputed for this entity.
mustUpdatePosition(ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
MUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
MWModelRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
MWModelRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
MWSCLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.cluster
Loads the MWSC catalog in CSV format.
MWSCLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.cluster.MWSCLoader
MyPools - Class in gaiasky.util
myVersion - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc


n - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.Face
This stores the indices for the normals
n() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.Face
n() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.IFace
N - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
N - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
N_PM_STARS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Overrides the maximum number of proper motion vectors that are allowed to show
name - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
name - Variable in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
name - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
name - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
The name of this GUI
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.AttributeComboBoxBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.CameraComboBoxBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ComboBoxBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ElevationComboBoxBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FileComboBoxBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.LangComboBoxBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The name of the node, if any.
name - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow.Settings
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The name of the original image file, up to the first underscore.
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
name - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileListItem
NAME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceOff_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceReady_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceSearching_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
NamedIconPathDeviceStandby_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
namekey - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The key to the name in the i18n system.
NanoSecs - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of nanoseconds.
NanoSecs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
Default constructor
NanoSecs(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
Construct object from number of nano seconds.
nanoToSec - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
nativeTimeContext - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
native and initially requested time context of the server - has to be set by the implementing class
naturalCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
NaturalCamera - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
Models the movement of the camera
NaturalCamera(AssetManager, CameraManager, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
NaturalControllerListener - Class in gaiasky.interfce
NaturalControllerListener(NaturalCamera, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
NaturalMouseKbdListener - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Input listener for the natural camera.
NaturalMouseKbdListener(NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener, NaturalCamera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
NaturalMouseKbdListener(NaturalCamera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Nature - Class in gaiasky.util
This class contains various unit conversion constants for angles, distance and time units
Nature() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.Nature
NAVIGATE_TO_OBJECT - gaiasky.event.Events
Navigates smoothly to the given object
NBGalaxy - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
NBGalaxy() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
NBGalaxy(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, String, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
NBGLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.stars
Loads the NBG catalog in csv format.
NBGLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.stars.NBGLoader
nearest(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
nearest(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
nearest(T, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
nearest(T, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
Nebulae - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
nebulasource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
Nebulae - deprecated
negate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
negate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
negate() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
negate() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
NEGATIVE_DIST - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
NeptuneVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
NeptuneVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
NET_MASTER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
In a client-server configuration, this instance of Gaia Sky acts as a master and sends the state over the network to the slaves if this is set to true
NET_MASTER_SLAVES - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
List of slave URL locations.
NET_SLAVE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
In a client-server configuration, this instance of Gaia Sky acts as a slave and receives the state over the network if this is set to true
NET_SLAVE_BLEND - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Blend PNG file
NET_SLAVE_CONFIG - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
If this is a slave, this entry contains the path to the MPCDI configuration file for this instance
NET_SLAVE_PITCH - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Slave pitch angle (turn head up), in degrees
NET_SLAVE_ROLL - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Slave roll angle (rotate head cw), in degrees
NET_SLAVE_WARP - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Warp PFM file
NET_SLAVE_YAW - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Slave yaw angle (turn head right), in degrees
NetworkCheckerManager - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Holds the network checker entity.
NetworkCheckerManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NetworkCheckerManager
newFontCache() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Creates a new BitmapFontCache for this font.
newmethod - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
newObject() - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem.DPool
newObject() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch.RenderablePool
newObject() - Method in class gaiasky.util.SimplePool
newPingPongBuffer(int, int, Pixmap.Format, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Creates and returns a managed PingPongBuffer buffer, just create and forget.
newPingPongBuffer(int, int, Pixmap.Format, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Creates and returns a managed PingPongBuffer buffer, just create and forget.
newRandomLists(Random) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.test.SortTest
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.GaiaSkyThreadFactory
next - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
next() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
nf - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
nf - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
nf - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
nf - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
Nfaa - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Implements the normal filter anti-aliasing.
Nfaa(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Nfaa
Create a NFAA with the viewport size
NFAA - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
NfaaFilter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Normal filtered anti-aliasing filter.
NfaaFilter(float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter
NfaaFilter(Vector2) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter
NfaaFilter.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
ni - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
night - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Night - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
NightAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
nightTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
nightTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
nightUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
NinePatch - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
A 3x3 grid of texture regions.
NinePatch(Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Construct a degenerate "nine" patch with only a center component.
NinePatch(Texture, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Create a ninepatch by cutting up the given texture into nine patches.
NinePatch(Texture, Color) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Construct a degenerate "nine" patch with only a center component.
NinePatch(NinePatch) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
NinePatch(NinePatch, Color) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
NinePatch(TextureRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Construct a degenerate "nine" patch with only a center component.
NinePatch(TextureRegion...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Construct a nine patch from the given nine texture regions.
NinePatch(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Create a ninepatch by cutting up the given texture region into nine patches.
NinePatch(TextureRegion, Color) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Construct a degenerate "nine" patch with only a center component.
NLights - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
NLights - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
nLoadedStars - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Current number of stars that are loaded
NO_VR - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
nObjects - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants
nObjectsObserved - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
nOctantsObserved - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
node - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodeAnimation
the Node affected by this animation
node() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Add a node to the model.
node(IntNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Adds the Node to the model and sets it active for building.
node(String, IntModel) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Adds the nodes of the specified model to a new node of the model being build.
nodeAnimations - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntAnimation
the animation curves for individual nodes
nodes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
nodes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModel
root nodes of the model
nodes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
root nodes of the model
nodesMap - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
NoiseUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.noise
NoiseUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
NOMINAL - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.ScanState
None - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
None - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.RgbMode
NONE - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
NONE - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
NONE - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
NONE - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
nor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Normalizes this quaternion to unit length
nor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
nor() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
nor() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Normalizes this vector.
normal - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
normal - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
normal - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Normal - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
NORMAL - gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType
NORMAL - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
NORMAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for normal attributes
NORMAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for normal attributes
normalize(float, float, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
normalMatrix - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
normalMatrix - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
normalMatrix - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
normalMatrix - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
normals - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
normalTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
normalTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
normalUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
NOT_LOADED - gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
notificationsInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
notificationsInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
notificationsInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
NotificationsInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Widget that captures and displays messages in a GUI.
NotificationsInterface(Skin, Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
Initializes the notifications interface.
NotificationsInterface(Skin, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
Initializes the notifications interface.
NotificationsInterface(Skin, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
Initializes the notifications interface.
NotificationsInterface(List<MessageBean>, long, Skin, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
Initializes the notifications interface.
notificationsOne - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
notificationsTwo - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.UncertaintiesHandler
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.GaiaSkyDesktop
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.ScreenModeCmd
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in interface gaiasky.event.IObserver
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.DatasetsComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisibilityComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ConsoleLogger
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.CustomInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MessagesInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RunStateInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SlaveConfigWindow
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.TopInfoInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemapProjections
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRStereoscopic
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LightPositionUpdater
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleGroupRenderSystem
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarGroupRenderSystem
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarPointRenderSystem
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle.ParamUpdater
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.script.HiddenHelperUser
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.samp.SAMPClient
notify(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
NS_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_DAY_L - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_HOUR_L - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR_L - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_MIN - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_MIN_L - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_REV - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_REV_L - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
NS_PER_SEC - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
A few obvious constants
NS_TO_D - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Nanoseconds to days
nSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
nSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
nSamples - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
nSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
nSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
nSamples - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
nSamples - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
NSamples - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
NSamplesAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
Nsl37 - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Improved analytical representation of the Gaia Nominal Scanning Law (NSL).
Nsl37() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
Creates a new instance of the Nominal Scanning Law with default values from the GPDB
nslSun - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
NslSun - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
Analytical representation of the Nominal Sun for the Gaia NSL.
NslSun() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
NslUtil - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Class with various static methods for analytical scanning laws.
NslUtil() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.NslUtil
nstars - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
nT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
nthIndexOf(String, char, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
nthreads() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.MultiThreadIndexer
nthreads() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadIndexer
Number of threads
nu - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Current value of the heliotropic revolving phase [rad]
nuBeg - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Value of the revolving phase at tBeg
nuDot - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Additional fields used by numerical scanning laws
NullMotionFovs - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
num - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Doubleref
num - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Longref
NUM - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_0 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_6 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_7 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_8 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUM_9 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMBER_THREADS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PerformanceConf
NUMBER_THREADS() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PerformanceConf
Returns the actual number of threads.
NumberFormatFactory - Class in gaiasky.util.format
NumberFormatFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.format.NumberFormatFactory
numBones - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
The number of bones to use
numBones - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
numChildren - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The total number of descendants under this node.
numDirectionalLights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
The number of directional lights to use
NumericalAttitudeDataServer<A extends Attitude> - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
This abstract class defines the fields and implements the methods that any numerically defined attitude need in addition to those in the superclass.
NumericalAttitudeDataServer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.NumericalAttitudeDataServer
numNodes() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Counts the number of nodes recursively
NUMPAD_0 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_6 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_7 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_8 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
NUMPAD_9 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
numPointLights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
The number of point lights to use
numSamples - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
NumSamples - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
numSpotLights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
The number of spot lights to use
numUpdates - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
numVertices - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
nuRef - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Reference heliotropic revolving phase (at the reference epoch) [rad]


O - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
object - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
OBJECT_FADE_MS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
objects - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
List of objects
OBJECTS_JSON_FILES - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
The json data file in case of local data source
ObjectsComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
ObjectsComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
objectsList - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
objectsPerThread - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
Number of objects per thread
ObjLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
ModelLoader to load Wavefront OBJ files.
ObjLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader
ObjLoader(InputStreamProvider, FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader
ObjLoader.ObjLoaderParameters - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
ObjLoaderParameters() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader.ObjLoaderParameters
ObjLoaderParameters(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.ObjLoader.ObjLoaderParameters
obliquity - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
obliquity(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Returns the obliquity of the ecliptic (inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation) for a given date, in degrees
OBLIQUITY_ARCSEC_J2000 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Obliquity of ecliptic in J2000 in arcsec
OBLIQUITY_DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
OBLIQUITY_DEG_J2000 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Obliquity for low precision calculations in degrees and radians.
OBLIQUITY_RAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
The obliquity of the ecliptic
OBLIQUITY_RAD_J2000 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
OBMT - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeContext
OnBoard-Mission Time: Strictly monotonically increasing values with a resolution of 50ns.
observed - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Is this octant observed in this frame?
obtain() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch.RenderablePool
obtain(Class<T>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Obtains an object from the pool.
oc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
octahedronsphere(float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
octahedronsphere(float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an octahedronsphere
octahedronsphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
octahedronsphere(float, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add an octahedronsphere
OctahedronSphereCreator - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
OctahedronSphereCreator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.OctahedronSphereCreator
octant - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Its page
octant - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
OCTANT_THRESHOLD_0 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Angle [rad] above which we start painting stars in octant with fade in
OCTANT_THRESHOLD_1 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Angle [rad] below which we paint stars in octant with fade out.
octantId - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
The id of the octant it belongs to, if any
OCTREE_DISPOSED - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs the octree has been disposed
OCTREE_PARTICLE_FADE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Particle fade in/out flag for octree-backed catalogs.
OCTREE_PARTICLE_FADE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggles the fading of particles in the octree.
OctreeGeneratorMag - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
Implements the magnitude to level map, where octants in a level are filled with magnitude-sorted stars until one of them is saturated before proceeding to lower levels.
OctreeGeneratorMag(OctreeGeneratorParams) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorMag
OctreeGeneratorParams - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
Holds the parameters for the octree generation
OctreeGeneratorParams(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
OctreeGeneratorParams(int, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
OctreeGeneratorParams(int, boolean, boolean, long, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
OctreeGeneratorPart - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator
Greedy generator where octants in a level are filled up with as many stars as possible before proceeding to lower levels.
OctreeGeneratorPart(OctreeGeneratorParams) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorPart
OctreeGeneratorRun - Class in gaiasky.data
Generates an octree of star groups.
OctreeGeneratorRun() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.OctreeGeneratorRun
OctreeGroupLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.group
Implements the loading and streaming of octree nodes from files.
OctreeGroupLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.OctreeGroupLoader
OctreeNode - Class in gaiasky.util.tree
Octree node implementation which contains a list of IPosition objects and possibly 8 subnodes.
OctreeNode(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Constructs an octree node
OctreeNode(double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Constructs an octree node.
OctreeNode(double, double, double, double, double, double, int, OctreeNode, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Constructs an octree node
OctreeNode(long, double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Constructs an octree node
OctreeNode(long, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Constructs an octree node.
OctreeWrapper - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper
Static Octree wrapper that can be inserted into the scene graph.
OctreeWrapper() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.OctreeWrapper
OctreeWrapper(String, OctreeNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.OctreeWrapper
offset - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
offset - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Indicates the index of the mesh data in the renderer
offset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The offset in the IntMeshPart.mesh to this part.
offsets - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
offsetsHor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
offsetsVert - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
offsetX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The offset from the left of the original image to the left of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
offsetX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
OffsetX - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
OffsetX - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
offsetY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The offset from the bottom of the original image to the bottom of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
offsetY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
OffsetY - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
OffsetY - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
OK - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
om0 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
om1 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
om2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
om3 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
om4 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
omega - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Current value of the heliotropic spin phase Omega [rad].
omegaDot - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Additional fields used by numerical scanning laws
omegaRef - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Reference heliotropic spin phase (at the reference epoch) [rad]
omegaRevs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
omegaRevsBeg - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
omgw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
omgw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
omgw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
omgw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
omgw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Wave frequency
Omgw - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
OmgwAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
This method will get called just before a rendering operation occurs.
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
onBeforeRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
ONLY_OBSERVED_STARS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
ONLY_OBSERVED_STARS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name, the boolean value, and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
onlybody - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
onlyObservedStars - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GaiaComponent
OnPlane - gaiasky.util.math.Planed.PlaneSide
OortCloudMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
OortCloudMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OortCloudMinimapScale
OortGenerator - Class in gaiasky.data
OortGenerator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.OortGenerator
opacity - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The ownOpacity value (alpha)
opacity - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
opacity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
The opacity of this node
OPENSIMPLEX - gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent.NoiseType
OpenSimplexNoise - Class in gaiasky.util.noise
OpenSimplexNoise() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise
OpenSimplexNoise(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise
OpenSimplexNoise(short[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise
OPENVR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
Whether the connection to OpenVR has succeeded and the context has been created
OpenVRListener - Class in gaiasky.interfce
OpenVRListener(NaturalCamera) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
OpenVRQuery - Class in gaiasky.vr.openvr
OpenVRQuery() - Constructor for class gaiasky.vr.openvr.OpenVRQuery
or(GtiList) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
combine list with second list (logical OR)
orbit - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
orbit - Variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
Orbit - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Orbit() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
ORBIT_DATA_LOADED - gaiasky.event.Events
Passes the OrbitData and the file name
ORBIT_RENDERER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Whether to use the general line renderer or a faster GPU-based approach 0 - Sorted lines (see LINE_RENDERER) - slower but looks better 1 - GPU VBO - faster but looks a bit worse
OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem
orbitalParamaters - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitalParametersProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
Reads an orbit file into an OrbitData object.
OrbitalParametersProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitalParametersProvider
orbitalPeriod - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
OrbitComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
OrbitDataLoader - Class in gaiasky.assets
Abstract data loader to rule them all.
OrbitDataLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader
OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
OrbitDataLoaderParameter(Class<? extends IOrbitDataProvider>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitDataLoaderParameter(Class<? extends IOrbitDataProvider>, String, Date, boolean, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitDataLoaderParameter(Class<? extends IOrbitDataProvider>, String, Date, boolean, double, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitDataLoaderParameter(String, Class<? extends IOrbitDataProvider>, double, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitDataLoaderParameter(String, Class<? extends IOrbitDataProvider>, OrbitComponent, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitDataLoaderParameter(String, Class<? extends IOrbitDataProvider>, OrbitComponent, double, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
OrbitDataWriter - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
OrbitDataWriter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitDataWriter
OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
Reads an orbit file into an OrbitData object.
OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataEclipticJulianTimeProvider
OrbitFileDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
Reads an orbit file into an OrbitData object.
OrbitFileDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitFileDataProvider
OrbitLintCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
OrbitLintCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.OrbitLintCoordinates
orbitname - Variable in class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
OrbitRefresher - Class in gaiasky.data
OrbitRefresher() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher
OrbitRefresher.DaemonRefresher - Class in gaiasky.data
The daemon refresher thread.
Orbits - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
OrbitSamplerDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.orbit
Samples an orbit for a particular Body.
OrbitSamplerDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitSamplerDataProvider
orientation - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
This transform stores only the orientation of the object.
Orientation - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
ORIENTATION_LOCK_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name, the lock orientation boolean value and an optional boolean indicating if this comes from the interface.
orientationf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
orientationLock - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
orientations - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Contains pairs of {direction, up} representing the orientation at each knot
origin - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
ORIGINAL_M_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
originalHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The height of the image, before whitespace was removed for packing.
originalHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
originalucd - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
originalWidth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The width of the image, before whitespace was removed and rotation was applied for packing.
originalWidth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
ortho - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
OsUtils - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
Operating system related utils.
OsUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OsUtils
Others - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
outdated - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
outerRadius - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
outerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
outerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
outerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
outerRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
OuterRadius - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
outerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
outerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
outerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
outerRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
OuterRadius2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
OuterRadius2Alias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
OuterRadiusAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale
outputBuffer - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
overallMask - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
overFontColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
OVR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
OwnCheckBox - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnCheckBox(String, Skin, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnCheckBox
OwnCheckBox(String, Skin, String, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnCheckBox
owned - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
OwnImage - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnImage(Drawable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImage
OwnImageButton - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
ImageButton in which the cursor changes when the mouse rolls over.
OwnImageButton(ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImageButton
OwnImageButton(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImageButton
OwnImageButton(Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImageButton
OwnLabel - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnLabel(CharSequence, Label.LabelStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
OwnLabel(CharSequence, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
OwnLabel(CharSequence, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
OwnLabel(CharSequence, Skin, String, Color) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
OwnLabel(CharSequence, Skin, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
ownObjects - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Number of objects contained in this node
OwnProgressBar - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnProgressBar(float, float, float, boolean, ProgressBar.ProgressBarStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
OwnProgressBar(float, float, float, boolean, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
OwnProgressBar(float, float, float, boolean, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
ownResources - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
OwnScrollPane - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
Small overriding that returns the user set size as preferred size.
OwnScrollPane(Actor, ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
OwnScrollPane(Actor, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
OwnScrollPane(Actor, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
OwnSelectBox<T> - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnSelectBox(SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
OwnSelectBox(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
OwnSelectBox(Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
OwnSlider - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnSlider(float, float, float, boolean, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
OwnSlider(float, float, float, boolean, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
OwnSlider(float, float, float, float, float, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
OwnSlider(float, float, float, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
OwnSliderPlus - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
Same as a regular slider, but contains the title (name) and the value within its bounds.
OwnSliderPlus(String, float, float, float, boolean, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
OwnSliderPlus(String, float, float, float, boolean, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
OwnSliderPlus(String, float, float, float, float, float, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
OwnSliderPlus(String, float, float, float, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
ownsRenderContext() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Checks whether the RenderContext returned by IntModelBatch.getRenderContext() is owned and managed by this ModelBatch.
ownsTexture() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
OwnTextArea - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnTextArea(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
OwnTextArea(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
OwnTextArea(String, TextField.TextFieldStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
OwnTextButton - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
TextButton in which the cursor changes when the mouse rolls over.
OwnTextButton(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
OwnTextButton(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
OwnTextButton(String, TextButton.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
OwnTextField - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
TextButton in which the cursor changes when the mouse rolls over.
OwnTextField(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
OwnTextField(String, Skin, IValidator) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
OwnTextField(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
OwnTextField(String, Skin, String, IValidator) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
OwnTextField(String, TextField.TextFieldStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
OwnTextField(String, TextField.TextFieldStyle, IValidator) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
OwnTextHotkeyTooltip - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A tooltip that shows a label and a hotkey shortcut in gray.
OwnTextHotkeyTooltip(String, String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextHotkeyTooltip
OwnTextHotkeyTooltip(String, String, Skin, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextHotkeyTooltip
OwnTextHotkeyTooltip(String, String, Skin, TooltipManager, TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextHotkeyTooltip
OwnTextIconButton - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnTextButton with an icon.
OwnTextIconButton(String, Image, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
OwnTextIconButton(String, Image, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
OwnTextIconButton(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
OwnTextIconButton(String, Skin, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
OwnTextIconButton.TextIconButtonStyle - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OwnTextTooltip - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A tooltip that shows a label.
OwnTextTooltip(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnTextTooltip(String, Skin, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnTextTooltip(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnTextTooltip(String, TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnTextTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnTextTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnTextTooltip(String, TooltipManager, TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
OwnWindow - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
OVERWRITE LINE 176 (setBounds) to remove the Math.round() calls, which makes the labels snap to integer pixel values.
OwnWindow(String, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
OwnWindow(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
OwnWindow(String, Window.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow


P - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
P - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Mapping/Alias of the FOVs (with AC motion applied) to the "Following/Preceding" telescope nomenclature (mainly for AGIS use)
PACE_CHANGE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a float with the pace
PACE_CHANGED_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new pace
pack() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
packedHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The height of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
packedWidth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The width of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
PackTextures - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
PackTextures() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.PackTextures
pad - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
pad - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
pad - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
pad5 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
pad5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
padBottom - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
padLeft - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
padRight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
pads - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The ninepatch pads, or null if not a ninepatch or the has no padding.
pads - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
padTop - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
page - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
The index to the texture page that holds this glyph.
page - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
Page(FileHandle, float, float, boolean, Pixmap.Format, Texture.TextureFilter, Texture.TextureFilter, Texture.TextureWrap, Texture.TextureWrap) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
PAGE_UP - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
pageId - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
The unique page identifier
Pair<A,​B> - Class in gaiasky.util
Simple implementation of a pair of objects.
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.Pair
pan(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
PARALLAX_MAPPING - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
parallaxErrorFactorBright - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1].
parallaxErrorFactorFaint - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1].
parallaxZeroPoint - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
The zero point for the parallaxes in mas.
PARALLEL_VIEW - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Left image -> left eye, no distortion
params - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
params - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
params - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
paramUpdater - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
ParamUpdater() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle.ParamUpdater
parent - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
The parent
parent - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The parent entity.
parent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
parent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
The parent, if any
parentCount - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
parenthood - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
parentkey - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The key of the parent
parentName - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
The parent name.
parentOrientation - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
parentrc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
pareto() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from the standard Pareto distribution.
pareto(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a Pareto distribution with shape parameter α.
PARK_POST_RUNNABLE - gaiasky.event.Events
Posts a recurrent runnable.
parkRunnable(String, Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
parkRunnable(String, Runnable) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Parks a Runnable to the main loop thread, and keeps it running every frame until it finishes or it is unparked by IScriptingInterface.unparkRunnable(String).
parse(String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.format.DesktopDateFormat
parse(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.format.IDateFormat
parse(StarTable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
Parses the given table and puts the UCD info into the ucdmap.
parseBoolean(Object) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Method used to parse accepted boolean values in incoming messages
parsed(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoader
parsed(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime
parsed(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
parseDouble(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Quick double string parser that can handle negative and positive doubles but not exponents.
parseDoubleException(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Quick double string parser that can handle negative and positive doubles but not exponents.
parsef(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoader
parsef(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime
parsef(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
parseFloat(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Convenience method which uses the double parser and casts the result.
parseFloatException(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Convenience method which uses the double parser and casts the result.
parseFolder(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeXmlParser
parsei(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoader
parsei(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.FileDataLoaderEclipticJulianTime
parsei(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
parseInt(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Parses an integer.
parseIntException(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Parses an integer.
parseLong(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Quick long string parser that can handle negative and positive values.
parseLongException(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
Quick long string parser that can handle negative and positive values.
parseModel(FileHandle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
Parser - Class in gaiasky.util.parse
Parser utilities.
Parser() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.parse.Parser
parseWhitespaceSeparatedList(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Parses the string and creates a string array.
part(IntMeshPart, Material) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Adds the specified IntMeshPart to the current Node.
part(String, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
Starts a new MeshPart.
part(String, int, long, Material) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Creates a new IntMeshPart within the current Node and returns a IntMeshPartBuilder which can be used to build the shape of the part.
part(String, int, VertexAttributes, Material) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Creates a new IntMeshPart within the current Node and returns a IntMeshPartBuilder which can be used to build the shape of the part.
part(String, IntMesh, int, int, int, Material) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Adds the specified mesh part to the current node.
part(String, IntMesh, int, Material) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Adds the specified mesh part to the current node.
Particle - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Only the Sun uses this via the Star subclass. Move to star vgroup.
Particle() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Particle(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, float, float, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Particle(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Creates a new star.
Particle(Vector3d, Vector3, Vector3, float, float, float, String, float, float, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
PARTICLE_GROUP - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Particle grup
PARTICLE_ORBIT_ELEMENTS - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Particle positions from orbital elements
Particle.ParamUpdater - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
ParticleBean(double[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
ParticleDataBinaryIO - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen
Loads and writes particle data to/from our own binary format.
ParticleDataBinaryIO() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.ParticleDataBinaryIO
ParticleEffectsRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
ParticleEffectsRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleEffectsRenderSystem
ParticleGroup - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
This class represents a vgroup of non-focusable particles, all with the same luminosity.
ParticleGroup() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
ParticleGroup.ParticleBean - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
ParticleGroupRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
ParticleGroupRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleGroupRenderSystem
particles - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
parts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMesh
parts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
parts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
patch(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
patch(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle.
patch(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
patch(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle.
patch(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
patch(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle.
path - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
The actual path
Pathd<T> - Interface in gaiasky.util.math
Interface that specifies a path of type T within the window 0.0<=t<=1.0.
pause() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
pause() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
pause() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
PAUSE_BACKGROUND_LOADING - gaiasky.event.Events
Pauses background data loading thread, if any
PC - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
PC_TO_KM - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Parsecs to kilometres
PC_TO_M - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Parsecs to metres
PC_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Parsec to local unit conversion.
pedantic - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
flag indicating whether attributes & uniforms must be present at all times
pedantic - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
flag indicating whether attributes & uniforms must be present at all times
Pedantic - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ShaderLoader
peek() - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
performance - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
PerformanceConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PerformanceConf
period - Variable in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
period - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Orbital period in days
period - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
The rotation period in hours.
PERIOD - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
PERLIN - gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent.NoiseType
permute(float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
permute(Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
perpendicular(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Gets perpendicular vector to in vector
persistGlobalConf(File) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopConfInit
persistGlobalConf(File) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
pfm - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
PFMData - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMData(float[], int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMData
PFMDataInfo() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader.PFMDataInfo
PFMDataLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMDataLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader
PFMDataLoader.PFMDataInfo - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMDataParameter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMDataLoader.PFMDataParameter
PFMReader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMReader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMReader
PFMTextureLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMTextureLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader
PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMTextureLoader.TextureLoaderInfo - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PFMTextureParameter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter
PFMTextureParameter(TextureLoader.TextureParameter) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader.PFMTextureParameter
pfmTextureParams - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
PhosphorVibrance - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Mathematical constants
PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
PI_HALF - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
PI2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
PICTSYMBOLS - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
pinch(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
PingPongBuffer - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils
Encapsulates a framebuffer with the ability to ping-pong between two buffers.
PingPongBuffer(int, int, Pixmap.Format, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
PingPongBuffer(int, int, Pixmap.Format, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Creates a new ping-pong buffer and owns the resources.
PingPongBuffer(GaiaSkyFrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Creates a new ping-pong buffer with the given buffers.
PipelineState - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess
Provides a simple mechanism to query OpenGL pipeline states.
PipelineState() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PipelineState
pitch - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
pitch - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
pitcha - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
pitchf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
pitchp - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Yaw, pitch and roll
pitchv - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
PIXEL_RENDERER_UPDATE - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to update the pixel render system.
pixels - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
The pixels in the image, in row-major order from bottom to top.
pixmap - Variable in class gaiasky.render.BufferedFrame
PJWHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
Place - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Specifies a celestial position
Place() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Default constructor.
Place(double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Constructs a Place at given (alpha, delta)
Place(Place) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Duplicates a Place
Place(Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Constructs a Place at the position given by a vector (need not be a unit vector)
Place(Random) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Constructs a Place at a random position
Planed - Class in gaiasky.util.math
A plane defined via a unit length normal and the distance from the origin, as you learned in your math class.
Planed() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Constructs a new plane with all values set to 0
Planed(Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Constructs a new plane based on the normal and distance to the origin.
Planed(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Constructs a new plane based on the normal and a point on the plane.
Planed(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Constructs a new plane out of the three given points that are considered to be on the plane.
Planed.PlaneSide - Enum in gaiasky.util.math
Enum specifying on which side a point lies respective to the plane and it's normal.
planePoints - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
eight points making up the near and far clipping "rectangles".
planePointsArray - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
planes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
the six clipping planes, near, far, left, right, top, bottom
Planet - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Planet() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
PLANETARIUM_APERTURE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
PLANETARIUM_APERTURE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the aperture angle [deg] of the planetarium in cubemap mode
PLANETARIUM_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Enables and disables the planetarium mode.
PLANETARIUM_FOCUS_ANGLE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the delta angle from the zenith at which the focus will be put in planetarium mode.
planetPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
planetPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
planetPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
planetPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
PlanetPos - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
PlanetPosAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
Planets - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
planetSize - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
play - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
play() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
PLAY_CAMERA_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the play command.
playCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
PLAYING - gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder.RecorderState
playPauseToggle() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
playstop - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
plus - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
PLUS - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
PlutoCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
PlutoCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.PlutoCoordinates
plutoEclipticCoordinates(double, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Ecliptic coordinates of pluto at the given date.
plutoEclipticCoordinates(Instant, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Ecliptic coordinates of pluto at the given date
pm - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Proper motion in cartesian coordinates [U/yr]
pm - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Proper motion in units/year
PM_ARROWHEADS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Whether to show arrow caps or not
PM_ARROWHEADS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Show or hide arrow caps.
PM_COLOR_MODE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Color mode for velocity vectors 0 - direction 1 - length 2 - has radial velocity 3 - redshift (sun) 4 - redshift (camera) 5 - single color
PM_COLOR_MODE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the mode and a boolean indicating if it comes from the interface.
PM_LEN_FACTOR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Factor to apply to the length of the proper motion vectors
PM_LEN_FACTOR_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the length factor for pm vectors and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
PM_NUM_FACTOR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
This governs the number of proper motion vectors to display
PM_NUM_FACTOR_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the number factor for pm vectors and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
PMDEC - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
PMRA - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
pmSph - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
MuAlpha [mas/yr], Mudelta [mas/yr], radvel [km/s]
pmSph - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Proper motion in mas/year
pmx() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
pmy() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
pmz() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
PNG - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ImageFormat
POINT - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
POINT_ALPHA_MAX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
POINT_GPU - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Point GPU
POINT_STAR - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Single pixel
POINT_UPDATE_FLAG - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
When this is true, new point information is available, so new data is streamed to the GPU
pointAtSkyCoordinate(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
pointAtSkyCoordinate(double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in free mode and points it to the given coordinates in equatorial system
pointAtSkyCoordinate(long, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
pointCloudData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
PointCloudData - Class in gaiasky.data.util
PointCloudData() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
PointCloudData(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
pointColor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Point color
pointData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
List that contains the point data.
PointDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
This provider loads point data into particle beans
PointDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataProvider
PointDataWriter - Class in gaiasky.data.group
PointDataWriter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataWriter
pointerLonLat - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
pointerName - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
pointerRADEC - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
pointerXCoord - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
pointerYCoord - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
pointInFrustum(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the point is in the frustum.
pointInFrustum(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the point is in the frustum.
pointLights - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
pointLights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
pointLightsColorOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
pointLightsIntensityOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
pointLightsLoc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
pointLightsOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.ACubemap
pointLightsPositionOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
pointLightsSize - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
PointRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
PointRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
Points - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A vgroup of points
Points(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Points
pointSize - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Point size
poisson(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from a Poisson distribution with mean λ.
poll() - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, or returns null if this queue is empty.
pollAxis(int) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
Updates the axis values and returns whether the values changed.
pollEvents() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Get the latest tracking data and send events to VRDeviceListener instance registered with the context.
Polyline - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Represents a polyline.
Polyline() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Polyline
Polyline(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Polyline
Polyline(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Polyline
pool - Static variable in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadPoolManager
The executor service containing the pool
POPUP_MENU_FOCUS - gaiasky.event.Events
Will show a popup menu for a focus candidate.
PortableFloatMap - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
PortableFloatMap() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
Constructs a blank Portable FloatMap image.
PortableFloatMap(File) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
Constructs a PFM image by reading from the specified file.
PortableFloatMap(InputStream) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
Constructs a PFM image by reading from the specified input stream.
PortableFloatMap.Mode - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader
pos - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
pos - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Position of this entity in the local reference system.
pos - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
pos(double[], Vector3d) - Static method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IOctreeGenerator
pos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
POS1 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
POS2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
POS3 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
posbak - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Acceleration and velocity
posf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Float counterparts
posinv - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
position - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
position - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
position(Vector3d, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
position(Vector3d, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
position(Vector3d, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
Position - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Position - Class in gaiasky.util.units
Helper class that transforms various positional information into the internal position of the application.
Position(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Position
Position(double, String, double, String, double, String, Position.PositionType) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Position
Works out the cartesian equatorial position in the Gaia Sandbox reference system.
POSITION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for position attributes
POSITION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for position attributes
Position.PositionType - Enum in gaiasky.util.units
Positions2DExtractor - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
Positions2DExtractor() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.Positions2DExtractor
posSph - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Position in the equatorial system; ra, dec.
post(Events, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Posts or registers a new event type with the given data.
POST_HEADLINE_MESSAGE - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a string with the headline message, will be displayed in a big font in the center of the screen
POST_NOTIFICATION - gaiasky.event.Events
Will be displayed in the notifications area (bottom left).
POST_SUBHEAD_MESSAGE - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains a string with the subhead message, will be displayed in a small font below the headline message
postDelayed(Events, long, EventManager.TimeFrame, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Posts or registers a new event type with the given data.
postDelayed(Events, long, Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Posts or registers a new event type with the given data and the default time frame.
postprocess - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
postprocess - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
POSTPROCESS_ANTIALIAS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
POSTPROCESS_BLOOM_INTENSITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
POSTPROCESS_BRIGHTNESS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Brightness level in [-1..1].
POSTPROCESS_CONTRAST - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Contrast level in [0..2].
POSTPROCESS_EXPOSURE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Exposure tone mapping value in [0..n].
POSTPROCESS_FISHEYE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
POSTPROCESS_GAMMA - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Gamma correction value in [0.1..3]
POSTPROCESS_HUE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Hue level in [0..2].
POSTPROCESS_LENS_FLARE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
POSTPROCESS_LIGHT_SCATTERING - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
POSTPROCESS_MOTION_BLUR - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
POSTPROCESS_SATURATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Saturation level in [0..2].
POSTPROCESS_TONEMAPPING_TYPE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
Tone mapping type: automatic, exposure, aces, uncharted, filmic, none
PostProcessBean() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
postprocessCapture(IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean, FrameBuffer, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
PostprocessConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf
PostProcessor - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess
Provides a way to capture the rendered scene to an off-screen buffer and to apply a chain of effects on it before rendering to screen.
PostProcessor(IPostProcessor.RenderType, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Construct a new PostProcessor with FBO dimensions set to the size of the screen
PostProcessor(IPostProcessor.RenderType, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Construct a new PostProcessor with the given parameters, defaulting to TextureWrap.ClampToEdge as texture wrap mode
PostProcessor(IPostProcessor.RenderType, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Texture.TextureWrap, Texture.TextureWrap) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Construct a new PostProcessor with the given parameters and the specified texture wrap mode
PostProcessor(IPostProcessor.RenderType, Rectangle, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Construct a new PostProcessor with the given parameters and viewport, defaulting to TextureWrap.ClampToEdge as texture wrap mode
PostProcessor(IPostProcessor.RenderType, Rectangle, boolean, boolean, boolean, Texture.TextureWrap, Texture.TextureWrap) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Construct a new PostProcessor with the given parameters, viewport and the specified texture wrap mode
PostProcessorEffect - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess
This interface defines the base class for the concrete implementation of post-processor effects.
PostProcessorEffect() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
PostProcessorFactory - Class in gaiasky.render
PostProcessorFactory() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.PostProcessorFactory
PostProcessorListener - Interface in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess
postprocessRender(IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean, FrameBuffer, boolean, ICamera, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
postRender(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
postRunnable(Runnable) - Static method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
postRunnable(Runnable) - Static method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
postRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
postRunnable(Runnable) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Posts a Runnable to the main loop thread.
postRunnables - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
POUND - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
povMoved(Controller, int, PovDirection) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
Pow(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Pow
pow2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow2In - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Slow, then fast.
pow2InInverse - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow2Out - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Fast, then slow.
pow2OutInverse - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow3In - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow3InInverse - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow3Out - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow3OutInverse - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow4 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow4In - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow4Out - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow5 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow5In - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
pow5Out - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
POWER - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
PowIn(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.PowIn
PowOut(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.PowOut
pp - Variable in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
ppb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
The post process bean.
PRECEDING - gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl.Mode
preceding scanning mode
PrecedingFovs - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Lists of FOVs grouped by associated telescope "Following/Preceding"
precessionAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.PrecessionComponent
Precession angle in deg
PrecessionComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
Provides the information for the precession of this body.
PrecessionComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.PrecessionComponent
precessionPosition - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.PrecessionComponent
Current precession position around y
precessionRateChanges - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
The times when the precession rate changes, calculated from MslAttitudeDataServer.reducedPrecession.
precessionVelocity - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.PrecessionComponent
Precession velocity in deg/s
precRate - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Precession rate (K) in [rev/yr].
PreferencesWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
The default preferences window.
PreferencesWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.PreferencesWindow
PRELOAD_DEPTH - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Data will be pre-loaded at startup down to this octree depth.
preloadTexture(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
preloadTexture(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Pre-loads the given image as a texture for later use.
preloadTextures(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
preloadTextures(String[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Pre-loads the given images as textures for later use.
prepareShadowEnvironment() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Sets the shadow environment
prepareSkybox() - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
PrePassTexture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
prependFragmentCode - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
code that is always added to every fragment shader code, typically used to inject a #version line.
prependFragmentCode - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter
Code that is always added to the fragment shader code.
prependFragmentCode - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
code that is always added to every fragment shader code, typically used to inject a #version line.
prependTessControlCode - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
prependTessEvaluationCode - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
prependVertexCode - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
code that is always added to the vertex shader code, typically used to inject a #version line.
prependVertexCode - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter
Code that is always added to the vertex shader code.
prependVertexCode - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
code that is always added to the vertex shader code, typically used to inject a #version line.
preRenderScene() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
preRenderScene() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
preRunnables - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
pressedKeys - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyInputController
Holds the pressed keys at any moment
pressedKeys - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
Holds the pressed keys at any moment
prev - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
prev - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
prevCombined - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
previous - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Previous GUI object, if any
previous() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
PreviousUniverseId_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
prevpos - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
prevProjView - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
prevProjView - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
PrevProjView - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
PrevProjViewAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
primitiveSize - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
primitiveType - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMeshPart
primitiveType - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The primitive type, OpenGL constant e.g: GL20.GL_TRIANGLES, GL20.GL_POINTS, GL20.GL_LINES, GL20.GL_LINE_STRIP, GL20.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP
print(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
print(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Print text using the internal logging system
PriorityQueue<E extends java.lang.Comparable<E>> - Class in gaiasky.event
An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap.
PriorityQueue() - Constructor for class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Creates a PriorityQueue with the default initial capacity (11) that orders its elements according to their natural ordering.
PriorityQueue(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Creates a PriorityQueue with the specified initial capacity that orders its elements according to their natural ordering.
prj(double[], double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Multiplies the vector with the given matrix, performing a division by w.
prj(double[], double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Multiplies the vectors with the given matrix, , performing a division by w.
prj(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Multiplies this vector by the given matrix dividing by w, assuming the fourth (w) component of the vector is 1.
process() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.Positions2DExtractor
processDrag(int, int, double, double, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
profileDecay - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Profile decay of the particles in the shader
program - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
program - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
program - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
ProgramConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
programs - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
progress - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
ProgressRunnable - Interface in gaiasky.util
projection - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
projectionActive() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
Checks if a special projection is active in this slave (yaw/pitch/roll, etc.)
projectLonLat(Planet, ICamera, double, double, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3d, Vector3d, Matrix4, Vector2) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.camera.CameraUtils
projTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
projTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
projTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
projTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
projViewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
projViewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
projViewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
projViewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
projViewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
projViewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
projViewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
projViewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
properMotionsToCartesian(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Converts proper motions + radial velocity into a cartesian vector.
PROPERTIES_WRITTEN - gaiasky.event.Events
Sent when the properties in GlobalConf have been modified, usually after a configuration dialog.
propertyToMethodName(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
Converts from property displayName to method displayName by removing the separator dots and capitalising each chunk.
provider - Static variable in class gaiasky.data.SceneGraphImplementationProvider
provider - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
provider - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
provider - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Fully qualified name of data provider class
providerClass - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
ProximitySensor - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
psnoise(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
psrnoise(Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
put(BoundingBox) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
put(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
put(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
put(Long, T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.LargeLongMap
putIn(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the given matrix to this matrix
px(float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale


q - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
Q - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
qEval(double, double[], Quaterniond[], Quaterniond[], int, Interpolator.Kind) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Evaluates the quaternion derivative, value or integral at point tx, using Hermite interpolation in t[], q[], qDot[].
qExtraOmega - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Quaterniond corresponding to extraOmega
qHermiteAverage(double, double, double[], int, Quaterniond[], Quaterniond[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator
Static method for computing the average attitude quaternion over a finite time interval ta <= t <= tb, using cubic Hermite interpolation, as well as the average time derivative It is assumed that ta <= tb.
quad - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
quality - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
quality - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
Quantity - Class in gaiasky.util.units
A wee utility class that provides unit conversion mechanisms.
Quantity() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.units.Quantity
Quantity.Angle - Class in gaiasky.util.units
Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit - Enum in gaiasky.util.units
Quantity.Brightness - Class in gaiasky.util.units
Quantity.Brightness.BrightnessUnit - Enum in gaiasky.util.units
Quantity.Length - Class in gaiasky.util.units
Quantity.Length.LengthUnit - Enum in gaiasky.util.units
Quaterniond - Class in gaiasky.util.math
A simple quaternion class.
Quaterniond() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Quaterniond(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Constructor, sets the four components of the quaternion.
Quaterniond(Quaternion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Constructor, sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
Quaterniond(Quaterniond) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Constructor, sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
Quaterniond(Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Constructor, sets the quaternion from the given axis vector and the angle around that axis in degrees.
queryOpenVr() - Static method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.OpenVRQuery
queue(OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter) - Method in class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher
queue(OctreeNode) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Adds the octant to the load queue
QUEUED - gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
quit() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
quit() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Initiates the quit action to terminate the program
QuitWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Generic dialog that displays the confirmation quit message and offers options to cancel it or go through.
QuitWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.QuitWindow
qW - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
qX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
qY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
qZ - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer


R - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
R_BRACKET - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
R0(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
R1(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
R2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
R3(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
R4(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.DummyVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.EarthVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.JupiterVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MarsVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.MercuryVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.NeptuneVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
R5(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
ra() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
Right ascension in degrees.
RA_DEC_UPDATED - gaiasky.event.Events
Updates the position of the pointer and the view in equatorial coordinates.
RAD - gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
RAD_TO_MILLARCSEC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
raddeg - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
radDeg - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
RADECPointerLabel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
RADECViewLabel - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
RadialBlur - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
RadialBlur() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
RadialBlur(RadialBlur.Quality) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
RadialBlur.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
RadialBlur.Quality - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
RadialDistortion - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
RadialDistortion() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
RadialDistortion.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
radiansToDegrees - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
multiply by this to convert from radians to degrees
RadioVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
radius - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
radius - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The radius relative to IntMeshPart.center of the bounding sphere of the shape, or negative if not calculated yet.
radius() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
radvel() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
RADVEL - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
ramp - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
random - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
random() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).
random() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Replaced by StdRandom.uniform().
random(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).
random(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
random(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (inclusive).
random(int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (inclusive).
random(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (inclusive).
random(long, long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (inclusive).
randomBoolean() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a random boolean value.
randomBoolean(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns true if a random value between 0 and 1 is less than the specified value.
randomSign() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns -1 or 1, randomly.
randomTriangular() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a triangularly distributed random number between -1.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive), where values around zero are more likely.
randomTriangular(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a triangularly distributed random number between -max (exclusive) and max (exclusive), where values around zero are more likely.
randomTriangular(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a triangularly distributed random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), where the mode argument defaults to the midpoint between the bounds, giving a symmetric distribution.
randomTriangular(double, double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns a triangularly distributed random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive), where values around mode are more likely.
rateX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
rateY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
rateZ - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
Rayd - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Encapsulates a Rayd having a starting position and a unit length direction.
Rayd(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Constructor, sets the starting position of the Rayd and the direction.
rc - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
rc - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
rc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Holds information about the rotation of the body
read() - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
read() - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.FileInfoInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.FileInfoInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.FileInfoInputStream
readData(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
reAddObjects() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.CustomInterface
reader - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
readMetadata(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
Reads the metadata into an octree node
readMetadata(InputStream, LoadStatus) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
Reads the metadata into an octree node
readMetadataMapped(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
readMetadataMapped(String, LoadStatus) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
readParticles(InputStream) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.IStarGroupIO
readParticles(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.ParticleDataBinaryIO
readParticles(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarGroupBinaryIO
Reads a single star group from the given input stream.
readParticles(InputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarGroupSerializedIO
Reads a single star vgroup from the given input stream.
readPFMData(FileHandle, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMReader
readPFMPixmap(FileHandle, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMReader
readPFMTextureData(FileHandle, boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMReader
readStarBean(DataInputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
readStarBean(MappedByteBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
READY - gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
REAL_GAIA_ATTITUDE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
Whether to use the real attitude of Gaia or the NSL approximation
REAL_TIME - gaiasky.event.EventManager.TimeFrame
Real time from the user's perspective
REAL_TIME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
Whether we use the RealTimeClock or the GlobalClock
realRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
realRender() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter
RealTimeClock - Class in gaiasky.util.time
Implements a real time clock.
RealTimeClock() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Anaglyphic
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.DepthBuffer
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fuzzy
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GeometryWarp
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GravitationalDistortion
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Nfaa
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
FIXME add comment
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.MultipassFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Regenerates and/or rebinds owned resources when needed, eg.
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
Concrete objects shall be responsible to recreate or rebind its own resources whenever its needed, usually when the OpenGL context is lost.
rebind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
When needed graphics memory could be invalidated so buffers should be rebuilt.
REBUILD_SHADOW_MAP_DATA_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Event to update the shadow map metadata
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
Adds the already created GUI objects to the stage.
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.InitialGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
rebuildGui() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
rebuildReferences(IntModel) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBuilder
Resets the references to Materials, IntMeshes and IntMeshParts within the model to the ones used within it's nodes.
rec - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
RECALCULATE_OPTIONS_SIZE - gaiasky.event.Events
Forces recalculation of main GUI window size
recalculateButtonSize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
recalculateOptionsSize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
recalculateSize() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
recCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
receiveScrollEvents() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
recKeyframeCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
recomputeConstants() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Nsl37
Initializes quantities that only depend on the initial parameters.
RECORD_CAMERA - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
RECORD_CAMERA_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to enable camera recording.
RECORD_KEYFRAME_CAMERA - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
RECORDING - gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder.RecorderState
rect(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
rect(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle Requires GL_POINTS, GL_LINES or GL_TRIANGLES primitive type.
rect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
rect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle by indices.
rect(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
rect(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle.
rect(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
rect(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a rectangle.
redraw - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode
reduce() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
Combine overlapping intervals (logical OR)
reduced - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
reducedPrecession - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Keep track of times when the precession rate is reduced
refDir - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
refEpoch - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Reference epoch to which the reference scan parameters refer
reflection - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
reflectionColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
reflectionColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
reflectionTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
reflectionTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
refPlane - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Name of the reference plane for this object.
refPlaneTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Name of the transformation to the reference plane
refreshData() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Refreshes the positions and orientations from the keyframes
refreshing - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Refreshing state
refreshOrientations() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Refreshes the orientations from the keyframes
refreshSingleVector(VertsObject, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
regenerateIndex() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
RegexpValidator - Class in gaiasky.util.validator
RegexpValidator(IValidator, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.RegexpValidator
RegexpValidator(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.validator.RegexpValidator
Region() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
regionId - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
register(BaseIntShader.Uniform) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
register(BaseIntShader.Uniform, BaseIntShader.Setter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
register(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
register(String, BaseIntShader.Setter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
register(String, BaseIntShader.Validator) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
register(String, BaseIntShader.Validator, BaseIntShader.Setter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
Register an uniform which might be used by this shader.
registerGui(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Registers a new GUI
regretLastStep() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Regret the last step The time and integration variables are reset to their values before the last invocation of the stepForward method
RegularInputStreamProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is
RegularInputStreamProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.is.RegularInputStreamProvider
reinitialiseGUI1() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Reinitialises all the GUI (step 1)
reinitialiseGUI2() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Second step in GUI initialisation.
reinitialize(int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LightPositionUpdater
relAberrationOn() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
RELATIVISTIC_ABERRATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
relativisticCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
RelativisticCamera - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
RelativisticCamera(AssetManager, CameraManager) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
RelativisticCamera(CameraManager) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
RelativisticEffectsComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
RelativisticEffectsComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
RelativisticEffectsManager - Class in gaiasky.util.gravwaves
Central hub where the parameters of the current relativistic effects (aberration, doppler, grav waves) are updated and served to the renderers.
RelativisticShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
RelativisticShader(IntRenderable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
RelativisticShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
RelativisticShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, ExtShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
RelativisticShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
RelativisticShader(IntRenderable, DefaultIntShader.Config, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
RelativisticShader.Inputs - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
RelativisticShader.Setters - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
RelativisticShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
RelativisticShaderProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShaderProvider
RelativisticShaderProvider(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShaderProvider
RelativisticShaderProvider(DefaultIntShader.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShaderProvider
RelativisticShaderProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShaderProvider
RelativisticShaderProviderLoader<T extends RelativisticShaderProviderLoader.RelativisticShaderProviderParameter> - Class in gaiasky.assets
RelativisticShaderProviderLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.RelativisticShaderProviderLoader
RelativisticShaderProviderLoader.RelativisticShaderProviderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
RelativisticShaderProviderParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.RelativisticShaderProviderLoader.RelativisticShaderProviderParameter
releaseNotes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
reload() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
Reloads the inputListener mappings.
relpos - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
Direction and up vectors
remove() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
remove() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Removes this octant from the octree
remove(SceneGraphNode, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
remove(SceneGraphNode, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Removes a node
remove(Comparable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Remove from the tree..
remove(Comparable, BinaryNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Internal method to remove from a subtree.
remove(Object) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
remove(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.ItemsManager
Removes a previously added resource
REMOVE_ALL_OBJECTS - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes all the custom objects
REMOVE_GUI_COMPONENT - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes the gui component identified by the given name
REMOVE_KEYBOARD_FOCUS - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes the keyboard focus in the GUI
REMOVE_OBJECTS - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes a previously added message or image.
RemoveActorThread - Class in gaiasky.interfce
RemoveActorThread(Actor, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.RemoveActorThread
removeAll(Stage) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
Removes every instance of ContextMenu form Stage actors.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
removeAllObjects() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
removeAllObjects() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Removes all objects.
removeAllSubscriptions(IObserver...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Unregisters all the subscriptions of the given listeners.
removeAtmosphericScattering(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
removeAtmosphericScattering(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
removeCatalog() - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
Unloads and removes the catalog described by this catalog info
removeChild(SceneGraphNode, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Removes the given child from this node, if it exists.
removeChild(OctreeNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Removes the child from this octant's descendants
removeChild(T) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Removes the specified node as child of this node.
removeControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ControlsConf
removeControlsWindow() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
removeDataset(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
removeDataset(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Removes the dataset identified by the given name, if it exists
removeEffect(PostProcessorEffect) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Removes the specified effect from the effect chain.
removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<A, B>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.LruCache
Returns true if this LruCache has more entries than the maximum specified when it was created.
removeFromIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
removeFromIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Special actions to be taken for this object when removing from the index.
removeFromIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
removeFromIndex(ObjectMap<String, SceneGraphNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
removeFromRender(IRenderable, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Removes the given renderable from the given render vgroup list.
removeGravitationalWavesMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
removeGravitationalWavesMaterial(Array<Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
removeListener(VRDeviceListener) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
removeMapValues() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
removeMapValues() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
removeMin() - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Remove minimum item from the tree.
removeMin(BinaryNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
Internal method to remove minimum item from a subtree.
removeModeChangePopup() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
removeModelObject(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
removeModelObject(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Removes the model object identified by the given name from the internal scene graph model of Gaia Sky, if it exists.
removeNodeAuxiliaryInfo(SceneGraphNode) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
removeNodeAuxiliaryInfo(SceneGraphNode) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Removes the info of the node from the aux lists.
removeObject(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
removeObject(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Removes the item with the given id.
removeObjects(int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
removeObjects(int[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Removes the items with the given ids.
removeObjects(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
removeParenthood(AbstractPositionEntity) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
removePressedKey(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MouseKbdListener
removePressedKey(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
removeProcessor(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
removeRelativisticEffectsMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
removeRelativisticEffectsMaterial(Array<Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
removeRule(FilterRule) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
removeVelocityBufferMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
render() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
render() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
render() - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
render() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
render() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Convenience method to render to screen.
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
render(int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Renders the registered GUIs
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
render(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Renders this GUI
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
render(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
render(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
render(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean
render(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Stops capturing the scene and apply the effect chain, if there is one.
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Anaglyphic
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.DepthBuffer
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fuzzy
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GeometryWarp
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GravitationalDistortion
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Nfaa
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
render(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
Concrete objects shall implements its own rendering, given the source and destination buffers.
render(ShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.FullscreenMesh
Renders the quad with the specified shader program.
render(ShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.FullscreenQuad
Renders the quad with the specified shader program.
render(ShapeRenderer, RenderingContext, float, ICamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IShapeRenderable
Renders the shape(s).
render(ShapeRenderer, RenderingContext, float, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
render(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
render(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double, RenderingContext) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.system.IRenderSystem
render(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleEffectsRenderSystem
render(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ISGR
Renders the scene
render(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGR
render(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemapProjections
render(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRFov
render(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
render(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRStereoscopic
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ILineRenderable
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
Line rendering.
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Line renderer.
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Polyline
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Proper motion rendering
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
render(LineRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
render(PointRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPointRenderable
render(PointRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
render(PointRenderSystem, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Points
render(ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IProcessRenderer
Renders the scene.
render(ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
render(PingPongBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
render(PingPongBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
render(PingPongBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.MultipassFilter
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ICamera, BitmapFont, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IAnnotationsRenderable
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ICamera, BitmapFont, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SphericalGrid
Annotation rendering
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Renders the text
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
Label rendering.
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Label rendering.
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
Label rendering.
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Label render
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
Label rendering.
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
Label rendering
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
Label rendering.
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Label rendering.
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Label rendering
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Label rendering
render(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, FontRenderSystem, RenderingContext, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
Label rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Model opaque rendering.
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Model opaque rendering for light glow pass.
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IModelRenderable
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
Model rendering.
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
Model rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
Model rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Model rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Model rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
Renders model
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Model rendering.
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Model rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Model rendering
render(IntModelBatch, float, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
render(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Add a single IntRenderable to the batch.
render(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
render(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
render(IntRenderable) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.IntShader
render(IntRenderableProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls RenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(IntRenderableProvider, Environment) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls RenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(IntRenderableProvider, Environment, IntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls IntRenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(IntRenderableProvider, IntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls RenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
render(IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
render(IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
render(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Renders the mesh part using the specified shader, must be called in between ExtShaderProgram.begin() and ExtShaderProgram.end().
render(ExtShaderProgram, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Renders the mesh part using the specified shader, must be called in between ExtShaderProgram.begin() and ExtShaderProgram.end().
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IQuadRenderable
Renders the renderable as a quad using the star shader.
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Billboard quad render, for planets and stars.
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Billboard quad rendering
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Billboard quad rendering
render(ExtShaderProgram, float, IntMesh, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Billboard rendering
render(ExtShaderProgram, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Renders the mesh using the given primitive type.
render(ExtShaderProgram, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Renders the mesh using the given primitive type.
render(ExtShaderProgram, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Renders the mesh using the given primitive type.
render(Iterable<T>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls RenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(Iterable<T>, Environment) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls IntRenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(Iterable<T>, Environment, IntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls IntRenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
render(Iterable<T>, IntShader) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Calls IntRenderableProvider.getRenderables(Array, Pool) and adds all returned IntRenderable instances to the current batch to be rendered.
RENDER_FILE_NAME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The prefix for the image files
RENDER_FOLDER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The output folder
RENDER_FRAME - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to render a frame
RENDER_FRAME_BUFFER - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to render the current frame buffer with a given folder, file (without filename), width and height
RENDER_HEIGHT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The height of the image frames
render_lists - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Render lists for all render groups
RENDER_OUTPUT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
Whether the frame system is activated or not
RENDER_SCREENSHOT - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to render a screenshot
RENDER_SCREENSHOT_TIME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
Should we write the simulation time to the images?
RENDER_TARGET_FPS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The number of images per second to produce
RENDER_WIDTH - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.FrameConf
The width of the image frames
render2DLabel(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, RenderingContext, BitmapFont, ICamera, String, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
render2DLabel(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, RenderingContext, BitmapFont, ICamera, String, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
render2DLabel(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, RenderingContext, BitmapFont, ICamera, String, float, float, float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
render2DLabel(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, RenderingContext, BitmapFont, ICamera, String, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
render3DLabel(ExtSpriteBatch, ExtShaderProgram, BitmapFont, ICamera, RenderingContext, String, Vector3d, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
RenderablePool() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch.RenderablePool
renderables - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
list of Renderables to be rendered in the current batch
renderablesPool - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
renderAtmosphere(IntModelBatch, float, double, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IAtmosphereRenderable
Renders the atmosphere.
renderAtmosphere(IntModelBatch, float, double, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
Renders the atmosphere
renderBackbuffer(FrameBuffer, SpriteBatch, Graphics) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.RenderUtils
Assumes the aspect ratio is fine
renderCalls - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Number of render calls since the last ExtSpriteBatch.begin().
renderCameraSide() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
renderCameraSide(float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
renderCameraTop() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
renderCameraTop(float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
renderClouds(IntModelBatch, float, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ICloudRenderable
Renders the clouds.
renderClouds(IntModelBatch, float, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
Renders the clouds
renderCubemapSides(SceneGraphRenderer, ICamera, double, int, int, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
renderCurrentFrameBuffer(String, String, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
renderFace(FrameBuffer, ICamera, SceneGraphRenderer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean, int, int, int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
renderFrame(IMainRenderer) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
renderGlowPass(ICamera, FrameBuffer, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
renderGroup - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
The render vgroup
RenderGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Only for frame output mode, it displays the current time.
RenderGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
RenderingContext - Class in gaiasky.render
Holds some context information useful when rendering.
RenderingContext() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
RenderingContext.CubemapSide - Enum in gaiasky.render
renderKeepAspect(FrameBuffer, SpriteBatch, Graphics) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.RenderUtils
Renders the given frame buffer to screen with a fill scaling, maintaining the aspect ratio
renderKeepAspect(FrameBuffer, SpriteBatch, Graphics, Vector2) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.RenderUtils
Renders the given frame buffer to screen with a fill scaling, maintaining the aspect ratio
renderMesh(ExtShaderProgram, IntMeshPart) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
If necessary, override
renderMesh(ExtShaderProgram, IntMeshPart) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
RenderModelName_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
renderOn - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Must be updated every cycle
renderOpaque(IntModelBatch, float, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
Occlusion rendering
renderQuad - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.GenericSpacecraft
renderRegularFace(FrameBuffer, ICamera, SceneGraphRenderer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean, int, int, int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
renderScene(ICamera, double, RenderingContext) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Renders the scene
renderScreenshot(IMainRenderer) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
renderSgr(ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
renderSgr(ICamera, double, int, int, int, int, FrameBuffer, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IMainRenderer
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HeliosphereMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HighZMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup1MinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup2MinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OortCloudMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale
renderSideProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardSpriteRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardStarRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchTessellationRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.MWModelRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.OrbitalElementsParticlesRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleEffectsRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ParticleGroupRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ShapeRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarGroupRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.StarPointRenderSystem
renderStud(Array<IRenderable>, ICamera, double) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
renderSystem(ICamera, double, RenderingContext, Class<? extends IRenderSystem>) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Renders all the systems which are the same type of the given class
renderTessellated() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
renderText() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Tells whether the text must be rendered or not for this entity
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
renderText() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
renderToImage(IMainRenderer, ICamera, double, IPostProcessor.PostProcessBean, int, int, String, String, IFileImageRenderer, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
Renders the current scene to an image and returns the file name where it has been written to
renderToImageGl20(String, String, int, int, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ImageRenderer
Saves the current screen as an image to the given directory using the given file name.
renderToPixmap(int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ImageRenderer
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HeliosphereMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HighZMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup1MinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup2MinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OortCloudMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale
renderTopProjection(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
RenderUtils - Class in gaiasky.util
Contains utilities to render stuff
RenderUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.RenderUtils
reportCrash(Throwable, Logger.Log) - Static method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CrashReporter
ReportsTimeSinceVSync_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
resamplePath() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
reset() - Method in class gaiasky.render.BufferedFrame
reset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Reset the integrator to (tNow, nuBeg, omegaBeg, ...)
reset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Restore the previous buffers if the instance was owning resources.
reset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
reset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
reset() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
resetImageSequenceNumber() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
resetImageSequenceNumber() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Resets to zero the image sequence number used to generate the file names of the frame output images.
resetSequenceNumber() - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ImageRenderer
resetState() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
RESIZABLE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
resize(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Resizes this GUI to the given values at the end of the current loop
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
resize(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor
resize(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.ISGR
Resizes the assets of this renderer to the given new size
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGR
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemapProjections
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRFov
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SGRStereoscopic
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
resize(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.system.IRenderSystem
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ShapeRenderSystem
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
resize(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
resize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
resize(int, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.render.DesktopPostProcessor
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Resizes without waiting for the current loop to finish
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
resizeImmediate(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor
resizeImmediate(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
resizeRenderSystems(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
resizeXCursor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
resizeYCursor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Resolution - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
resolveChildren(Map<Long, Pair<OctreeNode, long[]>>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Resolves and adds the children of this node using the map.
resolveIncludes(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.assets.ShaderTemplatingLoader
REST_PORT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
restoreViewport(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Restores the previously set viewport if one was specified earlier and the destination buffer is the screen
restoreViewport(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
Convenience method to forward the call to the PostProcessor object while still being a non-publicly accessible method
RESTServer - Class in gaiasky.rest
REST Server class to implement the REST API
RESTServer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.rest.RESTServer
result - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
result(boolean, FileHandle) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.ResultListener
resultBuffer - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
resultListener - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
resume() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
resume() - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
RESUME_BACKGROUND_LOADING - gaiasky.event.Events
Resumes background data loading thread, if it exists and it is paused
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
returnToPool() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
REVOLVINGPHASE_INITIAL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Initial value \nu_0 of the revolving phase \nu at time t_0 corresponding to the scanning-law reference epoch (see parameter :Satellite:Mission_ReferenceEpoch_ScanningLaw_TCB)
Revs - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of revolutions There are two implementations provided of the conversions methods one as object interface, where an object of the current class has to be instantiated.
Revs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
Default constructor
Revs(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
Construct object
REVS_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
REVS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
rgba - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ColourComponent
rgbaToHex(float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
RgbShift - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.RgbMode
rgbToHex(float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
rgbToHsl(float[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts an RGB color value to HSL.
rgrad2(Vector2, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.noise.NoiseUtils
right() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
RIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
RIGHT_BRACKET - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
rightAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
RightHand - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerRole
rightMouseButton - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
The button for panning the camera along the up/right plane
ring - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
ring(float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ring(float, float, int, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a ring
ring(Matrix4, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ring(Matrix4, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a ring
ring(Matrix4, float, float, int, boolean, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
ring(Matrix4, float, float, int, boolean, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a ring
RingComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
RingComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
RingCreator - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
Helper generic class to create rings.
RingCreator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.RingCreator
ringnormal - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
ringnormalUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
ringUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Ro_TO_KM - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Solar radius in Km
Ro_TO_U - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Solar radius to local units
roll - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
roll - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
rolla - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
rollf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
rollKey - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
The key for rolling the camera
rollp - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Yaw, pitch and roll
rollv - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
root - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
The root of the tree
root - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
root - Variable in class gaiasky.util.BinarySearchTree
The tree root.
ROOT_NAME - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
rot(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Multiplies this vector by the first three columns of the matrix, essentially only applying rotation and scaling.
rotate - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
If true, the region has been rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.
rotate - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
rotate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Rotates the Vector2d by the given angle, counter-clockwise assuming the y-axis points up.
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix.
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Rotates this vector by the given angle in degrees around the given axis.
rotate(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the sprite's rotation in degrees relative to the current rotation.
rotate(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix.
rotate(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
rotate(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix.
rotate(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Rotates this vector by the given angle in degrees around the given axis.
rotate(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix by the rotation between two vectors.
rotate2(double[], double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate2(double[], double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Rotates a 2D vector by the specified angle in degrees, counter-clockwise assuming that the y axis points up.
rotate2(double[], long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate2(List, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate2(List, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate3(double[], double[], double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate3(double[], double[], double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Rotates a 3D vector around the given axis by the specified angle in degrees.
rotate3(double[], double[], long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate3(List, List, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate3(List, List, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
rotate90(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Rotates this sprite 90 degrees in-place by rotating the texture coordinates.
rotate90(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
rotate90(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Rotates the Vector2d by 90 degrees in the specified direction, where >= 0 is counter-clockwise and < 0 is clockwise.
rotateAround(Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Rotates the direction and up vector of this camera by the given angle around the given axis, with the axis attached to given point.
rotateAroundCrs(double, double, NaturalCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
rotateAroundDir(double, double, NaturalCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
rotateAroundUp(double, double, NaturalCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
rotateRad(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Rotates the Vector2d by the given angle, counter-clockwise assuming the y-axis points up.
rotateRad(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix.
rotateRad(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Rotates this vector by the given angle in radians around the given axis.
rotateRad(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix.
rotateRad(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Rotates this vector by the given angle in radians around the given axis.
rotateSpeed - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
RotateTransform - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
RotateTransform() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotateTransform
rotateVectorByQuaternion(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Rotates this vector by a quaternion, using "vector rotation" according to (60) in LL-072.
rotation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
rotation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
the rotation, relative to the parent, not modified by animations
rotation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodeAnimation
the rotation keyframes if any (might be null), sorted by time ascending
ROTATION_SPEED - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
ROTATION_SPEED_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new camera rotation speed and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
RotationComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
Provides the information for the rotation of this body.
RotationComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
rotationMatrix - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Only the rotation matrix
roulette - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
Roulette list with the objects to process
RouletteList<T> - Class in gaiasky.util.ds
A structure composed of a set of collections of a given size in which additions happen to the next list in the roulette before it is spun.
RouletteList(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
Constructs a roulette list with a given size.
roundAvoid(double, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Rounds the double value to a number of decimal places
RSHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
Ruler - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
RULER_ATTACH_0 - gaiasky.event.Events
Attach object to first end of ruler.
RULER_ATTACH_1 - gaiasky.event.Events
Attach object to second end of ruler.
RULER_CLEAR - gaiasky.event.Events
Clear all objects from ruler
RULER_DIST - gaiasky.event.Events
Notifies new distances for the ruler.
rulerDist - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
rulerName - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
rulerName0 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
rulerName1 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
rulerOk() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
run() - Method in class gaiasky.data.OctreeGeneratorRun
run() - Method in class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher.DaemonRefresher
run() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader.DaemonLoader
run() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
run() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings.BooleanRunnable
run() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings.ProgramAction
run() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RemoveActorThread
run() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.UpdaterTask
run() - Method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionChecker
run(long, long, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.ProgressRunnable
Informs of progress
run(Array<AbstractRenderSystem.RenderSystemRunnable>, Array<IRenderable>, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
run(AbstractRenderSystem, Array<IRenderable>, ICamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem.RenderSystemRunnable
run(AbstractRenderSystem, Array<IRenderable>, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LightPositionUpdater
run(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.ChecksumRunnable
RUN_SCRIPT_PATH - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the string with the script code and an optional boolean indicating whether it must be run asynchronous
RUN_SCRIPT_PYCODE - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the script PyCode object, the path and an optional boolean indicating whether it must be run asynchronous
runCameraPath(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
runCameraPath(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Runs a .gsc camera path file and returns immediately.
runCameraPath(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
runCameraPath(String, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Runs a .gsc camera path file and returns immediately.
runCameraRecording(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
runCameraRecording(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Runs the camera recording file with the given path.
runcameraWindow - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
RunCameraWindow - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
The run camera path file window, which allows the user to choose a script to run.
RunCameraWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.RunCameraWindow
runFiltersAnd(CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
Runs all filters on the star and returns true only if all have passed.
runFiltersOr(CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
Runs all filters on the star and returns true if any of them passes
RungeKuttaNs - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.utils
Provides an implementation of the Runge-Kutta method for solving single or sets of ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
RungeKuttaNs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.RungeKuttaNs
runIsInvalidCallback() - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
runIsValidCallback() - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
runs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
runStateInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
RunStateInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Contains elements which depend on the current state of the program, such as the running scripts, the buttons to pause the camera subsystem, etc.
RunStateInterface(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.RunStateInterface
RunStateInterface(Skin, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.RunStateInterface
runtime - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
RuntimeConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
ruwe - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
RUWE cap value.
ruweFile - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
Location of gzipped file with
ruweValues - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider


S - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
S_TO_D - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Seconds to days
S_TO_H - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Seconds to hours
S_TO_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Seconds to milliseconds
S_TO_Y - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Seconds to years
s1min - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Local constants
SAMP - gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
SAMP_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
SAMP information
SAMPClient - Class in gaiasky.util.samp
SAMPClient() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.samp.SAMPClient
sample(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, OctreeNode, float) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStars
sample(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, OctreeNode, float) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.BrightestStarsSimple
sample(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, OctreeNode, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IAggregationAlgorithm
Creates the sub-sample from the given input stars.
SampleOffsets - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
samplePaths(Array<Array<Vector3d>>, double[], int, CameraKeyframeManager.PathType) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
SampleWeights - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
Satellite - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Satellite - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Clone of the Satellite class in GaiaParams with very few needed parameters.
Satellite() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
Satellite() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Satellite.ParamMetaData - Annotation Type in gaiasky.util.gaia
Satellites - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
Saturation - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
Saturation - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
SATURATION_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the saturation level (float) in [0..2] and an optional boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface
SaturationMul - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
SaturnVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
SaturnVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.SaturnVSOP87
saveKeyframesFile(Array<Keyframe>, String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager
saveScreenshot(String, String, int, int, boolean, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.BasicFileImageRenderer
saveScreenshot(String, String, int, int, boolean, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Method in class gaiasky.screenshot.BufferedFileImageRenderer
saveScreenshot(String, String, int, int, boolean, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.screenshot.IFileImageRenderer
Renders a screenshot in the given location with the given prefix and the given size.
saveState - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Save state on exit
sb - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
SC_HANDLING_FRICTION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf
SC_RESPONSIVENESS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf
SC_SHOW_AXES - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf
SC_VEL_TO_DIRECTION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf
scalar() - Method in annotation type gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite.ParamMetaData
scale - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
scale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
scale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
the scale, relative to the parent, not modified by animations
scale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
scale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
scale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
scale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
scale(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix with a scale matrix.
scale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Sets the font's scale relative to the current scale.
scale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the sprite's scale relative to the current scale.
scale(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Multiplies the top/left/bottom/right sizes and padding by the specified amount.
scale(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Method to scale the positions in the mesh.
Scale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
scaleAdd(double, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Scales a given vector with a scalar and add the result to this one, i.e.
ScaleAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
scaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
scaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
scaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
scaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
ScaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
ScaleDepthAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
scaleFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
Scale factor, the ratio between the diagonal of HD resolution (1280x720) and the current resolution
scaleOverScaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
scaleOverScaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
scaleOverScaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Inputs
scaleOverScaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
ScaleOverScaleDepth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
ScaleOverScaleDepthAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereAttribute
ScaleTransform - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
ScaleTransform() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ScaleTransform
scaleX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
scaleY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
scaling - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodeAnimation
the scaling keyframes if any (might be null), sorted by time ascending
ScanDistortion - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
Scanlines - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
scanPerNs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Inertial scanning speed (omega_z) given either as a period in [ns] or as a rate in [deg/hour] = [arcsec/s].
SCANPHASE_INITIAL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Initial value \Omega_0 of the scan (or spin) phase \Omega at time t_0 corresponding to the scanning-law reference epoch (see parameter :Satellite:Mission_ReferenceEpoch_ScanningLaw_TCB)
scanRate - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
SCANRATE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Value of the inertial scan rate (spin rate) of the satellite around the SRS z-axis, defined - for a given CCD TDI period (and along-scan pixel dimension) and the design-value of the telescope focal length - as the speed with which electrons move through the CCDs in TDI mode
Scattering - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Scattering Light effect.
Scattering(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
Scattering.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
scatteringIntensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
scatteringSaturation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
scene - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
SCENE_GRAPH_ADD_OBJECT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sends an object to be added to the scene graph.
Sends an object to be added to a scene graph, without using a post runnable.
SCENE_GRAPH_LOADED - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs the scene graph has been loaded.
SCENE_GRAPH_REMOVE_OBJECT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Removes an object from the scene graph.
SceneConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
SceneGraph - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Implementation of a 3D scene graph.
SceneGraph() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraph
SceneGraphImplementationProvider - Class in gaiasky.data
Provides the scene graph implementation.
SceneGraphImplementationProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.SceneGraphImplementationProvider
SceneGraphJsonLoader - Class in gaiasky.data
SceneGraphJsonLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.SceneGraphJsonLoader
SceneGraphNode - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A scene graph entity.
SceneGraphNode() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
SceneGraphNode(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
SceneGraphNode(ComponentTypes.ComponentType) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
SceneGraphNode(SceneGraphNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
SceneGraphNode(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
SceneGraphNode(String, SceneGraphNode) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup - Enum in gaiasky.scenegraph
Describes to which render vgroup this node belongs at a particular time step.
SceneGraphNode.TLV3 - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
SceneGraphNode.TLV3D - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
SceneGraphRenderer - Class in gaiasky.render
Renders a scenegraph.
SceneGraphRenderer(VRContext) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
scl(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
scl(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
scl(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
scl(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Scales this vector by a scalar
scl(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Multiplies this vector by a scalar
scl(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
scl(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Scales this vector by the given values
scl(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
scl(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
scl(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
scl(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Scales this vector by another vector
screen - gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.RenderType
screen - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
SCREEN_HEIGHT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
SCREEN_MODE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Updates the screen mode according to whats in the GlobalConf.screen bean.
SCREEN_NOTIFICATION_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Adds a screen notification which lasts for a little while.
SCREEN_OUTPUT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
SCREEN_WIDTH - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
ScreenConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
screenMode - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
ScreenModeCmd - Class in gaiasky.desktop.render
Manages screen mode changes (fullscreen, windowed)
screenshot - gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.RenderType
screenshot - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
SCREENSHOT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the width, height (integers) and the folder name and filename (strings)
SCREENSHOT_FOLDER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
SCREENSHOT_FORMAT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
SCREENSHOT_HEIGHT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
SCREENSHOT_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the path where the screenshot has been saved
SCREENSHOT_MODE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
SCREENSHOT_QUALITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
SCREENSHOT_SIZE_UDPATE - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs of the new size of the screenshot system
SCREENSHOT_WIDTH - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
ScreenshotConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotConf
ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
screenshotRenderer - Variable in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
ScreenshotsManager - Class in gaiasky.screenshot
ScreenshotsManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
SCRIPT - gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
SCRIPT_LOCATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
ScriptingServer - Class in gaiasky.script
The scripting server of Gaia Sky, backed by a Py4J GatewayServer.
ScriptingServer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.script.ScriptingServer
scroll(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
scroll(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Offsets the region relative to the current region.
scrolled(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
SCROLLED - gaiasky.event.Events
scrollFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
The weight for each scrolled amount.
scrolls - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
SDBMHash(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils.Hash
SDSSDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
Loads SDSS data from a text file with a series of [ra, dec, z]
SDSSDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.SDSSDataProvider
seam - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
Is it a seam? (breaks splines)
SEARCH - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
searchBox - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
searchDialog - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
searchDialog - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
SearchDialog - Class in gaiasky.interfce
SearchDialog(Skin, Stage, ISceneGraph) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
seconds - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Secs - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A finite number of seconds.
Secs() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
Default constructor
Secs(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
Construct object from an elapsed number of seconds.
SECS_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
SECS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
SECS_PER_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
SECS_PER_MIN - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
SECS_PER_REV - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
segments - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
The segments joining the knots
select(int, int, int, NaturalCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
select(Keyframe) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
selected - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Selected keyframe
selectedKnot - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
Selected knot
selectionListener - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
SEMICOLON - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
semimajoraxis - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Semi major axis of the ellipse, a in Km.
separator - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
Separator - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A separator widget (horizontal or vertical bar) that can be used in menus, tables or other widgets, typically added to new row with growX() (if creating horizontal separator) OR growY() (if creating vertical separator) PopupMenu and VisTable provides utilities addSeparator() methods that adds new separator.
Separator(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
New separator with default style
Separator(Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
Separator(Separator.SeparatorStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator
Separator.SeparatorStyle - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
SeparatorStyle() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator.SeparatorStyle
SeparatorStyle(Drawable, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator.SeparatorStyle
SeparatorStyle(Separator.SeparatorStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator.SeparatorStyle
SerializedDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
SerializedDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.SerializedDataProvider
SerialNumber_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
serverVersion - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
set(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to the given matrix as a double array.
set(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
set(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets the components from the array.
set(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Sets the components of this vector
set(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets the vector to the given components
set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix representing the quaternion.
set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Sets the plane normal and distance
set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the components of the quaternion
set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
set(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix representing the translation and quaternion.
set(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix representing the translation and quaternion.
set(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
set(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets the components from the array.
set(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Sets this Rayd from the given starting position and direction.
set(int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
Sets the width and height
set(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, TextureDescriptor) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, GLTexture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(int, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader
set(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
set(Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
set(Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to the given 3x3 matrix.
set(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
set(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
set(Quaternion) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
set(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
set(Vector3, Vector3, Color, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
set(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Color, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
set(Bits, SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup...) - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Sets the given Bits mask to the given render groups
set(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Sets the given GUI as current
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
set(Duration) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
Set this duration to a new given one
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
set(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
set(GaiaSkyFrameBuffer, GaiaSkyFrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
An instance of this object can also be used to manipulate some other externally-allocated buffers, applying just the same ping-ponging behavior.
set(Sprite) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Make this sprite a copy in every way of the specified sprite
set(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
set(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
set(IntMeshPart) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Set this MeshPart to be a copy of the other MeshPart
set(IntNode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
Creates a nested copy of this Node, any child nodes are copied using the IntNode.copy() method.
set(IntNodePart) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
set(BaseIntShader, int, IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Setter
set(BaseIntShader, int, IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.ACubemap
set(BaseIntShader, int, IntRenderable, Attributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters.Bones
set(BoundingBoxd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Sets the given bounding box.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to the given matrix.
set(Planed) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Sets this plane from the given plane
set(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix representing the quaternion.
set(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given quaternion.
set(Rayd) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Sets the starting position and direction from the given Rayd
set(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
set(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
set(Vector3d[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Sets the bounding box minimum and maximum vector from the given points.
set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
set(Vector3d, Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Set this matrix to the specified translation and rotation.
set(Vector3d, Quaterniond, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Set this matrix to the specified translation, rotation and scale.
set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Sets the given minimum and maximum vector.
set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Sets the plane to the given point and normal.
set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
Sets the starting position and the direction of this Rayd.
set(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Sets the plane normal and distance to the origin based on the three given points which are considered to be on the plane.
set(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the four columns of the matrix which correspond to the x-, y- and z-axis of the vector space this matrix creates as well as the 4th column representing the translation of any point that is multiplied by this matrix.
set(Class<T>, Pool<T>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.MyPools
Sets an existing pool for the specified type, stored in a Class to Pool map.
set(String, IntMesh, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Set this MeshPart to given values, does not IntMeshPart.update() the bounding box values.
set(List<Vector3d>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
Sets the bounding box minimum and maximum vector from the given points.
set(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Sets this vector from the given vector
set(T[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
set(T[], boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
set(T[], int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
setAbsmag(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
setAcceptedFiles(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
setAcceptRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Sets the runnable which runs when accept is clicked
setAcceptText(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
setAdaptiveParallax(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setAdaptiveParallax(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Whether to use an adaptive threshold, relaxing it for bright (appmag >= 13) stars to let more bright stars in.
setAdditive(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setAdditiveblending(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setAlign(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
setAlpha(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the alpha portion of the color used to tint this sprite.
setAlphas(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the alpha component of all text currently in the cache.
setAltname(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
setAmbientLight(float) - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
Sets the ambient light
setAmbientLight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setAmbientLight(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the ambient light to a certain value.
setAmbientLight(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setAmount(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
setAngle(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Sets the angle of the vector in degrees relative to the x-axis, towards the positive y-axis (typically counter-clockwise).
setAngle(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotateTransform
setAngle(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
setAngle(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
setAngleRad(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Sets the angle of the vector in radians relative to the x-axis, towards the positive y-axis (typically counter-clockwise).
setAngles(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Sets the position of the Place to given (alpha, delta)
setAppmag(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
setArgofpericenter(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setAscendingnode(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setAscendingnode(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Sets the ascending node.
setAssetManager(AssetManager) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.AssetBean
setAtmosphere(AtmosphereComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
setAttribute(IAttribute) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
setAttributef(String, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the given attribute
setAttributef(String, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the given attribute
setAutoBind(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Sets whether to bind the underlying VertexArray or VertexBufferObject automatically on a call to one of the render methods.
setAvgMaxLuma(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
setAxesColors(double[][]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
setAxialtilt(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Sets the axial tilt, the angle between the equatorial plane and the orbital plane.
setAxis(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotateTransform
setBackbufferScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setBackbufferScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setBase(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setBaseIntesity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBaseIntesity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setBaseIntesity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setBaseSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBaseSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setBaseSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setBias(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setBias(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setBias(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias
setBillboardRotation(Quaternion, Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Sets the rotation of this decal based on the (normalized) direction and up vector.
setBillboardRotation(Quaternion, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.DecalUtils
Sets the rotation of this decal based on the (normalized) direction and up vector.
setBin(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setBin(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setBlend(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setBlendFunction(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets the blending function to be used when rendering sprites.
setBlendFunction(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setBlendFunctionSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets separate (color/alpha) blending function to be used when rendering sprites.
setBlendFunctionSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setBlendTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GeometryWarp
setBlendTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter
setBloom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setBloom(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the strength value for the bloom effect.
setBloom(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setBloomIntesity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBloomSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBlurAmount(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBlurAmount(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setBlurAmount(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setBlurMaxSamples(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
setBlurMaxSamples(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
setBlurOpacity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
setBlurOpacity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
setBlurPasses(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBlurPasses(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setBlurPasses(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setBlurRadius(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
setBlurRadius(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
setBlurScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
setBlurScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
setBlurStrength(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
setBlurType(Blur.BlurType) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setBlurType(Blur.BlurType) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setBlurType(Blur.BlurType) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setBody(CelestialBody) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setBottomHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the draw-time height of the three bottom edge patches
setBoundaries(List<List<Vector3d>>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
setBounds(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the position and size of the sprite when drawn, before scaling and rotation are applied.
setBounds(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setBrightness(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Set the brightness
setBrightness(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
Sets the brightness level
setBrightnessLevel(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setBrightnessLevel(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the brightness level of the render system.
setBrightnessLevel(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setBuffer(Buffer, boolean, VertexAttributes) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Low level method to reset the buffer and attributes to the specified values.
setBufferTextureWrap(Texture.TextureWrap, Texture.TextureWrap) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
setBulgesource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.io.ByteBufferInputStream
setCamera(Camera) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g3d.decals.CameraGroupStrategy
setCamera(Camera) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
Change the camera in between IntModelBatch.begin(Camera) and IntModelBatch.end().
setCamera(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setCamera(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
setCamera(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Sets the active camera
setCamera(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setCamera(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
setCamera(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
setCameraCenterFocus(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraCenterFocus(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Whether to look for the focus constantly when in focus mode and center it in the view or whether the view must be free.
setCameraDirection(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraDirection(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera direction vector to the given vector, equatorial system.
setCameraDirection(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFocus(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFocus(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in focus mode with the focus object that bears the given focusName.
setCameraFocus(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFocus(String, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in focus mode with the focus object that bears the given focusName.
setCameraFocus(String, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFocusInstant(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFocusInstant(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in focus mode with the given focus object.
setCameraFocusInstantAndGo(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFocusInstantAndGo(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in focus mode with the given focus object and instantly moves the camera next to the focus object.
setCameraFov1() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFov1() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in FoV1 mode.
setCameraFov1and2() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFov1and2() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in Fov1 and 2 mode.
setCameraFov2() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFov2() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in FoV2 mode.
setCameraFree() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraFree() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera in free mode.
setCameraLock(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraLock(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Activates or deactivates the camera lock to the focus reference system when in focus mode.
setCameraOrientationLock(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraOrientationLock(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Locks or unlocks the orientation of the camera to the focus object's rotation.
setCameraPosition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraPosition(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera position to the given coordinates, in Km, equatorial system.
setCameraPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraPosition(double, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera position to the given coordinates, in Km, equatorial system.
setCameraPosition(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraPositionAndFocus(String, String, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraPositionAndFocus(String, String, double, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the focus and instantly moves the camera to a point in the line defined by focus-other and rotated rotation degrees around focus using the camera up vector as a rotation axis.
setCameraPositionAndFocus(String, String, long, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraPostion(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraPostion(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
setCameraSpeed(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraSpeed(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Changes the speed multiplier of the camera and its acceleration
setCameraSpeed(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraSpeedLimit(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraSpeedLimit(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the speed limit of the camera given an index.
setCameraState(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraState(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera state (position, direction and up vector).
setCameraState(List, List, List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraStateAndTime(double[], double[], double[], long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraStateAndTime(double[], double[], double[], long) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera state (position, direction and up vector) plus the current time.
setCameraStateAndTime(List, List, List, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraStereoLeft(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setCameraStereoLeft(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setCameraStereoLeft(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setCameraStereoRight(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setCameraStereoRight(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setCameraStereoRight(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setCameraUp(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCameraUp(double[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the camera up vector to the given vector, equatorial system.
setCameraUp(List) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCancelRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Sets the runnable which runs when cancel is clicked
setCancelText(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
setCataloginfo(Map<String, String>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setCatalogInfo(CatalogInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setCatalogInfoBare(CatalogInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setCensusYear(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
setCenter(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
Specify the center, in screen coordinates.
setCenter(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
Specify the center, in normalized screen coordinates.
setCenter(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the position so that the sprite is centered on (x, y)
setCenterFocus(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setCenterX(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the x position so that it is centered on the given x parameter
setCenterY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the y position so that it is centered on the given y parameter
setCheckedNoFire(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImageButton
setChromaticDispersion(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setChromaticDispersion(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setChromaticDispersion(Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setChromaticDispersionBY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setChromaticDispersionBY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setChromaticDispersionRC(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setChromaticDispersionRC(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setCinematicCamera(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCinematicCamera(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or disables the cinematic camera mode.
setClearBits(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets the clear bit for when glClear is invoked.
setClearColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets the color that will be used to clear the buffer.
setClearColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets the color that will be used to clear the buffer.
setClearDepth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets the depth value with which to clear the depth buffer when needed.
setClosedLoop(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
setClosedLoop(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setClosest(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setClosest(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setClosest(IFocus) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Sets the closest of all
setClosestCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setClosestCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the visibility of the closest object crosshair.
setCloud(CloudComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
setCloud(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setCloudtrans(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setCol(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setCol(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setColor(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
setColor(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
A convenience method for setting the font color.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
A convenience method for setting the cache color.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Set the color used if no vertex color is provided.
setColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
A convenience method for setting the font color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
A convenience method for setting the cache color.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets the color used to tint images when they are added to the Batch.
setColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Copy given color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the color used to tint this sprite.
setColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
setColor(Color) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Set the color used if no vertex color is provided, or null to not use a default color.
setColor2Data() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
setColor2Data() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
setColoriftex(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setColorMax(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setColorMax(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setColorMin(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setColorMin(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setColornoise(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setColorOffset(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setColorOffset(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setColors(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the color of all text currently in the cache.
setColors(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the color of all text currently in the cache.
setColors(float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the color of the specified characters.
setColors(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the color of all text currently in the cache.
setColors(Color, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the color of the specified characters.
setComparator(FilterRule.IComparator) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
setComputedFlag(Array<SceneGraphNode>, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Sets the computed flag of the list of nodes and their children to the given value.
setContrast(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Set the contrast
setContrast(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
Sets the contrast level
setContrastLevel(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setContrastLevel(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the contrast level of the render system.
setContrastLevel(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCoordinates(IBodyCoordinates) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
setCoords(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setCoords(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setCorrectground(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setCount(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
setCount(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the visibility of all crosshairs.
setCt(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setCt(String[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setCubemapMode(boolean, String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCubemapMode(boolean, String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables and disables the cubemap mode.
setCubemapProjection(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCubemapProjection(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the cubemap projection to use.
setCubemapResolution(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setCubemapResolution(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the resolution (width and height are the same) of each side of the frame buffers used to capture each of the 6 directions that go into the cubemap to construct the equirectangular image for the 360 mode.
setCulling(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setCulling(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setData(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
setData(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
setDatafile(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setDatasetHighlightSizeFactor(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setDatasetHighlightSizeFactor(String, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the size increase factor of this dataset when highlighted
setDecay(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setDecay(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setDefault() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set all parameters to default values (from GaiaParam)
setDefault() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl
setDefaultCullFace(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
setDefaultCullFace(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
setDefaultDepthFunc(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
setDefaultDepthFunc(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
setDensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setDensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setDepth(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setDepthMap(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.render.ShadowMapImpl
setDepthTest(int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setDepthTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter
setDerivedAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
setDerivedAttributes() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstelBoundariesLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstellationsLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.GeoJsonLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.ISceneGraphLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
setDescription(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IVisibilitySwitch
setDescription(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
Sets the position of the Place to that of a given vector (need not be a unit vector)
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnCheckBox
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
setDisplayValueMapped(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setDistanceCap(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setDistanceCap(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Sets a distance cap.
setDistFactor(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
setDistortion(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setDistortion(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
setDistortion(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setDistortion(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
setDiverted(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setDivisions(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
setDustsource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
setEccentricity(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setElevation(ElevationComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets whether or not the post-processor should be enabled
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessorEffect
Sets this effect enabled or not
setEnd(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Set the end time
setEnginePower(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Sets the current engine power
setEpoch(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setEpoch(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Sets the epoch to use for the stars in this vgroup
setEquatorial(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
Sets equatorial coordinates as a vector of [ra, de, distance]
setErrorColor(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
setEulerAngles(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion to the given euler angles in degrees.
setEulerAnglesRad(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion to the given euler angles in radians.
setExpand(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
setExposure(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Sets the exposure tone mapping value
setExposure(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
Sets the exposure tone mapping value
setExposureToneMappingLevel(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setExposureToneMappingLevel(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the exposure level.
setExposureToneMappingLevel(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setFactor(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setFade(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
setFade(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fuzzy
setFade(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
The fade value.
setFadein(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setFadein(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setFadeout(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setFadeout(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setFileFilter(FileChooser.PathnameFilter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
Sets the file filter.
setFileNameEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.DR2DataProvider
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IParticleGroupDataProvider
Sets a cap on the number of files to load.
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataProvider
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.SDSSDataProvider
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
setFileNumberCap(int) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.UncertaintiesProvider
setFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
Overrides the default filter.
setFirst(A) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
setFirst(A) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
setFirstAngle(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
Set first angle and/or rate
setFirstPair(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
setFirstRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
setFixedWidthGlyphs(CharSequence) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Makes the specified glyphs fixed width.
setFlareIntesity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setFlareSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setFlip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Set the sprite's flip state regardless of current condition
setFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
setFocus(IFocus) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.INetworkChecker
setFocus(IFocus) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setFocusCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setFocusCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the visibility of the focus object crosshair.
setFocusIndex(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setFogcolor(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setFogdensity(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setForward(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
setFov(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setFov(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Changes the field of view of the camera.
setFov(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
setFov(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
Sets the field of view, in degrees.
setFov(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setFrameOutput(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setFrameOutput(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Activates or deactivates the image output system.
setFrameOutputMode(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setFrameOutputMode(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the frame output mode.
setFromAxes(boolean, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the Quaterniond from the given x-, y- and z-axis.
setFromAxes(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the Quaterniond from the given x-, y- and z-axis which have to be orthonormal.
setFromAxis(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
setFromAxis(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
setFromAxisRad(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
setFromAxisRad(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the quaternion components from the given axis and angle around that axis.
setFromCross(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Set this quaternion to the rotation between two vectors.
setFromCross(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Set this quaternion to the rotation between two vectors.
setFromEulerAngles(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a rotation matrix from the given euler angles.
setFromMatrix(boolean, Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the Quaterniond from the given matrix, optionally removing any scaling.
setFromMatrix(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Sets the Quaterniond from the given rotation matrix, which must not contain scaling.
setFromSpherical(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Sets the components from the given spherical coordinate
setFrustumPlanes(PerspectiveCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setFxaaReduceMin(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
Sets the parameter.
setFxaaReduceMul(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
Sets the parameter.
setFxaaSpanMax(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
Sets the parameter.
setGalaxydata(GalaxydataComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setGamepadMultiplier(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setGamma(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Sets the gamma correction value
setGamma(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
Sets the gamma correction value
setGammaCorrectionLevel(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGammaCorrectionLevel(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the gamma correction level.
setGammaCorrectionLevel(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGassource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
setGdp(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
setGenerateDisabledImage(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
Changes generateDisabledImage property, when true that function is enabled.
setGeoDistancesFile(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setGeoDistancesFile(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Sets the location of the geometric distances file or directory
setGhosts(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setGhosts(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
setGlowTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LightPositionUpdater
Sets the occlusion texture to use for the glow effect
setGlPrimitive(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setGlyph(int, BitmapFont.Glyph) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
setGlyphRegion(BitmapFont.Glyph, TextureRegion) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
setGuiPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGuiPosition(float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Moves the interface window to a new position.
setGuiPosition(float, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGuiPosition(int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGuiPosition(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGuiScrollPosition(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setGuiScrollPosition(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the vertical scroll position in the GUI.
setGuiScrollPosition(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setHaloWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setHaloWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
setHDRToneMappingType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setHDRToneMappingType(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the high dynamic range tone mapping algorithm type.
setHeadlineMessage(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setHeadlineMessage(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets a headline message that will appear in a big font in the screen.
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImage
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
setHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
setHeight(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setHeightScale(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setHidden(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
setHidden(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
setHighAccuracy(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.AbstractVSOP87
setHighAccuracy(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.iVSOP87
setHighDensityAreas(ComplexArea[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the region of the sky that is to be considered as "high density"
setHiisource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
setHlAllVisible(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
setHlColor(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
setHlSizeFactor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
setHoffset(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
setHoffset(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
setHoffset(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Sets the horizontal offset, for VR
setHoffset(int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
setHomeCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setHomeCrosshairVisibility(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the visibility of the home object crosshair.
setHorizontal(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setHue(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Set the hue
setHue(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
Sets the hue
setHueLevel(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setHueLevel(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the hue level of the render system.
setHueLevel(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setIcon(Image) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
setId(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setImageSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
setInclination(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setInclination(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Sets the inclination, the angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane
setInclination(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Sets the inclination, the angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane
setIndices(int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Sets the indices of this Mesh
setIndices(int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Sets the indices of this IntIndexArray, discarding the old indices.
setIndices(int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Sets the indices of this IntIndexBufferObject, discarding the old indices.
setIndices(int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Sets the indices of this IntIndexBufferObject, discarding the old indices.
setIndices(int[], int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Sets the indices of this IntIndexBufferObject, discarding the old indices.
setIndices(int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Sets the indices of this Mesh.
setIndices(IntBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
setIndices(IntBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
setIndices(IntBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
setIndices(IntBuffer) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Copies the specified indices to the indices of this IntIndexBufferObject, discarding the old indices.
setInGpu(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
setInGpu(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setInGpu(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setIni(Date) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
setInitialized(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
setInnerradius(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
setInput(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setInput(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
setInput(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setInput(Texture, Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
setInputByController(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setInputMultiplexer(InputMultiplexer) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
setIntensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setIntensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
setIntensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setIsInvalidCallback(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
setIsValidCallback(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
setKeepWithinStage(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
setKerning(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
setKeyboardFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Sets the keyboard focus, override in case you want to set the focus to a specific item
setKeyboardFocus() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LandAtWindow
setKeyframes(Array<Keyframe>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
setLabel(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setLabel2d(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setLabelcolor(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Sets the label color
setLabelcolor(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setLabelposition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
Sets the position of the label, in parsecs and in the internal reference frame
setLabelposition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setLabelSizeFactor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setLabelSizeFactor(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the label size factor.
setLabelSizeFactor(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setLastFrameTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
setLeftWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the draw-time width of the three left edge patches
setLength(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
setLength(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
setLength(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Sets the length of this vector.
setLength2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
setLength2(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
setLength2(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Sets the length of this vector, based on the square of the desired length.
setLensColorTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setLensColorTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
setLensDirtTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setLensDirtTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt
setLensFlare(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setLensFlare(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or deisables the lens flare effect.
setLensStarburstTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setLensStarburstTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt
setLightColors(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setLightColors(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setLightGlowTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setLightGlowTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setLightPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
Sets the light position in screen coordinates [-1..1].
setLightPosition(Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
setLightPositions(int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setLightPositions(int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
Sets the positions of the 10 lights in [0..1] in both coordinates
setLightPositions(int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setLightPositions(int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setLightViewAngles(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setLightViewAngles(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setLightViewAngles(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setLightViewAngles(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setLineHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Sets the line height, which is the distance from one line of text to the next.
setLines(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
setLineWidthFactor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setLineWidthFactor(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the line width factor.
setLineWidthFactor(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setLinkURL(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Link
setListener(EventListener) - Method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionChecker
setListener(PostProcessorListener) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets the listener that will receive events triggered by the PostProcessor rendering pipeline.
setListener(ContextMenu.ContextMenuListener) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
setLocalTransform(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setLocalTransform(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setLocation(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
setLocthoverfactor(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setLocvamultiplier(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setLodLevel(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
setLut(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
Sets the texture with which gradient mapping will be performed.
setLutIndexOffset(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setLutIndexOffset(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setLutIndexVal(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setLutIndexVal(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setLutIntensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setLutIntensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setLutTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setM_Km(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setM_Kr(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setMag(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
setMagCorrections(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setMagCorrections(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Sets the flag to apply magnitude and color corrections for extinction and reddening
setMagCorrections(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
setMappedValue(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
setMappedValue(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setMappedValue(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
setMappedValue(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setMapValues(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
setMapValues(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setMass(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
setMassPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.GravitationalDistortion
Sets the position of the mass in pixels.
setMassPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter
The position of the mass that causes the distortion in pixels.
setMaterial(MaterialComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setMaxInternalTimeStep(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set time step in Runge-Kutta integrator
setMaxStep(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Set the maximum step size to be used in the Hermite interpolation.
setMaxStepForIntegrator(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
This allows to override the default choice of max step for integrator
setMc(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setMc(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setMeananomaly(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setMeridianangle(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Sets the meridian angle.
setMiddleHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the height of the middle row of the patch.
setMiddleWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the width of the middle column of the patch.
setMinHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
setMinimapVisibility(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setMinimapVisibility(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Shows or hides the minimap.
setMinStarOpacity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setMinStarOpacity(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the minimum star opacity.
setMinStarOpacity(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setMinWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
setModal(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
setModal(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
setMode(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
setMode(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
setMode(Epsl.Mode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
Preferred method to set the Epsl.Mode (it can also be set using setNuRef)
setModel(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setModel(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setModel(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setModel(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setModel(ModelComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
setModel(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
Sets the model file path (this must be a .g3db, .g3dj or .obj).
setMotionBlur(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setMotionBlur(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or disables the motion blur effect.
setMovable(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
setMslParameters(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set MSL parameters: speed reduction factor for z axis and AC limits
setMu(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setMultiplier(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setMustLoadIds(Set<Long>) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setMustLoadIds(Set<Long>) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Adds a set with all the ids which will be loaded regardless of any other conditions (i.e.
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstelBoundariesLoader
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.constel.ConstellationsLoader
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.GeoJsonLoader
setName(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.ISceneGraphLoader
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.stars.AbstractCatalogLoader
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
setName(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IVisibilitySwitch
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.ComplexArea
Set the name of the area
setName0(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
setName1(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
setNamekey(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setNebulasource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
setNewColorRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ColorPicker
setNewmethod(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setNight(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setNodesToProcess(Array<T>) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.UpdaterTask
setNoiseOctaves(double[][]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
Sets the noiseOctaves as a matrix of [frequency,amplitude]
setNoisePower(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
setNoiseSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
setNoiseType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent
setNor(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setNor(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setNormal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setNormals(int...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.Face
Sets the normal indeces.
setNormals(int...) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.IFace
setNSamples(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setNSamples(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setNumSamples(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setNumSamples(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setNuRef(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set the reference value for the precession phase angle (nu)
setObjects(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
setObjectSizeScaling(String, double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setObjectSizeScaling(String, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the given size scaling factor to the object identified by name.
setOffset(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
setOffset(int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setOmegaRef(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set the reference value for the spin phase abgle (Omega)
setOnlybody(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setOperation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.Filter
setOrbit(OrbitComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setOrbitalPeriod(double) - Method in class gaiasky.assets.OrbitDataLoader.OrbitDataLoaderParameter
setOrbitname(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AbstractOrbitCoordinates
setOrientation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setOrientation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setOrigin(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
Specify the zoom origin, in screen coordinates.
setOrigin(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
setOrigin(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
Specify the zoom origin, in normalized screen coordinates.
setOrigin(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the origin in relation to the sprite's position for scaling and rotation.
setOrigin(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setOrigin(Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
Specify the zoom origin, in screen coordinates.
setOriginBasedPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the position where the sprite will be drawn, relative to its current origin.
setOriginCenter() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Place origin in the center of the sprite
setOriginCenter() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setOuterradius(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RingComponent
setOutput(FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setOwnsTexture(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Sets whether the font owns the texture.
setPackedColor(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets the rendering color of this Batch, expanding the alpha from 0-254 to 0-255.
setPackedColor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setPackedColor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the color of this sprite, expanding the alpha from 0-254 to 0-255.
setPadBottom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
setPadding(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the padding for content inside this ninepatch.
setPadLeft(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
setPadRight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
setPadTop(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
setPanoramaMode(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setPanoramaMode(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables and disables the panorama mode.
setParallaxErrorFactorBright(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setParallaxErrorFactorBright(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1].
setParallaxErrorFactorBright(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
setParallaxErrorFactorFaint(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setParallaxErrorFactorFaint(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
The loader will only load stars for which the parallax error is at most the percentage given here, in [0..1].
setParallaxErrorFactorFaint(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
setParallaxZeroPoint(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setParallaxZeroPoint(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Sets the zero point of the parallax as an addition to the parallax values, in [mas]
setParallaxZeroPoint(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
setParam(Filter.Parameter, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParam(Filter.Parameter, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParam(Filter.Parameter, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParam(Filter.Parameter, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParam(Filter.Parameter, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParam(Filter.Parameter, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParameters(Table, Skin, float) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
setParameters(Table, Skin, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.INetworkChecker
setParameters(ICamera, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.UpdaterTask
This must be called to prepare the updater task for execution
setParams(Filter.Parameter, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
Sets the parameter to the specified value for this filter.
setParams(Filter.Parameter, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParams(Filter.Parameter, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParams(Filter.Parameter, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParams(Filter.Parameter, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParams(Filter.Parameter, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setParamsv(Filter.Parameter, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParamv(Filter.Parameter, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
setParent(Group) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
setParent(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setParentkey(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setParentOpacity() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
setParentorientation(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
setPasses(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
setPathKnots(double[], double[], double[], boolean[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
setPerimeter(double[][][]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
setPeriod(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setPeriod(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
Sets the rotation period.
setPickedColor(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ColorPicker
setPickedColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ColorPicker
setPitch(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setPitchPower(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Sets the current pitch power
setPlanetariumAperture(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
setPlanetariumAperture(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
setPlanetariumMode(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setPlanetariumMode(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables and disables the planetarium mode.
setPointCloudData(PointCloudData) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setPointcolor(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setPoints(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
Sets the 3D points of the line in the internal reference system.
setPointsize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setPointsize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setPopulation(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
setPos(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setPos(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setPos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setPos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setPos(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Returns position of focus
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
setPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the position of the text, relative to the position when the cached text was created.
setPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the position where the sprite will be drawn.
setPosition(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setPositionobjectname(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setPrecRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the precession rate for the underlying NSL
setPrefHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
setPrefWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnProgressBar
setPrePassTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setPrePassTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setPrevious(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Sets the given GUI as previous
setPreviousPos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setPreviousPos(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setPreviousPos(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setPreviousProjView(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setPreviousProjView(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setPreviousProjView(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setPrimitiveLineLoop() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setPrimitiveLines() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setPrimitiveLineStip() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setPrimitivePoints() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setPrimitiveSize(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.IGPUVertsRenderable
Line width for lines, point size for points
setPrimitiveSize(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
setProfiledecay(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setProjection(CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
setProjection(CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
Sets the projection to use
setProjectionFov(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProjectionFov(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Same as IScriptingInterface.setFov(float), but bypassing the restriction of an active projection in the slave (slaves that have an active projection do not accept fov modification events).
setProjectionMatrix(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets the projection matrix to be used by this Batch.
setProjectionMatrix(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setProjectionPitch(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProjectionPitch(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the projection pitch angle (if this is a slave instance), in degrees.
setProjectionRoll(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProjectionRoll(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the projection roll angle (if this is a slave instance), in degrees.
setProjectionYaw(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProjectionYaw(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the projection yaw angle (if this is a slave instance), in degrees.
setProjViewTrans(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.render.ShadowMapImpl
setProperMotionsArrowheads(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProperMotionsArrowheads(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets whether to show arrowheads or not for the velocity vectors.
setProperMotionsColorMode(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProperMotionsColorMode(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the color mode of proper motion vectors.
setProperMotionsLengthFactor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProperMotionsLengthFactor(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the length of the proper motion vectors, in [500,30000].
setProperMotionsLengthFactor(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProperMotionsMaxNumber(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProperMotionsMaxNumber(long) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Overrides the maximum number of proper motion vectors that the program is allowed to show.
setProperMotionsNumberFactor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProperMotionsNumberFactor(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the number factor of proper motion vectors that are visible.
setProperMotionsNumberFactor(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setProvider(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setProvider(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setProvider(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
setQuality(float) - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.JPGWriter
setQuality(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setQuality(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setQuaternion(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
The the quaternion of the attitude.
setQuaternionDot(Quaterniond) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
setReduceMin(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
Sets the parameter.
setReduceMul(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
Sets the parameter.
setRefEpoch(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the reference epoch to which the reference heliotropic angles refer
setReflection(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setReflection(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setRefNu(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the reference heliotropic angle nu (at refEpoch)
setRefNuOmega(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the reference heliotropic angles (at refEpoch) to other values than the default values obtained with the contructor
setRefOmega(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the reference heliotropic angle Omega (at refEpoch)
setRefOmega(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Sets the (effective) reference value of the heliotropic angle Omega.
setRefplane(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setRefTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Sets the reference time in nanoseconds.
setRefTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
setRefTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.EpslAndNsl
setRefXi(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the reference heliotropic angle xi (solar aspect angle).
setRegion(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
setRegion(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setRegion(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Sets the texture and sets the coordinates to the size of the specified texture.
setRegion(TextureRegion) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Sets the texture and coordinates to the specified region.
setRegion(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Sets the texture to that of the specified region and sets the coordinates relative to the specified region.
setRegionHeight(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setRegionWidth(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setRegionX(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setRegionY(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setRenderable(IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodePart
Convenience method to set the material, mesh, meshPartOffset, meshPartSize, primitiveType and bones members of the specified Renderable.
setRendergroup(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setRenderquad(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.GenericSpacecraft
setRenderquad(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.GenericSpacecraft
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
setResizable(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
setResizeBorder(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
setResolution(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.AccumulationBlur
setResolution(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter
setResultListener(FileChooser.ResultListener) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser
setRGB(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Sets the color
setRgbMode(CrtScreen.RgbMode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setRgbMode(CrtScreen.RgbMode) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setRightWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the draw-time width of the three right edge patches
setRing(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setRingnormal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setRoll(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setRollPower(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Sets the current roll power
setRotate(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setRotation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees.
setRotation(RotationComponent) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Sets the rotation period in hours
setRotationaxis(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
setRotationCameraSpeed(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setRotationCameraSpeed(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Changes the speed of the camera when it rotates around a focus.
setRotationCameraSpeed(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setRUWECap(double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setRUWECap(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Sets the RUWE criteria.
setRUWEFile(String) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
setRUWEFile(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.group.IStarGroupDataProvider
Sets the location of the gzipped RUWE file
setSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Levels
Set the saturation
setSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter
Sets the saturation
setSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setSaturationLevel(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSaturationLevel(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the saturation level of the render system.
setSaturationLevel(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSaturationMul(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setSaturationMul(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setScale(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ScaleTransform
setScale(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Scales the font by the specified amount in both directions.
setScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the sprite's scale for both X and Y uniformly.
setScale(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
Scales the font by the specified amounts on both axes
setScale(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the sprite's scale for both X and Y.
setScale(TimeScale) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
setScale(TimeScale) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
Set the time scale for this duration
setScale(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setScale(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
setScale(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setScanRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Set the scan rates for the underlying NSL
setScatteringIntesity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setScatteringSaturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Sets the scene graph to this GUI
setSceneGraph(ISceneGraph) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
setSecond(B) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
setSecond(B) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
setSecondAngle(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
set second angle and/or rate value
setSecondPair(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
setSecondRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
setSeed(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Sets the seed of the pseudorandom number generator.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
setSemimajoraxis(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setSettings(Bloom.Settings) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setSettings(LensFlare2.Settings) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setSettings(LightGlow.Settings) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setSettings(LightScattering.Settings) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setShader(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets the shader to be used in a GLES 2.0 environment.
setShader(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setShadowvalues(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Sets the shadow mapping values for this object
setShift(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
setShift(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
setShift(Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
setShortcut(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
Set shortcuts text displayed in this menu item.
setShortcut(int...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
Creates platform dependant shortcut text.
setShortcut(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
Set shortcuts text displayed in this menu item.
setSides(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
setSides(FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer, FrameBuffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
setSimulationPace(double) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSimulationPace(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Changes the pace of time.
setSimulationPace(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSimulationTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSimulationTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the time of the application, in UTC.
setSimulationTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSimulationTime(long) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the time of the application.
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the size of the sprite when drawn, before scaling and rotation are applied.
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImage
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
setSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Sets the absolute size (diameter) of this entity
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Sets the size of this entity in kilometers
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
Sets the absolute size of this entity
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
Sets the absolute size of this entity
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
setSize(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Sets the absolute size of this entity
setSize(Float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
Sets the size of this entity in kilometres
setSize(Float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Sets the absolute size of this entity
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Sets the absolute size (diameter) of this entity
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
setSize(Long) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
setSizepc(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
Sets the size of this entity in parsecs
setSizescalefactor(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setSlaveFov(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
setSlavePitch(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
setSlaveRoll(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
setSlaveYaw(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MasterManager
setSmoothLodTransitions(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSmoothLodTransitions(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the value of smooth lod transitions, allowing or disallowing octant fade-ins of as they come into view.
setSource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
setSource1Intensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
setSource1Saturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
setSource2Intensity(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
setSource2Saturation(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine
setSpanMax(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
Sets the span max parameter.
setSpecular(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setSpecular(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
setSpiralScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setSpiralScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setStage(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
setStage(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
setStarBrightness(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStarBrightness(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the star brightness value.
setStarBrightness(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStarburstOffset(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2
setStarburstOffset(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt
setStarGlow(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStarGlow(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables or disables the star glow effect.
setStarSize(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStarSize(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the star size value.
setStarSize(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStarsource(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
setStart(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Set the start time
setStaticlight(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setStaticlight(Double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setStaticlight(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setStatus(LoadStatus) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
setStatus(LoadStatus, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Sets the status to this node and its descendants recursively to the given depth level.
setStereoscopicMode(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStereoscopicMode(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Enables and disables the stereoscopic mode.
setStereoscopicProfile(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setStereoscopicProfile(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Changes the stereoscopic profile.
setStrength(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
setStyle(TextButton.TextButtonStyle, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
setStyle(TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextHotkeyTooltip
setStyle(TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextTooltip
setStyle(Window.WindowStyle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnWindow
setStyle(TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
setSubheadMessage(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setSubheadMessage(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets a subhead message that will appear in a small font below the headline.
setSubMenu(ContextMenu) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
setTan(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setTan(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setTargetPrecessionRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set the target precession rate
setTargetScanPeriod(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set the target scan period
setTargetScanRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set the target scan rate
setTargetTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setTargetTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets a time bookmark in the global clock that, when reached, the clock automatically stops.
setTargetTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setTargetTime(long) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets a time bookmark in the global clock that, when reached, the clock automatically stops.
Setters() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
Setters() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
Setters() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader.Setters
Setters() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
setTexelSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma
setText(BitmapFont, CharSequence) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
Calls setText with the whole string, the font's current color, and no alignment or wrapping.
setText(BitmapFont, CharSequence, int, int, Color, float, int, boolean, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
setText(BitmapFont, CharSequence, Color, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
Calls setText with the whole string and no truncation.
setText(GlyphLayout, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Clears any cached glyphs and adds the specified glyphs.
setText(CharSequence) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem
setText(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Clears any cached glyphs and adds glyphs for the specified text.
setText(CharSequence, float, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Clears any cached glyphs and adds glyphs for the specified text.
setText(CharSequence, float, float, int, int, float, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Clears any cached glyphs and adds glyphs for the specified text.
setText(CharSequence, float, float, int, int, float, int, boolean, String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Clears any cached glyphs and adds glyphs for the specified text.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setTexture0(String) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.BillboardStarRenderSystem
setTextureLeft(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Anaglyphic
setTextureLeft(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter
setTextureRight(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Anaglyphic
setTextureRight(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter
setTextureScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setTextureScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setThird(C) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
setThirdAngle(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
set third angle and/or rate value
setThirdPair(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
setThirdRate(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AbstractAttitudeAnglesRates
setThreshold(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom
setThreshold(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold
setThrust(double, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setThrustFactorIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
setTime(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
Calculate all fields for a given julian date.
setTime(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setTime(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.NslSun
Calculate all fields for a given time Author: F.
setTime(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ConcreteAttitude
Set the time of the attitude.
setTimeContext(TimeContext, TimeContext) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeMediator
Setup a converter according to a requested and native time context.
setTimeWarp(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
Settings(Bloom.Settings) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
Settings(LensFlare2.Settings) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
Settings(LightGlow.Settings) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow.Settings
Settings(LightScattering.Settings) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
Settings(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow.Settings
Settings(String, int, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
Settings(String, int, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
Settings(String, int, float, float, float, float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
Settings(String, Blur.BlurType, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Bloom.Settings
Settings(String, Blur.BlurType, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering.Settings
Settings(String, Blur.BlurType, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LensFlare2.Settings
setTint(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setTint(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setTint(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setTint(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setToLocalTransform(float, float, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setToLocalTransform(float, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
setToLocalTransform(float, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
Sets the local transform of this satellite
setToLocalTransform(float, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setToLocalTransform(float, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
Sets the local transform of this satellite
setToLocalTransform(Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
Sets the local transform of this satellite
setToLocalTransform(Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setToLookAt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a look at matrix with a direction and an up vector.
setToLookAt(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a look at matrix with the given position, target and up vector.
setToOrtho(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to an orthographic projection like glOrtho (http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glOrtho.xml) following the OpenGL equivalent
setToOrtho2D(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to an orthographic projection matrix with the origin at (x,y) extending by width and height.
setToOrtho2D(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to an orthographic projection matrix with the origin at (x,y) extending by width and height, having a near and far plane.
setTopHeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
Set the draw-time height of the three top edge patches
setToProjection(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a projection matrix with a near- and far plane, a field of view in degrees and an aspect ratio.
setToRandomDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
setToRandomDirection() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
setToRandomDirection() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Sets this vector to the unit vector with a random direction
setToRotation(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix around the given axis.
setToRotation(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Set the matrix to a rotation matrix between two vectors.
setToRotation(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix around the given axis.
setToRotation(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Set the matrix to a rotation matrix between two vectors.
setToRotationRad(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix around the given axis.
setToRotationRad(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the matrix to a rotation matrix around the given axis.
setToScaling(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a scaling matrix
setToScaling(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a scaling matrix
setToTranslation(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a translation matrix, overwriting it first by an identity matrix and then setting the 4th column to the translation vector.
setToTranslation(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
setToTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a translation matrix, overwriting it first by an identity matrix and then setting the 4th column to the translation vector.
setToTranslationAndScaling(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a translation and scaling matrix by first overwriting it with an identity and then setting the translation vector in the 4th column and the scaling vector in the diagonal.
setToTranslationAndScaling(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a translation and scaling matrix by first overwriting it with an identity and then setting the translation vector in the 4th column and the scaling vector in the diagonal.
setToWorld(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
setTransformations(Object[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setTransformFunction(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
setTransformMatrix(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
setTransformMatrix(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Sets the transform matrix to be used by this Batch.
setTransformMatrix(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
setTransformName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
setTransformName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
setTransformName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setTransformName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
setTransformName(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
setTranslate(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
setTranslation(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
setTranslation(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the 4th column to the translation vector.
setTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Sets the 4th column to the translation vector.
setTransparency(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setTransparency(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
setTransparency(float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setTransparencyColor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setTurningCameraSpeed(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setTurningCameraSpeed(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Changes the turning speed of the camera.
setTurningCameraSpeed(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setType(Blur.BlurType) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur
setType(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
Sets the type of the model to construct.
setTypicalHighDensityArea() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Defines a typical high-density area for the MSL (as of April 2013).
setU(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
setU(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setU2(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
setU2(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setUnfilteredProperMotionsNumberFactor(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setUniform1fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform1fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform1fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform1fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform2fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform2fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform2fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform2fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform3fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform3fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform3fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform3fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform4fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform4fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniform4fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniform4fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformf(int, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformf(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformf(String, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformi(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformi(String, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformi(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix3, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix3, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(int, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix3, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix3, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix(String, Matrix4, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the uniform matrix with the given name.
setUniformMatrix3fv(String, FloatBuffer, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets an array of uniform matrices with the given name.
setUniformMatrix3fv(String, FloatBuffer, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets an array of uniform matrices with the given name.
setUniformMatrix4fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix4fv(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix4fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix4fv(String, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setUniformMatrix4fv(String, FloatBuffer, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets an array of uniform matrices with the given name.
setUniformMatrix4fv(String, FloatBuffer, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets an array of uniform matrices with the given name.
setUniqueness(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Sets a flag indicating whether only unique elements are allowed to be inserted.
setUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
setUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setUp() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
setUp(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setUp(String, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setUpAtmosphericScatteringMaterial(Material, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
Sets up the atmospheric scattering parameters to the given material
setUpGravitationalWavesMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
setUpGravitationalWavesMaterial(Array<Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
setUpRelativisticEffectsMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
setUpRelativisticEffectsMaterial(Array<Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
setUpVelocityBufferMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
setUpVelocityBufferMaterial(Array<Material>) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
setUsage(int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Set the GL enum used in the call to GL20.glBufferData(int, int, Buffer, int), can only be called when the VBO is not bound.
setUsecolor(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setUsecolor(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
setUseIntegerPositions(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Specifies whether to use integer positions.
setUseIntegerPositions(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Specifies whether to use integer positions or not.
setUV(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setUV(Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
setUVRange(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
setUVRange(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Set range of texture coordinates used (default is 0,0,1,1).
setUVRange(TextureRegion) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
setUVRange(TextureRegion) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Set range of texture coordinates from the specified TextureRegion.
setV(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
setV(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setV2(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
setV2(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
setValue(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule
setValuePrefix(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setValueSuffix(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setVector(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.TranslateTransform
setVector3(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Returns set v to this vector by casting doubles to floats.
setVelocity(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Sets the gamepad velocity as it comes from the joystick sensor.
setVelocityScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
setVelocityScale(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
setVelocityTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CameraMotion
setVelocityTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
setVelocityVR(Vector3, Vector3, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Sets the velocity of the VR controller as a vector.
setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, boolean, int, Buffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, boolean, int, Buffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
setVertexAttribute(String, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the vertex attribute with the given name.
setVertexAttribute(String, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the vertex attribute with the given name.
setVertexAttribute(String, int, int, boolean, int, Buffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
Sets the vertex attribute with the given name.
setVertexAttribute(String, int, int, boolean, int, Buffer) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
Sets the vertex attribute with the given name.
setVertexTransform(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
setVertexTransform(Matrix4) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Set the current vertex transformation matrix and enables vertex transformation.
setVertexTransformationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
setVertexTransformationEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Sets whether vertex transformation is enabled.
setVertical(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setVertices(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Sets the vertices of this Mesh.
setVertices(float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Sets the vertices of this Mesh.
setVertices(float[], int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Sets the vertices of this VertexData, discarding the old vertex data.
setVertices(float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
setVertices(float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
setVertices(float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
setVertices(float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
setViewport(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur
setViewport(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens
setViewport(Rectangle) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.PostProcessor
Sets the viewport to be restored, if null is specified then the viewport will NOT be restored at all.
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter
setViewportSize(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setViewportSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Antialiasing
setViewportSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fisheye
setViewportSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Fxaa
setViewportSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightGlow
setViewportSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Nfaa
setVisibility(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
setVisibility(String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
setVisibility(String, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sets the component described by the given name visible or invisible.
setVisibilityEntitites(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], boolean[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisibilityComponent
setVisibilityToggles(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], boolean[]) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
setVisibilityToggles(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
setVisibilityToggles(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
setVisibilityToggles(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
setVisibilityToggles(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], ComponentTypes) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Sets the visibility state of the component entities
setVisibilityToggles(ComponentTypes.ComponentType[], ComponentTypes) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IVisibilitySwitch
setVolume(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
Sets the seeker of this music manager.
setVr(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
setVr(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
setVr(boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Whether this GUI is to be used in VR mode
setVr(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
setWavelengths(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
setWeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.LightScattering
setWeight(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering
setWeights(int, float[], float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnImage
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnLabel
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnScrollPane
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSelectBox
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSlider
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnSliderPlus
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextArea
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextButton
setWidth(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextField
setWikiname(String) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
setWindow(Lwjgl3Window) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
setX(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setX(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setX(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the x position where the sprite will be drawn.
setX(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setX(int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
setXiRef(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Set the reference value for the solar aspect angle (xi)
setY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
setY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
setY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the y position where the sprite will be drawn.
setY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
setY(int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
setYaw(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
setYawPower(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Sets the current yaw power
setZ(int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
setZero() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
setZero() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
setZero() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Sets the components of this vector to 0
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CrtMonitor
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Curvature
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion
setZoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
sFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Local constants
sg - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
sg - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.ObjectsComponent
sg - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
sg - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.AbstractRenderer
sg - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Reference to scene graph
SGLoader - Class in gaiasky.assets
AssetLoader for all the SceneGraphNode instances.
SGLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader
SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
SGLoaderParameter(String[], ITimeFrameProvider, boolean, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter
SGR - Class in gaiasky.render
Normal SGR, takes care of the regular to-screen rednering with no strange modes (stereoscopic, planetarium, cubemap) active.
SGRAbstract - Class in gaiasky.render
Abstract implementation with some useful methods for all SGRs.
SGRAbstract() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SGRAbstract
SGRCubemap - Class in gaiasky.render
SGRCubemap() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
SGRCubemapProjections - Class in gaiasky.render
Renders the cube map projection mode.
SGRCubemapProjections() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemapProjections
SGRFov - Class in gaiasky.render
Renders the Gaia Field of View camera mode.
SGRFov() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SGRFov
SGROpenVR - Class in gaiasky.render
Renders to OpenVR.
SGROpenVR(VRContext) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SGROpenVR
SGRStereoscopic - Class in gaiasky.render
Renders all the 3D/stereoscopic modes.
SGRStereoscopic() - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.SGRStereoscopic
sha256 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
shader - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
The IntShader to be used to render this Renderable using a IntModelBatch, may be null.
SHADER_MODEL_OVERLAP_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
Special overlap factor
ShaderLoader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.utils
ShaderProgramParameter() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter
ShaderProgramProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
AssetLoader for ExtShaderProgram instances loaded from text files.
ShaderProgramProvider(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider
ShaderProgramProvider(FileHandleResolver, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider
ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
shaderProvider - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
the IntShaderProvider, provides IntShader instances for IntRenderables
shaders - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.provider.BaseIntShaderProvider
ShaderTemplatingLoader - Class in gaiasky.assets
Loads shaders with extra functionality to add code from other shaders.
ShaderTemplatingLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.ShaderTemplatingLoader
shadow - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
State flag; whether to render the shadow (number of times left)
SHADOW_MAPPING - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Shadows enabled or disabled
SHADOW_MAPPING_N_SHADOWS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Max number of objects with shadows
SHADOW_MAPPING_RESOLUTION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Resolution of the shadow map
shadowMap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
shadowMapFb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
ShadowMapImpl - Class in gaiasky.render
ShadowMapImpl(Matrix4, Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.ShadowMapImpl
ShadowMapProjViewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
ShadowMapProjViewTransAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
shadowMapValues - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Array with shadow camera distance, cam near and cam far as a function of the radius of the object
ShadowTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
ShadowTextureAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
SHAPE - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
ShapeRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
ShapeRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.ShapeRenderSystem
shift - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
SHIFT_L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
SHIFT_L - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyBindings
SHIFT_R - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
shininess - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
shininess - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
shortDescription - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
show(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Packs the dialog and adds it to the stage, centered with default fadeIn action
show(Stage, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Packs the dialog and adds it to the stage at the specified position
show(Stage, Action) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Packs the dialog and adds it to the stage with custom action which can be null for instant show
show(Stage, Action) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.KeyframesWindow
show(Stage, Action) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.SearchDialog
SHOW_ABOUT_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
SHOW_DEBUG_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains an optional boolean indicating whether debug info should be shown or not.
SHOW_DEBUG_INFO - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
SHOW_LAND_AT_LOCATION_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
SHOW_LOAD_CATALOG_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
SHOW_LOG_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
SHOW_MINIMAP_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
Shows the minimap window/interface.
SHOW_PLAYCAMERA_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
Shows the camera path file selector, contains the stage and the skin
SHOW_PREFERENCES_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
SHOW_QUIT_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
Quit action, can contain optional Runnable to run on accept()
SHOW_SEARCH_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
SHOW_SLAVE_CONFIG_ACTION - gaiasky.event.Events
Shows the slave configuration window
SHOW_UNCERTAINTIES - gaiasky.event.Events
Show uncertainties for Tycho star, if available.
showDataset(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
showDataset(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Shows (un-hides) the dataset identified by the given name, if it exists and is hidden
showMenu(Stage, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
Shows menu as given stage coordinates
showMenu(Stage, Actor) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.ContextMenu
Shows menu below (or above if not enough space) given actor.
showMinimapInterface(Stage, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
showMinimapWindow(Stage, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
shuffle(double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(double[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shuffle(int[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(int[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shuffle(Object[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
side - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
SIDE_BACK - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
SIDE_DOWN - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
SIDE_FRONT - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
SIDE_LEFT - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
SIDE_NONE - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
SIDE_RIGHT - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
SIDE_UP - gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
side2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
sideshort - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
sideshort2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
sigmoid(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
The sigmoid function provides a smooth transition from 0 (for x << 0) to 1 (for x >> 0)
simple - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode
SimplePool<T> - Class in gaiasky.util
SimplePool(Class<T>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.SimplePool
SimplePool(Class<T>, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.SimplePool
SimplePool(Class<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.SimplePool
SIMULATION_TIME - gaiasky.event.EventManager.TimeFrame
Simulation time in the simulation clock
sin(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
sin(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.ITrigonometry
sin(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns the sine in radians from a lookup table.
sin(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
sinDeg(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Returns the sine in radians from a lookup table.
sine - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
sineIn - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
sineOut - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
sinXi - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
size - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Size factor in internal units.
size - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
size - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
size - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
size - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
The size (in total number of vertices) of this part in the IntMeshPart.mesh.
size - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Octant size in x, y and z
size() - Method in class gaiasky.event.PriorityQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
size() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Number of objects of this vgroup
size() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
size() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
size() - Method in class gaiasky.util.LargeLongMap
size(float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.PointRenderSystem
size(Path) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Attempts to calculate the size of a file or directory.
SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
sizeBytes - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
sizeFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Factor hack
sizeScaleFactor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Size factor, which can be set to scale model objects up or down
skin - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
The skin to use
skin - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
skin - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
skin - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
skin - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
The global skin
skin - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
skybox - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
SKYBOX_LOCATION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.DataConf
Location of the skybox within the data folder (data/tex/skybox/[...]/)
skyboxBack - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
SkyboxComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
SkyboxComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
skyboxDown - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
skyboxFront - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
skyboxLeft - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
skyboxLoad - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
skyboxRight - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
skyboxUp - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.SkyboxComponent
SLASH - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
SLAVE_CONNECTION_EVENT - gaiasky.event.Events
Slave connection event.
SlaveConfigWindow - Class in gaiasky.interfce
SlaveConfigWindow(Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.SlaveConfigWindow
SlaveManager - Class in gaiasky.util
Manages a slave instance configured with an MPCDI file.
SlaveManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
sleep(float) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
sleep(float) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sleeps for the given number of seconds in the application time (FPS), so if we are capturing frames and the frame rate is set to 30 FPS, the command sleep(1) will put the script to sleep for 30 frames.
sleep(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
sleepFrames(long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
sleepFrames(long) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Sleeps for a number of frames.
slerp(Quaterniond, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and the other quaternion, based on the alpha value in the range [0,1].
slerp(Vector3d, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Spherically interpolates between this vector and the target vector by alpha which is in the range [0,1].
SLIDER_STEP - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Default step value for sliders
SLIDER_STEP_SMALL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Default step value for sliders (small)
slowFast - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
smallAngularDifferences(double[], double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils
smCombinedMap - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
smooth - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Aka "smoothstep".
smooth2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
smoother - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
By Ken Perlin.
smTexMap - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
sNom - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
The uniform speed of the z-axis in solar motion units (S) for the nominal scaning law [dimensionless]
SOFT_LEFT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
SOFT_RIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
SOLARASPECTANGLE_NOMINAL - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
Nominal value of the constant angle between the SRS z-axis and the direction to the nominal Sun (also refered to as solar-aspect angle, SAA, revolving angle, and satellite scan-axis tilt angle)
SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale - Class in gaiasky.interfce.minimap
SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
sort(Camera, Array<IntRenderable>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.DefaultIntRenderableSorter
sort(Camera, Array<IntRenderable>) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderableSorter
Sorts the array of IntRenderable instances based on some criteria, e.g.
sortByValue(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
sorter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntModelBatch
sortIt() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
sort the list such that t_i_start <= t_i+1_start forall i=0, this->size()-1
SortTest - Class in gaiasky.util.test
Compares performances of different lists such as ArrayList and Array.
SortTest() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.test.SortTest
source - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.OrbitComponent
Source file
source - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
source - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
source() - Method in annotation type gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite.ParamMetaData
SOURCE_CONF_VERSION - Static variable in class gaiasky.desktop.GaiaSkyDesktop
Source1Intensity - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
Source1Saturation - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
Source2Intensity - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
Source2Saturation - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
SPACE - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
space1 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
space2 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
space3 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
space4 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
space6 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
space8 - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
spacecraft - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
Spacecraft - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
The spacecraft.
Spacecraft() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
SPACECRAFT_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains following info: current speed [u/s] current yaw angle [deg] current pitch angle [deg] current roll angle [deg] thrust factor engine power [-1..1] yaw power [-1..1] pitch power [-1..1] roll power [-1..1]
SPACECRAFT_LOADED - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the spacecraft object after it has been loaded
SPACECRAFT_MODE - gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
SPACECRAFT_NEAREST_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains following info about the nearest object: nearest object name distance to nearest object [u]
SPACECRAFT_STABILISE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Level spacecraft command, contains boolean with state
SPACECRAFT_STOP_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Stop spacecraft, contains boolean with state
Decreases thrust
Increases thrust
SPACECRAFT_THRUST_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Broadcasts the new thrust index
SPACECRAFT_THRUST_SET_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the integer index of the new thrust
spacecraftCamera - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
SpacecraftCamera - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.camera
Implements a spacecraft-like movement.
SpacecraftCamera(CameraManager) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
SpacecraftConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SpacecraftConf
spacecraftGui - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
SpacecraftGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
SpacecraftGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.SpacecraftGui
spaceXadvance - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The width of the space character.
spanCount - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
spanCount - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
specular - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
specularColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
specularColor - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
specularIndex - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
specularTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
specularTexture - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
specularUnpacked - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
speed - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
Current velocity in km/h
SPEED_LIMIT_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the speed limit index as in: 0 - 100 km/h 1 - 0.5 * c 2 - 0.8 * c 3 - 0.9 * c 4 - 0.99 * c 5 - 0.99999 * c 6 - c (3e8 m/s) 7 - 2*c 8 - 10*c 9 - 1000*c 10 - 1 AU/s 11 - 10 AU/s 12 - 1000 AU/s 13 - 10000 AU/s 14 - 1 pc/s 15 - 2 pc/s 16 - 10 pc/s 17 - 1000 pc/s 18 - No limit It also contains a boolean indicating whether this comes from the interface.
sphere(float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
sphere(float, float, float, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a sphere
sphere(float, float, float, int, int, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
sphere(float, float, float, int, int, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a sphere
sphere(float, float, float, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
sphere(float, float, float, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a sphere
sphere(Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
sphere(Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a sphere
sphere(Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
sphere(Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a sphere
sphere(Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
sphere(Matrix4, float, float, float, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a sphere
SphereCreator - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx
SphereCreator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.SphereCreator
sphereInFrustum(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given sphere is in the frustum.
sphereInFrustum(Vector3d, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given sphere is in the frustum.
sphereInFrustumWithoutNearFar(float, float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given sphere is in the frustum not checking whether it is behind the near and far clipping plane.
sphereInFrustumWithoutNearFar(Vector3d, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Returns whether the given sphere is in the frustum not checking whether it is behind the near and far clipping plane.
SphericalGrid - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A spherical grid
SphericalGrid() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SphericalGrid
sphericalPositions - Variable in class gaiasky.data.group.AbstractStarGroupDataProvider
sphericalToCartesian(double, double, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Converts from spherical to Cartesian coordinates, given a longitude (α), a latitude (δ) and the radius.
sphericalToCartesian(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates
Converts from spherical to Cartesian coordinates, given a longitude (α), a latitude (δ) and the radius.
spinAxis - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
SPINAXIS_NUMBEROFLOOPSPERYEAR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite
The number of spin-axis revolutions around the solar direction per Julian year.
SpiralScale - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
SPLINE - gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager.PathType
splines - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.AttitudeUtils.KnotsAndSplines
split(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Helper function to create tiles out of this TextureRegion starting from the top left corner going to the right and ending at the bottom right corner.
split(Texture, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Helper function to create tiles out of the given Texture starting from the top left corner going to the right and ending at the bottom right corner.
splits - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
The ninepatch splits, or null if not a ninepatch.
splits - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
spotLights - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
spotLights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsColorOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsCutoffAngleOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsDirectionOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsExponentOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsIntensityOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsLoc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsPositionOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
spotLightsSize - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
Sprite - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Holds the geometry, color, and texture information for drawing 2D sprites using Batch.
Sprite() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates an uninitialized sprite.
Sprite(Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates a sprite with width, height, and texture region equal to the size of the texture.
Sprite(Texture, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates a sprite with width, height, and texture region equal to the specified size.
Sprite(Texture, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates a sprite with width, height, and texture region equal to the specified size.
Sprite(Sprite) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates a sprite that is a copy in every way of the specified sprite.
Sprite(TextureRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates a sprite based on a specific TextureRegion, the new sprite's region is a copy of the parameter region - altering one does not affect the other
Sprite(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Creates a sprite with width, height, and texture region equal to the specified size, relative to specified sprite's texture region.
spriteBatch - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Global all-purpose sprite batch
spriteShader - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
sqrt(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd
Fast sqrt method.
SQUAREROOT - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction
sr - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
srcX - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
srcY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
sRed - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
SSAA - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
stage - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
stage - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
Star - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Move Sun to star vgroup
Star() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Star(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, float, float, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Creates a new Star object
Star(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, float, float, long, int, byte) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Creates a new Star object
Star(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, float, float, long, int, String, byte) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Creates a new Star object
Star(Vector3d, float, float, float, String, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Star(Vector3d, Vector3, Vector3, float, float, float, String, float, float, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Creates a new Star object
Star(Vector3d, Vector3, Vector3, float, float, float, String, float, float, long, int, String, byte) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
Creates a new Star object
STAR - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
STAR_BRIGHTNESS - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Brightness of stars
STAR_BRIGHTNESS_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the star brightness multiplier and an optional boolean saying if it comes from the interface
STAR_BRIGHTNESS_POWER - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
This value is used to modulate the star brightness as in final_brightness = brightness^power
STAR_COLOR_TRANSIT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
STAR_GROUP - gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Star grup
STAR_MIN_OPACITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
STAR_MIN_OPACITY_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Minimum star opacity.
STAR_POINT_SIZE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Size of stars rendered as point primitives
STAR_POINT_SIZE_BAK - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Fallback value
STAR_POINT_SIZE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Set a new value for the star point size and a boolean saying if it comes from the interface
STAR_POINT_SIZE_DECREASE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Decrease star point size by Constants.STEP_STAR_POINT_SIZE
STAR_POINT_SIZE_INCREASE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Increase star point size by Constants.STEP_STAR_POINT_SIZE
STAR_POINT_SIZE_RESET_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Reset star point size to original value
STAR_SIZE_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Factor we need to use to get the real size of the star given its quad *texture* size
STAR_THRESHOLD_NONE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
STAR_THRESHOLD_POINT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
STAR_THRESHOLD_QUAD - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
StarBean(double[], Long, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.StarBean
starBrightness - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
StarBrightnessComparator - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen
StarBrightnessComparator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarBrightnessComparator
StarburstOffset - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
StarCluster - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
StarCluster() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
StarCluster(String, String, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3, double, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
starData - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
StarGroup - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
A particle vgroup which additionally to the xyz position, supports color and magnitude.
StarGroup() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
StarGroup.StarBean - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Contains info on one star
StarGroup.UpdaterTask - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
StarGroupBinaryIO - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen
Loads and writes star groups
StarGroupBinaryIO() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarGroupBinaryIO
StarGroupRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
StarGroupRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.StarGroupRenderSystem
StarGroupSerializedIO - Class in gaiasky.data.octreegen
Loads and writes star groups
StarGroupSerializedIO() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarGroupSerializedIO
starOpacity - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
StarPointRenderSystem - Class in gaiasky.render.system
StarPointRenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], ComponentTypes.ComponentType) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.StarPointRenderSystem
Stars - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
starSize - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
starsource - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.GalaxydataComponent
Star positions/sizes
start() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.INetworkChecker
start() - Method in class gaiasky.util.MusicManager
startGeneration(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, OctreeGeneratorParams) - Static method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.IOctreeGenerator
startRecordingCameraPath() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
startRecordingCameraPath() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Starts recording the camera path to a temporary file.
startSimulationTime() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
startSimulationTime() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Starts the simulation.
STARTUP_OBJECT - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
StaticCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
A position that never changes
StaticCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticCoordinates
StaticParentRotationCoordinates - Class in gaiasky.util.coord
A position that never changes
StaticParentRotationCoordinates() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.StaticParentRotationCoordinates
stats() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Gets some per-level stats on the octree node
status - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
Status of data in the GPU
status - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
status() - Method in annotation type gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite.ParamMetaData
StdRandom - Class in gaiasky.util.math
The StdRandom class provides static methods for generating random number from various discrete and continuous distributions, including Bernoulli, uniform, Gaussian, exponential, pareto, Poisson, and Cauchy.
SteamVR_Touchpad - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
SteamVR_Touchpad - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
SteamVR_Trigger - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
SteamVR_Trigger - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
step - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Actual time step for Hermite interpolation, in [ns]
STEP_STAR_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Step to increase/decrease
stepForIntegrator - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
stepForward(long) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Integrate the MSL forward in time by an arbitrary step.
STEREO_PROFILE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
This controls the side of the images in the stereoscopic mode
STEREO_PROFILE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Switches stereoscopic profile, contains the index of the new profile
stereoGui - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The user interfaces
StereoGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Full OpenGL GUI with all the controls and whistles.
StereoGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
STEREOSCOPIC_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Stereoscopic vision, side by side rendering.
STEREOSCOPIC_EYE_SEPARATION_M - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
Eye separation in stereoscopic mode in meters
STEREOSCOPIC_MODE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
STILDataProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
Loads VOTables, FITS, etc.
STILDataProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.STILDataProvider
stmp - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
STOP_CAMERA_PLAY - gaiasky.event.Events
Stops the current camera playing operation, if any
stopAllMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
stopDaemon() - Method in class gaiasky.data.OrbitRefresher.DaemonRefresher
Stops the daemon iterations when
stopDaemon() - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader.DaemonLoader
Stops the daemon iterations when
stopExecution() - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.DesktopNetworkChecker
stopExecution() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.INetworkChecker
stopForwardMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Stops the camera movement.
stopMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Stops the camera movement.
stopping - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
stopRecordingCameraPath() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
stopRecordingCameraPath() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Stops the current camera recording.
stopRollMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
stopRotateMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
stopSimulationTime() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
stopSimulationTime() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Stops the simulation time.
stopTotalMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Stops the camera movement.
stopTurnMovement() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
store(OutputStream, String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.CommentedProperties
Write the properties to the specified OutputStream.
strafe(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
strafe(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
StreamingOctreeLoader - Class in gaiasky.data
Contains the infrastructure common to all multifile octree loaders which streams data on-demand from disk and unloads unused data.
StreamingOctreeLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
StreamingOctreeLoader.DaemonLoader - Class in gaiasky.data
The daemon loader thread.
stretchViewport - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
stringToNode - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
Quick lookup map.
stringToVersionNumber(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.update.VersionChecker
Attempts to convert a tag string (maj.min.rev) to an integer number: num = maj*10000 + min*100 + rev
StubModel - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
StubModel(VRContext.VRDevice, Environment) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
style - Variable in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
sub(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Subtracts the given value from all components of this vector
sub(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Substracts the other vector from this vector.
sub(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Subtracts the other vector from this vector.
sub(Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Days
sub(Duration) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Duration
Subtract a duration from this one
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Hours
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.JulianYears
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Mins
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.NanoSecs
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Revs
sub(Duration) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Secs
sub(Vector2d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
sub(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
sub(T) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Vectord
Subtracts the given vector from this vector.
subMenu - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.MenuItem.MenuItemStyle
subscribe() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ConsoleLogger
subscribe(IObserver, Events) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Registers a listener for the specified message code.
subscribe(IObserver, Events...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Subscribes the given observer to the given event types.
suffix - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
sunc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
sunCentre - Variable in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.generator.OctreeGeneratorParams
SunLoader - Class in gaiasky.data.stars
Adds the sun manually
SunLoader() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.stars.SunLoader
suns - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
SupportedButtons_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
surround(String, String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
swing - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
Swing(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.Swing
swingIn - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
SwingIn(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.SwingIn
swingOut - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd
SwingOut(double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Interpolationd.SwingOut
SWITCH_CHARSET - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
switchTexture(Texture) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
SYM - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
system - Static variable in class gaiasky.screenshot.ScreenshotsManager
system - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
System - Static variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
SysUtils - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
Wee utility class to check the operating system and the desktop environment.
SysUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.SysUtils


T - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
T(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
Time T measured in Julian centuries from the Epoch J2000.0
TAB - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
TabbedPane - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A TabbedPane widget not full featured but somewhat reusable.
TabbedPane() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane without setting the style or size.
TabbedPane(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane using the specified skin.
TabbedPane(Skin, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane using the specified skin and alignment.
TabbedPane(Skin, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane using the specified skin and style name.
TabbedPane(Skin, String, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane using the specified skin, style name and alignment.
TabbedPane(TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane using the specified style.
TabbedPane(TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane
Creates a TabbedPane using the specified style and alignment.
TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
The style for a TabbedPane.
TabbedPaneStyle() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
TabbedPaneStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, BitmapFont) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
TabbedPaneStyle(TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
TableGuiInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
TableGuiInterface(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.TableGuiInterface
tabSelectionChanged(ChangeListener.ChangeEvent, Actor) - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabSelectionChangeListener
TabSelectionChangeListener - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
A TabSelectionChangeListener for a TabbedPane widget.
TabSelectionChangeListener() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabSelectionChangeListener
TAI - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
International Atomic Time
tan(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.FastTrigonometry
tan(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.ITrigonometry
tan(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
tangent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
TANGENT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for tangent attribute
TANGENT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for tangent attribute
tap - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
tap(float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
TARGET_TIME_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets and unsets the target time.
targetScanPeriod - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
The time in ns of one rotation of the satellite around its spin axis.
tau(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils
tBeg - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
The starting time for the integration as GaiaTime and [ns] from J2010.0
tBegNs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
TCB - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeContext
Number of elapsed ns in TCB since the reference epoch
TCB - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Barycentric Coordinate Time
TCG - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Geocentric Coordinate Time
TDB - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Barycentric Dynamical Time
TeffPlot - Class in gaiasky.desktop.util
Produces a plot of ColorXP (BP-RP) vs log(Teff))
TeffPlot() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.util.TeffPlot
teffToRGB(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
Converts effective temperature in Kelvin (1000-40000) to RGB
Telegram - Class in gaiasky.event
Telegram() - Constructor for class gaiasky.event.Telegram
Telegram(Events, long, Object...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.event.Telegram
Telescopes - Static variable in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
List of the telescope alias of the FOVs with AC motion applied
tempVerts - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
TESSELLATION - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
TESSELLATION_QUALITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Quality of tessellation
TESSELLATION_QUALITY_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Sets the tessellation quality.
TessellationShader - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
TessellationShader(IntRenderable, TessellationShaderProvider.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
TessellationShader(IntRenderable, TessellationShaderProvider.Config, TessellationShaderProgram) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
TessellationShader(IntRenderable, TessellationShaderProvider.Config, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
TessellationShader(IntRenderable, TessellationShaderProvider.Config, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShader
TessellationShaderProgram - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
TessellationShaderProgram(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
TessellationShaderProvider - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
TessellationShaderProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider
TessellationShaderProvider(FileHandle, FileHandle, FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider
TessellationShaderProvider(TessellationShaderProvider.Config) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider
TessellationShaderProvider(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProvider
TessellationShaderProvider.Config - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
TessellationShaderProviderLoader<T extends TessellationShaderProviderLoader.TessellationShaderProviderParameter> - Class in gaiasky.assets
TessellationShaderProviderLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.TessellationShaderProviderLoader
TessellationShaderProviderLoader.TessellationShaderProviderParameter - Class in gaiasky.assets
TessellationShaderProviderParameter(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.assets.TessellationShaderProviderLoader.TessellationShaderProviderParameter
tessQuality - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
tessQuality - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
TessQuality - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
TessQualityAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
testPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Returns on which side the given point lies relative to the plane and its normal.
testPoint(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
Returns on which side the given point lies relative to the plane and its normal.
TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ExtShaderProgram
default name for texcoords attributes, append texture unit number
TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TessellationShaderProgram
default name for texcoords attributes, append texture unit number
TexelSize - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
texHeightTarget - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
texInitialised - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
texLoading - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
TexLUT - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
text() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Returns the text
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
text() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
Text2D - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Text2D() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
textbc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
textcc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
textColour() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Returns an array with the text colour in the fashion [r, g, b, a]
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
textColour() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
textColour(Keyframe) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
textDepthBuffer() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Executes the blending for the text
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
textDepthBuffer() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
textgc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
TextIconButtonStyle() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton.TextIconButtonStyle
TextIconButtonStyle(TextButton.TextButtonStyle, Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton.TextIconButtonStyle
TextIconButtonStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, BitmapFont, Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton.TextIconButtonStyle
TextIconButtonStyle(OwnTextIconButton.TextIconButtonStyle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton.TextIconButtonStyle
textmc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Sets the position of this text in the out vector
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
textPosition(ICamera, Vector3d, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
textrc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
textScale() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Returns the text scale for the scale varying in the shader
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
textScale() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
textSize() - Method in interface gaiasky.render.I3DTextRenderable
Returns the text size
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
textSize() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
texture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold.Param
Texture - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
Texture0 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
texture1 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
Texture1 - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
texture2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
TextureAtlas - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Loads images from texture atlases created by TexturePacker.

A TextureAtlas must be disposed to free up the resources consumed by the backing textures.
TextureAtlas() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Creates an empty atlas to which regions can be added.
TextureAtlas(FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Loads the specified pack file, using the parent directory of the pack file to find the page images.
TextureAtlas(FileHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
TextureAtlas(FileHandle, FileHandle) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
TextureAtlas(FileHandle, FileHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
TextureAtlas(TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
TextureAtlas(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas
Loads the specified pack file using Files.FileType.Internal, using the parent directory of the pack file to find the page images.
TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Describes the region of a packed image and provides information about the original image before it was packed.
TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
A sprite that, if whitespace was stripped from the region when it was packed, is automatically positioned as if whitespace had not been stripped.
TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
TextureAtlasData(FileHandle, FileHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData
textureDepth - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
TextureDepth - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter.Param
textureDescription - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthMapAttribute
TextureExtAttribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
TextureExtAttribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
TextureExtAttribute(long, TextureRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
TextureExtAttribute(long, TextureDescriptor<T>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
TextureExtAttribute(long, TextureDescriptor<T>, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
TextureExtAttribute(long, TextureDescriptor<T>, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
TextureExtAttribute(long, Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
TextureExtAttribute(TextureAttribute) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.TextureExtAttribute
textureFile - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
TextureLeft - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter.Param
TextureLoaderInfo() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMTextureLoader.TextureLoaderInfo
textureParameter - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.IntModelLoader.IntModelParameters
textureParams - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
Default texture parameters
textureParams - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Default texture parameters
textureParamsMipMap - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.MaterialComponent
Default texture parameters
TextureRegion - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d
Defines a rectangular area of a texture.
TextureRegion() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Constructs a region with no texture and no coordinates defined.
TextureRegion(Texture) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Constructs a region the size of the specified texture.
TextureRegion(Texture, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
TextureRegion(Texture, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
TextureRegion(Texture, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
TextureRegion(TextureRegion) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Constructs a region with the same texture and coordinates of the specified region.
TextureRegion(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureRegion
Constructs a region with the same texture as the specified region and sets the coordinates relative to the specified region.
TextureRight - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter.Param
TextureScale - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
textureToPixmap(TextureRegion) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts a texture to a pixmap by drawing it to a frame buffer and getting the data
textureVel - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
TextureWidget - Class in gaiasky.util.scene2d
TextureWidget(FrameBuffer) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TextureWidget
TextUtils - Class in gaiasky.util
TextUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
textyc - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
texWidthTarget - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
TG - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Gaia's proper Time "Temp de Gaia"
TH_ANGLE_NONE - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
TH_ANGLE_NONE - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
TH_ANGLE_NONE - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
TH_ANGLE_POINT - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
TH_ANGLE_POINT - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
TH_ANGLE_POINT - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
TH_ANGLE_POINT - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
TH_ANGLE_POINT_M - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
TH_ANGLE_QUAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
TH_ANGLE_QUAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
TH_ANGLE_QUAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
TH_OVER_FACTOR - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
thdownOverFovfactor - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
thickness - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.Separator.SeparatorStyle
thpointTimesFovfactor - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
ThreadIndexer - Class in gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
Class that returns the thread indices.
ThreadIndexer() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadIndexer
ThreadPoolManager - Class in gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
ThreadPoolManager() - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.ThreadPoolManager
Threshold - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Threshold - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold.Param
Threshold() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold
THRESHOLD_DOWN - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Threshold radius/distance where star size remains constant.
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
radius/distance limit for rendering at all.
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
THRESHOLD_NONE() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
radius/distance limit for rendering as point.
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Angle limit for rendering as point.
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
THRESHOLD_POINT() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
radius/distance limit for rendering as shader.
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
THRESHOLD_QUAD() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
THRESHOLD_UP - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Threshold.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
thrust - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Engine thrust vector
thrustFactor - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Factor (adapt to be able to navigate small and large scale structures
thrustFactorIndex - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Index of the current engine power setting
thrustLength - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
This is the power
thupOverFovfactor - Static variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
ti - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
time - Variable in class gaiasky.assets.SGLoader.SGLoaderParameter
time - Variable in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
time - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
time - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
time - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
time - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.RenderGui
time - Variable in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
The current time of the clock
Time - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
TIME - gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory.DateType
TIME_CHANGE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues a change time command, contains the Instant object with the new time
TIME_CHANGE_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Notifies of a change in the time, contains the Instant object
TIME_ON - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
TIME_STATE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to toggle the time.
TIME_WARP_DECREASE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Divide the pace by 2
TIME_WARP_INCREASE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Double the pace
TimeComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
TimeComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
timeCondition(ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
TimeContext - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
An enumeration to distinguish between the different times that attitude can be expressed in.
timeGranularity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
The actual starting and end times of the time period covered by the Hermite nodes must be multiples of the timeGranularity since the scanning law reference epoch.
TimeMediator - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
A small class to convert between GaiaTime/TCB and OBMT transparently.
TimeMediator(TimeContext, TimeContext) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeMediator
Construct a new TimeMediator with a given native and requestd time context
times - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Contains the last update time of each of the flags
TimeScale - Enum in gaiasky.util.gaia.time
Gaia Data Model.
timeWarp - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.TimeComponent
timeWarp - Variable in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
Represents the time wrap multiplier.
tint(Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Tints all text currently in the cache.
Tint - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
Tint - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
title - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ModePopupInfo
titleBegin - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
titleButtonSelected - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
titleButtonUnselected - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
titleEnd - Variable in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.TabbedPane.TabbedPaneStyle
Titles - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
TLV3() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.TLV3
TLV3D() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.TLV3D
tmp - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
tmp - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
tNow - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Current time in [ns] from 2010.0
tNs - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.HermiteInterpolatedAttitudeDataServer
to - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
Conversions to and from internal units
TO_DEG - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Radians to degrees
TO_RAD - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Degrees to radians
to1DoubleArray(JsonValue) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
to2DoubleArray(JsonValue) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
to3DoubleArray(JsonValue) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
toArray() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
toArrayConcrete(T[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.ds.RouletteList
toFloatArray(double[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Transforms the given double array into a float array by casting each of its numbers
TOGGLE_AMBIENT_LIGHT - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name of the check box and a boolean
Toggles the collapsed state of a GUI pane.
TOGGLE_MINIMAP - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggles minimap visibility
TOGGLE_UPDATEPAUSE - gaiasky.event.Events
Toggles the pause of the update process.
TOGGLE_VISIBILITY_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name of the type, a boolean with the state (on/off) and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
toggleAmbientLight(boolean) - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
toggleCollapsed() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsibleWindow
toggleMinimapInterface(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
toggleMinimapWindow(Stage) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
togglePane() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.CollapsiblePane
toggleRecord(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
Toggles the record camera
toggleTimeOn(Boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
Toggles the time
tOld - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Variables for the Runge-Kutta integrator
toList(OctreeNode, List<OctreeNode>) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
toLoadQueue - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
The octant loading queue
toMatrix(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Fills a 4x4 matrix with the rotation matrix represented by this quaternion.
toMultidimDoubleArray(JsonValue) - Method in class gaiasky.data.JsonLoader
TONEMAPPING_TYPE_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the tone mapping type as an GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping or a string in [AUTO|EXPOSURE|NONE].
toNormalMatrix() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
removes the translational part and transposes the matrix.
top - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
TOP_CENTER - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
TOP_LEFT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.NinePatch
topInfoInterface - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
TopInfoInterface - Class in gaiasky.interfce
TopInfoInterface(Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.TopInfoInterface
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.AttributeComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.CameraComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ElevationComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FileComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FloatComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.IntComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.LangComboBoxBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MessageBean
toString() - Method in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAbsmag
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeAppmag
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDEC
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeDistance
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLatitude
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeEclLongitude
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLatitude
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeGalLongitude
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMualpha
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeMudelta
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRA
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeRadvel
toString() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.IAttribute
Gets the name
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorEq
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorG
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorGeq
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorL
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorLeq
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.ComparatorNeq
toString() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.IComparator
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AttitudeIntervalBean
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.Gti
Return a useful string representation
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.GtiList
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Place
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.AtlasSprite
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Doubleref
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Longref
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Planed
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Rayd
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Pair
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileListItem
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.Trio
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
toString() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
toString(boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
toString(String[], String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts a string array into a string, optionally quoting each entry and with a given separator.
toStringI18n() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
totalRenderCalls - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtSpriteBatch
Number of rendering calls, ever.
toTree(TreeSet<AbstractPositionEntity>) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
touch() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
touch() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
touch(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
Initialises the model or texture if LAZY_X_INIT is on
touch(OctreeNode) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Moves the octant to the end of the unload queue
TOUCH_DOWN - gaiasky.event.Events
TOUCH_DRAGGED - gaiasky.event.Events
TOUCH_UP - gaiasky.event.Events
touchDown(float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
touchDown(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
touchDragged(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
touchOctant(OctreeNode) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Puts it at the end of the toUnloadQueue
touchUp(float, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
touchUp(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
toUnloadQueue - Variable in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
This queue is sorted ascending by access date, so that we know which element to release if needed (oldest)
toVector3() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Returns a vector3 representation of this vector by casting the doubles to floats.
toWhitespaceSeparatedList(String[]) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
Converts the string array into a whitespace-separated string where each element is double quoted.
tPurple - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
tPurpleC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.color.ColourUtils
tra() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Transposes the matrix.
track - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
Tracker - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.Space
TrackingFirmwareVersion_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
TrackingRangeMaximumMeters_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
TrackingRangeMinimumMeters_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
TrackingSystemName_String - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
traMul(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Multiplies the vector by the transpose of the given matrix, assuming the fourth (w) component of the vector is 1.
trans - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
transform - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
the world transform
transform - Variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevicePose
transform encoding the position and rotation of the device in tracker space
transform(Matrix4) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Method to transform the positions in the mesh.
transform(Matrix4, float[], int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Method to transform the positions in the float array.
transform(Matrix4, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
transform(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
Transforms the given vector using this quaternion
transformations - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
TRANSFORMATIONS - are applied each cycle
transformations - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
TRANSFORMATIONS - are applied each cycle
transformFunction - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
transformName - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
transformUV(Matrix3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Method to transform the texture coordinates in the mesh.
transformUV(Matrix3, float[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Method to transform the texture coordinates (UV) in the float array.
transformUV(Matrix3, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
TRANSIT_COLOUR_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the name, the boolean value, and a boolean indicating if this comes from the interface
transitColor - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GaiaComponent
TRANSITION - gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.ScanState
transitionKappa(double, double, double, ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Calculates a smooth transition of kappa from a nominal value (kappaN) to the reduced value (kappaR), depending on the variable x, which must be in the range from 0 to 1.
transitionPrecession - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
Keep track of times when the precession rate is in a transition from nominal to reduced, or vice versa
TransitionScanningLaw - Class in gaiasky.util.gaia
Implements a smooth transition from Nsl37 to Epsl, or vice versa.
TransitionScanningLaw(Duration) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gaia.TransitionScanningLaw
The constructor is the only way to set the duration of the ramp
transits - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Number of times this body has been observed by Gaia
translate(double[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix by a translation matrix.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Moves the camera by the given amount on each axis.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix by a translation matrix.
translate(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
Sets the position of the text, relative to its current position.
translate(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn.
translate(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Moves the camera by the given vector.
translate(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Postmultiplies this matrix by a translation matrix.
TranslateTransform - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
TranslateTransform() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.TranslateTransform
translateX(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the x position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn.
translateY(float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.Sprite
Sets the y position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn.
translation - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Translation object.
translation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelNode
translation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNode
the translation, relative to the parent, not modified by animations
translation - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntNodeAnimation
the translation keyframes if any (might be null), sorted by time ascending
trb - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Contains the top-right-back position of the octant
triangle(int, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
triangle(int, int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a triangle by indices.
triangle(Vector3, Color, Vector3, Color, Vector3, Color) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
triangle(Vector3, Color, Vector3, Color, Vector3, Color) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a triangle.
triangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
triangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a triangle.
triangle(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
triangle(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo, IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a triangle.
triggerHapticPulse(short) - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
Trigger a haptic pulse (vibrate) for the duration in microseconds.
trigo - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.MathManager
Trigonometry - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Uses the default Math library.
Trigonometry() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Trigonometry
trim(String, String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ArchiveViewWindow
Trio<A,​B,​C> - Class in gaiasky.util
Simple impelementation of a trio of objects.
Trio(A, B, C) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.Trio
trn(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Adds a translational component to the matrix in the 4th column.
trn(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
Adds a translational component to the matrix in the 4th column.
trueCapitalise(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.TextUtils
Returns the given string with the first letter capitalised and all the others in lower case
ts - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
ts - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
ts - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
ts - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
Ts - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
TsAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
TT - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Terrestial Time
TURNING_SPEED - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
TURNING_SPEED_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new turning speed
turnSpeed - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.CameraComponent
TweakContrast - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
TWO_PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
TWO_PI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
TwoWayHashmap<K,​V> - Class in gaiasky.util
Simple two-way hashmap implemented with two maps.
TwoWayHashmap() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.TwoWayHashmap
txt(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.I18n
txt(String, Object...) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.I18n
tycho - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Star
TYCHO2 identifier string
type - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ElevationComboBoxBean
type - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
type - Variable in class gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo
type - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetDesc
type - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
types - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
View organised by types, where each time has a list of datasets
typeStr - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DatasetType


u - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
U - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
u_alphaTest - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_ambientCubemap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_ambientTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_bones - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_cameraDirection - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_cameraDirection - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_cameraK - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_cameraK - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_cameraNearFar - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_cameraNearFar - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_cameraPosition - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_cameraPosition - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_cameraUp - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_cameraUp - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_dCamPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_diffuseColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_diffuseTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_dirLights0color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_dirLights0direction - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_dirLights1color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_emissiveColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_emissiveTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_environmentCubemap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_fogColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_gw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_gw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_gwmat3 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_gwmat3 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_heightNoiseSize - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_heightScale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_heightSize - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_heightTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_hterms - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_hterms - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_nightTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_normalMatrix - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_normalMatrix - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_normalTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_omgw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_omgw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_opacity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_pointLights0color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_pointLights0intensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_pointLights0position - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_pointLights1color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_prevProjView - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_projTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_projTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_projViewTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_projViewTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_projViewWorldTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_projViewWorldTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_reflectionColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_reflectionTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_shadowMapProjViewTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_shadowPCFOffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_shadowTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_shininess - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_specularColor - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_specularTexture - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights0color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights0cutoffAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights0direction - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights0exponent - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights0intensity - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights0position - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_spotLights1color - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_tessQuality - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_texture0 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
u_texture1 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
u_texture2 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
u_texture3 - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Filter
u_time - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
U_TO_AU - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Local unit to AU conversion.
U_TO_KM - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Local unit to km conversion.
U_TO_KPC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Local unit to Kpc conversion.
U_TO_M - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Local unit to m conversion.
U_TO_PC - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Local unit to pc conversion.
U_TO_Ro - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Units to solar radius
u_ts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_ts - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_vc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_vc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_velDir - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_velDir - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader
u_viewTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_viewTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_viewWorldTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_viewWorldTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_vrScale - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
u_worldTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
u_worldTrans - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader
U1 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
u2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
U2 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
u2Px(double, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
Converts units to pixels, given the side/2 of the end minimap
U3 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
U4 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
ucd - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
UCD - Class in gaiasky.util.ucd
Very naive class that represents and UCD and does the parsing.
UCD(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
ucdmap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
UCDParser - Class in gaiasky.util.ucd
Parses the ucds of a star table and builds some metadata on the relevant quantities for gaia sky (position, proper motion, magnitudes, colors, etc.)
UCDParser() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser
ucdstrings - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
ui - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
The user interface stage
ui - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
The user interface stage
ui - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
The user interface stage
UI - gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
UI_RELOAD_CMD - gaiasky.event.Events
Issues the command to reload the UI
UI_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
UI_THEME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
UI_THEME_RELOAD_INFO - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs the UI theme has been reloaded.
ULTRA - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
unbind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
Unbinds this IntIndexArray.
unbind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
Unbinds this IntIndexBufferObject.
unbind() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
Unbinds this IntIndexBufferObject.
unbind() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Unbinds this IntIndexBufferObject.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Unbinds the underlying VertexBufferObject and IntIndexBufferObject is indices were given.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Unbinds this VertexData.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
Unbinds this VertexBufferObject.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Unbinds this VertexBufferObject.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Unbinds this VertexBufferObject.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
Unbinds this VertexBufferObject.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Unbinds the underlying VertexBufferObject and IntIndexBufferObject is indices were given.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Unbinds this VertexData.
unbind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
unbind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
unbind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
unbind(ExtShaderProgram, int[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
UncertaintiesHandler - Class in gaiasky.data.stars
UncertaintiesProvider - Class in gaiasky.data.group
UncertaintiesProvider() - Constructor for class gaiasky.data.group.UncertaintiesProvider
UNCHARTED - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
unhighlight() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
unhighlight(Keyframe) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
uniform() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number uniformly in [0, 1).
uniform(double, double) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random real number uniformly in [a, b).
uniform(int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random integer uniformly in [0, n).
uniform(int, int) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.math.StdRandom
Returns a random integer uniformly in [a, b).
Uniform(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
Uniform(String, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
Uniform(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
Uniform(String, long, long, long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
unit - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
unit - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD
unit() - Method in annotation type gaiasky.util.gaia.Satellite.ParamMetaData
Unknown - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerRole
UNKNOWN - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Embrace the unknown
unloadOctant(OctreeNode, AbstractOctreeWrapper) - Method in class gaiasky.data.StreamingOctreeLoader
Unloads the given octant
unpackSkyboxSide(String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
unpackTexName(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
unpackTexName(String, GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
UNPARK_POST_RUNNABLE - gaiasky.event.Events
Unposts a runnable.
unparkRunnable(String) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
unparkRunnable(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Removes the runnable with the given id, if any
unregisterAll() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Unregisters all GUIs
unregisterGui(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Unregisters a GUI
unrotate(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Multiplies this vector by the transpose of the first three columns of the matrix.
unrotatedPos - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Gaia
unselect() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
unset() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Unsets the current GUI and sets it as previous
unset(IGui) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Unsets the given GUI and sets it as previous
unsetTargetTime() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
unsetTargetTime() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Unsets the target time bookmark from the global clock, if any.
unsubscribe() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.ConsoleLogger
unsubscribe() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
unsubscribe(IObserver, Events) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
Unregister the specified listener for the specified message code.
unsubscribe(IObserver, Events...) - Method in class gaiasky.event.EventManager
untransform(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Translates this vector in the direction opposite to the translation of the matrix and the multiplies this vector by the transpose of the first three columns of the matrix.
unzip(String, String) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.ZipUtils
up - Variable in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.Keyframe
up - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
up - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
up - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
Direction and up vectors
up - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Direction and up vectors
UP - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
upAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
upbak - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.CustomInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.GameMouseKbdListener
update() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGuiInterface
update() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IInputListener
update() - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IMinimapScale
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MessagesInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.MinimapWidget
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NotificationsInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.OpenVRListener
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.RunStateInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.TopInfoInterface
update() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntMeshPart
Calculates and updates the IntMeshPart.center, IntMeshPart.halfExtents and IntMeshPart.radius values.
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Update method.
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DebugGui
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.FullGui
update(double) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GuiRegistry
Updates the registered GUIs
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.HUDGui
update(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.interfce.IGui
Updates the GUI
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LoadingGui
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.StereoGui
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.GlobalClock
Update function
update(double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.time.ITimeFrameProvider
Updates this time frame with the system time difference
update(double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.time.RealTimeClock
update(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
Update method.
update(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
update(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
Updates the camera.
update(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
update(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
update(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
update(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
update(PerspectiveCamera, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
update(Matrix4, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
update(Matrix4, float, int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
update(Matrix4d) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Frustumd
Updates the clipping plane's based on the given inverse combined projection and view matrix, e.g.
update(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
update(Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.CloudComponent
update(Vector3d, ICamera, Array<SceneGraphNode>, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Computes the observed value and the transform of each observed node.
update(ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RotationComponent
update(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractSceneGraph
update(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.ISceneGraph
Updates the nodes of this scene graph
update(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraph
update(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
This must be called every cycle, it updates the needed parameters for the gravitational waves
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Overrides the update adding the magnitude limit thingy.
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.KeyframesPathObject
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.NBGalaxy
Re-implementation of update method of CelestialBody and SceneGraphNode.
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
Re-implementation of update method of CelestialBody and SceneGraphNode.
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
update(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder
UPDATE_CAM_RECORDER - gaiasky.event.Events
Updates the camera recorder.
UPDATE_GUI - gaiasky.event.Events
Update external GUIs signal.
UPDATE_PAUSE - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.RuntimeConf
updateAdditional(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Updates the additional information array, to use for sorting.
updateAngleEdge(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
updateAngleEdge(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
updateAngleEdge(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
We have fixed field of view angles and thus fixed aspect ratio.
updateAngleEdge(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
updateAtmosphericScatteringParams(Material, float, boolean, Planet, Vector3d) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
Updates the atmospheric scattering shader parameters
updateAxesAndPosition() - Method in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevice
updateBatchSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.AbstractRenderSystem
updateBatchSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.FontRenderSystem
updateBatchSize(int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.render.system.IRenderSystem
updateBatchSize(int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ShapeRenderSystem
updateConstellations() - Static method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
updateControllerMappings(String) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener
updateCorners() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BoundingBoxd
updateCurrentCamera(CameraManager.CameraMode) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
updateDirections(ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
Updates both FOVs' directions applying the right transformation.
updateFocus(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
Updates the parameters of the focus, if the focus is active in this vgroup
updateFocus(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Updates the parameters of the focus, if the focus is active in this vgroup
updateFrustumPlanes() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
updateFrustumPlanes() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
updateFrustumPlanes() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
updateGravitationalWavesMaterial(Material) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
updateHard(double, ITimeFrameProvider) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
Updates the position and direction of the camera using a hard analytical algorithm.
updateHUD(float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
updateImage() - Method in class gaiasky.util.scene2d.OwnTextIconButton
updateIndices(int, int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexArray
updateIndices(int, int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObject
updateIndices(int, int[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexBufferObjectSubData
updateIndices(int, int[], int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntIndexData
Update (a portion of) the indices.
updateJPEGParams() - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.JPGWriter
updateLineRenderSystem() - Method in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.AbstractMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HeliosphereMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.HighZMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.InnerSolarSystemMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup1MinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.LocalGroup2MinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.MilkyWayMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OortCloudMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.OuterSolarSystemMinimapScale
updateLocal() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.minimap.SolarNeighbourhoodMinimapScale
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
Updates the local transform matrix.
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Updates the transform matrix with the transformations that will apply to the children and the local transform matrix with the transformations that will apply only to this object.
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
Updates the local transform matrix.
updateLocal(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MeshObject
Update the local transform with the transform and the rotations/scales necessary.
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
Update the local transform with the transform and the rotations/scales necessary.
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
Update the local transform with the transform and the rotations/scales necessary.
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
updateLocalTransform() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
updateLocalTransform(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.EclipticOrbit
Update the local transform with the transform and the rotations/scales necessary.
updateLocalTransform(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.HeliotropicOrbit
Update the local transform with the transform and the rotations/scales necessary.
updateLocalTransform(Instant) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
This function updates all the local values before the localTransform is updated.
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Area
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Axes
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BackgroundModel
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Billboard
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.BillboardGalaxy
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Constellation
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ConstellationBoundaries
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CosmicRuler
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.FadeNode
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Invisible
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.LightBeam
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Loc
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.MilkyWay
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Orbit
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Particle
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Planet
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Satellite
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StubModel
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Text2D
updateLocalValues(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
updateMode(CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
Sets the new camera mode and updates the frustum
updateMode(CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.FovCamera
updateMode(CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.ICamera
updateMode(CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Updates the camera mode
updateMode(CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.RelativisticCamera
updateMode(CameraManager.CameraMode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
updateNames() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Updates the name using the key.
updateNamesRec() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode
Recursively updates the name using the key.
updateNumbers() - Method in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
Updates the number of objects, own objects and children.
updateOctreeObjects(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.AbstractOctreeWrapper
Runs the update on all the observed and selected octree objects.
updateOctreeObjects(ITimeFrameProvider, Vector3d, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.OctreeWrapper
updatePads() - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GenericDialog
UPDATEPAUSE_CHANGED - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains the new value
updatePerspectiveCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
updatePerspectiveCamera() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.SpacecraftCamera
UpdatePopup - Class in gaiasky.interfce
Popup window that informs the user of new updates.
UpdatePopup(String, Stage, Skin) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.UpdatePopup
updatePosition(double, double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Updates the position of this entity using the current force
updateRelativisticEffects(Material, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
updateRelativisticEffects(Material, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
updateRelativisticEffects(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
updateRelativisticEffects(ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
updateRelativisticEffectsMaterial(Material, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
updateRelativisticEffectsMaterial(Material, ICamera, float) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.RelativisticEffectsComponent
UpdaterTask<T extends SceneGraphNode> - Class in gaiasky.desktop.concurrent
UpdaterTask(Array<T>) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.UpdaterTask
UpdaterTask(Array<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.desktop.concurrent.UpdaterTask
UpdaterTask(StarGroup) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup.UpdaterTask
updatesAvailable - Variable in class gaiasky.util.datadesc.DataDescriptor
updateScaleFactor(float) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
updateScroll() - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.LogWindow
updateSkin() - Static method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalResources
updateSorter(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
updateSorter(ITimeFrameProvider, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup
Sorts the list of particles using the apparent magnitude (view angle) criterion.
updateSpeedLimit() - Method in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
updateTime(Instant, ZoneId) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.DateDialog
Updates the time
updateTransitNumber(boolean, ITimeFrameProvider, FovCamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
Updates the transit number of this body if visible is true and it is a new transit.
updateVelocityBufferMaterial(Material, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
updateVelocityBufferUniforms(Material, ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
updateVelocityBufferUniforms(ICamera) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
updateVertices(int, float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Update (a portion of) the vertices.
updateVertices(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh
Update (a portion of) the vertices.
updateVertices(int, float[], int, int) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntVertexData
Update (a portion of) the vertices.
updateVertices(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
updateVertices(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
updateVertices(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
updateVertices(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
upf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Float counterparts
upload() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
UranusVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
UranusVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.UranusVSOP87
useClosest() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
useDefaultStepForIntegrator - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.MslAttitudeDataServer
The default integrator time step is the same as for Hermite interpolation.
useFocus() - Method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
useMipMaps - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
userData - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
User definable value, may be null.
userData - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.IntModelInstance
user definable value, which is passed to the IntShader.
UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
UserIpdMeters_Float - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
usesIntegerPositions() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont
Checks whether this font uses integer positions for drawing.
usesIntegerPositions() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFontCache
UTC - gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Coordinated Universal Time
uv - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
uv - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
uv(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.LineQuadRenderSystem
uWrap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page


v - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
v - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.RgbMode
v - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
v - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.Face
This stores the indices for both the vertices and the UV coordinates
v() - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.Face
v() - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator.IFace
V - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
V1 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
v2 - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
V2 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
V3 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
v3CameraPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
v3CameraPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
v3InvWavelength - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
v3InvWavelength - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
v3LightPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
v3LightPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
v3PlanetPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader
v3PlanetPos - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.GroundShader
V4 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
val - Variable in enum gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
val - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Matrix4d
VAL - gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator.Kind
validate(BaseIntShader, int, IntRenderable) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Uniform
validate(BaseIntShader, int, IntRenderable) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.BaseIntShader.Validator
validate(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
validate(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.HexColorValidator
validate(String) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.validator.IValidator
validateLocal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.CallbackValidator
validateLocal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.ExistingLocationValidator
validateLocal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.FloatValidator
validateLocal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.IntValidator
validateLocal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.LengthValidator
validateLocal(String) - Method in class gaiasky.util.validator.RegexpValidator
validFov(int) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Indicates if the FoV index is valid [0-3]
value - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.ComboBoxBean
value - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.FloatComboBoxBean
value - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.beans.IntComboBoxBean
value - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.time.ConcreteDuration
value - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix3Attribute
value - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Matrix4Attribute
value - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
value - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
value - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
value - Variable in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
valueAt(T, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
valueAt(T, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
valueAt(T, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Lineard
valueAt(T, double) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.math.Pathd
valueAt(T, int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.BSplined
valueAt(T, int, double) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.CatmullRomSplined
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager.PathType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder.RecorderState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.event.EventManager.TimeFrame
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.event.Events
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.RenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent.NoiseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory.DateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.ScanState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeContext
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.RgbMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh.VertexDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ImageFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.math.Planed.PlaneSide
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileChooserTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Brightness.BrightnessUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.Space
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CameraKeyframeManager.PathType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.desktop.util.camera.CamRecorder.RecorderState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.event.EventManager.TimeFrame
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.event.Events
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.IPostProcessor.RenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.RenderingContext.CubemapSide
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.render.system.ModelBatchRenderSystem.ModelRenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager.CameraMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ElevationComponent.NoiseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.scenegraph.SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.CatalogInfo.CatalogInfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.format.DateFormatFactory.DateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.Epsl.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.FOV
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.ScanState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw.TransitionFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeContext
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.time.TimeScale
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gaia.utils.Interpolator.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.CubemapProjections.CubemapProjection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AccumulationBlurFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.AnaglyphicFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Bias.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Blur.BlurType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Combine.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Copy.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.RgbMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.DepthBufferFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FlareDirt.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GeometryWarpFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.LevelsFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Luma.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Threshold.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh.VertexDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ImageFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.Antialias
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.PostprocessConf.ToneMapping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.ElevationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf.GraphicsQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenshotMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.math.Planed.PlaneSide
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
values() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.scene2d.FileChooser.FileChooserTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.tree.LoadStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Brightness.BrightnessUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Length.LengthUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.Space
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valuesf() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
valuesf(float[]) - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
vbc - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.ModelComponent
vc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
vc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
vc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
vc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
vc - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Vc - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
VcAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.FloatExtAttribute
Vector2Attribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
Vector2Attribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
Vector2Attribute(long, Vector2) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector2Attribute
Vector2d - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Encapsulates a 2D vector.
Vector2d() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Constructs a new vector at (0,0)
Vector2d(double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Constructs a vector with the given components
Vector2d(Vector2d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Constructs a vector from the given vector
Vector3Attribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
Vector3Attribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
Vector3Attribute(long, Vector3) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
Vector3d - Class in gaiasky.util.math
Copy of libgdx's Vector3d class using doubles for some precision calculations.
Vector3d() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Constructs a vector at (0,0,0)
Vector3d(double[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Creates a vector from the given array.
Vector3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Creates a vector with the given components
Vector3d(Vector3d) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Creates a vector from the given vector
Vector4Attribute - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.shader
Vector4Attribute(long) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
Vector4Attribute(long, float[]) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector4Attribute
Vectord<T extends Vectord<T>> - Interface in gaiasky.util.math
Encapsulates a general vector.
vel - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
Acceleration and velocity
vel - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Force, acceleration and velocity
velDir - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
velDir - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
velDir - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Inputs
velDir - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.RelativisticShader.Setters
velDir - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gravwaves.RelativisticEffectsManager
Camera velocity direction vector
VelDir - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
VelDirAlias - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.Vector3Attribute
velocity - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
Velocity vector
velocity - Variable in class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevicePose
the velocity in m/s in tracker space space
VelocityBufferComponent - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph.component
VelocityBufferComponent() - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.VelocityBufferComponent
VelocityMap - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
velocitynor - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.CameraManager
Velocity vector
VelocityScale - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
VelocityVectors - gaiasky.render.ComponentTypes.ComponentType
VendorSpecific_Reserved_End - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
VenusVSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
VenusVSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VenusVSOP87
version - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelData
version - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
version - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
VERSION_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
VERSION_CHECK_URL - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
VERSION_HI - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
VERSION_LAST_TIME - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
VERSION_LAST_VERSION - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf
VERSION_LO - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.G3dModelLoader
VersionChecker - Class in gaiasky.util.update
VersionChecker(String) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.update.VersionChecker
VersionCheckEvent - Class in gaiasky.util.update
VersionCheckEvent(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.update.VersionCheckEvent
VersionCheckEvent(String, Integer, Instant) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.update.VersionCheckEvent
VersionConf() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
versionNumber - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.VersionConf
vertex(float...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
vertex(float...) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add one or more vertices, returns the index of the last vertex added.
vertex(float, float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem
vertex(Vector3, float) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IcoSphereCreator
Adds a vertex and its UV mapping.
vertex(Vector3, Vector3, Color, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
vertex(Vector3, Vector3, Color, Vector2) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a vertex, returns the index.
vertex(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Color, Vector2) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
vertex(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntIntMeshBuilder
vertex(IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo) - Method in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder
Add a vertex, returns the index.
VertexArray - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
Convenience class for working with OpenGL vertex arrays.
VertexArray - gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh.VertexDataType
VertexArray(int, VertexAttribute...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
Constructs a new interleaved VertexArray
VertexArray(int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexArray
Constructs a new interleaved VertexArray
VertexBufferObject - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
A VertexData implementation based on OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
VertexBufferObject - gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh.VertexDataType
VertexBufferObject(boolean, int, VertexAttribute...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Constructs a new interleaved VertexBufferObject.
VertexBufferObject(boolean, int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
Constructs a new interleaved VertexBufferObject.
VertexBufferObject(int, ByteBuffer, boolean, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObject
VertexBufferObjectSubData - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
A VertexData implementation based on OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
VertexBufferObjectSubData - gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh.VertexDataType
VertexBufferObjectSubData(boolean, int, VertexAttribute...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Constructs a new interleaved VertexBufferObject.
VertexBufferObjectSubData(boolean, int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectSubData
Constructs a new interleaved VertexBufferObject.
VertexBufferObjectWithVAO - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh
A VertexData implementation that uses vertex buffer objects and vertex array objects.
VertexBufferObjectWithVAO - gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.IntMesh.VertexDataType
VertexBufferObjectWithVAO(boolean, int, VertexAttribute...) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
Constructs a new interleaved VertexBufferObjectWithVAO.
VertexBufferObjectWithVAO(boolean, int, VertexAttributes) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.mesh.VertexBufferObjectWithVAO
Constructs a new interleaved VertexBufferObjectWithVAO.
vertexFile - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.ShaderProgramProvider.ShaderProgramParameter
File name to be used for the vertex program instead of the default determined by the file name used to submit this asset to AssetManager.
vertexIdx - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
VertexInfo() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntMeshPartBuilder.VertexInfo
vertexShader - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Config
The uber vertex shader to use, null to use the default vertex shader.
vertexShader - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Config
The uber vertex shader to use, null to use the default vertex shader.
vertexSize - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
VertGPURenderSystem<T extends IGPUVertsRenderable> - Class in gaiasky.render.system
Renders vertices using a VBO.
VertGPURenderSystem(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, float[], ExtShaderProgram[], boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.render.system.VertGPURenderSystem
vertical(double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
vertical(double, double) - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
vertices - Variable in class gaiasky.render.system.ImmediateRenderSystem.MeshData
vertices - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.model.data.IntModelMesh
vertices - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.ModelCreator
VertsObject - Class in gaiasky.scenegraph
Represents a vgroup of vertices which are sent to the GPU in a VBO
VertsObject(SceneGraphNode.RenderGroup, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.scenegraph.VertsObject
VeryHigh - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Quality
vgroup(Actor, Actor, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.components.GuiComponent
view - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.AbstractCamera
viewAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
The view angle, in radians.
viewAngle - Variable in class gaiasky.util.tree.OctreeNode
If observed, the view angle in radians of this octant
viewAngleApparent - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.AbstractPositionEntity
The view angle corrected with the field of view angle, in radians.
ViewAngleComparator<T> - Class in gaiasky.util.comp
Compares entities.
ViewAngleComparator() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.comp.ViewAngleComparator
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CameraBlur.Param
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CubemapProjectionsFilter.Param
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FisheyeDistortion.Param
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Glow.Param
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.GravitationalDistortionFilter.Param
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Lens.Param
Viewport - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
VIEWPORT_RESIZE - gaiasky.event.Events
Issued when the viewport size changed.
ViewportInverse - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Flare.Param
ViewportInverse - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FuzzyFilter.Param
ViewportInverse - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.FxaaFilter.Param
ViewportInverse - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.NfaaFilter.Param
viewRADEC - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.FocusInfoInterface
viewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
viewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
viewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
viewTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
viewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
viewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
viewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
viewWorldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
Vignette - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Vignette - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Effect
Vignette(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Vignette
VignetteIntensity - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
VignetteX - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
VignetteY - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting.Param
Vignetting - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Vignetting(boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Vignetting
Vignetting.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
VISIBILITY - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.SceneConf
Visibility of component types
VISIBILITY_OF_COMPONENTS - gaiasky.event.Events
Contains an array of booleans with the visibility of each ComponentType, in the same order returned by ComponentType.values()
VisibilityComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
VisibilityComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisibilityComponent
visible - Static variable in class gaiasky.render.SceneGraphRenderer
Contains the flags representing each type's visibility
VisualEffectsComponent - Class in gaiasky.interfce.components
VisualEffectsComponent(Skin, Stage) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.components.VisualEffectsComponent
ViveSystemButtonFixRequired_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
VMemInfo - Class in gaiasky.util
VMemInfo() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.VMemInfo
VMemInfo.IGraphicsDeviceInfo - Interface in gaiasky.util
vol - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.components.MusicComponent
VOLUME_DOWN - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
VOLUME_UP - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
vr - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.AbstractGui
Whether we're in VR mode
VR_DEVICE_CONNECTED - gaiasky.event.Events
New VR device connected.
VR_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED - gaiasky.event.Events
VR device disconnected.
VR_HEADSET - gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ProgramConf.StereoProfile
Left image -> left eye, distortion
VR_SELECTING_STATE - gaiasky.event.Events
Informs of the current selecting state.
vrContext - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
The VRContext setup in GaiaSky.createVR(), may be null if no HMD is present or SteamVR is not installed
VRContext - Class in gaiasky.vr.openvr
Responsible for initializing the VR system, managing rendering surfaces, getting tracking device poses, submitting the rendering results to the HMD and rendering the surfaces side by side to the companion window on the desktop.
VRContext() - Constructor for class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Creates a new VRContext, initializes the VR system, and sets up rendering surfaces with depth attachments.
VRContext(float, boolean) - Constructor for class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext
Creates a new VRContext, initializes the VR system, and sets up rendering surfaces.
VRContext.Space - Enum in gaiasky.vr.openvr
Space in which matrices and vectors are returned in by VRContext.VRDevice methods taking a VRContext.Space.
VRContext.VRControllerAxes - Class in gaiasky.vr.openvr
Axes ids on VR controllers
VRContext.VRControllerButtons - Class in gaiasky.vr.openvr
Button ids on VR controllers
VRContext.VRControllerRole - Enum in gaiasky.vr.openvr
VRContext.VRDevice - Class in gaiasky.vr.openvr
Represents a tracked VR device such as the head mounted display, wands etc.
VRContext.VRDevicePose - Class in gaiasky.vr.openvr
Represents the pose of a VRContext.VRDevice, including its transform, velocity and angular velocity.
VRContext.VRDeviceProperty - Enum in gaiasky.vr.openvr
VRContext.VRDeviceType - Enum in gaiasky.vr.openvr
VRControllerAxes() - Constructor for class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerAxes
VRControllerButtons() - Constructor for class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRControllerButtons
VRControllerInfoGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
VRControllerInfoGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.VRControllerInfoGui
VRCVersion_Uint64 - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
VRDeviceListener - Interface in gaiasky.vr.openvr
VRDevicePose(int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDevicePose
VRGui<T extends IGui> - Class in gaiasky.interfce
VRGui(Class<T>, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.VRGui
VRInfoGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
VRInfoGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.VRInfoGui
vrInitFailed() - Method in enum gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRStatus
vrLoadingLeftFb - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Loading fb
vrLoadingLeftTex - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Loading texture
vrLoadingRightFb - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Loading fb
vrLoadingRightTex - Variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
Loading texture
vroffset - Variable in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
VR position offset
vroffset - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.camera.NaturalCamera
VR offset
vrOffset - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
vrScale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
vrScale - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
VRSelectionGui - Class in gaiasky.interfce
VRSelectionGui() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.VRSelectionGui
VRStatus - Enum in gaiasky.vr.openvr
VSOP87 - Class in gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87
VSOP87() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.coord.vsop87.VSOP87
VSYNC - Variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf.ScreenConf
vWrap - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page


w - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
w() - Method in class gaiasky.render.RenderingContext
Gets the width
W - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
waitFocus(String, long) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
waitFocus(String, long) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Blocks the script until the focus is the object indicated by the name.
waitForEnter() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
waitForEnter() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Blocks the execution until the Enter key is pressed.
waitForInput() - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
waitForInput() - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Blocks the execution until any kind of input (keyboard, mouse, etc.) is received.
waitForInput(int) - Method in class gaiasky.script.EventScriptingInterface
waitForInput(int) - Method in interface gaiasky.script.IScriptingInterface
Blocks the execution until the given key or button is pressed.
warn(Object...) - Method in class gaiasky.util.Logger.Log
WARN - gaiasky.util.Logger.LoggerLevel
wavelengths - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.component.AtmosphereComponent
webgl - Variable in class gaiasky.util.ConfInit
Used to emulate webgl in desktop.
WEBPAGE - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
WEBPAGE_DOWNLOADS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.GlobalConf
Weight - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Scattering.Param
weights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve1D
weights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Convolve2D
weights - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DepthIntShader
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.utils.PingPongBuffer
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Page
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.TextureAtlas.TextureAtlasData.Region
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PFMData
width - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
The width of the image.
wikiname - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
WillDriftInYaw_Bool - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.VRDeviceProperty
window - Static variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSky
window - Static variable in class gaiasky.GaiaSkyView
windowScroll - Variable in class gaiasky.interfce.ControlsWindow
withinMagLimit() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.CelestialBody
withinMagLimit() - Method in interface gaiasky.scenegraph.IFocus
Returns true if the focus is within the magnitude limit defined in GlobalConf
withinMagLimit() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ModelBody
withinMagLimit() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup
withinMagLimit() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
withinVSOPTime(long) - Static method in class gaiasky.util.Constants
Checks whether the given time is within the acceptable bounds of VSOP87 algorithms.
withUncertaintiesCorrelations - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.BaseAttitudeDataServer
switch to decide if attitude uncertainties and correlations should be calculated
World - gaiasky.vr.openvr.VRContext.Space
worldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Inputs
worldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.AtmosphereShader.Setters
worldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Inputs
worldTrans - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.shader.DefaultIntShader.Setters
worldTransform - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.IntRenderable
Used to specify the transformations (like translation, scale and rotation) to apply to the shape.
write(FileHandle, Pixmap) - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.JPGWriter
write(File) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
Writes this PFM image to the specified file.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.util.gdx.loader.PortableFloatMap
Writes this PFM image to the specified output stream.
writeData(Array<? extends ParticleGroup.ParticleBean>, String, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.PointDataWriter
writeData(Array<StarGroup.StarBean>, OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider
writeDistVsTimeData(String, PointCloudData) - Method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.HeliotropicOrbitDataLoader
Writes a file under the given path with the distance data
writeMetadata(OctreeNode, OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.MetadataBinaryIO
Writes the metadata of the given octree node and its descendants to the given output stream in binary.
writeOrbitData(String, PointCloudData) - Static method in class gaiasky.data.orbit.OrbitDataWriter
Dumps the current orbit data to the given file
writeParticles(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>, OutputStream) - Method in interface gaiasky.data.octreegen.IStarGroupIO
writeParticles(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>, OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.ParticleDataBinaryIO
writeParticles(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>, OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarGroupBinaryIO
Writes the list to the output stream.
writeParticles(Array<AbstractPositionEntity>, OutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.octreegen.StarGroupSerializedIO
Writes the list to the output stream.
writePixmapToImage(String, String, Pixmap, GlobalConf.ImageFormat, float) - Static method in class gaiasky.screenshot.ImageRenderer
writeStarBean(StarGroup.StarBean, DataOutputStream) - Method in class gaiasky.data.group.BinaryDataProvider


x - Variable in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
x - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
x - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
x - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
the x-component of this vector
x - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
the x-component of this vector
x() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
x() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
x() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
X - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
X - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
X - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
X_AXIS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Unit vectors
X1 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
X2 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
X3 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
X4 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
xadvance - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
xAdvances - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
Contains glyphs.size+1 entries: First entry is X offset relative to the drawing position.
XBox360Mappings - Class in gaiasky.interfce
XBox 360 inputListener mappings
XBox360Mappings() - Constructor for class gaiasky.interfce.XBox360Mappings
xChars - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
xHeight - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.BitmapFontData
The x-height, which is the distance from the top of most lowercase characters to the baseline.
xi - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Current value of the solar aspect angle (revolving angle) [rad] and the quaternion representing a rotation by 90-xi about Y axis
xnegfb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
xoffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
xposfb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
xResolution - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
xSliderMoved(Controller, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener


y - Variable in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
y - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
y - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.GlyphLayout.GlyphRun
y - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
y - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
the y-component of this vector
y - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
the y-component of this vector
y() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
y() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
y() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Y - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Y - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Y - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Y_AXIS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Y_TO_MS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Years to milliseconds
Y_TO_S - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.Nature
Years to seconds
Y1 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Y2 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Y3 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
Y4 - Static variable in interface gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.ExtBatch
yaw - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
yaw - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
yawa - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
yawf - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
yawp - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
Yaw, pitch and roll
yawv - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.Spacecraft
ynegfb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
yoffset - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gdx.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph
yOld - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
yposfb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
yResolution - Variable in class gaiasky.util.SlaveManager
ySinceEpoch - Variable in class gaiasky.scenegraph.StarCluster
ySliderMoved(Controller, int, boolean) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalControllerListener


z - Variable in class gaiasky.data.util.PointCloudData
z - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Quaterniond
z - Variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
the z-component of this vector
z() - Method in class gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup.ParticleBean
z() - Method in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Z - Static variable in class gaiasky.interfce.GSKeys
Z - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
Z_AXIS - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.AnalyticalAttitudeDataServer
Zero - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d
Zero - Static variable in class gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d
ZipUtils - Class in gaiasky.util
ZipUtils() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.ZipUtils
zMax - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Local constants
zMin - Variable in class gaiasky.util.gaia.ModifiedScanningLaw
Local constants
znegfb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
zoom(float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener
zoom(float, float) - Method in class gaiasky.interfce.NaturalMouseKbdListener.GaiaGestureListener
Zoom - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Zoom - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.CrtScreen.Param
Zoom - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialBlur.Param
Zoom - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.RadialDistortion.Param
Zoom - gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom.Param
Zoom() - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters.Zoom
Zoom.Param - Enum in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.filters
Zoomer - Class in gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects
Implements a zooming effect: either a radial blur filter or a zoom filter is used.
Zoomer(int, int) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
Creating a Zoomer without any parameter will use plain simple zooming
Zoomer(int, int, RadialBlur.Quality) - Constructor for class gaiasky.util.gdx.contrib.postprocess.effects.Zoomer
Creating a Zoomer specifying the radial blur quality will enable radial blur
zposfb - Variable in class gaiasky.render.SGRCubemap
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