protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table content
, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Layout
, ArchiveViewWindow
, CatalogSelectionWindow
, ControllerConfigWindow
, DatasetLoadDialog
, DatasetPreferencesWindow
, DownloadDataWindow
, FileChooser
, FileNameWindow
, IndividualVisibilityWindow
, KeyframePreferencesWindow
, KeyframesWindow
, LandAtWindow
, LogWindow
, MemInfoWindow
, MinimapWindow
, NewBookmarkFolderDialog
, PreferencesWindow
, QuitWindow
, SearchDialog
, SlaveConfigWindow
, UpdatePopup
, WikiInfoWindow
public abstract class GenericDialog extends CollapsibleWindow
com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table.Debug, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table.DebugRect
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton |
acceptButton |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table |
bottom |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.HorizontalGroup |
buttonGroup |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton |
cancelButton |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table |
content |
protected boolean |
enterExit |
protected boolean |
escExit |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener |
ignoreTouchDown |
protected float |
lastPosX |
protected float |
lastPosY |
protected GenericDialog |
me |
protected boolean |
modal |
protected static float |
pad10 |
protected static float |
pad15 |
protected static float |
pad20 |
protected static float |
pad5 |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<OwnScrollPane> |
scrolls |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin |
skin |
protected com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage |
stage |
backgroundBottom, backgroundLeft, backgroundRight, backgroundTop, debugActorColor, debugCellColor, debugTableColor
Constructor | Description |
GenericDialog(java.lang.String title,
com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin,
com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage stage) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
protected abstract void |
accept() |
The accept function, if any
protected abstract void |
build() |
Build the content here
void |
buildSuper() |
protected abstract void |
cancel() |
The cancel function, if any
protected void |
enableComponents(boolean enabled,
com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Disableable... components) |
Sets the enabled property on the given components
boolean |
hasAcceptRunnable() |
boolean |
hasCancelRunnable() |
void |
hide() |
Hides the dialog.
void |
hide(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Action action) |
Hides the dialog with the given action and then removes it from the
protected void |
recalculateButtonSize() |
void |
setAcceptRunnable(java.lang.Runnable r) |
Sets the runnable which runs when accept is clicked
void |
setAcceptText(java.lang.String acceptText) |
void |
setCancelRunnable(java.lang.Runnable r) |
Sets the runnable which runs when cancel is clicked
void |
setCancelText(java.lang.String cancelText) |
void |
setKeyboardFocus() |
Sets the keyboard focus, override in case you want to set the focus to a
specific item
void |
setModal(boolean modal) |
GenericDialog |
show(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage stage) |
Packs the dialog and adds it to the stage, centered with
default fadeIn action |
GenericDialog |
show(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage stage,
float x,
float y) |
Packs the dialog and adds it to the stage at the specified position |
GenericDialog |
show(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage stage,
com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Action action) |
Packs the dialog and adds it to the stage with custom
action which can be null for instant show |
static void |
updatePads() |
act, collapse, collapseInstant, drawBackground, expand, expandInstant, getHeight, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getPrefHeight, getPrefWidth, getWidth, isCollapsed, pack, setResizable, toggleCollapsed
draw, drawStageBackground, getStyle, getTitleLabel, getTitleTable, hit, isDragging, isModal, isMovable, isResizable, keepWithinStage, setKeepWithinStage, setMovable, setResizable, setResizeBorder, setStyle
add, add, add, add, add, add, add, align, background, background, bottom, center, clearChildren, clip, clip, columnDefaults, debug, debug, debugActor, debugAll, debugCell, debugTable, defaults, drawDebug, drawDebugBounds, getAlign, getBackground, getCell, getCells, getClip, getColumnMinWidth, getColumnPrefWidth, getColumns, getColumnWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getPadBottom, getPadBottomValue, getPadLeft, getPadLeftValue, getPadRight, getPadRightValue, getPadTop, getPadTopValue, getPadX, getPadY, getRow, getRowHeight, getRowMinHeight, getRowPrefHeight, getRows, getSkin, getTableDebug, invalidate, layout, left, pad, pad, pad, pad, padBottom, padBottom, padLeft, padLeft, padRight, padRight, padTop, padTop, removeActor, removeActor, removeActorAt, reset, right, row, setBackground, setBackground, setClip, setDebug, setRound, setSkin, stack, top
childrenChanged, invalidateHierarchy, needsLayout, setFillParent, setLayoutEnabled, sizeChanged, validate
addActor, addActorAfter, addActorAt, addActorBefore, applyTransform, applyTransform, clear, clear, clearChildren, computeTransform, drawChildren, drawDebugChildren, findActor, getChild, getChildren, getCullingArea, hasChildren, isTransform, localToDescendantCoordinates, resetTransform, resetTransform, setCullingArea, setDebug, setStage, setTransform, swapActor, swapActor, toString
addAction, addCaptureListener, addListener, ancestorsVisible, ascendantsVisible, clearActions, clearListeners, clipBegin, clipBegin, clipEnd, fire, firstAscendant, getActions, getCaptureListeners, getColor, getDebug, getListeners, getName, getOriginX, getOriginY, getParent, getRight, getRotation, getScaleX, getScaleY, getStage, getTop, getTouchable, getUserObject, getX, getX, getY, getY, getZIndex, hasActions, hasKeyboardFocus, hasParent, hasScrollFocus, isAscendantOf, isDescendantOf, isTouchable, isTouchFocusListener, isTouchFocusTarget, isVisible, localToActorCoordinates, localToAscendantCoordinates, localToParentCoordinates, localToScreenCoordinates, localToStageCoordinates, moveBy, notify, parentToLocalCoordinates, positionChanged, remove, removeAction, removeCaptureListener, removeListener, rotateBy, rotationChanged, scaleBy, scaleBy, scaleChanged, screenToLocalCoordinates, setBounds, setColor, setColor, setHeight, setName, setOrigin, setOrigin, setOriginX, setOriginY, setParent, setPosition, setPosition, setRotation, setScale, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setTouchable, setUserObject, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setX, setY, setY, setZIndex, sizeBy, sizeBy, stageToLocalCoordinates, toBack, toFront
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
the dialog and adds it to the stage with custom
action which can be null for instant showPacks
the dialog and adds it to the stage, centered with
default fadeIn actionPacks
the dialog and adds it to the stage at the specified positionr
- The runnabler
- The runnableenabled
- components