Class VignettingFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class VignettingFilter extends Filter<VignettingFilter>
  • Constructor Details

    • VignettingFilter

      public VignettingFilter(boolean controlSaturation)
  • Method Details

    • setCoords

      public void setCoords(float x, float y)
    • setLutIndexVal

      public void setLutIndexVal(int index, int value)
    • setLutIndexOffset

      public void setLutIndexOffset(float value)
    • setCenter

      public void setCenter(float x, float y)
      Specify the center, in normalized screen coordinates.
    • getCenterX

      public float getCenterX()
    • getCenterY

      public float getCenterY()
    • getLutIndexVal

      public int getLutIndexVal(int index)
    • getLutIntensity

      public float getLutIntensity()
    • setLutIntensity

      public void setLutIntensity(float value)
    • getLut

      public getLut()
    • setLut

      public void setLut( texture)
      Sets the texture with which gradient mapping will be performed.
    • getX

      public float getX()
    • setX

      public void setX(float x)
    • getY

      public float getY()
    • setY

      public void setY(float y)
    • getIntensity

      public float getIntensity()
    • setIntensity

      public void setIntensity(float intensity)
    • getSaturation

      public float getSaturation()
    • setSaturation

      public void setSaturation(float saturation)
    • getSaturationMul

      public float getSaturationMul()
    • setSaturationMul

      public void setSaturationMul(float saturationMul)
    • isGradientMappingEnabled

      public boolean isGradientMappingEnabled()
    • rebind

      public void rebind()
      Specified by:
      rebind in class Filter<VignettingFilter>
    • onBeforeRender

      protected void onBeforeRender()
      Description copied from class: Filter
      This method will get called just before a rendering operation occurs.
      Specified by:
      onBeforeRender in class Filter<VignettingFilter>