Class IntModelInstance

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class IntModelInstance extends Object implements IntRenderableProvider
  • Field Details

    • defaultShareKeyframes

      public static boolean defaultShareKeyframes
      Whether, by default, NodeKeyframe's are shared amongst IntModel and IntModelInstance. Can be overridden per IntModelInstance using the constructor argument.
    • materials

      public final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<Material> materials
      The materials of the model, used by nodes that have a graphical representation FIXME not sure if superfluous, allows modification of materials without having to traverse the nodes.
    • nodes

      public final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<IntNode> nodes
      Root nodes of the model.
    • animations

      public final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<IntAnimation> animations
      Animations of the model, modifying node transformations.
    • model

      public final IntModel model
      The IntModel this instances derives from.
    • transform

      public com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform
      The world transform.
    • userData

      public Object userData
      User definable value, which is passed to the IntShader.
    • span

      public double span
      Length of the furthest vertex from the origin.
  • Constructor Details

    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with all nodes and materials of the given model.
      model - The IntModel to create an instance of.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, String nodeId, boolean mergeTransform)
      model - The source IntModel
      nodeId - The ID of the root IntNode of the IntModel for the instance to contain
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, String nodeId, boolean mergeTransform)
      model - The source IntModel
      transform - The Matrix4 instance for this IntModelInstance to reference or null to create a new matrix.
      nodeId - The ID of the root IntNode of the IntModel for the instance to contain
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, String nodeId, boolean parentTransform, boolean mergeTransform)
      Recursively searches the mode for the specified node.
      model - The source IntModel
      nodeId - The ID of the IntNode within the IntModel for the instance to contain
      parentTransform - True to apply the parent's node transform to the instance (only applicable if recursive is true).
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, String nodeId, boolean parentTransform, boolean mergeTransform)
      Recursively searches the mode for the specified node.
      model - The source IntModel
      transform - The Matrix4 instance for this IntModelInstance to reference or null to create a new matrix.
      nodeId - The ID of the IntNode within the IntModel for the instance to contain
      parentTransform - True to apply the parent's node transform to the instance (only applicable if recursive is true).
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, String nodeId, boolean recursive, boolean parentTransform, boolean mergeTransform)
      model - The source IntModel
      nodeId - The ID of the IntNode within the IntModel for the instance to contain
      recursive - True to recursively search the IntModel's node tree, false to only search for a root node
      parentTransform - True to apply the parent's node transform to the instance (only applicable if recursive is true).
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, String nodeId, boolean recursive, boolean parentTransform, boolean mergeTransform)
      model - The source IntModel
      transform - The Matrix4 instance for this IntModelInstance to reference or null to create a new matrix.
      nodeId - The ID of the IntNode within the IntModel for the instance to contain
      recursive - True to recursively search the IntModel's node tree, false to only search for a root node
      parentTransform - True to apply the parent's node transform to the instance (only applicable if recursive is true).
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, String nodeId, boolean recursive, boolean parentTransform, boolean mergeTransform, boolean shareKeyframes)
      model - The source IntModel
      transform - The Matrix4 instance for this IntModelInstance to reference or null to create a new matrix.
      nodeId - The ID of the IntNode within the IntModel for the instance to contain
      recursive - True to recursively search the IntModel's node tree, false to only search for a root node
      parentTransform - True to apply the parent's node transform to the instance (only applicable if recursive is true).
      mergeTransform - True to apply the source node transform to the instance transform, resetting the node transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, String... rootNodeIds)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, String... rootNodeIds)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<String> rootNodeIds)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<String> rootNodeIds)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<String> rootNodeIds, boolean shareKeyframes)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with only the specified nodes and materials of the given model.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3 position)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance at the specified position.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, float x, float y, float z)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance at the specified position.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModel model, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance with the specified transform.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModelInstance copyFrom)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance which is an copy of the specified IntModelInstance.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModelInstance copyFrom, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance which is an copy of the specified IntModelInstance.
    • IntModelInstance

      public IntModelInstance(IntModelInstance copyFrom, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4 transform, boolean shareKeyframes)
      Constructs a new IntModelInstance which is an copy of the specified IntModelInstance.
  • Method Details

    • copy

      public IntModelInstance copy()
      A newly created IntModelInstance which is a copy of this IntModelInstance
    • getRenderables

      public void getRenderables(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<IntRenderable> renderables, com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool<IntRenderable> pool)
      Traverses the IntNode hierarchy and collects IntRenderable instances for every node with a graphical representation. IntRenderables are obtained from the provided pool. The resulting array can be rendered via a IntModelBatch.
      Specified by:
      getRenderables in interface IntRenderableProvider
      renderables - the output array
      pool - the pool to obtain IntRenderables from
    • getRenderable

      public IntRenderable getRenderable(IntRenderable out)
      The renderable of the first node's first part.
    • getRenderable

      public IntRenderable getRenderable(IntRenderable out, IntNode node)
      The renderable of the node's first part.
    • getRenderable

      public IntRenderable getRenderable(IntRenderable out, IntNode node, IntNodePart nodePart)
    • getRenderables

      protected void getRenderables(IntNode node, com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<IntRenderable> renderables, com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool<IntRenderable> pool)
    • calculateTransforms

      public void calculateTransforms()

      Calculates the local and world transform of all IntNode instances in this model, recursively. First each IntNode.localTransform transform is calculated based on the translation, rotation and scale of each IntNode. Then each IntNode.calculateWorldTransform() is calculated, based on the parent's world transform and the local transform of each IntNode. Finally, the animation bone matrices are updated accordingly.

      This method can be used to recalculate all transforms if any of the IntNode's local properties (translation, rotation, scale) was modified.

    • calculateBoundingBox

      public com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox calculateBoundingBox(com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox out)
      Calculate the bounding box of this model instance. This is a potential slow operation, it is advised to cache the result.
      out - the BoundingBox that will be set with the bounds.
      the out parameter for chaining
    • extendBoundingBox

      public com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox extendBoundingBox(com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox out)
      Extends the bounding box with the bounds of this model instance. This is a potential slow operation, it is advised to cache the result.
      out - the BoundingBox that will be extended with the bounds.
      the out parameter for chaining
    • getAnimation

      public IntAnimation getAnimation(String id)
      id - The ID of the animation to fetch (case sensitive).
      The IntAnimation with the specified id, or null if not available.
    • getAnimation

      public IntAnimation getAnimation(String id, boolean ignoreCase)
      id - The ID of the animation to fetch.
      ignoreCase - whether to use case sensitivity when comparing the animation id.
      The IntAnimation with the specified id, or null if not available.
    • getMaterial

      public Material getMaterial(String id)
      id - The ID of the material to fetch.
      The Material with the specified id, or null if not available.
    • getMaterial

      public Material getMaterial(String id, boolean ignoreCase)
      id - The ID of the material to fetch.
      ignoreCase - whether to use case sensitivity when comparing the material id.
      The Material with the specified id, or null if not available.
    • getNode

      public IntNode getNode(String id)
      id - The ID of the node to fetch.
      The IntNode with the specified id, or null if not found.
    • getNode

      public IntNode getNode(String id, boolean recursive)
      id - The ID of the node to fetch.
      recursive - false to fetch a root node only, true to search the entire node tree for the specified node.
      The IntNode with the specified id, or null if not found.
    • getNode

      public IntNode getNode(String id, boolean recursive, boolean ignoreCase)
      id - The ID of the node to fetch.
      recursive - false to fetch a root node only, true to search the entire node tree for the specified node.
      ignoreCase - whether to use case sensitivity when comparing the node id.
      The IntNode with the specified id, or null if not found.