Class ModelEntityRenderSystem


public class ModelEntityRenderSystem extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ModelEntityRenderSystem

      public ModelEntityRenderSystem(SceneRenderer sr)
  • Method Details

    • render

      public void render(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, IntModelBatch batch, ICamera camera, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow)
      Renders a single entity as a model. The entity is assumed to have a Model component.
      entity - The entity to render.
      batch - The model batch to use.
      camera - The camera.
      alpha - The opacity value in [0,1].
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context object.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment, to render the shadow map.
    • renderOpaque

      public void renderOpaque(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, IntModelBatch modelBatch, float alpha, boolean shadow)
      Model opaque rendering for the light glow pass.
      entity - The entity.
      modelBatch - The model batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      shadow - Shadow environment.
    • renderVRDeviceModel

      public void renderVRDeviceModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
    • renderGenericModel

      public void renderGenericModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a generic model.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderVolume

      public void renderVolume(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a volume model.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderShape

      public void renderShape(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a wireframe/shape model.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderRecursiveGridModel

      public void renderRecursiveGridModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch modelBatch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders the recursive grid.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      modelBatch - The batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderMeshModel

      public void renderMeshModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a mesh, typically an iso-surface.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderStarClusterModel

      public void renderStarClusterModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch modelBatch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a star cluster entity as a model.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      modelBatch - The model batch.
      alpha - The model alpha.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderParticleStarSetModel

      public void renderParticleStarSetModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders the model of a single star or particle.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The model batch.
      alpha - The model alpha.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderParticleStarModel

      public void renderParticleStarModel(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders the model of a single star or particle.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The model batch.
      alpha - The model alpha.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderSpacecraft

      public void renderSpacecraft(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a spacecraft. Not used right now.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The model batch.
      alpha - The model alpha.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderPlanet

      public void renderPlanet(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Model model, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t, RenderingContext rc, RenderGroup renderGroup, boolean shadow, boolean relativistic)
      Renders a planet.
      entity - The entity.
      model - The model component.
      batch - The batch.
      alpha - The alpha value.
      t - The time, in seconds, since the start of the session.
      rc - The rendering context.
      renderGroup - The render group.
      shadow - Whether to prepare the shadow environment.
      relativistic - Whether to apply relativistic effects.
    • renderAtmosphere

      public void renderAtmosphere(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Body body, Model model, ModelScaffolding scaffolding, IntModelBatch batch, Atmosphere atmosphere, float alpha, RenderingContext rc)
      Renders the atmosphere of a planet.
    • renderClouds

      public void renderClouds(com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity entity, Base base, Model model, Cloud cloud, IntModelBatch batch, float alpha, double t)
      Renders the cloud layer of a planet.
    • prepareShadowEnvironment

      protected void prepareShadowEnvironment(Model model, ModelScaffolding scaffolding)
      Prepares the shadow environment for shadow mapping.