Class KeyframesPathObject

    • Field Detail

      • keyframes

        public com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<Keyframe> keyframes
        Keyframe objects
      • selected

        public Keyframe selected
        Selected keyframe
      • highlighted

        public Keyframe highlighted
        Highlighted keyframe
      • segments

        public VertsObject segments
        The segments joining the knots
      • knots

        public VertsObject knots
        The knots, or keyframe positions
      • knotsSeam

        public VertsObject knotsSeam
        Knots which are also seams
      • selectedKnot

        public VertsObject selectedKnot
        Selected knot
      • highlightedKnot

        public VertsObject highlightedKnot
        Highlighted knot
      • orientations

        public com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<VertsObject> orientations
        Contains pairs of {direction, up} representing the orientation at each knot
    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyframesPathObject

        public KeyframesPathObject()
    • Method Detail

      • setKeyframes

        public void setKeyframes​(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<Keyframe> keyframes)
      • refreshData

        public void refreshData()
        Refreshes the positions and orientations from the keyframes
      • refreshOrientations

        public void refreshOrientations()
        Refreshes the orientations from the keyframes
      • resamplePath

        public void resamplePath()
      • setPathKnots

        public void setPathKnots​(double[] kts,
                                 double[] dirs,
                                 double[] ups,
                                 boolean[] seams)
      • select

        public IFocus select​(int screenX,
                             int screenY,
                             int minPixDist,
                             NaturalCamera camera)
      • checkClickDistance

        protected boolean checkClickDistance​(int screenX,
                                             int screenY,
                                             com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3 pos,
                                             NaturalCamera camera,
                                             double pixelSize)
      • highlight

        public void highlight​(Keyframe kf)
      • unhighlight

        public void unhighlight​(Keyframe kf)
      • unhighlight

        public void unhighlight()
      • select

        public void select​(Keyframe kf)
      • unselect

        public void unselect()
      • isSelected

        public boolean isSelected()
      • moveSelection

        public boolean moveSelection​(int screenX,
                                     int screenY,
                                     NaturalCamera camera)
      • rotateAroundDir

        public boolean rotateAroundDir​(double dx,
                                       double dy,
                                       NaturalCamera camera)
      • rotateAroundUp

        public boolean rotateAroundUp​(double dx,
                                      double dy,
                                      NaturalCamera camera)
      • rotateAroundCrs

        public boolean rotateAroundCrs​(double dx,
                                       double dy,
                                       NaturalCamera camera)
      • addToRenderLists

        protected void addToRenderLists​(ICamera camera)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPositionEntity
        Adds this entity to the necessary render lists after the distance to the camera and the view angle have been determined.
        addToRenderLists in class VertsObject
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Description copied from class: VertsObject
        Clears the data from this object, both in RAM and VRAM
        clear in class VertsObject
      • clearOrientations

        public void clearOrientations()
      • renderText

        public boolean renderText()
        Description copied from interface: I3DTextRenderable
        Tells whether the text must be rendered or not for this entity
        Specified by:
        renderText in interface I3DTextRenderable
        True if text must be rendered
      • textColour

        public float[] textColour()
        Description copied from interface: I3DTextRenderable
        Returns an array with the text colour in the fashion [r, g, b, a]
        Specified by:
        textColour in interface I3DTextRenderable
        Array with the colour
      • textColour

        public float[] textColour​(Keyframe kf)
      • textScale

        public float textScale()
        Description copied from interface: I3DTextRenderable
        Returns the text scale for the scale varying in the shader
        Specified by:
        textScale in interface I3DTextRenderable
        The scale
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText​(Keyframe kf)
      • isLabel

        public boolean isLabel()
        Description copied from interface: I3DTextRenderable
        Is it a label or another kind of text?
        Specified by:
        isLabel in interface I3DTextRenderable
        Whether this is a label