Class OctreeNode

    • Field Detail

      • nOctantsObserved

        public static int nOctantsObserved
      • nObjectsObserved

        public static int nObjectsObserved
      • maxDepth

        public static int maxDepth
        Max depth of the structure this node belongs to

        public static boolean LOAD_ACTIVE
        Is dynamic loading active?
      • pageId

        public long pageId
        The unique page identifier
      • blf

        public final Vector3d blf
        Contains the bottom-left-front position of the octant
      • trb

        public final Vector3d trb
        Contains the top-right-back position of the octant
      • centre

        public final Vector3d centre
        The centre of this octant
      • size

        public final Vector3d size
        Octant size in x, y and z
      • depth

        public final int depth
        Contains the depth level
      • nObjects

        public int nObjects
        Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants
      • ownObjects

        public int ownObjects
        Number of objects contained in this node
      • childrenCount

        public int childrenCount
        Number of children nodes of this node
      • parent

        public OctreeNode parent
        The parent, if any
      • children

        public OctreeNode[] children
        Children nodes
      • viewAngle

        public double viewAngle
        If observed, the view angle in radians of this octant
      • distToCamera

        public double distToCamera
        The distance to the camera in units of the center of this octant
      • observed

        public boolean observed
        Is this octant observed in this frame?
      • opacity

        public float opacity
        The opacity of this node
    • Constructor Detail

      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node
        x -
        y -
        z -
        hsx -
        hsy -
        hsz -
        depth -
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(long pageId,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node
        pageId -
        x -
        y -
        z -
        hsx -
        hsy -
        hsz -
        depth -
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int depth,
                          OctreeNode parent,
                          int i)
        Constructs an octree node
        x -
        y -
        z -
        hsx -
        hsy -
        hsz -
        depth -
        parent - The parent of this octant
        i - The index in the parent's children
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int childrenCount,
                          int nObjects,
                          int ownObjects,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node.
        x - The x coordinate of the center.
        y - The y coordinate of the center.
        z - The z coordinate of the center.
        hsx - The half-size in x.
        hsy - The half-size in y.
        hsz - The half-size in z.
        childrenCount - Number of children nodes. Same as non null positions in children vector.
        nObjects - Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants.
        ownObjects - Number of objects contained in this node. Same as objects.size().
      • OctreeNode

        public OctreeNode​(long pageid,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double z,
                          double hsx,
                          double hsy,
                          double hsz,
                          int childrenCount,
                          int nObjects,
                          int ownObjects,
                          int depth)
        Constructs an octree node.
        pageid - The octant id
        x - The x coordinate of the center.
        y - The y coordinate of the center.
        z - The z coordinate of the center.
        hsx - The half-size in x.
        hsy - The half-size in y.
        hsz - The half-size in z.
        childrenCount - Number of children nodes. Same as non null positions in children vector.
        nObjects - Number of objects contained in this node and its descendants.
        ownObjects - Number of objects contained in this node. Same as objects.size().
    • Method Detail

      • computePageId

        public long computePageId()
      • computePageIdRec

        protected void computePageIdRec​(int[] hashv)
      • getParentIndex

        protected int getParentIndex()
        Gets the index of this node in the parent's list
      • resolveChildren

        public void resolveChildren​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​Pair<OctreeNode,​long[]>> map)
        Resolves and adds the children of this node using the map. It runs recursively once the children have been added.
        map -
      • getOpacity

        public float getOpacity()
        Description copied from interface: IRenderable
        Returns the opacity of this renderable
        Specified by:
        getOpacity in interface IRenderable
        The opacity
      • addChildrenToList

        public void addChildrenToList​(java.util.ArrayList<OctreeNode> tree)
        Adds all the children of this node and its descendants to the given list.
        tree -
      • addParticlesTo

        public void addParticlesTo​(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<AbstractPositionEntity> particles)
        Adds all the particles of this node and its descendants to the given list.
        particles -
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean rec)
      • stats

        public int[][] stats()
        Gets some per-level stats on the octree node
        A [DEPTH,2] matrix with number of octants [i,0] and objects [i,1] per level
      • remove

        public void remove()
        Removes this octant from the octree
      • removeChild

        public void removeChild​(OctreeNode child)
        Removes the child from this octant's descendants
        child -
      • numNodes

        public int numNodes()
        Counts the number of nodes recursively
        The number of nodes
      • getDistToCamera

        public double getDistToCamera()
        Description copied from interface: IRenderable
        Gets the last distance to the camera calculated for this entity
        Specified by:
        getDistToCamera in interface IRenderable
        The distance
      • getBestOctant

        public OctreeNode getBestOctant​(Vector3d position)
        Returns the deepest octant that contains the position
        position - The position
        The best octant
      • getMaxDepth

        public int getMaxDepth()
        Gets the depth of this subtree, that is, the number of levels of the longest parent-child path starting at this node. If run on the root node, this gives the maximum octree depth.
        The maximum depth of this node.
      • update

        public void update​(Vector3d parentTransform,
                           ICamera cam,
                           com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<SceneGraphNode> roulette,
                           float opacity)
        Computes the observed value and the transform of each observed node.
        parentTransform - The parent transform.
        cam - The current camera.
        roulette - List where the nodes to be processed are to be added.
        opacity - The opacity to set.
      • isObserved

        public boolean isObserved()
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(LoadStatus status)
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(LoadStatus status,
                              int depth)
        Sets the status to this node and its descendants recursively to the given depth level.
        status - The new status.
        depth - The depth.
      • updateNumbers

        public void updateNumbers()
        Updates the number of objects, own objects and children. This operation runs recursively in depth.
      • countObjects

        public int countObjects()
      • findOctant

        public OctreeNode findOctant​(long id)
      • getRoot

        public OctreeNode getRoot()
        Gets the root of the tree this octant is in by successively checking the parent until it is null.
        The root of the tree
      • hash

        public static long hash​(double x,
                                double y,
                                double z)
      • hash

        public static long hash​(double value)
        Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
        value - the value to be hashed
        the hash code
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Disposes this octree node (and all children nodes recursively)