ARI's Gaia Services


Which Gaia data are currently available?

The Gaia data will be provided little by little as different catalogue releases. Below, you can see how many releases are scheduled and what is their content.

Estimated period Available data
1st Release 14th September 2016 - 12:30 CEST
  • Positions:
    ra, ra_error, dec, dec_error
  • G mean magnitudes:
  • Proper motions & Parallaxes from Tycho-2 for corresponding Gaia sources (source: TGAS):
    pmra, pmra_error, pmdec, pmdec_error

More about DR1

2nd Release 25th April 2018
  • Median radial velocities for sources brighter than 12 mag (RVS)
  • Blue & red photometries (fluxes and magnitudes for all sources)
  • Proper motions
  • Parallaxes
  • Epoch astrometry for a pre-selected list of > 10,000 asteroids
  • Photometry for a sample of variable stars

More about DR2

Early 3rd Release 3rd December 2020
  • Five-parameter astrometric solution for around 1.5 billion (1.5 109) sources, with a limiting magnitude of about G ≈ 21 and a bright limit of about G ≈ 3.
  • Two-parameters solutions for around 300 million additional sources.
  • G magnitudes for around 1.8 billion sources.
  • GBP and GRP magnitudes for around 1.5 billion sources.
  • Simulated data from Gaia Object Generator (GOG) and Gaia Universe Model Snapshot (GUMS).
  • Commanded scan law covering the Gaia EDR3 data collection period.

More about EDR3

3rd Release 13th June 2022
  • Improved astrometry and photometry
  • Object classification and astrophysical parameters, together with BP/RP spectra and/or RVS spectra they are based on, for spectroscopically and (spectro-)photometrically well-behaved objects.
  • Mean radial velocities for stars not showing variability and with available atmospheric-parameter estimates.
  • Variable-star classifications together with the epoch photometry used for the stars.
  • Solar-system results with preliminary orbital solutions and individual epoch observations.
  • Non-single star catalogues.

More about DR3

Final Release 2024
  • Full astrometric, photometric, and radial-velocity catalogues.
  • All available variable-star and non-single-star solutions.
  • Source classifications (probabilities) plus multiple astrophysical parameters (derived from BP/RP, RVS, and astrometry) for stars, unresolved binaries, galaxies, and quasars. Some parameters may not be available for faint(er) stars.
  • An exoplanet list.
  • All epoch and transit data for all sources.


Where can I find statistics about table and columns for every available catalogue?

Any available table or column is described in the page  Data & Statistics. If you can not find a column or table, it means it is not available.

Several statistics about a table and its columns are computed and provided by the Gaia Team of ARI, and are available on the same page.

Table - Density map

For a table, the only "statistical" product is a density map. You can see a small snapshot of it on the left of a table name.

Once the description of a table is extended, a button appears. By clicking on it, you will see a full resolution density map with a colormap's histogram. On the dialog window, you will also be able to download the image either as an image file or as an Healpix map, loadable in Aladin for a more interactive navigation. (see How the sky maps are computed? and How to send and display a sky map in Aladin? for more details)


The description of table always lists its columns. Besides its name description, unit and datatype, statistics are provided for every individual numerical columns. All available columns statistics can easily be displayed by clicking to the appropriate button on the last column.

Column - Basic statistics

Basic statistics (min, max, mean, standard deviation, quartiles) are provided along with a sum-up image. Below is a description of this figure.

Column - Histogram

The histogram is computed with all non-null values in the whole table for the specified column.

By clicking on the histogram image, you can display it at an higher resolution.

An image of it is displayed (and can be downloaded) but you can also download it as a CSV table. Thanks to this CSV, you could reproduce or use this histogram in tools like TOPCAT. (see How to send and display a column's histogram in TOPCAT?)

Column - Sky-map

A sky map represents the mean value (non-NULL values excluded) of the specified column in every Healpix cells in the sky.

By clicking on the sky map image, you can display it at an higher resolution.

The provided sky map image is divided into two parts: the map itself on the left and a legend on the right. This latter indicates you the mapping between the pixel values and the pixel colors. The histogram on the right of the color map shows the ratio of displayed pixels for each range of colors.

As for the histogram, the sky map can be downloaded as an image (PNG) but also as a table (FITS ; same format as a table's density map described above). Thanks to the FITS file, you can get the raw value of each pixel and/or reproduce the map with different settings (color map, normalisation, projection, ...). (see How the sky maps are computed? and How to send and display a sky map in Aladin? for more details)

How to send and display a column's histogram in TOPCAT?

  1. Open TOPCAT.

  2. Send the histogram to TOPCAT.

    On the statistics view of the column of interest, click on Send to TOPCAT.

    If you are not yet connected to SAMP, a dialog will popup. Just click on Yes.

    TOPCAT should have now received the table. If so, it should appear in the table list under a name generated with the table and column name (e.g. for the column vtmag of Tycho2, it would be tycho2.vtmag).

    If sending the table with SAMP does not work, download the CSV file of the histogram: button Download CSV on the statistics view of the column of interest. Then, in TOPCAT, load the table: FileLoad Table.

  3. Plot the histogram.

    Now, ensure the table you sent is selected and click on the Histogram Plot button (or alternatively, go into the menu GraphicsHistogram Plot):

    In the bottom part of the opened window, set X = minRange and Weight = count, like shown below.

    Congratulations, you have reproduce the column histogram in TOPCAT!

    You can now zoom in/out, change the bin size down to a certain limit, have a cumulative histogram, normalize the count values, flip axes, put axes in log, select a subset of bins, ...

How are the sky maps computed?

All sky maps are based on Healpix. The resolution is adapted in function of the size of the catalogue in order to obtain as less "empty pixels" (i.e. pixels with no information) as possible. The order/resolution of the Healpix tessellation is generally indicated in the header of the FITS file.

Pixel values

In density maps, the value of a pixel is the number of sources contained in the corresponding sky area.
In column maps, it is the average of this column value for all sources contained in this sky area.

Image or FITS?

The images aim to provide a quick preview of the map. A linear normalization is performed on all pixel values, and the limit values of the color map are adjusted so that excluding outliers (determined with an histogram of 100 bins ; bins representing less than 5E-4% of the total number of pixels are considered as outliers). On the right part of the image, the legend indicates you the mapping between the pixel values and the pixel colors. The histogram on the right of the color map shows the ratio of displayed pixels (including outliers) for each range of colors.

The FITS files are Healpix maps. Since it is a table, you can display it in TOPCAT, but it would be actually more interesting in Aladin if you want to project the map on the sky, to play with the color map or to get a specific pixel value.

How to send and display a sky map in Aladin?

  1. Open Aladin.

  2. Send the Healpix map to Aladin.

    On the statistics view of the sky map of interest, click on Send to Aladin.

    If you are not yet connected to SAMP, a dialog will popup. Just click on Yes.

    Aladin should have now received and already displayed the map. If so, it should appear in the plan list (right panel) under a name generated with the table and column name (e.g. for the column e_vtmag of Tycho2, it would be tycho2.e_vtmag).

    Congratulations, you have displayed your sky map in Aladin!

    You can now move on the sky, zoom in-out, change the coordinate system, change the color map and the normalisation (see button of the tool bar pixel), change the projection (see button of the tool bar prop), ...

    By default, the Send to Aladin action also change the color map in Aladin to Rainbow ; otherwise the default color map is Gray (i.e. shades of gray).

    If sending the table with SAMP does not work, download the FITS file of the sky map: button Download FITS on the statistics view of the column of interest. Then, in Aladin, load the table: FileOpen, and then go in the tab File. You can also drag & drop the file from a file browser directly in the Aladin view area.

Single Source Search

What is a Single Source Search service?

This Web-Service let's you query the Gaia catalogue in order to get only one source. You can either provide a Gaia source ID, a pair of coordinates or an object name (as known by Simbad or NED). It is also possible to provide a CSV-like file listing sources to fetch.

When an object name or a position is given, only the closest Gaia source is returned. However, as described below, it is possible to get more Gaia sources close to the specified position with a special parameter.

This service always returns all information available in the Gaia catalogue. It is not possible to choose the columns you want to get.

Which tables are accessible in the Single Source Search service?

Only two tables can be targeted by this service: gaia_source (for each existing release) and tgas_source.

How to use the Single Source Search Service?

The Single Source Search Service is not a VO standard. It is a web service that can be access easily from a website, by command line or any other tool able to perform HTTP GET/POST requests.

ARI website

The easiest way to use this service is through the ARI's Gaia webpage: All you have to do is fill in the form and click on what you want to do:

  • View: to display the result below on the same web-page. The closest source will be shown entirely as a table while the other candidates will be plotted on an Aladin Lite view.
  • Download as...: to download the result in the format of your choice.
  • Send to...: to send the result using SAMP to a VO client such as TOPCAT.

You may notice that in addition of all available information about a matching Gaia source, its angular distance from the target position is returned. This value is merely labeled distance and is expressed in degrees. You can see it either between brackets in the title of the left panel for the closest source or in the measurement table of the Aladin Lite view when you click on another Gaia source candidate. Of course, this value is also available when you download/send the query result.

HTTP GET/POST requests

As said above, you can simply query this Web-Service by command line or from a standalone application by sending HTTP requests with appropriate parameters to for Gaia or for TGAS.

Both HTTP GET and POST methods are supported with exactly the same parameters. All the allowed parameters are described just below:

Example Description
General parameters
f votable The format in which you want to get the result.
Three values are allowed: csv, json and votable.
If this parameter is omitted or if another value is provided, the result will be returned using the CSV format.
Search by ID
id 381540121205828224 The Gaia source ID of the source you want the information.
Search by Object Name
(the closest Gaia source will be returned)
obj rr lyrae The name of the target object.
This name is resolved using the CDS Sesame Name Resolver.
v whatever If this parameter is provided (whatever is its value), the Single Source Service will returned the closest position but also the 20 other closest Gaia sources.
Search by Position
(the closest Gaia source will be returned)
ra 247.35191542
16 29 24.4597
The Right Ascension (ICRS, epoch=2015) of the target position. It must be either expressed in degrees or written with the HMS notation.
dec -26.432002612
-26 25 55.2094
The Declination (ICRS, epoch=2015) of the target position. It must be either expressed in degrees or written with the DMS notation.
v whatever If this parameter is provided (whatever is its value), the Single Source Service will returned the closest position but also the 20 other closest Gaia sources.
Search by File

This research mode can be performed only with an HTTP-POST request with encoding=multipart/form-data.

Each line must designate a source that you want to find in the Gaia catalogue. A line entry can be one of the following: an object name, a Gaia source ID or a pair of ICRS coordinates (RA and DEC values must be expressed in degrees or using a sexagesimal notation (HMS for RA and DMS for DEC) and must be separated by a comma).

The returned document will always contain as many rows as the input file. When no match is found for an input source, an empty row is returned.

If an object name is wrong or a pair of coordinates is incorrect, the whole request will be canceled and an error message will be returned ; the number of the incorrect line will be indicated.

A row is always starting with the two following columns:

  • input_source: the input row (i.e. object name or coordinates).
  • distance: the angular distance (in degrees) between the input target and the matched Gaia/TGAS source. This column is NULL (or empty) when the input target was a Gaia source ID.
Multiple researches in a a single HTTP request?

It is NOT possible to research more than one source in a single HTTP request, except by uploading a CSV file (parameter positions)!

If parameters of different research modes (i.e. by id, by position, object name or file) are set in the same HTTP request, the following priority rule will be applied: positions > id > obj > ra & dec.

Besides, if the same parameter is provided several times, only the last value will be taken into account.

Examples of Single Source Search queries in command line
# Research for the Gaia source 381540121205828224
wget -O mySource.csv ''

# Research of the closest TGAS source around rr lyrae (result in JSON)
wget -O mySource.json ''

# Research of the closest Gaia source around a specific position (result in VOTable with more candidates)
wget -O mySources.vot ''

# Research by file (result in VOTable)
curl -F "positions=@pos.csv" -F "f=votable" ''

Which output formats are available?

Three output formats are proposed:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • VOTable

You can choose the format you want using the parameter f (allowed values: csv, json and votable). If no such parameter is set or if the given format name is unknown/unsupported, the default format will be CSV.

Only the VOTable format provides metadata (description, unit, UCD) for each output column.

Cone Search

What is a Cone Search service?

A Cone Search service (originally called Simple Cone Search service) is a web service following the standard defined by the IVOA. A such service is able to execute cone search requests (i.e. research of sources around a given position in the sky and with a given radius) on a specified catalogue.
See the IVOA standard

This service has a fixed behavior and standard parameters. Thus, whoever is providing a such service in the world, a Cone Search compatible client is already able to use it

Which tables are accessible in the Cone Search service?

Only two tables can be targeted by this service: gaia_source (for each data release) and tgas_source.

How to use the Cone Search service?

Some clients
  • This specific Cone Search service comes with a web interface available at this page: Cone Search.
  • Besides, any Cone Search service is accessible using a Cone Search client. A well-known client for this purpose is TOPCAT
    To use it, click on the menu item VOCone Search. In the opened window, you can either search in the registry for this service or write/copy-paste the following URL in the bottom part: for Gaia or for TGAS.
  • You can also use PyVO if you are working with Python scripts.

Minimum three parameters must be provided:

  • RA: right ascension in degrees between [0;360] (ICRS,J2015)
  • DEC: declination in degrees between [-90;+90] (ICRS,J2015)
  • SR: radius of the cone in degrees between [0;180]

An additional parameter is possible: VERB. It lets you choose the amount of columns you want to get. Only three values are possible: 1 (minimum), 2 (normal) and 3 (maximum). If none is specified by the user, the default value is 2. The real meaning of these values depends in function of the service/catalogue. In the case of this service: 1 is for [source_id, ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, phot_g_mean_mag], 2 is to get the same columns + their errors, and 3 is to get all available columns.

Cone Search in the command line?

Which output formats are available?

Only one output format is possible in a Simple Cone Search Service: VOTable.

Why are my results never bigger than 10,000,000 rows?

Considering the size of the whole Gaia catalogue, this Cone Search service is limiting the result files to 10 million rows. This limit may change (bigger or smaller) in the future.

If you are not really interested by all sources in the specified cone, you should use the TAP service in order to add more constraints on your research.

I get so many/few columns. How to get less/more?

By default, this Cone Search service returns the following columns:

  • source_id
  • ra
  • ra_error
  • dec
  • dec_error
  • parallax
  • parallax_error
  • pmra
  • pmra_error
  • pmdec
  • pmdec_error
  • phot_g_mean_mag

Thanks to the optional parameter VERB you can choose the amount of columns you want to get. Only three values are possible: 1 (minimum), 2 (normal) and 3 (maximum). If none is specified by the user, the default value is 2. If you use the value 1 you will get less columns (i.e. same columns without the errors). On the contrary, the value 3 will let you get all available columns.

Be careful when using VERB=3 that your search radius stays reasonable. Otherwise, the number of matching rows multipled by the number of all columns (≥ 50 for the Gaia catalogue) can result into a huge result file.


What is a TAP service?

A TAP (Table Access Protocol) service is a web service following the standard defined by the IVOA. A such service is able to any query expressed in ADQL on one or more tables.
See the IVOA standard

ADQL (Astronomical Data Query Language) is a query language derived from SQL, language broadly used by DataBase Management Systems. However, only SELECT-type queries are possible. In addition of the most common SQL functions and features, ADQL provides a way to select sources by specifying sky regions.
See the IVOA standard

This service, as the Cone Search service, has a fixed behavior and standard parameters. Thus, whoever is providing a such service in the world, a TAP compatible client is already able to use it

Which catalogues are accessible in the TAP service?

All catalogues and their columns available for TAP requests are listed on the page Data & Statistics. If you do not find (anymore) a column or table, it means it is not available (anymore).

How to use the TAP service?

Some clients
  • This specific TAP service comes with a web interface available at this page: TAP.
  • Besides, any TAP service is accessible using a TAP client. A well-known client for this purpose is TOPCAT.
    To use it, click on the menu item VOTable Access Protocol (TAP) Query. In the opened window, you can either search in the registry for this service or write/copy-paste the following URL in the bottom part:
  • Another compatible VO client is TAPHandle. In the top part of the website, you have an input field in which, as with TOPCAT, you can either search in the registry or write the above URL to connect to this TAP service.
  • You can also use PyVO if you are working with Python scripts.
Execution modes

TAP comes with two execution modes: synchronous and asynchronous. In the first mode, you interact like with the Cone Search service: you send parameters (here: an ADQL query) and you get the result file in response.

In asynchronous mode, the interaction with the service is... well, asynchronous. Basically, you send your query but instead of getting the result file, you are redirected toward a description of the corresponding query execution job on the service side. Among all information provided in this description document, you will find a job ID, an execution state/phase (e.g. EXECUTING, COMPLETED or ERROR) and a link toward the result whenever the query has finished successfully. Once your query sent and the job description got, you can come again to the same description document (using the URL on which you have been redirected) and get the result whenever you want before the automatic job destruction.

In brief, the asynchronous mode aims to be used for long queries whereas the synchronous mode is more limited in term of duration. Besides, if the service is temporarily too busy, it may reject queries in synchronous mode while in asynchronous mode, queries will be just queued for a later execution.

Anyway, do not bother too much with this execution modes and particularly with how the asynchronous one is working. Compatible VO clients or the web form provided on this website are there to hide to you any kind of complexity

TAP in the command line?

How to write an ADQL query?

A simple ADQL query has the next structure:


Where the parenthesis mean either/or and the brackets mean that they are optional, but important for data selection. As a breakdown:

  • TOP <NUMBER>: Number of rows you want to retrieve
  • <COLUMNS>: Comma separated list of columns
  • *: Wildcard for the column list, meaning it would pick all. Thus, use with caution when querying big tables.
  • FROM <TABLE> table where the information resides.
  • WHERE <CONDITIONS> the conditions the data need to fill, with logical opeators (AND/OR) mixing relational operations (such as equality, bigger/lower than,...) between columns and values mixing. For instance: WHERE parallax_over_error < 0.1 AND ruwe < 1.4
  • ORDER BY <COLUMN> ASC/DESC refers to the order of the rerieved data by one or various columns (comma-separated)

For example:

SELECT TOP 10 ra, dec, ruwe FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source WHERE ruwe < 1.4 ORDER BY ruwe ASC

Means: select the right ascension, declination and re-normalised unit weight error for the first ten sources of the gaiadr3.gaia_source where the ruwe is lower than 1.4 and order them in ascending order by that column.

But they can become quite complicated depending on your needs. As such, the best and most accurate documentation you can find about ADQL is of course the standard document of the IVOA:

However, some services or people of the VO are already providing cheat sheets and tutorials that may help you to discover this language. Here are some of them:

Tutorials Cheat sheets
A dedicated ADQL help may come later on this page or directly on the TAP web-form!

How to perform a crossmatch with my own table(s)?

A TAP service may come with an UPLOAD feature allowing a user to upload its own table (obligatory a VOTable file) on the service in order to perform crossmatch with the TAP tables. An additional HTTP parameter specifying the table file(s) to upload and its (their) name must be provided. Once done, you just have to write in the ADQL query TAP_UPLOAD.{myTable} (where {myTable} is the name you specified when uploading your table) to make a reference to it.

This TAP service supports this feature. Though the web interface is not yet adapted for such request, you can use it with any TAP client like TOPCAT.

In this latter, any table visible in the table list can be uploaded on the target TAP service. You do not have anything else to do than just mentionning the table as TAP_UPLOAD.t{tableIndex}. This {tableIndex} prefixes the table name in the table list:

Here is an example of ADQL query making a positionnal crossmatch between gaia_source and this table indexed 2 in TOPCAT:

SELECT target.*, src.*
FROM TAP_UPLOAD.t2 src JOIN gaia_source target
  ON CONTAINS(POINT('', target.ra, target.dec), CIRCLE('', src.ra, src.dec, 1./60)) = 1
Table order

In order to faster your query, always put the smallest table in first position in a JOIN close.

Similarly, you should really pay attention on the JOIN condition ; in particular, in case of a positional crossmatch, the POINT is always the sources you want to get, and the CIRCLE is always the input positions.

Circle radius

An expression like 5/60 will always return an integer (so, here: 0). In order to avoid this undesired behavior, merely add a dot after one of the numbers. For instance: 5./60, 5/60. or 5./60..

Which output formats are available?

The protocol TAP defines VOTable as the mandatory format, but allows services to propose more. In order to let the clients/users know the possible output formats, each TAP service must declare them in an endpoint named capabilities. There, you will also find all other kinds of information about the TAP service: output formats, limits and additional ADQL functions.

TAP Capabilities

Why can I not download the whole Gaia catalogue with ADQL?

Considering the volume of some catalogues (or of some special query result), this TAP service is limiting the result files to a set number of rows. This limit is declared following the TAP protocol on the standard endpoint capabilities:

TAP Capabilities

When the result of a query is truncated, an OVERFLOW flag is appended to the VOTable document.

Why has my query been automatically aborted?

This situation happens when the user sends an ABORT or DELETE request on the job, or when the maximum execution duration or the destruction time of the job has been reached. In this last case, you should not be able to see the job anymore.

Both of the limits mentionned above are declared following the TAP protocol on the standard endpoint capabilities:

TAP Capabilities

How to get ADQL examples in TOPCAT?

A TAP service may provide some examples on a web-page usually located at {TAP_root-URL}/examples. Though it is a web-page, and so in HTML, it is using a particular syntax allowing programs to parse it and retrieve the list of examples, their name, description and ADQL query. Thus, a smart tool can display this list to TAP users so that they can choose to execute one of them.

TOPCAT is one of these smart VO programs. You can see below how to display Service-Provided examples, when a TAP Service provides some.

More examples?

Even if the TAP Service does not provide any example, TOPCAT generates some for the selected table. These examples are listed in different sub-lists in function of what they do:

Examples to get all the columns or the principal ones for the first rows. But also to perform a BOX or CONE search.
To perform a simple crossmatch between the selected TAP table and the table selected in the TOPCAT tables list. A table must have been loaded in TOPCAT so that this sub-list appears.
Examples of manipulation of the TAP metadata (i.e. list and description of published schema, tables and columns).


I have question(s)/problem(s)/suggestion(s). Who can I contact?

For any questions/comments/suggestions you can send an email to Jon Juaristi Campillo -

If you have experienced a problem with a service or the website, please provide enough information in order to help me reproduce it such as the service used, query, client, etc.