ARI's Gaia Services

All last new events (e.g. new feature, new data, bug correction) in the ARI's Gaia Services.

14th May 2024 Regarding the recent unexpected shutdown
Our services had to be shut down due to an unexpected hardware failure.

On the 4th of May (Saturday), our services were reported to be innacessible. After some diagnostics, it was discovered that its nature was a hardware error. For security reasons, the server was subsequently shut down, since fixing the issue required to replace the affected part.

After its installation and posterior checks, all was deemed to be working as expected. Therefore the server has been up again up since the 10th of May (Friday).

We apologise for the inconvenience. On the meantime, we will research of methods to relay these kind of messages through alternative channels.

7th February 2023 Updates to DR3 data
Three tables have been added to the third Gaia Data Release

Three tables have been added to the third Gaia Data Release. The first two are derived from published papers.

In addition, a corrected version of the gaiadr3.vari_planetary_transit table has been added, which contained serious errors. The original version has been renamed to gaiadr3.vari_planetary_transit_13june2022. For more information, you can check the details on the ESA archive known issues page.

For detailed information on the aforementioned tables, their composition can be checked at Data & Statistics

13th June 2022 Gaia DR3 online!
The third Gaia Data Release is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

The Gaia DR3 is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

On this server you can query and use the data of the Gaia Data Release 3. As of 2022-06-13, 88 tables are queriable, as described in detail on  Data & statistics, number which includes the tables carried over from EDR3, with two complementary tables:

  1. gaiadr3.gaia_source_lite: a lightweight version of gaiadr3.gaia_source, with less columns.
  2. gaiadr3.gaia_source_corrections, and updated version of gaiaedr3.gaia_source_corrections with the fields which have been corrected from EDR3 removed.

This new release includes data products such as the spectra,, astrophysical parameters, MCMC samples, epoch photometry and radial velocities, non single stars, galaxies, quasars... and much more. For the specifics, check the link above and/or refer to the official documentation.

At ARI, in addition to the interactive web page, three services are offered (of which two are useful for Virtual Observatory users):

In addition, in order to get related data to the one obtained through these services, we offer a DataLink service. Due to its specialist nature, it has not a web frontend yet and it is recommended to be used via VO-compatible tools such as TOPCAT (with its activation window) or PyVO (with its data access subpackage). A dedicated help section will be available soon.

As an extra, in order to support the Single Source service from Python, the API script has been updated accordingly, alongside a usage example.

8th June 2022 Machine migration successful
Box migration successful

The machine migration announced yesterday (news item below), has been done at around 15:20 CEST (UTC+2), and now the website is served by a new machine.

You will need to re-run your running async TAP jobs. There have been attempts to migrate them, but they have been unsuccessful.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

7th June 2022 Machine migration on the 8th of June
Box migration on the 8th

In order to prepare for the upcoming Gaia DR3, our Gaia Service will be offered by a new machine. As such, a migration will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 08/06/2022 on the afternoon CEST (UTC+2).

Your running async jobs will need to be re-ran in the new machine after the migration has been finished.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

30th July 2021 EDR3 G-band corrections for non-corrected sources added
EDR3 G-band corrections for non-corrected sources added

It recently came to our attention that the corrections for G-band mean flux and magnitude were not applied for part of the sources. The columns affected, respectively, are phot_g_mean_flux_corr and phot_g_mean_mag_corr, on the gaiaedr3.gaia_source_corrections table.

A fix has been applied and now both columns contain corrected data for all sources. For more information on the G-band correction, you can check the details on the ESA archive known issues page.

We thank Alex Golovin for notifying us about this issue.

17th June 2021 Updated EDR3 corrections table now available
Updated EDR3 corrections table now available.

The table gaiaedr3.gaia_source_corrections now includes G-band corrections for flux and magnitude (phot_g_mean_flux_corr and phot_g_mean_flux_corr, respectively) for both 2-parameter solutions, in addition to the 6-parameter solutions.

For more information on the correction, you can check the details on the ESA archive known issues page.

11th June 2021 Warning on EDR3 corrections table G-band values
Warning on EDR3 corrections table, new update coming soon.

A mistake has been recently found on the G-band EDR3 corrections table, queriable as gaiaedr3.gaia_source_corrections, where the G-band corrections for flux and magnitude (phot_g_mean_flux_corr and phot_g_mean_flux_corr, respectively) have only been applied for 6-parameter sources, when 2-parameters ones also need to be corrected too.

In the coming days the updated data should be online. We will notify you when that happens.

For more information on the correction, you can check the details on the ESA archive known issues page.

5th March 2021 Additional EDR3 crossmatches available
Additional crossmatches with EDR3 data have been added.

Additional crossmatches with EDR3 have been added, all of which are accessible through our  TAP service. The corresponding datasets are:

For more information on them you can check their composition in Data & Statistics

4th February 2021 Updates on EDR3 data
Additional EDR3 tables based on the existing data wil soon be provided.

In the next coming days, some updates made to the EDR3 data served in the ARI Gaia Archive will be publicly available in our  TAP service

Two new tables complementary to the EDR3 already available on ARI's Gaia Services will be added:

More columns from gaiaedr3.gaia_source have been indexed, so queries should run better provided you use those fields. On the other hand, the gaiaedr3.gaia_universe_model will finally not be available here due to disk space issues.

More information on the tables in Data & Statistics

3rd December 2020 Gaia EDR3 online!
The early third Gaia Data Release is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

The Gaia EDR3 is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

On this server you can query and use the data of the Gaia early Data Release 3. As of 2020-12-03, 22 tables are queriable, as described in detail on  Data & statistics. The Gaia Universe Model table is not yet available on this mirror; it will be added over the christmas holidays.

At ARI, in addition to the interactive web page, three services are offered (of which two are useful for Virtual Observatory users):

As an extra, in order to support the Single Source service from Python, a small script has been developed, alongside a usage example.

16th October 2020 Improvements on single source visualisation
An error where the time series was not plotted was detected. An improved, albeit with an slightly different design, has been deployed.

An error where the time series failed to be plotted has been detected recently. A new, improved tool had been on the works on the background, using a slightly different design and improving some bugs like zooming and panning, has been deployed.

The tool is located in the Single Source Search page. It will plot one or many timeseries (depending on your searchcriteria) for sources which have them available. For more information on this, there is a news item below. If you want to know how the single source service works, please check FAQ ยง Single Source Search.

If you happen to find new bugs, please let me know by sending an email to

Update 2020-10-21:

Aladin visualisation has been faulty since the deployment of the new time series visualisation functionality. It has been now fixed.

web singlesource
8th January 2019 Re-normalised Unit Weight Error (RUWE) data added
The gaiadr2.gaia_source table from the second Gaia data release now contains the information relevant to the Re-normalised Unit Weight Error (RUWE).

The ARI Gaia DR2 has decided to add support to the weighted errors which give us information about the quality of the data.

The Re-normalised Unit Weight Error or RUWE is a normalisation of the chi-square distribution (or Unit Weight Error) as an statistical indicator of the quality of the data. However this UWE is highly dependant on magnitude and colour. Thus the normalisation works as an goodness-of-fit statistic. More on the RUWE on the technical note GAIA-C3-TN-LU-LL-124-01 (Re-normalising the astrometric chi-square in Gaia DR2) (Lindegren, L. 2018b).

We have added two new fields ruwe and low_ruwe which will be useful on TAP queries.


The RUWE information is now contained in a new table called gaiadr2.ruwe, same as the main ESA archive and other partner data centres. The field is still named ruwe. Our low_ruwe field is not supported anymore. You should update your code accordingly for future queries. For reference, an example which uses one of the fields can be accessed through the  TAP service.

For more information on this, please check Data & Statistics

25th April 2018 Gaia DR2 online!
The second Gaia Data Release is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

The full Gaia DR2 is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

On this website you can get all information about the content of this release. All of the 39 tables (16 main tables + 23 crossmatch tables) are described in details on  Data & Statistics. In addition of a detailed textual description, you will find statistics and sky-maps for all numerical columns of all available tables.

To query these data, the ARI provides three services:

27th February 2018 ADQL auto-completion
On the web interface of TAP, the ADQL editor has been enhanced with an auto-completion mechanism.

The ADQL editor on the Web interface of the TAP service of ARI has been enhanced with an auto-completion mechanism. It is able to automatically complete ADQL keywords, ADQL functions, schema/table/column names as well as additional functions (i.e. UDF = User Defined Functions) provided by ARI. You can trigger it with the common keys combination: Ctrl + Space.

13th December 2017 Online time-series visualization
It is now possible to visualize the time-series of matching sources on the Single Source Search service.

As you may know, Gaia DR1 provides time-series for variable sources, although it concerns only very few sources (i.e. all identified as part of Cepheids and RR-Lyrae, so: 3,194 sources in DR1). It is however expected to have much more time-series in Gaia DR2 :)

So, in preparation for DR2+, a new feature is now available on the Single Source Search page: a simple interactive time-series visualizer. It does not aim to do advance manipulation but only to give good preview of the time-series of the sources you are interested in.

This plot appears automatically when searching by object name, position or ID ONLY IF any time-serie is available for all the matching sources.

With this tool, you can:

25th July 2017 Cone Search Estimation
The size of a cone search query can now be quickly estimated.

On the web page of the Cone Search Service, an estimation of the query result size (in sources and bytes) is now proposed when setting the cone parameters in the form.

The first number gives the maximum number of sources that can be returned by the Cone Search query. The second value is the estimated size of the resulting VOTable based on the maximum number of sources.

The color of the estimated size may change: orange for GiB, red for TiB and grey otherwise.

Besides, if the estimated size is bigger than the limit of the Cone Search service, then a red OVERFLOW label is displayed. Thus, you will know that if you run the Cone Search query, the result will probably be truncated. Then, you should probably choose a smaller radius or decrease the verbosity flag (i.e. the number of columns you want to get).

13th December 2016 TAP examples with STILTS scripts
A STILTS script is now available for all query examples provided along the TAP service.

From the Gaia DR1, the ARI's TAP service has a special resource providing a list of query examples. This list is visible and usable in TOPCAT as described in the help page: "How to get ADQL examples in TOPCAT?" .

TOPCAT is developed together with a derived command line tool of the same author: STILTS . Thanks to this tool, you can easily reproduce queries, crossmatches, plots and anything you do in TOPCAT with just a single script file.

So, now, all examples provided by the TAP service are now associated with a STILTS script that you can download, and execute in order to easily and quickly reproduce the example and its figure(s). Do not hesitate to take inspiration from these scripts to fulfill your own use-cases.

TAP Examples

14th September 2016 Gaia DR1 online!
The first Gaia Data Release is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

The full Gaia DR1 is now available on ARI's Gaia Services.

On this website you can get all information about the content of this release. All of the eight tables are described in details on  Data & Statistics. In addition of a detailed textual description, you will find statistics and sky-maps for all numerical columns of all available tables.

To query these data, the ARI provides three services:

26th August 2016 TAP Upload enabled in the Web interface
A new feature in the Web interface for TAP queries.

The TAP Web interface has now a new feature: the ability to upload one or several table when submitting an ADQL query.

However, there are some limitations you should be aware of:

  • The TAP protocol supports ONLY the VOTable format for uploaded tables. The Web form has then the same constraint.
  • When selecting a file, you will be asked a table name. This table name must start with a latin letter ({aA-zZ}) and may be followed only by an underscore (_), another latin letter ({aA-zZ}) or a digit ({0-9}).
  • There is no limit on the number of tables you can submit. However, you are limited on the size of the whole requests (2MB) and on the total number of rows (see the Capabilities of the TAP service).
9th August 2016 Rehearsal Gaia data ready for testing
The rehearsal Gaia data are simulated data aiming to help testing Gaia data access services before the real Gaia data release.

The rehearsal Gaia data for the first release are now accessible through the ARI's Gaia services. These data are simulated just for test purpose. Thus, you can see how services provided by ARI work and how you could use them for your own scientific purpose.
