Advanced topics
Below are some chapters which include in-depth information about some of the internal workings of Gaia Sky. Things like the maximum allocated heap memory, the data format or the internal reference system are covered here.
- The configuration file
- Proxy configuration
- Performance
- Graphics performance
- Internal reference system
- Data format
- STIL data loader
- Star catalog formats
- Particle catalog formats
- Archetypes
- Components
- Base
- Body
- GraphNode
- Coordinates
- Orientation
- Celestial
- Magnitude
- ProperMotion
- SolidAngle
- Shape
- Trajectory
- ModelScaffolding
- Model
- Volume
- Atmosphere
- Cloud
- RenderFlags
- MotorEngine
- RefSysTransform
- AffineTransformations
- Fade
- DatasetDescription
- Label
- RenderType
- BillboardSet
- Title
- Axis
- LocationMark
- Constel
- Boundaries
- ParticleSet
- StarSet
- ParticleExtra
- Mesh
- Focus
- Raymarching
- Highlight
- Aurora
- Star rendering
- Defining an extrasolar system
- Cubemaps
- Virtual Textures
- Mesh warping