Interface IFocus

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        long getId()
        Returns the unique id of this focus
        The id
      • getCandidateId

        long getCandidateId()
        Returns the id of the focus candidate of this object. Defaults to getId()
        The id of the candidate
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of this focus
        The name
      • getClosestName

        java.lang.String getClosestName()
        Same as getName()
        The name
      • getCandidateName

        java.lang.String getCandidateName()
        Returns the name of the focus candidate of this object. Defaults to getName()
        The name of the candidate
      • getCt

        ComponentTypes getCt()
        Returns the component types of this focus
        The component types
      • isActive

        boolean isActive()
        Returns whether this focus object is active or not. Useful for particle groups
        The active status
      • withinMagLimit

        boolean withinMagLimit()
        Returns true if the focus is within the magnitude limit defined in GlobalConf
        True if focus within magnitude limit
      • getPos

        Vector3d getPos()
        Returns the position
        The position
      • getFirstStarAncestor

        SceneGraphNode getFirstStarAncestor()
        Gets the first ancestor of this node that is of type Star
        The first ancestor of type Star
      • getAbsolutePosition

        Vector3d getAbsolutePosition​(Vector3d out)
        Returns the absolute position of this entity in the native coordinates (equatorial system)
        out - Vector3d where to put the return value
        The absolute position, same as aux
      • getAbsolutePosition

        Vector3d getAbsolutePosition​(java.lang.String name,
                                     Vector3d out)
        Returns the absolute position of the entity identified by name within this entity in the native reference system
        name - The name (lowercase) of the entity to get the position from (useful in case of star groups)
        out - Vector3d to put the return value
        The absolute position of the entity if it exists, null otherwise
      • getPosSph

        Vector2d getPosSph()
        Gets the position in equatorial spherical coordinates
        The position in alpha, delta
      • getPredictedPosition

        Vector3d getPredictedPosition​(Vector3d aux,
                                      ITimeFrameProvider time,
                                      ICamera camera,
                                      boolean force)
        Gets the position of this entity in the next time step in the internal reference system using the given time provider and the given camera
        aux - The out vector where the result will be stored
        time - The time frame provider
        camera - The camera
        force - Whether to force the computation if time is off
        The aux vector for chaining
      • getDistToCamera

        double getDistToCamera()
        Returns the current distance to the camera in internal units
        The current distance to the camera, in internal units
      • getClosestDistToCamera

        double getClosestDistToCamera()
        The distance to the camera in internal units
      • getViewAngle

        double getViewAngle()
        Returns the current view angle of this entity, in radians
        The view angle in radians
      • getViewAngleApparent

        double getViewAngleApparent()
        Returns the current apparent view angle (view angle corrected with the field of view) of this entity, in radians
        The apparent view angle in radians
      • getCandidateViewAngleApparent

        double getCandidateViewAngleApparent()
        Returns the candidate apparent view angle (view angle corrected with the field of view) of this entity, in radians
        The apparent view angle in radians
      • getAlpha

        double getAlpha()
        Returns the right ascension angle of this focus object
        The right ascension angle in degrees
      • getDelta

        double getDelta()
        Returns the declination angle of this focus object
        The declination angle in degrees
      • getSize

        double getSize()
        Returns the size (diameter) of this entity in internal units
        The size in internal units
      • getRadius

        double getRadius()
        Returns the radius of this focus object in internal units
        The radius of the focus, in internal units
      • getHeight

        double getHeight​(Vector3d camPos)
        Returns the height of the projected position of the current camera on this focus object, which is usually the radius plus a value lookup in the height texture (if exists)
        camPos - The camera position
        The height of the projected position of the current camera
      • getHeight

        double getHeight​(Vector3d camPos,
                         boolean useFuturePosition)
        Same as getHeight(Vector3d) but with the option to use the future position of the body instead of the current one.
        camPos - The camera position
        useFuturePosition - Whether to use the future position or the current one
        The height of the projected position of the current camera on the surface
      • getHeight

        double getHeight​(Vector3d camPos,
                         Vector3d nextPos)
        Same as getHeight(Vector3d) but with the option to use the given future position of the body instead of the current one.
        camPos - The camera position
        nextPos - The future position of this body to use
        The height of the projected position of the current camera on the surface
      • getHeightScale

        double getHeightScale()
        Returns the height scale of this focus, or 0 if it has no height info
        The height scale in internal units
      • getAppmag

        float getAppmag()
        Gets the apparent magnitude
        The apparent magnitude
      • getAbsmag

        float getAbsmag()
        Gets the absolute magnitude
        The absolute magnitude
      • getOrientation

        Matrix4d getOrientation()
        Returns the orientation matrix of this focus
        The orientation matrix. Can be null
      • getRotationComponent

        RotationComponent getRotationComponent()
        Returns the rotation component of this focus
        The rotation component. Can be null
      • getOrientationQuaternion

        Quaterniond getOrientationQuaternion()
        Returns the orientation quaternion of this focus
        The orientation quaternion. Can be null
      • addHit

        void addHit​(int screenX,
                    int screenY,
                    int w,
                    int h,
                    int pxdist,
                    NaturalCamera camera,
                    com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<IFocus> hits)
        Adds this focus to the hits list if it is hit by the [screenX, screenY] position
        screenX - The x position of the hit
        screenY - The y position of the hit
        w - The viewport width
        h - The viewport height
        pxdist - The minimum pixel distance to consider as hit
        camera - The camera
        hits - The list where to add the element
      • addHit

        void addHit​(Vector3d p0,
                    Vector3d p1,
                    NaturalCamera camera,
                    com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<IFocus> hits)
        Adds this focus to the hits list if it is hit by the given ray
        p0 - Start point of the ray
        p1 - End point of the ray
        camera - The camera
        hits - The list where the focus is to be added
      • makeFocus

        void makeFocus()
        Hook that runs when the candidate is actually made focus
      • getFocus

        IFocus getFocus​(java.lang.String name)
        Prepares the candidate with the given name
        name - The name in lower case
      • isCoordinatesTimeOverflow

        boolean isCoordinatesTimeOverflow()
        Checks whether this foucs is within its valid time range, so that it can be used as a focus
        Whether the focus object is within its valid time range
      • getSceneGraphDepth

        int getSceneGraphDepth()
        Gets the depth of this focus object in the scene graph
        The depth of the scene graph
      • getOctant

        OctreeNode getOctant()
        Gets the octant this focus belongs to, if any. This will return null if this focus is not part of an octree
        The octant this focus belongs to. Null if it is not part of an octree
      • isCopy

        boolean isCopy()
        Whether this is a copy or not