All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a column type.
Utility class for manipulating knots and splines together
Renders bitmap fonts.
Backing data for a BitmapFont.
Represents a single character in a font page.
Caches glyph geometry for a BitmapFont, providing a fast way to render static text.
Parameter to be passed to AssetManager.load(String, Class, AssetLoaderParameters) if additional configuration is necessary for the BitmapFont.
Minimalistic grouping strategy that splits decals into opaque and transparent ones enabling and disabling blending as needed.
Convenience enum to describe the camera mode
Listener used to get events from ContextMenu.
Ecliptic pole scanning has two modes: PRECEDING (revolving phase angle = 0) and FOLLOWING (revolving phase angle = 180 deg).
Time frame options
The type of files that can be chosen with this file chooser
Stores runs of glyphs for a piece of text.
Stores glyphs and positions for a piece of text which is a single color and does not span multiple lines.
Contains utilities to convert monochrome images to RGB.
Kind of interpolation: for derivative, value or integral
Class that contains all vertex information the builder can use.
ItemsManager<T extends com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable>
A simple program action.
Simple lens flare filter.
Implements a linear function for interpolation of real univariate functions.
Pools arrays of double-precision floating point numbers.
A single location
Main post-processor of Gaia Sky, aggregating all post-processing effects for all render targets.
There are three modes of scanning, enumerated by the ScanState: NOMINAL = running as in NSL, MODIFIED = running at reduced precession speed, TRANSITION = the precession speed is ramping up or down between the NOMINAL and MODIFIED states.
Enumerates the various transition functions tested.
A 3x3 grid of texture regions.
The daemon loader thread.
The orbit refresher thread.
Enum to identify each side of a Cubemap
Enum specifying on which side a point lies respective to the plane and it's normal.
Renders all the 3D/stereoscopic modes.
Holds the geometry, color, and texture information for drawing 2D sprites using Batch.
The style for a TabbedPane.
Loads images from texture atlases created by TexturePacker.

A TextureAtlas must be disposed to free up the resources consumed by the backing textures.
Describes the region of a packed image and provides information about the original image before it was packed.
A sprite that, if whitespace was stripped from the region when it was packed, is automatically positioned as if whitespace had not been stripped.
Defines a rectangular area of a texture.
Reflects the source device of this action.