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System requirements

Operating system Linux / Windows 10+ / macOS
Architecture x86_64, ARM (only Apple silicon through compat layer)
CPU Intel Core i5 3rd Generation. 4+ cores recommended
GPU Support for OpenGL 3.3 (4.2 recommended), 1 GB VRAM
Memory 4+ GB RAM (depends on loaded datasets)
Hard drive 1+ GB of free disk space (depends on downloaded datasets)

Installation instructions

Find full installation and running instructions for every OS in our documentation:

Gaia Sky VR

Gaia Sky supports Virtual Reality via OpenXR on Linux and Windows. Use the CLI argument gaiasky -vr or use the gaiaskyvr.exe executable (on Windows) to run it. You need a VR headset and runtime supporting OpenXR.

Getting the data

The Gaia Sky installation only contains the raw program. If you actually need to run Gaia Sky you will need to download some data (catalogs, 3D models, textures, etc.). To do so, Gaia Sky contains an integrated dataset manager to help you get the datasets you need. In case you need to run Gaia Sky in a machine without an internet connection or have problems with the built-in downloads, we offer direct downloads for all versions of all datasets. As a general rule of thumb, you should always get the most recent version.