All Classes and Interfaces

An interface that can optionally use an AtomicBoolean as a signal to abort its execution.
The help window with About, Help and System sections.
A little helper class to hold a set of three angles and associated rates.
Abstract catalog loader with the transformation from spherical to cartesian coordinates.
Defines all controller inputs
Provides general methods and attributes that all GUIs should have
Abstract Octree wrapper with the common parts of the regular Octree wrapper and the concurrent one
An abstract renderer.
Represents a column type.
A motion blur effect which draws the last frame with a lower opacity.
Motion blur filter that draws the last frame (motion filter included) with a lower opacity.
Actor related utils.
Anaglyph 3D red-cyan effect
Anaglyph 3D red-cyan filter
This abstract class defines the fields and implements the methods that any analytically defined attitude (e.g., NSL or EPSL) need in addition to those in the superclass.
This window shows the Gaia Archive information for a single star
Represents the outline of a country
Utility class to hold the assets that must be loaded when the OpenGL context is present.
Some astronomical goodies to get the position of the Sun, Moon, work out Julian dates, etc.
Implements the same test as in Jean Meeus' Astronomical Algorithms page 343.
Convert a given set of heliotropic angles into a quaternion
A bean that holds the attitude and its activation time.
Class with static utility methods to deal with B-splines.
Utility class for manipulating knots and splines together
Parses the XML files with the attitudes and their activation times into a binary search tree.
Extend this class to implement a material attribute.
Representation of axes
A skybox object.
Common base class for all attitude data servers.
Renders image files synchronously
Bias filter.
Holds a particle dataset with the metadata.
Renders billboard galaxies with no texture, just blobs
Represents a group of particle datasets that are represented as billboards.
Renders billboard datasets by sending them to the GPU at once.
Reads arrays of star beans from binary files, usually to go in an octree.
Interface to read and write stars, to be implemented by different binary format versions.
Base implementation of binary version, which accommodates most versions.
Implements an unbalanced binary search tree.
Original binary version (0), used in DR1 and DR2.
Binary version 1, used in eDR3 mainly.
Binary version 2, used in latter eDR3 runs, and DR3+.
Renders bitmap fonts.
Backing data for a BitmapFont.
Represents a single character in a font page.
Caches glyph geometry for a BitmapFont, providing a fast way to render static text.
AssetLoader for BitmapFont instances.
Parameter to be passed to AssetManager.load(String, Class, AssetLoaderParameters) if additional configuration is necessary for the BitmapFont.
A bitset, without size limitation, allows comparison via bitwise operators to other bitfields.
Manages the bookmarks in Gaia Sky.
Encapsulates an axis aligned bounding box represented by a minimum and a maximum Vector.
BSplined<T extends Vectord<T>>
Buffers the writing of images to disk
Black-body based conversion between effective temperature and B-V color.
An InputStream whose source is a ByteBuffer.
Camera blur that relies on a precomputed velocity map for the scene
Minimalistic grouping strategy that splits decals into opaque and transparent ones enabling and disabling blending as needed.
Convenience enum to describe the camera mode
Camera blur effect.
Contains camera utilities
Contains the logic to record the camera state at each frame.
Interface for catalog filters for celestial bodies.
Represents any celestial body.
Tests the change of base matrices
Tests the change of base matrices
A circular area about a centre c (which is defined by a Place object), and radius r.
A collapsible pane with a detach-to-window button.
A CollapsableWindow can be expanded/collapsed with a single click on the title bar.
A version of ColorPicker on steroids.
A little widget showing a color and allowing to change it using a color picker dialog.
Colour component containing information about a colour
The CommentedProperties class is an extension of java.util.Properties to allow retention of comment lines and blank (whitespace only) lines in the properties file.
Specifies a combination of Areas.
BitSet with some added functionality
This class implements the Attitude interface and contains just the minimum fields necessary to define a unique attitude at a given time, plus a large number of methods to compute quantities that depend only on this attitude and time.
A ConcreteDuration is a duration that is linked to a time scale
Widget that captures and displays messages in a GUI.
This class contains some constant values, global to the workings of Gaia Sky
Represents a constellation object.
Listener used to get events from ContextMenu.
Dialog to configure a controller interactively
GUI that is operated with a game controller and optimized for that purpose.
Reads inputListener mappings from a file
Encapsulates a separable 2D convolution kernel filter
Provides utility coordinate conversions between some astronomical coordinate systems and to Cartesian coordinates.
Cosmic ruler that shows the distance between two objects.
Displays info about the current crash.
Creates a report whenever Gaia Sky crashes and saves it to disk.
AssetLoader for OwnCubemap instances.
Fisheye effect
Cubemap projections (spherical, cylindrical, hammer, fisheye) filter.
Widget that displays custom objects on screen.
Dataset manager.
The datasets pane in the controls window
Listens to dataset manager events and relays them to the interested UI elements.
A dialog to pick a date.
A finite number of days There are two implementations provided of the conversions methods one as object interface, where an object of the current class has to be instantiated.
This GUI shows debug information in the top-right corner of the screen
This class provides utils to use Sprites and Fonts as if they were Decals, this is, flat textures in the 3D space.
Debug effect.
Debug filter, renders the contents of the depth texture attachment
This interface provides the method through which a set of ODEs may be coded and supplied to the methods in the class RungeKutta.
An Attribute which can be used to send an Array of DirectionalLight instances to the Shader.
Compares entities.
A resizable, ordered or unordered double array.
Contains utilities to download files
Just copies the texture in the input to the output.
A Duration represents an amount of time on a proper time scale.
Orbit on the ecliptic plane.
Implementation of the Ecliptic Pole Scanning Law (EPSL)
Ecliptic pole scanning has two modes: PRECEDING (revolving phase angle = 0) and FOLLOWING (revolving phase angle = 180 deg).
This class implements a combination of the Ecliptic Pole Scanning Law (EPSL) and the Nominal Scanning Law (NSL), by switching from EPSL to NSL at the reference epoch (tRef).
A compound object for holding equatorial angles and their rates as per Fig.
This application displays an error in a window.
Represents an event.
Event manager that allows for subscription of observers to events (identified by strings), and also for the creation of event objects by anyone.
Time frame options
Implementation of the scripting interface using the event system
A shader program encapsulates a vertex and fragment shader pair linked to form a shader program.
Draws batched quads using indices.
Node that offers fade-in and fade-out capabilities.
Uses jafama (FastMath) library.
A simple file chooser for scene2d.ui
The type of files that can be chosen with this file chooser
A filter on a dataset as a set of rules
The base class for any single-pass filter.
The base class for any single-pass filter.
Fisheye effect
Fisheye distortion filter
Lens flare effect as described in John Chapman's article (without lens dirt or diffraction starburst).
This adds the lens dirt and starburst effects to the lens flare.
Part of the user interface which holds the information on the current focus object and on the camera.
FOV enumeration
The field of view cameras
A truncated rectangular pyramid.
Full OpenGL GUI with all the controls and whistles.
Encapsulates a fullscreen quad, geometry is aligned to the screen corners.
Encapsulates a fullscreen quad, geometry is aligned to the screen corners.
Implements the fast approximate anti-aliasing.
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
Provides caching of the last Nsl37 attitude requested.
The main class.
Main class for the Gaia Sky desktop and VR launcher.
Contains the infrastructure to run tasks that sort and update the dataset metadata.
Exposes a builder accepting a buffer builder.
Extends hub connector to provide some very basic logging using the Gaia Sky internal logging system.
This application implements the external view of Gaia Sky, which renders the main back render buffer into a different window.
This will be phased out eventually.
Represents a generic catalog of objects.
A generic spacecraft
Loads GeoJson files to Area objects.
Implements geometry warp and blending from MPCDI
This filter implements the geometry warp and blending defined in the MPCDI format.
Keeps pace of the simulation time vs real time and holds the global clock.
Holds and initialises resources utilised globally.
Scattering Light effect.
Stores runs of glyphs for a piece of text.
Stores glyphs and positions for a piece of text which is a single color and does not span multiple lines.
This is just a test for now
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
Contains key definitions for Gaia Sky
A GTI (Good Time Interval), is a
A collection of Good Time Intervals (GTIs).
A GUI component.
Manages the Graphical User Interfaces of Gaia Sky
* General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms Library * * Author: Arash Partow - 2002 * URL: * URL: * * Copyright notice: * Free use of the General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms Library is * permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most current * version of the Common Public License.
A compound object for holding heliotropic angles and their rates as per Fig.
Orbit in the heliotropic reference system.
A heliotropic satellite, which maintains the position relative to the sun.
This abstract class contains the fields needed to store numerical attitude in the form of arrays (q and SRS rates), and a method to calculate the attitude for any given time using cubic Hermite interpolation
This guy implements high level operations which run concurrently to the main thread by starting new threads
Loads HIP star names.
A finite number of hours There are two implementations provided of the conversions methods one as object interface, where an object of the current class has to be instantiated.
Head-up display GUI which only displays information and has no options window.
Manages the i18n (internationalization) system
Format i18n bundle files according to a reference file.
This class computes the translation status for each language.
Interface to be implemented by all entities that can render a text in 3d space
Interface to be implemented by all algorithms that create a group of virtual particles for an octant.
This is the basic interface for all attitude representations and scanning laws.
Attitude server interface.
Represents an attribute
Defines the interface to get the coordinates of a body
Camera interface to be implemented by all cameras in Gaia Sky.
Helper generic class to create icospheres.
Contract that all focus objects must implement.
An interface to be implemented by all top-level GUIs in Gaia Sky
Interface to implement by all entities that are to be rendered as lines whose points are floated by the camera position in the CPU
Utility class to render the current frame buffer to images
Interface to implement by all the entities that can be rendered as a model
This window controls the visibility of individual objects
Common code to all render systems that render quads with GPU instancing.
An Animation has an id and a list of IntNodeAnimation instances.
Takes a linear value in the range of 0-1 and outputs a (usually) non-linear, interpolated value.
Kind of interpolation: for derivative, value or integral
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts
An IntIndexData instance holds index data.
Class to construct a mesh, optionally splitting it into one or more mesh parts.
This implementation uses 32-bit integer indices instead of 16-bit shorts used in Mesh
A libgdx MeshPart which uses IntMesh (for integer indices) instead of a regular Mesh A MeshPart is composed of a subset of vertices of a IntMesh, along with the primitive type.
Class that contains all vertex information the builder can use.
This implementation uses IntMesh and IntMeshPart instead of Mesh and MeshPart.
Batches IntRenderable instances, fetches IntShaders for them, sorts them and then renders them.
Helper class to create IntModels from code.
Returned by a ModelLoader, contains meshes, materials, nodes and animations.
An instance of a IntModel, allows to specify global transform and modify the materials, as it has a copy of the model's materials.
A node is part of a hierarchy of Nodes in a IntModel.
A NodeAnimation defines keyframes for a IntNode in a IntModel.
A combination of IntMeshPart and Material, used to represent a IntNode's graphical properties.
A Renderable contains all information about a single render instruction (typically a draw call).
Returns a list of IntRenderable instances to be rendered by a IntModelBatch.
Responsible for sorting IntRenderable lists by whatever criteria (material, distance to camera, etc.)
Interface which is used to render one or more IntRenderables.
Returns IntShader instances for a IntRenderable on request.
A VertexData instance holds vertices for rendering with OpenGL.
The sole purpose of this class is to act as an invisible focus.
Interface to be implemented by anyone willing to watch and be notified of events.
Interface for octree generators.
Data provider for a particle group.
Interface to be implemented by those entities that can be rendered as a single point, floated by the camera position in the CPU
Interface that must implement all entities that have a position.
Interface for component renderers
Any entity which contains a proper motion
A top-level renderable interface that all renderable objects must extend
A component that renders a type of objects.
Defines the interface for any scene graph implementation
Defines the interface for scene graph loaders.
Scripting interface.
Interface that must be extended by all types of scene graph renderers
Data provider for a star group, which contains an index map with the names and indices of the stars.
ItemsManager<T extends com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable>
Basic interface for entities that provide an time frame in the scene
Represents a generic matrix transformation
Trigonometry interface to enable multiple implementations
This interface must be implemented by all objects whose visibility can be manipulated using the per-object visibility controls.
Writes JPG images
Implements the loading of scene graph nodes using libgdx's json library.
A finite number of years.
Contains the key mappings and the actions.
A simple program action.
This input inputListener connects the input events with the key binding actions
Represents a keyframe and contains the camera state, the simulation time, the frame and a descriptor name.
Pseudo lens flare implementation.
Implements brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels, plus auto-tone mapping HDR and gamma correction.
Controls levels of brightness and contrast
Light glow implementation.
Light scattering implementation.
Lineard<T extends Vectord<T>>
Renders lines as Polyline Quadstrips (Polyboards).
Link widget.
Displays the loading screen.
Manages and generates sentences to display during loading.
This guy is in charge of logging the visited locations and serving them to the corresponding subsystems.
A single location
Least Recently Used cache implementation
Definition of a spacecraft with its parameters, model, etc.
Manages a master instance which makes available state information to others in order to synchronize a session.
A basic component that contains the info on a material
Utility and fast math functions.
Encapsulates a column major 4 by 4 matrix.
RAM memory information
MenuItem contains text or text with icon.
Widget that displays big messages on screen.
Writes and reads the metadata to/from binary.
Use BillboardDataset instead.
A finite number of minutes.
Renders with a given model batch.
Abstract class with the basic functionality of bodies represented by a 3D model
Compares models.
Class to generate Gaia Modified Scanning Law (MSL).
There are three modes of scanning, enumerated by the ScanState: NOMINAL = running as in NSL, MODIFIED = running at reduced precession speed, TRANSITION = the precession speed is ramping up or down between the NOMINAL and MODIFIED states.
Enumerates the various transition functions tested.
Coordinates of the Moon given by the algorithm in Jean Meeus' Astronomical Algorithms book.
Mosaic with 4 textures
This class implements the Modified Scanning Law (MSL) by Hermite interpolation of the attitude quaternion among values obtained by numerical integration of the basic equations in heliotropic angles.
The base class for any multi-pass filter.
This guy is in charge of managing the music playlist and actually playing the sounds
A finite number of nanoseconds.
Models the movement of the camera
Input listener for the natural camera.
This class contains various unit conversion constants for angles, distance and time units
Use JSON format instead, with JsonLoader.
Implements the normal filter anti-aliasing.
Normal filtered anti-aliasing filter.
A 3x3 grid of texture regions.
Contains the parameters and functions for procedural elevation
Widget that captures and displays messages in a GUI.
Improved analytical representation of the Gaia Nominal Scanning Law (NSL).
Analytical representation of the Nominal Sun for the Gaia NSL.
Class with various static methods for analytical scanning laws.
This abstract class defines the fields and implements the methods that any numerically defined attitude need in addition to those in the superclass.
An unordered map where the keys are objects and the values are unboxed doubles.
A component that shows a search box and some of the objects in Gaia Sky.
Utility class to create octahedron spheres.
Implements a f: mag -> level bijective map, where octree nodes in a level are filled with magnitude-sorted stars until one of them is saturated before proceeding to lower levels.
Holds the parameters for the octree generation.
Greedy generator where octants in a level are filled up with as many stars as possible before proceeding to lower levels.
Generates an octree of star groups.
Implements the loading and streaming of octree nodes from files.
Octree node implementation which contains a list of IPosition objects and possibly 8 sub-nodes.
Static Octree wrapper that can be inserted into the scene graph.
Generates particles that make up the Oort cloud.
A polyline that represents a closed orbit.
This class acts as a group of orbital element objects.
Renders orbital elements groups as a whole.
Renders single isolated orbits defined with orbital elements.
Reads an orbit file into an OrbitData object.
Abstract data loader to rule them all.
Reads an orbit file into an OrbitData object.
Reads an orbit file into an OrbitData object.
The orbit refresher thread.
Samples an orbit for a particular Body.
Operating system related utils.
A regular scene2d.ui Button on steroids.
Wraps a standard OpenGL ES Cubemap.
Enum to identify each side of a Cubemap
A regular scene2d.ui ImageButton on steroids.
Small overriding that returns the user set size as preferred size.
Same as a regular slider, but contains the title (name) and the value within its bounds.
TextButton in which the cursor changes when the mouse rolls over.
TextButton in which the cursor changes when the mouse rolls over.
A tooltip that shows a label and a hotkey shortcut in gray.
OwnTextButton with an icon.
A tooltip that shows a label.
OVERWRITE LINE 176 (setBounds) to remove the Math.round() calls, which makes the labels snap to integer pixel values.
Simple implementation of a pair of objects.
Parser utilities.
A single point particle.
This class represents a group of non-focusable particles, all with the same luminosity.
Renders particle groups using instancing via billboards with geometry (quads as two triangles).
Renders particle groups using regular arrays via billboards with geometry (quads as two triangles).
Interface that specifies a path of type T within the window 0.0invalid input: '<'=tinvalid input: '<'=1.0.
Encapsulates a framebuffer with the ability to ping-pong between two buffers.
Provides a simple mechanism to query OpenGL pipeline states.
Specifies a celestial position
A plane defined via a unit length normal and the distance from the origin, as you learned in your math class.
Enum specifying on which side a point lies respective to the plane and it's normal.
Contains a point cloud dataset, with cartesian XYZ positions in the equatorial system with the origin in the barycenter of the solar system, and optionally times for each of those.
Contains some common code to all point cloud renderers and some scaffolding to make life easier.
Adds some utils to build quads as a couple of triangles.
This provider loads point data into particle beans.
An Attribute which can be used to send an Array of PointLight instances to the Shader.
Point particle record, only contains a double array to hold the data
A group of points
Represents a polyline.
Helper class that transforms various positional information into the internal position of the application.
Provides a way to capture the rendered scene to an off-screen buffer and to apply a chain of effects on it before rendering to screen.
This interface defines the base class for the concrete implementation of post-processor effects.
Provides the information for the precession of this body
The default preferences window.
An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap.
Holds information on the order and properties of nearby particles to the camera.
A wee utility class that provides unit conversion mechanisms.
A simple quaternion class.
Generic dialog that displays the confirmation quit message and offers options to cancel it or go through.
Encapsulates a Rayd having a starting position and a unit length direction.
Implements a raymarching effect, usually for SDFs.
Raymarching filter.
Implements a real time clock.
A recursive grid which adapts to equatorial, ecliptic and galactic systems.
Central hub where the parameters of the current relativistic effects (aberration, doppler, grav waves) are updated and served to the renderers.
Only for frame output mode, it displays the current time.
Holds some context information useful when rendering
Contains utilities to render stuff
REST Server class to implement the REST API
A finite number of revolutions There are two implementations provided of the conversions methods one as object interface, where an object of the current class has to be instantiated.
Helper generic class to create rings.
Provides the information for the rotation of this body
A structure composed of a set of collections of a given size in which additions happen to the next list in the roulette before it is spun.
Provides an implementation of the Runge-Kutta method for solving single or sets of ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
Contains elements which depend on the current state of the program, such as the running scripts, the buttons to pause the camera subsystem, etc.
Implements the SAMP client, which attempts the connection to a hub and handles SAMP messages over that connection.
Clone of the Satellite class in GaiaParams with very few needed parameters.
Scattering Light effect.
Loads Gaia Sky JSON files.
An object in the scene graph.
Initializes the render infrastructure renders the scene using different render systems.
Describes to which render group this node belongs at a particular time step
Manages screen mode (fullscreen, windowed) and screen resolution updates.
The scripting server of Gaia Sky, backed by a Py4J GatewayServer.
The dialog to search objects.
A finite number of seconds.
A separator widget (horizontal or vertical bar) that can be used in menus, tables or other widgets, typically added to new row with growX() (if creating horizontal separator) OR growY() (if creating vertical separator) PopupMenu and VisTable provides utilities addSeparator() methods that adds new separator.
A thread that waits for a task to be executed.
This class contains the settings for Gaia Sky, organized into several inner classes by topic.
Initializes and stores the YAML configuration file for Gaia Sky.
This class converts settings from the old Java properties file to the new YAML-based configuration.
AssetLoader for all the SceneGraphNode instances.
Normal SGR, takes care of the regular to-screen rendering with no strange modes (stereoscopic, planetarium, cubemap) active
Abstract implementation with some useful methods for all SGRs.
Scene graph renderer that renders six scenes in the six cartesian directions (front, back, right, left, up, down) to a cubemap.
Renders the cube map projection mode.
Renders the Gaia Field of View camera mode.
Renders to OpenVR.
Renders all the 3D/stereoscopic modes.
AssetLoader for ExtShaderProgram instances loaded from text files.
Loads shaders with extra functionality to add code from other shaders.
System that renders shapes through a ShapeRenderer
Manages a slave instance configured with an MPCDI file.
Properties which are sorted by key
Compares performances of different lists such as ArrayList and Array.
The spacecraft
Implements a spacecraft-like movement.
A spherical grid
An Attribute which can be used to send an Array of SpotLight instances to the Shader.
Holds the geometry, color, and texture information for drawing 2D sprites using Batch.
Screen Space Reflections effect.
Screen space reflections filter.
Represents a single star.
Loads the star cluster catalogs from CSV files or STIL data sources.
A particle group which additionally to the xyz position, supports color and magnitude.
Loads and writes star groups.
Renders star groups using instancing via billboards with geometry (quads as two triangles).
Renders star groups using regular arrays via billboards with geometry (quads as two triangles).
Loads and writes star groups using java's default ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream through SerializedDataProvider.
A position that never changes
A position that never changes
The StdRandom class provides static methods for generating random number from various discrete and continuous distributions, including Bernoulli, uniform, Gaussian, exponential, pareto, Poisson, and Cauchy.
Full OpenGL GUI with all the controls and whistles.
Loads VOTables, FITS, etc.
Contains the infrastructure common to all multi-file octree loaders which streams data on-demand from disk and unloads unused data.
The daemon loader thread.
Wee utility class to check the operating system and the desktop environment.
A TabbedPane widget not full featured but somewhat reusable.
The style for a TabbedPane.
A TabSelectionChangeListener for a TabbedPane widget.
Produces a plot of ColorXP (BP-RP) vs log(tEff)).
A delayed message used internally by the EventManager.
A validator that compares the current value to the value of the given text fields (lessThan and greaterThan).
Loads images from texture atlases created by TexturePacker.

A TextureAtlas must be disposed to free up the resources consumed by the backing textures.
Describes the region of a packed image and provides information about the original image before it was packed.
A sprite that, if whitespace was stripped from the region when it was packed, is automatically positioned as if whitespace had not been stripped.
Defines a rectangular area of a texture.
Contains some general utilities to deal with text and strings.
An enumeration to distinguish between the different times that attitude can be expressed in.
A small class to convert between GaiaTime/TCB and OBMT transparently.
Gaia Data Model.
The HUD UI at the top of the regular view
Implements a smooth transition from Nsl37 to Epsl, or vice versa.
Uses the default Math library.
Simple impelementation of a trio of objects.
Simple two-way hashmap implemented with two maps.
Very naive class that represents and UCD and does the parsing.
Parses the ucds of a star table and builds some metadata on the relevant quantities for Gaia Sky (position, proper motion, magnitudes, colors, etc.)
Implements an unsharp mask filter.
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
Popup window that informs the user of new updates.
Renders variable star groups using instancing via billboards with geometry (quads as two triangles).
Renders variable stars which have periodical light curve data
Renders variable star groups using regular arrays via billboards with geometry (quads as two triangles).
A record that holds a variable star.
Encapsulates a 2D vector.
Vector of arbitrary precision floating point numbers using ApFloat.
Copy of libgdx's Vector3d class using 64-bit floating point numbers.
Vectord<T extends Vectord<T>>
Encapsulates a general vector.
Produces a table with status information (version, build, build time, OpenGL version, GLSL version, etc.) to be shown at startup.
Convenience class for working with OpenGL vertex arrays.
A VertexData implementation based on OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
A VertexData implementation that uses vertex buffer objects and vertex array objects to construct a global buffer and an instance buffer for instanced rendering.
A VertexData implementation based on OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
A VertexData implementation that uses vertex buffer objects and vertex array objects.
Renders vertices using a VBO.
Represents a group of vertices which are sent to the GPU in a VBO
Compares entities.
Responsible for initializing the VR system, managing rendering surfaces, getting tracking device poses, submitting the rendering results to the HMD and rendering the surfaces side by side to the companion window on the desktop.
Space in which matrices and vectors are returned in by VRContext.VRDevice methods taking a VRContext.Space.
Axes ids on VR controllers
Button ids on VR controllers
Represents the pose of a VRContext.VRDevice, including its transform, velocity and angular velocity.
VRGui<T extends IGui>
Welcome screen that allows access to the main application and the dataset manager.
Implements a zooming effect: either a radial blur filter or a zoom filter is used.