Since 3.6.4



Use ~ or : to open the console.

Since version 3.6.4, Gaia Sky includes a console feature that offers a text interface to directly call methods in the API from within the app.


The console displaying the available API calls.

From the console, you can call any of the scripting API methods. Additionally, there are a few shortcuts that directly link to API calls. Get a listing of all the available methods and shortcuts directly in the console with


You can list only the API calls with

help api

Or only the shortcuts with

help shortucts

In order to call a method, input the method name (or shortcut), followed by a white spaces and a list of parameters, also white space-separated. Within a single parameter there may be no spaces, unless it is a string. Strings containing spaces need to be delimited with double-quotes "sample string", otherwise the parsing will fail.

methodName parameter1 parameter2 parameter3

Each parameter may be of the following types:

  • String — either surrounded by double quotes or not. If the string contains spaces, it must be surrounded by double quotes. For instance, "This is a string" and StringWithoutSpaces are valid strings.

  • double — a double-precision floating point number. May be a simple decimal number (3.24) or in scientific notation (3.24E10).

  • float — a single-precision floating point number. May be a simple decimal number (3.24) or in scientific notation (3.24E10).

  • int — a single-precision integer value.

  • long — a double-precision integer value.

  • boolean — a boolean value, either true or false. Do not use capital letters.

  • type[] — a string of any of the types above, in the format [val1,val2,val3,...]. There may be no spaces between the values.


Methods that use non-string object parameters (Runnable, FocusView, Entity, etc.) can’t be used from the console. These methods are not listed in the help command and are not available.